[Progress of completion of branch missions, 2/3/2021]

next moment, the system sound rang in Chu Bei's mind.

"Sect Master, he... is he really the Immortal Emperor!"

"The entire Heaven Above is only thirty-nine Immortal Emperors! Our Baihua Dizhou, too There is only one Hundred Flowers Empress!"

"In this way, once the power he created is certified, wouldn’t it be an emperor-level power!"

"My God! I actually saw it with my own eyes! I saw an Immortal Emperor!"


In the valley, after hearing the words of the middle-aged man, a group of True Immortal Powerhouses unanimously moved towards Chu Bei. Bow, very respectful.

hong long!

At this moment, far above the snowy area, a loud noise came, and then a flower of the avenue bloomed.

[Super King Level forces: Qing Yan Pavilion established]

This is the message from the Flower of the Avenue.

"The Quasi-Immortal Emperor of Baihua Dizhou has a limited number, and I don’t know who he will be."

The middle-aged man raised his eyes and looked at the flowers blooming on the avenue. Bold big characters, muttering to himself.

In the great realm of the Chaos Heavens, the strength created by the Immortal Emperor is an emperor.

Once an emperor-level force has passed the certification, the unusual form will be distributed in every corner of the universe.

The forces created by Quasi-Immortal Emperor are super King Level. Once certified, their unusual forms will be spread all over the state where they are located.

“So there is such a saying.”

After Chu Bei learned about the classification of the forces from the middle-aged man, he faintly glanced at the unusual form in Tianyu, and went on Looking at the middle-aged man calmly, he held up the girl and said: "When the All Heavens Store is established, if you give up the position of Immortal Sect Sect Master, you can join it. As for your daughter, I will take you away. I won't regret today's decision."

The voice fell, Chu Bei turned and took Bu Xuan and Bing Tongtong to the third point marked on the map in the moved towards Sea of ​​Consciousness.

At the same time, undercurrents are surging in the Great City of Baihua Dizhou.

"Have you all seen the portrait of the man released by Dark Demon Palace?"

"Who is he! How could he make Dark Demon Palace do such a big fight?"


"As long as you provide his news, you can join Dark Demon Palace! My God, this condition is too tempting."

"But having said that, I have never seen this person before. "

"What is the matter with Dark Demon Palace looking for this person? According to my avenue news, Dark Demon Palace sent two Ninth Stage Immortal Kings and four 8th layer Immortal Kings!"


For a time, countless Powerhouses in Baihua Dizhou discussed the arrest warrant of Chu Bei by Dark Demon Palace.


Exile Ridge.

One of the restricted areas in Baihua Dizhou.

"Master, it's so cold here."

Bu Xuan and Bing Tongtong shivered at the same time, blowing the oncoming wind.

This kind of coldness is not brought about by temperature, but because of the death air carried in the wind, which is a kind of cold that shakes the mind and inexplicably trembles.

Looking down, the traces of human habitation below have disappeared. There is no shadow of any houses, and the vegetation has become particularly sparse.

The bright stars are hanging in the sky, but the whole bright exile ridge appears dark black, and the upper part of the mountain is also black, which seems incompatible with the bright light of other areas.

At this moment, Chu Bei is hovering in the air, Divine Consciousness is all over the Exile Ridge, and I can feel that there is a powerful force in each mountain.

"Master, see what that is!" At this moment, Bu Xuan exclaimed.

I saw a huge black hole suspended in the sky above the highest mountain.

There is a continuous release of black energy in the Cave entrance, which gives people the feeling that it can annihilate everything.

"The purpose of our trip has nothing to do with it."

Chu Bei did not mind the source of the black hole. Through the perception of Divine Consciousness, he has found the third Honorary Disciple. position.


While taking a step, Chu Bei appeared in front of a strange ancient tree with Bu Xuan and Bing Tongtong, the ancient tree swaying, The branches and leaves make a hua hua sound.

This ancient tree is not very big, about ten meters high, but its trunk is extremely strong.

The torso is as vigorous as a dragon, but the outermost skin has completely cracked, and it seems to have gone through tens of thousands of eras.

But if you look closely, you will find that his surface is faintly misty, exuding Supreme rune.

The most weird thing is that there are only ten leaves on the whole tree, and the appearance of each leaf have nothing common with each other. Some leaves are round and filled with faint golden light; some The leaves are triangular in shape, shrouded in red light...the pieces are far apart, very strange.

Chu Bei squeezed his fist and blasted directly to the trunk of the ancient tree.

weng weng weng!

Wait for Chu Bei’s fist strikes on the trunk, strange patterns emerge in the misty fog on the surface of the ancient tree, forming a glorious wall of light, among them The billowing Star River flows and weaves.

It's just that this bright wall of light looks like nothing in front of Chu Bei's fist.

With a loud bang, the trunk of the ancient tree exploded.

Next moment, ripples swelled, runes flashed past, and a huge circular mouth gradually emerged.

This was originally the Immortal Emperor seal, which was easily broken by Chu Bei!

A low wail like ghosts and howl like wolves came from the huge mouth, and the sound was like endless hell in front of him, extremely terrifying.

"Master, how come the third child is in this place? It's too terrifying."

Bu Xuan followed Chu Bei into the circular giant mouth, shivering involuntarily.

The front is pitch black, except for the flowing road rune, nothing can be seen, just like a Bottomless Abyss.

chi chi chi!

Without waiting for Chu Bei to answer, a violent wave hit his face deep in the cave, with scorching heat.

Also in this brief moment, the Celestial Grotto on this side mountain revolved around the earth, and the Darkness disappeared completely and was replaced by a patch of bright red color.

"Here is it possible that...Is it already a world of its own!"

Bu Xuan looked forward, sucking in a breath of cold air, for a while, dumbfounded It's like wood there.

What kind of picture is this?

The vast land presents a deep red, and falling stars and Star Regions can be seen everywhere.

The surface is uneven, and the sound of boiling can be faintly heard in those small pits.

It is as if the place below the surface is where the lava is, and the flame can burst into the sky at any time.

long long long!

This world seemed to notice the arrival of outsiders, and even the ground began to tremble. Clusters of red black flames rose from the surface, increasing in number.

The size of each cluster of flames have nothing common with each other, some are only palm-size, but some are several meters high. But the same thing is that these red black flames contain imperial spirit breath, and they are all slowly moved towards Chu Bei and the three approached.


Suddenly, these red and black flames seemed to have reached an agreement, and instantly caused a blazing heat wave, hiding the sky and covering the earth, flocking to Chu Bei three people.

Chu Bei’s expression did not change the slightest, he protruded his right hand, palms bloomed with divine glow, and instantly refining these red black flames hiding the sky and covering the earth.


"Did Baihua ask you to die?"

In an instant, a cold voice filled with coercive and implied killing intents Clearly passed into the ears of Chu Bei master and disciple.

This voice is very majestic, and it seems to have an irresistible penetrating power, which can strike a person's heart and soul directly, making him tremble and frightened.

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