hong long long!

Almost at the same time, fierce fighting sounds were heard from the other seven competition stages, all kinds of brilliance flickered, extremely gorgeous.

The fastest to end the battle is the battlefield where Bolan, Cosmos State is located.

Perhaps Berlan’s opponent knows the terrifying of the opponent well, and decisively chose to admit defeat after only three matches, and jumped off the stage.

"Did the little fellow of Xianlai Cosmos State just give in? It's too simple!"

"His opponent is a contemporary young genius who has Death God. It’s called Burlan! I’m afraid you don’t know, the two of them have normally played 300 games across the country. As for this result, they all ended in his failure, and even the longest time he played was not in Burlan. I have lasted twenty rounds in my hand."

"No wonder! Putting it that way, this is a three-stroke gesture and then admit defeat, but still retain a little face."

"To put it plainly, actually As a result, who of us has no points yet? We just walked through the scene, just want to watch the last two championships that's all."

"I have to say that the cosmic pot from Gan Wu is called Luo Feng The dark horses of China really have some strength, and the Angela of Hundred Lakes Cosmos State has been defeated steadily, and it seems that they have not shown their full strength."


Chaos Square’s On the battle stage, a group of Universe Country Lords watched the battle on the eight battle stages, discussing spiritedly.

Only five minutes later, except for Berlan’s battlefield, the battles of Gufeng, Wild Tiger, Luo Feng and others all ended.

The ending of the battle was not unexpected. The top eight were won and eight were won.

First round After the end of the battle, after an hour, the second round was launched.

It is still a two-by-two duel, with the top four facing the four after the battle.

There was no suspense in the four battles of the second round. They were Bolan, Gufeng, Manka and Luo Feng who won.

In this process, what shocked all the Universe Country Lords was that Luo Feng's battlefield was the fastest to end the battle.

"One hour later, in the semi-finals finals, or two duels, until the final selection of the most Powerhouse among the four of you!"

Primal Chaos City Lord glanced over Bolan and Luo Feng are very satisfied and nodded.

"Unexpectedly, this Luo Feng's comprehensive strength is so strong!"

"I thought he would stop in the quarterfinals, didn't expect actually broke into the quarterfinals!"

"This is the same as the ranking of knock-out competition. However, he should stop here."

"That's right, whether it's Burlan, Gufeng or Brute Tiger, his strength is above him."


Looking at the only four people left on the battlefield, the topics of the universe Country Lords are all around Luo Feng. The dark horse unfolded.

Gan Wu Universe Country Lord and Liu Mubai looked at Chu Bei and then looked at each other again. While excited, they allowed some tension on their faces.

Regardless of the outcome of the next battle, the popularity of his Gan Wu Cosmo State and Black Dragon Mountain empires will be greatly enhanced!

An hour later.

hong long!

A loud noise sounded in the center of Chaos Square.

In the original battlefield, the eight round bibs disappeared, and replaced by two square bibs whose area was several times larger.

"Competition platform No.1, Hanhai Cosmos State Berran vs. Cosmos State Wild Tiger!"

"Competition platform No. 2, Penggu Cosmos State Gufeng vs. Gan Wu Cosmo State Luo Feng!"

"The contestants are on the stage, and the battle is about to begin!"

The dazzling light group that wraps the Primal Chaos City Lord emerges from in the sky, once again Appeared in everyone's eyes, followed by his majestic voice that was ethereal and difficult to capture.

Blank, Gu Feng, Manhu, and Luo Feng appeared on their respective competition stages in the sound of breaking the sky.

"Bolan, I have been looking forward to this battle for a long time! I hope you don't let me down!"

The wild tiger stared directly at Buran, his eyes lighted. It is full of fighting intents.

As his voice fell, he suddenly stepped on his right foot, and the huge Bidoutai suddenly turned into a soft sponge, and countless earth giants emerged.

long long long!

These earth giants are lifeless, as if they are under invisible manipulation, they slapped their bodies, and their mouths roar like ominous beasts.

"As expected to be the son of Manka Universe Country Lord! Even at Stellar Level, the Law Comprehension of the soil has reached this point!"

Looking at No. 1 Bidoutai Nearly a hundred giants of the earth showed surprise expressions in watching the powerhouses on the battle stage.

"Brother Man, you treasured son can be described as the student surpasses the master! This future road must be farther than you can go!" Hanhai Universe Country Lord smiled and looked at Manka Universe Country Lord said.

"That is nature! I have spent countless efforts to cultivate him."

Hearing the words of Hanhai Universe Country Lord, Manka Universe Country Lord has a triumphant look on his face. He said again: "I just don't know how strong this Buran is."

"He won't disappoint you." The Universe Country Lord said with confidence in his words.


On the No. 1 competition stage, as Manka screamed, nearly a hundred giants of earth flocked to Bolan at the same time, roaring vigorously. day.

Faced with the crazy giants of earth, Buran wore a white robe and moved without wind. For the first time, he pulled out the long sword behind his back.

As soon as the long sword is out of its sheath, the azure air current diffuses within a certain range of its body.

In the mist, there seem to be thousands of Burran in this azure air current.

Next moment, Berran is holding a long sword, and the silhouette moved, welcoming the giant of the earth.

The sword light is bitter!

every sword, as if space is cut!

fast as lightning!

every sword, the geniuses who are also Stellar Level have quickly made naked eye unable to see clearly!

