In the semicircular ornate hall that Chu Bei and Luo Feng entered, there are five eye-catching corpses.

The first corpse, resembling a giant chimpanzee; it fell on its knees on the ground, with its Battle Armor broken.

The second corpse, similar in appearance to a human, has black scales all over the body, a single horn on its forehead, and a tail full of scales apart from this.

The third corpse, ten meters high, has a tortoise shell on its back. When you look closely, it looks like a very sophisticated Battle Armor.

The fourth corpse is copper-colored all over, just like cast copper.

In the center of its chest, there is a big hole, as if it was caught by a hand. The strange thing is that the big hole in his chest is still made of a strange copper-colored material, without internal organs.

The fifth corpse, just like a human being!

Yellow skin, black hair, and a scar on his face. He sat cross-legged calmly on the ground, covered with a layer of dust.

"Hua...Huaxia people!"

Looking at the features on the corpse, Luo Feng cried out in surprise.

Although this corpse with Chinese characteristics is dead, the remaining prestige still released on the corpse is far worse than the corpse first seen.

His instinct told him that the strength of this dead Huaxia Powerhouse is definitely above Hong and Thunder God! Tens of thousands of times stronger than him.

"Master, please explain to the discipline! These corpses were all who before they were alive, no, some of them are not even humans!"

Luo Feng's eyes follow The corpse was moved away and fixed on Chu Bei's body, swallowed saliva and said.


Before Chu Bei could answer Luo Feng's question, a mechanical sound rang.

next moment, the originally dim hall suddenly lit up, and the dazzling rays of light shot down from a high place.

After that, a black translucent silhouette appeared slowly at the place where the strange rays of light were intertwined.

It looks like a child, with a single horn on its forehead, blood-red eyes, and wearing a black robe.

"A waste."

The one-horned child walked by Chu Bei and glanced at him lightly, shook the head, with a look of contempt.

"The brain width is 22, barely make do. If you don't want to make do, it's you."

The unicorn child looked towards Luo Feng, first frowned, and then sighed. , Seems to have made a helpless choice.

"Who are you!"

Because of hearing the long-horned children's evaluation of Chu Bei, Luo Feng's tone towards the long-horned children is not good.

"I have been waiting here for fifty thousand years."

The unicorn child did not introduce himself, but kept shaking his head: "You planet human aptitude really It’s too bad. It took me fifty thousand years to wait until you were such a barely improvised person."

"What? You said you waited fifty thousand years!"

Luo Feng His mouth opened wide: "You brat has been alive for fifty thousand years? Are you kidding me!"

"You planet people, as expected, all of you have never seen the world, make a fuss about nothing !"

The one-horned child looked at Luo Feng with disdain, and then pointed to the corpse on the ground: "They were all figures of peerless grace and elegance in the vast universe before they were alive, and they were all able to live easily. Hundreds of thousands of years of existence. For us, tens of thousands of years can’t be considered. Just like them, even if they die, the corpse is always Immortal."

"Then they How did he die?"

Luo Feng asked, looking at the one-horned child who had lived for more than 50,000 years with an incredible face.

"Because the master is dead, they have to be buried."

One-horned children looked towards Luo Feng: "Since I have no choice but to choose you, then follow me to worship the master. "

When the unicorn boy finished speaking, the sound of chi chi suddenly sounded in the center of the gorgeous hall, and then the metal floor separated, revealing a passage.

"Follow me."

The one-horned boy glanced at Luo Feng and beckoned to him.

"Master, I..."

Luo Feng didn't rush forward, but looked towards Chu Bei first, and pointed his finger at the back of the one-horned child.

However, before Luo Feng finished speaking, he saw Chu Bei nodded with a smile and signaled him to follow.

"Worship its owner? What kind of existence is that?" Luo Feng followed the one-horned child, and his heart was full of confusion at this moment.

"My name is Babata. In essence, I am a kind of intelligence. But the core of intelligence is also divided into levels. The simple logic processing program on your planet is actually not qualified to be called intelligence. It can be called intelligence, at least not worse than humans in thinking about problems."

"Although I am intelligent in nature, I have been detached from intelligence because I have followed my master for countless years, so I can call it For intelligent life! Life exists like yours." The one-horned boy walked in front and suddenly introduced himself.

Luo Feng became more frightened as he listened, and his gaze towards the one-horned child became more and more stunned.

hong long!

Walking for tens of meters, a loud noise suddenly sounded, and the earth trembled.

Immediately, a transparent crystal coffin emerged from the ground!

As soon as the crystal coffin appeared, this space was instantly flooded with chill.

Looking at it, there is a corpse lying in the coffin!

He is about three meters long and has two flexible tentacles on his forehead. Except for the larger tentacles and body, the others are exactly the same as the Alliance humans.

