In the battlefield, after Chu Bei bombarded and killed Earth Demon Ancestor and Dream Demon Ancestor one after another, he turned his attention to the insect race empress, the father god of Machine Race, the founder of the black universe, and the virtual Demon. God.


I have witnessed the ancestors of Starry Sky Gigantic Beast, Dream Demon Ancestor, and Earth Demon Ancestor.

Although they still don’t understand why the master of All Heavens Store can rise several levels in an instant, the current situation clearly tells them that if they still stay here, Starry The ending of the ancestors of Sky Gigantic Beast is their ending.

hong long!

However, in the four most Powerhouses of the universe, the queen of insect race, the father of Machine Race, the founder of the black universe, and the demon god of illusion, escape into the void and prepare to escape into the universe. At sea, the next moment made them even more terrified.

A tyrannical force detached from their level rushed them out.

"Have you forgotten whose Small World this is? I won't let you go. Do you think you can leave?"

At this time, Chu Bei was joking The sound floated from the battlefield.

"We didn't intend to be an enemy of you."

After confirming that we could not leave this Small World, the founder of Black Universe, Demon God looked towards Chu Bei immediately.

"When you were tempted by profit and chose to join the battle, your results were no different from them."

At the same time as the cold and indifferent voice fell, Chu Bei had already appeared. In front of the founder of the black universe and the virtual reality Demon God, he then patted it with both hands.

Boom, bang!

With two explosions, the founder of the black universe and the virtual Demon God did not even have time to scream, the Divine Soul fleshy body exploded together, and then was swallowed by Darkness.

The speed before and after this is too fast, so fast that these two independent Powerhouses did not react.

Seeing this scene, the queen of insect race and the father of Machine Race are dumbfounded directly, and can even be described as numb.

In just a few seconds, the five most Powerhouses in the universe have fallen!

"The two of you are left now."

Chu Bei walked towards the queen of insect race and father god of machine race, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.


Looking at Chu Bei approaching step by step, the Queen of Insect Race and Father God of Machine Race backed back again and again, their huge body trembling. With vibrato.

At this moment, the other party's calm and indifferent voice sounded like hell sound to them.

They can't afford any resistance, and only hope that the other party can let them go.

However, this is obviously impossible.

In their horrified gaze, the huge iron lump phantom a finger pointed directly anchored their all around emptiness, making them impossible to move even a little bit after the terrifying Devouring Power is like The river rushed down.

chi chi!

In an instant, the huge bodies of the Queen of Insect Race and Father God Machine Race were torn up and all split up and in pieces, and then sucked into the Golden Disk.

Since the last two powerhouses of the universe, the queen of insect race and the god father of Machine Race, were killed, the battlefield suddenly became quiet.

It didn't take long for the Heavenly Bead world, which isolated the battlefield from the outside world, to disappear, and the huge iron lump and golden disc returned to Chu Bei's body.

Looking at the battlefield where the battle has ended, Shihwa Island Lord was dumbfounded, as if he had lost Divine Soul, standing there like a wood, staring at both his hands and his shoulders with stunned eyes. Chu Bei behind.

After he came back to his senses, the Island Lord held breath cold air started. In addition to shock, a touch of happiness appeared on his face.

Fortunately, he was not seduced by the five most powerful powerhouses in the universe, the ancestor of Monster King and Starry Sky Gigantic Beast. Otherwise, his current fate must be the same as the founder of Black Universe and Demon God, Divine Soul All die.

"Eternal True God!"

The guest sitting on the mountain looked at Chu Bei in a daze, his face completely changed, his eyes focused on Chu Bei, as if he wanted to see him completely. .

"What eternal True God?"

Hearing the sound, Shihua Island Lord immediately looked towards Zuoshanke, with confusion and curiosity in his eyes.

Zhu Shanke ignored Shihwa Island Lord, but devoted himself to re-evaluating Chu Bei, but the more he looked, the deeper his brows became.

"Dead, all dead!"

"Why is this result!"

"The owner of the Human Race All Heavens Store is really just Is it the same realm as the ancestor?"

"Father has fallen, and in the future, our Machine Race will not have the most powerhouse in the universe!"


Monster The powerhouses of Race, Machine Race, insect race, Starry Sky Gigantic Beast turned to gray for an instant, each of them looked like a thunderbolt on the clear sky, and seemed to be poured cold water from head to toe, and the whole body was numb. .

The result of this battle was too sudden and unexpected, making them completely unprepared and unacceptable.

"I won, senior, he won!"

"The most Powerhouses in the universe are all dead! Our Human Race territory is preserved!"

"Haha, very good! Really very good!"

In front of the Human Race territory, a group of Universe Lords including Primal Chaos City Lord, and thousands of Universe Venerables reacted one after another, exclaiming, There was excitement and joy in his voice.

At the same time, Luo Feng on the primordial star, Liu Mubai, the master of Black Dragon Mountain, and all the cultivators of the 1008 Cosmos State who witnessed this process through the virtual universe projection at the moment, all looked excited.

Earth, Union Building.

"Is this the crisis resolved? Lord horde leader, he won!"

"putting it that way, isn’t Lord horde leader the strongest person in the universe !"

"I really don't know where the horde leader comes from!"

"Don't worry about that many, anyway, such super-level existence is our Earth horde leader! And, I He was still his doorman."


All the leaders of the alliance, Hong, Thor and others spoke out, and the Conference Hall was soon filled with excitement.

On the campus trail of the third high school in Yi'an District, the big rock hanging from the hearts of Wei Wen and Liu Xin was put down, and the gaze looking towards Chu Bei became more and more admired.

In Luo Feng's family, Luo Hua and Gong Xinlan hugged each other, each with a smile on their faces.

"What happened to him before and after!"

"Obviously he has fallen into a disadvantage since he joined the two most independent Powerhouses. But why all of a sudden , The strength skyrocketed so much, with no difficulty killed the seven most Powerhouses in the universe!"

"Could it be related to the blue-green light spot?"

" What kind of power is that! Or, it is his true strength now!"

"I just want to know now, is he still the realm of the most Powerhouse in the universe? If it still is, then The disparity in this great realm is too big!"


The powerhouses of other ethnic groups are in a trance. They seem to be the same as the Powerhouses of insect race and Monster Race, some It is hard to predict this will be the result.

The ups and downs of the situation turned too fast, especially the soaring strength of Chu Bei at the end, which made them confused.

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