"Damn it! If there is another Powerhouse, it will be great to break his divine ability together!"

In the battlefield, Father Machine Race showed his eyes Staring fiercely at the iron bumps in front of Chu Bei, Sen Leng's voice was unwilling.

hong long long!

The battle continues. The most powerful Powerhouse in the five universes keeps changing its position, but it never hurts Chu Bei.

"I know you don’t care about the interests of the races. But if you can help us break his divine ability, we promise not only Dividing a human race territory for you, as long as you have needs, the five of us can help you at any time! Even if you go to the three largest Danger Lands in the universe!"

Even if the battle has heated up, the five universes are the most powerful Still can't take Chu Bei.

Afterwards, Dream Demon Ancestor, Earth Demon Ancestor, Starry Sky Gigantic Beast, the ancestors of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast, the queen of insect race, and the Father God of Machine Race, divine sense, finally spoke out by Dream Demon Ancestor.

Hearing this, the expressions of the solo Powerhouses who watched the battle changed slightly.

They are not interested in the territory of Human Race, but they are excited about the latter conditions.

To their realm, I just want to continue to be strong.

If realm can't break through all the time, then they can only look for the strongest treasure.

These treasures often exist in the three major Danger Lands, but the three major Danger Lands are extremely dangerous. Even if they are stronger than them, there is a risk of falling.

But if you help Dream Demon Ancestor and the insect race queen at this moment, they will have a chance to convene these five most powerful powerhouses when they explore the three Danger Lands in the future.

These temptations, they are indeed moved.

"How about this deal? I wonder if you have figured it out?" Dream Demon Ancestor's voice sounded again.

"Not interested."

The rider responded without any action.

Shihua Island Lord glanced at the sitting mountain guest, and after a little hesitation, he also shook the head.

The founder of the black universe and the imaginary Demon God Idol glanced at it, the silhouette disappeared from the place, and when he appeared again, he had appeared beside Chu Bei and joined the battlefield.

"Look! The founder of the Black Universe and the Demon God, the two most independent powerhouses have also joined the battle!"

"In this way, now there are seven at the same time. The most Powerhouse in the universe has besieged the owner of the All Heavens Store of the Human Race!"

"In this case, can the owner of the Human Race All Heavens Store be able to hold it?"


Looking at the two figures that suddenly appeared on the battlefield, the crowd of alien Powerhouses watching the battle showed their horror.

"What kind of shit is the most powerhouse alone! As long as the benefits are in place, they will not betray their own principles!"

A crowd of Human Race Universe Lords watched with resentment. The founder of the black universe and the virtual Demon God on the battlefield.

In this brief moment, the joy of all Human Race's faces disappeared and was once again replaced by heavy worry.

"Now let's see how long you can last!"

In the battlefield, the ancestors of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast attacked more and more fiercely.

Since the joining of the founder of Black Universe and Demon God, the pulling power of the iron lump has gradually become unable to withstand the impact of the most Powerhouse energy in the seven universes, and it has begun to have real energy moved towards Chu Bei The body blasted away.

"Sure enough! The unidentified divine ability of the lord of Human Race All Heavens Store has an upper limit!"

"What is an upper limit? That can hold almost seven. The most Powerhouse in the universe! I am afraid that since the birth of our universe, this is the first time that there are seven most Powerhouses in the universe besieging the same person!"

"Anyway, this battle will ultimately be a Human Race The defeat is over."

"In my opinion, as long as the lord of All Heavens Store undying guards the territory of Human Race, he can still protect himself with his strength."


The spectators of all ethnic groups discuss spiritedly.

"Why did two people join the siege of Horde leader again?"

"And in terms of strength, they are not weaker than the previous five guys!"

"Master Horde leader, isn't it just one enemy to seven, can he still block it?"


In the Earth Alliance Headquarters, a crowd of high-rise buildings With a heavy face, he looked at Chu Bei in the battlefield out of the projection in the virtual screen very worried.

The most Powerhouse level battle in the universe is far from what they can predict, but they can imagine how much pressure Chu Bei is under.

At this moment, all the humans in the Earth Alliance clenched their fists, becoming more and more nervous.


