"a trifling Emperor Artifact."

In the battlefield, Chu Bei spoke, and his voice was calm from start to finish.

The words in his mouth seemed to be speaking to the energy clone, and it seemed to be speaking to all the Powerhouses watching the battle in the field.

With a buzzing sound, a branch appeared in Chu Bei's hand.

This branch is very gorgeous, filled with all kinds of gorgeous divine glow, flowing with tens of thousands of different breath fluctuations.

The chaotic disk smashed over, and Chu Bei smiled indifferently, holding the splendid branch to greet him.


In an instant, the Chaos Disk collided with the gorgeous branches in Chu Bei's hands.

With a crisp sound, under the eyes of countless Powerhouses, the splendid branches shredded the chaotic plate like tofu.

"This...how is this possible..."

The chaos collapsed, and all the Powerhouses watching the battle were taken aback for a moment, and then quickly fell into a state of consternation, all with faces full of surprises. Incredible color.

An Immortal Emperor instrument that exists on the emperor spectrum is so broken!

It was still crushed by a branch!

"Could it be that the branch in his hand is also an Immortal Emperor tool!"

"Even if it is the same Immortal Emperor, the gap between the two is impossible! Just once! It’s just a collision, how could one party just collapse!"

"Currently, there are only two possibilities for this situation to happen! First, this chaotic disk is fake; second, the one in his hand Cutting branches is not only the Immortal Emperor device, but also the original Emperor Treasure!"

"From the breath of the chaotic disk, impossible is fake! And the energy clone of the kunai master is already the sixth stage How can Quasi-Immortal Emperor Peak hold a fake Immortal Emperor device? As for the second one, it is even more impossible! The original Emperor Treasure, it is to follow the Sir Immortal Emperor to preach together! Each Immortal Emperor Powerhouse also There will only be one, and it is absolutely impossible to give it to others!"

"Then explain, what's the matter with that branch?"



In the square, a crowd of Powerhouse watching the battle stared blankly at the shattered chaotic disk and the gorgeous branches in Chu Bei's hands, one by one, looking at each other in blank dismay.

"What the hell is going on!"

One of the numerous cultivators of Yuantian Pavilion was also stunned. Looking at each other, apart from shock, there was only thick in their eyes. Deep confusion.

"Ben...Emperor Treasure!"

The chaotic disk collapsed, the energy clone trembled obviously, and his expression twitched. Obviously, this chaotic disk was extremely important to him.

When I looked towards the branch in Chu Bei's hand again, I had a terrified look again.

Chu Bei did not speak, but continued to wave the branch in his hand.

This is the Level 21 product that he has redeemed from the system before. At this level, the number of system products is not very large, and the overwhelming majority has not been introduced in detail.

As for this branch, it simply indicated that it came from something called the source device.

With the wave of the branch in Chu Bei's hand, a colorful divine rainbow turned into a torrential river, rushing toward the energy clone.

As if to feel the horrible breath contained in the colorful divine rainbow, that energy clone's complexion immediately changed.

After that, I just listened to it shouting loudly, and the Purple Qi all over my body was gushing.

Immediately, a terrifying and majestic coercion came out, the eyes opened and closed, the sky cracked, and countless stars turned into dust.

It's just that his Quasi-Immortal Emperor offensive has just taken shape, and before it can be launched, with a buzzing sound, it is resolved by the colorful divine rainbow.

next moment, a colorful divine rainbow sweeping the energy clone like a torrential river.

With a scream, the energy clone forcibly was forcibly refining into nothingness by the power of the divine rainbow.

"Won! Won again!"

"My God! Is he entering the Seventh Realm!"

"He is sure It’s from other states! Why did you come to our Baihua Dizhou to create forces?"

Looking at the colorful divine rainbow in the spherical ripples battlefield, the crowds were sucked after watching the Powerhouse came back to his senses. in a breath of cold air.

"Master Kuwu has been defeated. If the current assessment is passed, the 6-Star Super King Level power can be established; whether to proceed to the next assessment? Pass, the 9-Star Super King Level power can be established."

Until a long time later, the cultivator of Yuantian Pavilion came back to his senses from shock, and looked towards Chu Bei again with more respect, and even became nervous and nervous.


Chu Bei smiled knowingly, and the answer was the same.

I heard what Chu Bei said, and watched the Powerhouse take a deep breath unanimously.

The next assessment means that the opponent has to face a Quasi-Immortal Emperor in the Ninth Stage realm!

Under the tense waiting of the powerhouses, a large circular gap appeared in the assessment area. Various unusual forms appeared in the gap, and a dazzling golden light avenue extended.

Sound of Great Dao sounded, and a silhouette came out slowly from it.

This is a middle-aged man dressed in plain clothes. From the moment he arrived, the entire spherical ripples seemed to be churning. This was an unusual form that was not available when the energy clone appeared before.

The middle-aged man put his hands behind behind, and after scanning the crowd on the square, his eyes fixed on Chu Bei's body, slightly nodded with a smile.

"Who is this person!"

"Needless to say, he must be the top of Yuantian Pavilion!"

"He is the nine-star super King Level Is the power assessor!"

"It stands to reason that his strength should have reached the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Ninth Stage."


The eyes of the crowd watching the Powerhouse fell on the azure robed man, with admiration in their eyes, and some suspicions.

Different from watching Powerhouse, a number of cultivators of Yuantian Pavilion, after seeing the appearance of azure robed man, their faces changed suddenly, and the expression of astonishment seemed to be something difficult. The expected unexpected situation is the same.

"The emperor...the emperor!"

"How could it be your projection?!"

"Now it is the nine-star assessment. You should not be in the emperor Did they come out for the first-level power assessment?"


After reacting, the staff of Yuantian Pavilion quickly moved towards azure robed man and kowtowed, with extremely respectful expressions.

"What? Is he the source emperor!"

"The existence of the Immortal Emperor Ranked 1st in the Great Domain of Chaos!"

"No, this It is the energy projection of Emperor Yuan!"

"As far as I know, the energy projection of Emperor Yuan is the last assessment! Once passed, it will represent the birth of emperor-level forces!"


"At the moment, it should be the assessment of the Nine Stars Super King Level forces! If you want to defeat the source emperor energy projection, I am afraid that you have to truly enter the Immortal Emperor Realm. I have never heard of any Quasi- Immortal Emperor Great Perfection established the imperial power."


Hearing the words of the Yuantian Pavilion cultivator, the complexions of the powerhouses on the square suddenly turned Grayed out.

One by one, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and it was like being poured with cold water from head to toe, and the whole body was numb.

The early appearance of Gendi Energy Projection was too sudden and unexpected, making them completely unprepared.

"putting it that way, isn't this unfair to that person? Facing the Yuandi projection, he will undoubtedly lose. He can only stop at the 6-Star super King Level forces." Yes Powerhouse spoke.

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