
The chaotic universe is one of the nine most powerful regions.

Yunya Pavilion, located in the northwest of Tianxu, is a super King Level force.

"After a million years, another imperial power was born!"

"That is the direction of Heaven Above!"

"All Heavens Store The name of this emperor-level power is really interesting. Could it be that this Immortal Emperor was just a businessman when he was cultivated?"


There are countless countless main peaks. dísciple looked up at the sky, all in amazement.

"Lord Hong Meng, what's wrong with you? Do you know this All Heavens Store?"

Dísciple noticed the strange expression of an adult next to him, tentative Asked.

"You are here at last."

The adult whispered softly, then glanced over the dísciple beside him, and sighed: "Perhaps, for me, this All Heavens Store is a better destination."

"Lord Hong Meng, what do you mean by this? Are you leaving?" There is a dísciple that seems to have heard something, so I immediately asked .

"There are some things, I still have to talk to Hall Master in person. Maybe, I will leave Yunya Pavilion soon." After all, Hong Meng stepped towards the highest mountain.


Heaven Above, the emperor under the moon.

In the central part of Dizhou, in a Holy Mountain all around shrouded Star River, a slender silhouette stands in the misty fairy fog. Her hair was flying, and there was a long river flowing in her eyes.

"One state and two emperors, Interesting."

The woman glanced at the direction of Blue Wave Mountain, and the delicate and flawless features outlined the meaning of allowing some playfulness.

Like the Hundred Flowers Empress, this is also a Empress, one of the original thirty-nine Immortal Emperors of Heaven Above.

Heaven Above, Wilderness Emperor state.

This Great Prefecture is just like its name. At a glance, there is no vitality everywhere.

It can even be said that this huge emperor is only an Immortal Emperor.

Across my eyes, the reddish-brown land seemed to be infested with blood, hard and withered.

Desolation and emptiness coexist, and some huge rocks stand scattered on the ground, which looks like tombstones at first glance.

The space between Heaven and Earth is drowsy, and the faint black fog adds a touch of gloom to this imperial state. The endless reddish-brown land is far away and dead, with no signs of life.

"Fortieth? I don't know you and Baihua, stronger and weaker? How many places can you rank in the emperor list."

In the depths of the reddish-brown earth, There was a long, deep, misty sound. I saw a beam of eyes shot through the sky, and cast a few eye-catching characters intertwined with the flowers of the avenue.

Heaven Above, Star Sea Dizhou.

crash-bang ——

This Fangdizhou is particularly special. It has no land and is completely an endless silver ocean.

The waves roll up from time to time, like a metal storm hitting the shore.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the sea surface seemed to be cut by the Heavenspan giant sword and divided into two halves, and then the Immortal Emperor's Qi machine overflowed, traversing the past, the present, and the future.

"All Heavens Store, it’s an interesting name."

A stalwart silhouette appeared on the sea, and a pair of cold eyes looked towards Tianyu. Disordered.

Heaven Above, Floating Island Dizhou.

From a glance, this Fangdizhou is formed by countless islands.

There are countless Powerhouses inhabited on every island.

"It seems that there is another competition from now on."

A phantom appeared over one of the largest islands, and the power of the Immortal Emperor was revealed, which was daunting. .


Unusual form is presented, Immortal Emperors of Heaven Above wake up one by one, talking to themselves.

Baihua Dizhou, Blue Wave Mountain.

As soon as Chu Bei returned to the square, a number of cultivators from Yuantian Pavilion immediately greeted him, very respectful.

"Sir Immortal Emperor, where did you choose the location of the All Heavens Store? An emperor force, please let us remember and promote it for you. In this way, it will also save you Going to some unnecessary troubles, at least there won't be any ignorant guys rushing into your territory." A Yuantian Pavilion cultivator said.

Chu Bei thought a little, and said: "Just the Black Blood Island."

"What? Black Blood Island!"

"That's not a restricted area. One of them! How can I choose which place? Legend has it that even the Quasi-Immortal Emperor will never return."

Hearing Chu Bei's words, a group of Yuantian Pavilion cultivators were first taken aback and then full of faces. In shock, the crowd of onlookers not far away from Powerhouse also showed surprise expressions.

"What? Is there any problem?" Chu Bei smiled.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the cultivators of Yuantian Pavilion were stunned. They seemed to think of something and said quickly: "If it were you, there should be no problem.

For them , Black Blood Island is a restricted area; but for Immortal Emperor Powerhouse, it may be no different from an ordinary area.

[Emperor-level forces All Heavens Store established, host mission completed]

[ Reward distribution: the host gets the right to use Level 22 goods once]

At this moment, the system tone sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

"I have seen Sir Immortal Emperor! "

As time went by, all the Powerhouses who watched the battle also reacted, and immediately moved towards Chu Bei cup one fist in the other hand bowed.

Chu Bei slightly nod Signaling: "I wonder if you guys have ideas to join this All Heavens Store? "

"Sir Immortal Emperor, I wonder what your request is?" "There is a tentative opening from Powerhouse.

"You can also be regarded as witnessing the establishment of All Heavens Store with your own eyes, and are related to All Heavens Store. Among you, anyone whose cultivation base reaches True Immortal Realm can join All Heavens Store. "Chu Bei's fluttering voice fell.

"What? True Immortal Realm will do! "

On the square, a group of Powerhouses suddenly showed their heartbeat expressions.

The first batch of people recruited by every imperial power was born, and the requirements were extremely high. It is often at the Quasi-Immortal Emperor level.

At this moment, an emperor-level force is in front of them. As long as it is True Immortal Realm, it can become a middle-aged person!

"Sir Immortal Emperor, I am willing to join! "

"I do too! "

Onlookers Powerhouse have expressed their opinions one after another, scrambling to be the first.

"From now on, Black Blood Island will be removed, and its name is All Heavens Store. "

Chu Bei speaks again, and his voice carries the Supreme Emperor's Power and spreads throughout the entire chaotic domain of the heavens.

As the voice filled with majesty fell, Chu Bei's eyes swept across all again. Around a group of Powerhouses: "Tomorrow, All Heavens Store is waiting for you. "

"This is all set, let's continue to follow as a teacher on the road. "

Chu Bei came to the side of the three Honorary Disciples, his eyes swept in turn.

"Master, where are we going next?" "Bu Xuan asked tentatively, holding his head high.

"Dark Demon Palace. "

Chu Bei smiled and touched Mobuxuan's head.

"Master, are you going to save my parents?" "When he heard the location of Chu Bei's mouth, Bu Xuan was stunned at first, and then asked uncertainly.

After seeing Chu Bei nodded, Bu Xuan immediately moved towards Chu Bei and kowtowed, extremely excited: "Dísciple many thanks Master! "

Chu Bei smiled knowingly, the color ripples outside his body, and he disappeared with Bu Xuan, Bing Tongtong and the little Dragon Phoenix.

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