At the same time, in Starry Sky Battlefield, the first seven universes including Dream Demon Ancestor, insect race queen, and imaginary Demon God began to move closer to each other, and seven kinds of terrifying energies containing different Source Laws began to interweave. , Began to merge in the breathtaking strange sound.

"This time, it's up to you to undying!"

Sen Han's voice was spit out from the ancestor of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast, then spread from the battlefield and spread throughout the Primitive Universe.

next moment, seven kinds of energy are intertwined and condensed into a beam of light, across the sky, strikes towards Chu Bei.

weng weng weng!

In front of Chu Bei, iron knots danced with his arms, and a huge black vortex was formed, madly absorbing the terrifying seven-color light beam.

"Not good! Senior this time is really unstoppable!"

"Senior, you have done enough for us! I am grateful to you on behalf of Human Race , Please leave us alone."

Looking at the huge vortex in the battlefield that is growing and exploding, the Human Race Universe Lords are unwilling, and at the same time they looked towards Starry The eyes of the seven most Powerhouses in the universe, including the ancestor of Sky Gigantic Beast, are full of hatred.

"This battle, do you want to end the curtain?"

Island Lord, the most powerful Powerhouse who watched the battle from afar, sighed, seeming to be sorry for Chu Bei in the battlefield.

The gaze of Zuoshanke was also projected on the battlefield, but he did not make any statement.

hong long!

Finally, with a loud noise, the seven-color light beams mingled with the seven most powerful Powerhouse attacks in the universe penetrated the huge iron knots in front of the arms. vortex.

At this moment, all Human Race Powerhouse's heartstrings tightened and their thoughts stagnated.

Other ethnic groups watching Powerhouse also held their breath, their eyes fixed on the seven-color light beam that penetrated the huge vortex.

However, when the scary seven-color beam was about to hit Chu Bei's body, he suddenly froze.

"senior he...what did he do!"

"What are these blue-green rays of light? Why did they fly from our body to senior?"

"I don't know! The first time I encountered such a situation, I haven't seen the record in the ancient book!"

"I don't think the divine force in the body is reduced, I really don't understand. "


At this moment, a group of Human Race Powerhouse mouths opened wide, staring dumbfounded at the blue-green color of Chu Bei flying out of the body and pouring into the battlefield. The light spot, looked at each other in blank dismay, with a confused look.

Under their gaze, the light spots flying out of their bodies finally floated all around Chu Bei.

"What are those things!"

"What is this!"

"Could it be that the ancestors of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast jointly played the seven colors The reason why the light beam stopped is related to those light spots?"


Watching the powerhouse of the alien race, looking at the power of prestige flying from the body of countless Human Races, frowned, not at all solution.

Soon, Chu Bei's body was wrapped in blue-green rays of light from all directions.

Above his head, there is a huge Golden disk suspended, and a blue-green beam of light gushes out, like the Milky Way hanging upside down, rushing straight through his body.

At this moment, in addition to using the power of Xiaohei, Chu Bei also blessed the power of prestige drawn by many planes.

weng weng!

In the rumbling sound, Chu Bei within both eyes shoots out the blue-green rays of light in the chaos, directly facing the seven-color light beam that seems to be frozen.

hong long!

A shocking sound!

The eyes that mingled the power of Black Black and the power of Prestige directly crushed dry weeds and smashing rotten wood with Supreme Power to annihilate the seven-color light beam that mingled with the most powerful attacks of the seven most powerful Powerhouses in the universe.

"This...what's going on!"

See this scene, Earth Demon Ancestor, Dream Demon Ancestor, ancestor of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast, queen of insect race, father of Machine Race God, the founder of the black universe, and the virtual reality Demon God complexion greatly changed at the same time, full of consternation.

They couldn't believe that the forceful blow that combined their seven men would be destroyed by the light of the opponent's eyes!

came back to his senses, the seven most powerful powerhouses in the universe looked at each other, and then urged Source Law Power again, moving towards Chu Bei from different directions to produce infinite divine glow.

However, in the face of their Xeon attacks, their goal is not to dodge, letting seven kinds of attack strikes.

The final result was that their attacks could not penetrate the chaotic blue-green rays of light outside the opponent's body.

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