The mountain range of stars is located in the southeast of Heaven Above, with high peaks and deep ravines and vast mountains.

Among the rolling mountains, there are stars beating, hence the name.

Stars shoot through the luxuriant old trees and shoot down a few spots of light.

Chu Bei suspended above a mountain, staring at a low mountain in front of him.

According to the mark on the map in the system panel, the location of the red light spot is this low mountain.

If it is more specific, it is the boulder on the top of the dwarf mountain that is blooming with brilliant celestial light.

"This appearance is a bit like Monkey Sun."

Looking at the boulder who began to stir in front of him, Chu Bei couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

When Chu Bei Divine Consciousness dived in, he relaxed a little. Inside the boulder is not a monkey, but a child.

But this is also where Chu Bei is confused. It stands to reason that this should be a white baby who was just born.

"little fellow, let me help you as a teacher and be born early."

Chu Bei laughed, he can't wait for the other person to be born on his own. A finger pointed directly, and a layer of colorful ripples wraps the boulder.

long long long!

At this moment, the boulder was very excited and shook like a lot of nutrient solution.

In an instant, the rumbling sound started.

Just above the stone, light and rain are flying, and the sky is full of gods.


With a shocking explosion, the boulder burst open, and a golden light shot out from the center burst straight into the sky, too magnificent.

After a while, a sculpted, fleshy and fatty appeared in the line of sight.

"Little fresh meat!"

Chu Bei smiled knowingly when he met the innocent eyes of the fatty Tong, remembering the first time he entered Perfect World and met Shi Hao in Stone Village. Time scene.

"Daddy, mother..."

On the top of the short mountain, the boulder exploded, and a fatty boy appeared in Chu Bei's sight.

At first, Fat Tong's eyes were innocent, but soon he seemed to remember something, and he kept calling his parents, his voice anxious.

At the same time, a deep hatred appeared in the watery within both eyes, and Bai Nen's fist was tightened.

Aware of the fat boy's emotions, Chu Bei frowned slightly.

From the information perfused by the system, the cultivation base realm division of this chaotic universe is roughly the same as the realm division of Perfect World.

After entering the road of cultivation, the order is [Move Blood, Celestial Grotto, Spirit Transformation, Inscription Pattern, Array, Venerable, Shenhuo, Shinichi, Heavenly God, Void Dao, Cut Me, Escape One, Supreme, True Immortal, Immortal King, Quasi-Immortal Emperor, Immortal Emperor 】

The fatty boy who came out of the stone in front of him, although he looks only four or five years old, his cultivation base has reached the inscription territory.

If this is placed in the Perfect World plane, then it would be a super enchantment that Nine Heavens' Great Influence competes for!

"Uncle, did you help me break Daddy's seal?" After a while, the fatty boy calmed down and looked towards Chu Bei with gratitude in his eyes.

"What's your name? Why was your father sealed in this stone?" Chu Bei asked aloud.

This fatty boy will be his Honorary Disciple in this chaotic universe. He naturally needs to understand.

"My name is Buxuan."

Fatty Tong only answered Chu Bei's first question after hesitating for a moment.

"Where is your father and mother?" Chu Bei asked another question.

Fatty Tong glanced at Chu Bei, shook the head, and didn't want to say.

"Where are you going next?"

Chu Bei laughed, also not impatient, but continued to ask.

"I don't know." Fatty Tong replied.

"It's better to worship this door, so that you will have a destination." Chu Bei went straight to the subject.

"Thank you for the kindness of Uncle, I have inheritance within the clan and I don't need a Master." The fatty Tong moved towards Chu Bei bowed, and declined the latter's kindness.

xiū xiū xiū!

Just when Fatty Boy bid farewell to Chu Bei and was about to leave, several sky-splitting sounds started, and within a short while, all directions each had a divine rainbow flying.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of nearly a hundred silhouettes circled on this low mountain.

These silhouettes can be roughly divided into eight forces from the perspective of clothing.

Obviously, they were all startled by the unusual form produced by Bu Xuan's previous birth.

"Chopping wood, do you know what happened to the unusual form that has just risen in this mountain? Did Heaven and Earth Treasure come out? Know what you know, and tell the truth quickly."


At this time, a man wearing a white robe glanced all around the broken rocks, his gaze fell on Chu Bei's body, and he spoke first.

"The woodcutter?"

Hearing this call, Chu Bei's body trembled and almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

Mixed in the major planes, he is admired by others, and the words senior, adult, benefactor, etc. are all numb to hearing.

But clinker, the first name he heard from the Chaos Heaven Realm for the first time, it turned out to be "chopping wood"?

"Here is not the Heaven and Earth Treasure you think about, go back wherever you come from!"

Chu Bei forced the urge to slap these guys to death, moved towards all around A group of people waved their hands.

Although these guys can't perceive the fluctuation of breath on his body, he is not dressed like a woodcutter at all!

"Impossible! The previous unusual form was clearly born with treasures, and how do you explain the stones that you all around? Say, what did you see! If it weren’t for you to be an ordinary person, I’m already Let's go!" The man in the white robe yelled.

"There is really no Heaven and Earth Treasure, but when the stone exploded, there was a brilliant rays of light moved towards the east." Fat Tong Buxuan's big eyes turned, Facing a group of people in the sky opened the mouth and said.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Chu Bei's eyes appeared approvingly. He didn't expect this little fellow to be quite clever.

The sudden voice of the child made everyone's eyes in the sky fall on Bu Xuan's body.

When they looked at Start Xuan, they were first taken aback, and then they all showed joy.

"The inscription realm less than five years old!"

"Brother, this child's innate talent is also one of the very best in our Sect!"

"It's really a rare and good seedling!"

"This must be brought back!"


After discovering Bu Xuan's cultivation base inadvertently, people looked hot one by one, their expressions were as if they had discovered a treasure, and they even forgot about the previous birth of the unusual form.

These people did not pay attention to Chu Bei, and they did not shy away from their conversations.

Chu Bei listened to their conversation, quite amused.

When I first arrived, the side mission was opened, and the Honorary Disciple was collected, and I even encountered a digging wall.

Looking at Fat Tong Buxuan again, after hearing the content of these people's conversations, his big eyes became extremely vigilant, and his body slowly moved towards the back, trying to slip away while the other party was not paying attention.

The leader of one party couldn’t help it. He put on an aloof and remote appearance, staring at Bu Xuan: "little fellow, looking at your innate talent is great, I decided to bring you back We, Sect, are trained by elders, what do you think?"

"Jiang Hao, the ownership of this child has not been decided yet! You can't take it away if you say it!" The other seven forces The leader expressed dissatisfaction.

"Then what do you want to do now? There is only one child, is it possible that we will remove him eight pieces, and we will take one piece each?" The man named Jiang Hao said with a sneer.

xiū xiū xiū!

At this moment, there were several blasts in the distance.

When they saw the robes worn by the group of people who came from a distance, the people from all directions suddenly had an astonished expression with an incredible expression.

Looking intently, I saw that all of them were dressed in black-gray robes. The robes were made of special materials and had black channel shrouded, giving people a horrible sense of direct vision.

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