Wearing a black robe with rays of light glowing, with long hair loose, lying peacefully on the crystal coffin, as if asleep.

His face is very handsome, and his long, narrow eyes are even more feminine. Although it is only a corpse now, it still has a strange charm that is fascinating.

"Master, your Inheritor, I found it for you!"

Seeing the corpse, the one-horned boy hugged a corner of the crystal coffin, tears falling from the corner of his eyes.

"Boy, kneel down!"

After crying, the one-horned boy suddenly turned and looked towards Luo Feng, and issued an unquestionable command.

Luo Feng startled, after looking at Chu Bei, there was no action.

"I let you kneel down, didn't you hear it!"

The unicorn child's expression became savage, and there was a surge of violent breath in his body: "My master is Meteorite Black Star Lord, and you are about to accept his inheritance. In other words, now you are Master’s dísciple, shouldn’t you kneel down!"

"Worship your master as a teacher?"

Luo Feng frowned, coldly snorted and said: "I already have a Master, how can I worship your master as a teacher."

"Just you people on the planet, even the most Powerhouse, and How can I mention on equal terms with my master? In front of the master, even ants are not counted!"

The unicorn child sneered, with contempt on his face: "Who is your Master, I will go Catch him and kill him!"

"Don't be unreasonable to my Master!" Luo Feng glared at the one-horned child, his face heavy and subconsciously glanced at Chu Bei.

Perceiving Luo Feng’s gaze, the one-horned child then looked at Chu Bei and contemptuously said: "Is he the Master in your mouth? It's just a waste!"

"Similarly, I have heard the second time from your mouth."

This time, before Luo Feng can speak, Chu Bei calmly looked at the one-horned child and spoke first.

"Isn’t the guy with the brain width of 1 a waste?"

There is a mockery in the unicorn’s fairy tale: "You are like you, and your life’s achievements are only I can stop at the apprentice!"

hong long long!

When the single-horned child's contemptuous voice fell, his body shook, and the space shook violently.

Almost at the same time, a wave of terrifying breath spouted out of its body.

In an instant, the rocks all around floated from the ground, shaking unceasingly.

Feeling the sudden threat of terror, Luo Feng swallowed and looked at the unicorn child in amazement.

"Don't talk about the master, even in my eyes, you are no more than an ant."

One-horned children are coldly snorted, and the shocking sound waves are intertwined, moved rush towards Chu Bei.


It's just that when the sound wave was about to sweep in front of Chu Bei, there was a crash, and the terrifying sound wave was directly annihilated.

After that, a more violent breath broke out, like a rushing river that instantly overwhelmed the imposing manner of a unicorn child.


next moment, only the unicorn boy screamed.

The breath fluctuations that were originally gushing out of the one-horned boy disappeared.

As for the one-horned boy, the whole person is like a sudden hard hit, like a cannonball fiercely hitting the wall.


The one-horned child flew out of the wall with a crackle sound, as if a machine part was broken.

At this moment, he looked at Chu Bei in horror, his surprised look was as if he had just met Chu Bei, his face was terrified.

"Why... your brain is clearly only 1..."

The unicorn child’s eyes shot out two light beams, which landed on Chu Bei’s body, looking again, while Muttered in his mouth.

The scene happening right now has completely shattered his cognition for tens of thousands of years.

He couldn't figure out the mysterious power of strikes on him just now, and even more couldn't understand it.

The opponent's brain is obviously the most inferior. It stands to reason that the strength to break the sky is an apprentice level.

But the fact is that the previous invisible force of the other party made him unable to parry at all.

"Are you in fear?"

Perceiving the panic of the one-horned child, Chu Bei smiled at the corner of his mouth, revealing a color that allows some playfulness.

" are not from this planet!"

The one-horned child looked at Chu Bei with fear, and backed away, but he hadn't quit three steps away. Invisible tyrannical energy emerged out of thin air all around his body.

After that, his body was restrained by this energy uncontrollably, his legs lifted off the ground, moved towards Chu Bei and flew away.

"Sometimes, what you perceive is not necessarily correct."

With a smile, Chu Bei pointed at the Between the eyebrows of the horn children.


With the trembling sound, the unicorn child's mouth is wide open, and the expression is distorted and painful.

At the same time, the breath of the one-horned boy also dropped suddenly in this brief moment and became very disordered.

"Who the hell are you? What's the purpose of coming here!"

One-horned children seem to have a great injury and are obviously much weaker in the imposing manner.

"The reason why I came here is actually rushing to you. I wanted to persuade you, but now it is much easier!"

Chu Bei smiled at the corner of his mouth Even more meaningful, Senhan's voice fell, and he pointed to Babata's between the eyebrows.

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