"Could that be the origin of Primitive Universe!"

"The ancestor Zi Yue left his universe, so it came out!"

"Even if it is not the original source of the Primitive Universe, it must have an inseparable connection with it!"


Countless Powerhouses looked at the Law of the River, first stunned, and then very stunned React quickly.


The River of Law is surging, and the waves are slapped, moving towards the black giant palm.

"Let me go! Let me go back!"

Looking at the river of laws getting closer and closer, Zi Yue's ancestor's expression became more and more frightened.

However, no matter how he uses the Supreme Divine Ability, he can't get rid of the restraint of the chaotic giant palm.

The chaotic giant palm that doesn't seem to have much energy fluctuation is like a black hole with infinite Devouring Power, firmly restraining him.


Finally, the ancestor Zi Yue gave up struggling, his face was full of unwillingness and helplessness, and the gaze looking towards Chu Bei was also full Hate.

At this time, even if he breaks free, it is too late and he can only let the Primitive Universe source suppress him.

However, when he was frustrated and preparing to meet the suppression of the River of Law, the restraint of its chaotic giant palm suddenly magnified sharply.

"Are you trying to grab someone from this seat?"

Suddenly, Chu Bei's calm voice rang in the ears of countless Powerhouses, seeming to be facing the law He said.

At the moment when its voice fell, tens of thousands of black light spheres appeared outside the chaotic giant palm.

chi chi chi!

In an instant, these black light spheres burst out with the giant palm as the center.


The Pentium River of Laws brings up huge tornadoes of laws, and envelops black light spheres with the power of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth, seeming to purify them.

These black light spheres seemed to have been provoked, and began to expand one after another, and then turned into a swallowing black hole, frantically swallowing all around the river of laws covering various sources of power.

long long long!

The two forces are intertwined, causing bursts of explosions.

"My God! Is the Lord of All Heavens Store rebelling against Primitive Universe Strength of Source!"

"Do you remember the original ancestor of the most Powerhouse of Human Race? "

"Of course I remember! He was suppressed by Primitive Universe Origin! Isn't the owner of All Heavens Store wanting to rebel against Primitive Universe Origin and let him out?"

"How is it possible! The origin of Primitive Universe is still above the ancestor of Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi!"

"In my opinion, if the owner of All Heavens Store really provokes anger The origin of Primitive Universe, as a result, I am afraid that it will be suppressed like the original ancestor, and will never be born!"


Vortex River all around, countless Powerhouses look at the river of law and law. The black light sphere intertwined scenes, showing a state of stunned mistakes.

Just when the two forces were in a deadlock, a gray and black threaded fruit appeared behind Chu Bei's.

The screw fruit rotates, and at the same time it releases tens of thousands of black light rays, each of which is precisely connected to the black light sphere in the river of laws.

Suddenly, the Devouring Power contained in these black light spheres skyrocketed and rose to a higher level.

In this brief moment, the deadlock between the two forces was broken.


There are a lot of vortex in the river of Pentium's law, and the source of these vortex is the black light sphere with the soaring Devouring Power.

In a moment, the river of laws split into nearly 10,000, and they were swallowed by these black vortex at the same time.


"The attack from the Primitive Universe origin has been resolved!"

"My God! This All of Human Race The Lord of Heavens Store is really crazy!"

"How to divide the realm on the most Powerhouse in the universe! What realm is he now!"

… …

Looking at the disappearing river of laws above, all the Powerhouses were stunned again, and it was difficult to return to their senses.

Since the arrival of the owner of the Human Race All Heavens Store, they have been shocked time and time again!


The ancestor of Zi Yue who witnessed all this took a long breath, and the whole person's strength seemed to be taken out all of a sudden.

"Do you think I still need to listen to your instructions to do things?" Chu Bei put his hands behind his back and looked at the ancestor Zi Yue calmly.

When his voice fell, the giant palm of chaos clenched tightly, then the peng sound exploded, and the ancestor of Zi Yue exploded again directly.

Fortunately, its Divine Soul was not destroyed, immediately reorganized the fleshy body. However, in the previous explosion, many Devouring Power invaded its Divine Soul.

Vaguely, he has a kind of intuition, as long as the Lord of All Heavens Store a single thought, these Devouring Powers will instantly annihilate his Divine Soul, thus making him truly disappear in the universe.

For this reason, after hearing Chu Bei's jokes, Zi Yue's ancestor did not dare to show any disrespect and did not linger. He immediately returned to the Zi Yue Holy Land universe and dared not say a word.

Above the East Emperor Holy Land, the ancestor of the East Emperor is also silent. The huge within both eyes are full of fear of Chu Bei.

As for the ancestors of Tie Mu, the ancestors of Kuimu, the ancestors of the earth-shaking, and the ancestors of the earth wind, these are the most powerful powerhouses in the universe. They dare not speak even when Chu Bei glances over, one by one because of fear instinct. Lowered his head.

"Are you all curious, why not be suppressed by this so-called Primitive Universe?" Chu Bei said with a smile in the universe.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, all the powerful existences including Zi Yue, the ancestor of the East Emperor, and the most powerful powerhouses in the universe, all pricked their ears, with curiosity, confusion and anticipation on their faces.

"Because this seat does not belong to this universe!"

Chu Bei glanced across the Powerhouse: "And when your strength reaches a certain height, let alone being suppressed, You can directly obliterate the origin of the so-called Primitive Universe."

"What? The Lord of All Heavens Store does not belong to the universe!"

"How is it possible! Where does he come from!"

"Destroy Universe Source? Who can do this! That can be equivalent to the Sovereign of the Universe!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, countless Powerhouses showed terrified looks.

Chu Bei's remarks seemed to completely shatter their perceptions.

Primitive Universe originated from the Sovereign universe, which has become their deep-rooted thought!

We didn't expect, there will be such a day when some people say that the origin of Primitive Universe can be erased!

If ordinary people say this, they will snort disdainfully and listen to it as a huge joke.

However, the person who said this now was the mysterious supreme existence who easily suppressed Zi Yue's ancestor and destroyed the Primitive Universe's original attack not long ago!

"The universe you know is the most Powerhouse, which can also be called True God. Above it, it is the Void True God."

Speaking of which, Chu Bei glanced at the ancestor Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi one after another, said with a smile: "You two are familiar with this realm, right?"

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