Weird as wind!

Every sword makes it impossible to judge its trajectory at all, as if it has no regularity!

chi! chi! chi!

Berlan is floating among nearly a hundred giants of the earth, accompanied by the harsh and sharp sound, every sword will turn into a giant of the earth For a piece of dust.

After that, one by one earth giants collapsed and was shattered by sword qi!

In this process, from time to time there will be fierce sword glow skimming towards the wild card manipulating the giant of earth in the distance.

"I am afraid that only wild tigers and ancient styles of this generation can make Burlan a sword!"

"As expected of a man called Death God! It's too terrifying!"

On the outskirts of the square, those 12 Peak genius experts who have been out of the game watched the battle on the platform and exhaled for a long time.

They are just spectators, and Nabolan’s every sword has already suffocated them.

Branchi's sword's speed, sword's weirdness, sword's fierceness, and coordination with the incredible movement method made them all look up.

"Brother Luo, we should start the fight too! Try to let the battle end as soon as possible!"

On the second stage, Gu Feng played with the folding fan in his hand and smiled at Luo Feng "I don’t know how to show mercy!"

"Brother Gu doesn’t need to release water. If I lose the battle, then my skills are not as good as others."

When I heard the ancient style, Luo Feng took back the original He cast his gaze at Bidoutai No.1, then looked towards Gufeng, and hugged cup one fist in the other hand.

"Brother Luo, take the move!"

With a smiling voice, the ancient wind moved, leaving an afterimage in place.

In an instant, Gu Feng has appeared in front of Luo Feng.

Next moment, Gu Feng waved the folding fan in his hand and brought a terrifying wind blade to Luo Feng.

All around in this chaotic battlefield, there are several Universe Country Lords and Primal Chaos City Lords. They can use their strongest attacks without worrying about their opponents being killed.

Because it is a dangerous moment, Primal Chaos City Lord and Universe Country Lord will act immediately.

Of course, this time also separate out the outcome.

Looking at the ancient wind that suddenly appeared in front of him, Luo Feng pupil suddenly shrink, without any hesitation, a black light sphere condensed in front of him, facing the cut position.


The fierce windblade strikes on the black light sphere, causing a piercing and strange sound, disappearing.

Almost at the same time, Luo Feng distanced himself from Gu Feng and his expression became serious.

I have to say that the ancient style in front of him is the fastest of the opponents he has encountered!

There is also a wave of terrifying energy in the fierce wind blade that the opponent wields.

"Is this the ability you control? It is a bit weird!"

Looking at the waving wind blade being swallowed by the black light sphere, the ancient wind is frowned. At the same time, the folding fan in his hand danced again.

hong long long!

Gradually, the two rivals were caught in a fierce fight.

Various kinds of moves emerge in an endless stream, bringing the incomparably splendid combat brilliance, and it is dazzling to see.

"My God! Are these four guys still Stellar Level?!"

"They are not on the same level as us!"

" In the end, we still underestimated this Luo Feng! At least from the current point of view, he is not weaker than the ancient style at all!"

"From now on, it is difficult to say who can get the first place. !"


The twelve geniuses who were out of the game watched the No. 1 match for a while, and then watched the No. 2 match, with an incredible color in their eyes.

Another ten minutes passed.

The fighting on the two battle platforms has entered a white-hot state.

To be more accurate, the battle between No.1 and the Wild Tiger is coming to an end.

Under Burlan’s countless sword glow shots, the breath of the wild tiger began to become disordered, and it felt like being crushed and beaten.

"Brother Man, you treasured son seems to be unable to hold it."

On the battle stage, Penggu Universe Country Lord looked towards Manka Universe Country Lord and said.

"He has done his best! This Berran is really strong, and he deserves the younger generation Number One Person!"

Manka Universe Country Lord shook the head shook the head and sighed again. I glanced at the No. 2 Competition Platform: "It seems that it is not easy for your ancient style to win! The strength of this Luo Feng once again exceeded our expectations!"

"Don't worry, The guy Gufeng hasn’t shown his hole cards yet!”

For the words of Manka Universe Country Lord, Penggu Universe Country Lord didn’t take the slightest opinion, and said: “But looking at the current situation, that guy should move quickly. The hole card! Otherwise, I really can't win this little fellow named Luo Feng."

"There is really hope!"

Gan Wu area, including Liu Mubai and Gan Wu Universe Country Lord and the powerhouses among them all focused their eyes on the No. 2 competition stage, each of them excited, and their eyes filled with anticipation.

hong long!

Finally, with a loud and deafening noise, the battle on the No.1 Fighting Platform came to an end.

Looking intently, the huge Bidoutai was directly cut into countless pieces, and the silhouette of the wild tiger struck across the sky like a cannonball.

Manka Universe Country Lord disappeared from his seat, appeared above the competition platform, and hugged Manhu.

"Daddy, Child did his best! He is very strong, and Child is not yet an opponent!" Manhu's voice was weak.

"You will have the opportunity to compete again in the future! I hope you can defeat him next time."

The voice fell, and the Manka Universe Country Lord took Manhu back to the view. Heal it on the battle stage.

On the broken stage one, Berran put the long sword in his hand back into the scabbard, with his hands behind, looked towards the stage two.

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