In Xinsheng Square, under hundreds of pairs of eyes, Fat Dun pinched a Dou Zhe Dan and threw it into his mouth.

Suddenly, the chubby Dou Qi fluctuated up a level.

"It's incredible!"

Pang Dun let out a sigh of emotion, and threw the remaining seven Dou Zhe Dans into his mouth one after another.

Dou Zhe 2-Star 、

Dou Zhe 3-Star 、

Dou Zhe 4-Star 、



When the last Dou Zhe Dan was swallowed into the throat, the plump breath reached Peak.

Dou Zhe nine stars!


Fat Dun bent over and hit the bluestone brick under his feet with a punch.

With a clear sound, the bluestone bricks of strikes turned into a pile of rubble and splashed around.

"Is this the power of Jiuxing Dou Zhe!"

He looked at Xiao Yan with a chubby expression: "Brother, you are simply my fatty nobleman! Just like doing Just like a dream, it's just that this dream is still true!"

"You should thank you more for your money, I'm just a businessman."

Xiao Yan lightly patted fatty shoulders, At the same time, he imitated Chu Bei's tone.


A crowd of onlookers came back to his senses from shock.

"Fuck! You have become Jiuxing Dou Zhe directly!"

"It's so amazing!"

"This is equivalent to battle qi from Jiudan To Jiuxing Dou Zhe, I didn’t do anything, just spent 800,000 Gold Coins."

"Now it seems that fatty earns money!"



Compared with other freshmen, the two freshmen who initially bought the square box with Fatty had regrets on their faces.

"Brother, do you still have this treasure box?"

"Yes, do you have any? I want to have one too, no, ten!"


As the first freshman reacted, more and more background freshmen took out Gold Coin from the Storage Ring and stared at Xiao Yan fiercely.

"Everyone, there are only these ten today. Tomorrow you come again, still in this position."

Xiao Yan took Xiao Xun'er back and moved towards everyone at the same time. Waved his hand.

When all ten square boxes were sold, the agent ring in Xiao Yan's hand released a stream of information.

The agent ring gave him two choices, one is to get a Level 3 treasure box, but to exchange it for a cultivation base reward.

Xiao Yan hesitated a little and chose the latter.

He already knew the probability of the treasure box being opened; it would be better to just replace it with the actual one.

As soon as Xiao Yan made a decision, he suddenly noticed a warm current pouring into his body.

In just a moment, he realized that his cultivation base had reached Dou Shi 1-star from the beginning and reached 1-star Peak.

The other side.

[Agent Xiao Yan, sold 1 million Gold Coins]

[System gets 10000Force of Desire Value, host gets 5000Force of Desire Value]

All Heavens In the store, Chu Bei was enjoying the food made by Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin, and the system sound suddenly sounded in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"Good boy, I didn't disappoint."

Chu Bei was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled with satisfaction.


Five days have passed since the auction ended.

It is also the 3rd day when Xiao Yan arrives at Jia Nan Academy.

Today, Xiao Yan has become an influential figure among the freshmen.

In addition to Dou Shi's strength, it is also because of the mysterious box that can open treasure!

On the first day, ten boxes came out with nine Medicinal Pills;

On 2nd day, ten boxes came out with a 3rd-Rank magic beast core and a Profound Level Top Grade Qi Method ;

Today, ten boxes have opened a treasure that can defend against 5-Star Dou Zhe attacks!

"Brother Xiao, you must come on time tomorrow!"

On Xinsheng Square, a group of freshmen reluctantly sent Xiao Yan away.

Not far away, several tutors gathered together and looked at Xiao Yan's back with mixed expressions.

"This little fellow has become a scene of our Academy!" a tutor said.

"How many treasure boxes did the mysterious businessman in your mouth give him?" Another tutor looked towards Luo Tian and Ruo Lin.

"Who knows this."

Luo Tian laughed: "I think Lord Headmaster will like this little fellow very much."

Seven days.

[Partial mission is on: the host completes the Fallen Heart Flame transaction]

[During the mission, the system determines that the host can call a level 8 item in the mall]

[Due to the long distance, the host can use this system for fixed-point Transmission Formation for free and go to Jia Nan Academy]

[Task transaction completed: 1. Get an extra 1500000 Force of Desire Value for the day’s upper limit; 2. Rewards at any time One chance to call Level 8 merchandise]

In All Heavens Store, Chu Bei is enjoying Qing Lin's pounding, and the system sound abruptly sounds.

"Heavenly Flame again?" Chu Bei whispered.

"Boss, what's the matter with you?" Qing Lin's voice was weak.

"Tomorrow I'm going to the far gate."

Chu Bei's mouth is up, he didn't expect Xiao Yan entire group to go for a few days, he will also set foot on Jia Nan Academy Of the land.

"How long will you leave?" Qing Lin asked.

"It takes one or two days as fast as possible, and one month as slow as possible." Chu Bei responded.

The next day.

Chu Bei embarked on a fixed-point Transmission Formation.

In the middle of the Black-Corner Region, over the city of Canaan, a silhouette walks out of in the sky.

Chu Bei swept all around and finally fixed his gaze on a mountain that stood north of the center of the city.

Mountain peaks are shrouded by fairy fog, and buildings stand next to each other, some at the foot of the mountain, some at the side of the mountain, and some are built on the top of the mountain.

Looking from a distance, behind this main mountain, there are countless mountain peaks spreading far away.

"Real style!"

Chu Bei flew to the top of the main mountain slope and gave an evaluation.

This Jia Nan Academy is much bigger than he thought.

Especially the four big characters Jia Nan Academy above the quaint gate, the sky is strong and looks dazzling!

The stone steps of azure and the wall tiles of red are carved with the vicissitudes of the years. The entire Academy gives people a solemn and sacred breath.

To be precise, the main mountain in front of us is just the Outer Academy of Jia Nan Academy, and the Inner Academy where Fallen Heart Flame is located is the core of Jia Nan Academy.

Countless Powerhouses emerged from the Inner Academy, and then rays of light shined on the entire continent; in the last ages, the Peak Powerhouses that came out of the Inner Academy, all have a prestigious reputation on the continent.

Compared to Outer Academy, Inner Academy is especially secretive, even Outer Academy dísciple is only known to a few people.

Although Chu Bei is not sure about the location of Inner Academy, he knows that it is hidden among the rolling mountains.

After flying half a circle along the main peak, Chu Bei directly found an unguarded mountainside and fell down.

After that, follow a trail.

"Little Brother, where is the Xiao Yan you just talked about now?"

On the way, Chu Bei heard two teenagers talking about Xiao Yan and immediately asked.

"At this point, that guy must be selling boxes in Xinsheng Plaza." A teenager looked at Chu Bei and responded.

"Sell boxes?"

Chu Bei smiled knowingly and asked the boy again. After learning the location of Xinsheng Square, his feet speed up.

Soon, Chu Bei came to Xinsheng Square.

On the square, hundreds of new students gathered around a table, staring enthusiastically at the ten square boxes on the table.

Behind the table, there is a proud Xiao Yan.

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