On the entire Heaven Above Immortal Emperor list, only those who can mobilize the strength of Heaven of Baidiyuan will only wake up until the time of the Immortal Emperor ranking battle. The Immortal Emperor ranked in the top five.

weng weng!

In the battlefield, Chuangshi Yuanling suddenly waved his sleeves.

Afterwards, there was a buzzing, and a prisoner appeared on the battlefield. And there are five silhouettes in that prison, which are exactly the five dísciples collected by Chu Bei in Journey to the West plane: Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Drifting, Jin Chanzi and Ao Lie.


When seeing Chu Bei, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, they were taken aback for a moment, then their faces were full of joy, and they spoke immediately, calling out at the same time they were extremely respectful. There was excitement and excitement in the voice.

But very quickly, the five of them seemed to realize that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the court, and their faces became heavy again.

"The thing they are behind is like inner core, it really is the way of the Lord of All Heavens Store!"

"The difference is that their five ways are single, Take one road to the extreme; and the master of All Heavens Store is more like mixing all the roads!"

Seeing the floating Divine Pill five people behind Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, watching the game The Immortal Emperor murmured.

"The five of you come from the Western Earth, and you are descendants of the emperor; the clinker comes to this universe, but you want to join the All Heavens Store. In that case, the emperor will let you see now, The gap between me and your Master!"

Chuangshi Yuanling’s gaze swept lightly across the five Sun Wukong, and then fixed on Chu Bei’s body, whose body was all around the ninety-nine drops of source The strength of Heaven also began to swim, forming wisps of blue avenue ripples.

At this moment, not only the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Powerhouse, but also the expressions of those Immortal Emperors who have not yet entered the 4-Star are also very serious, as if they want to watch the next battle seriously.

It is so difficult to condense the source strength of Heaven, and the fastest shortcut is undoubtedly to watch the battle between the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse that has been able to mobilize the source strength of Heaven.

However, such battles often have to wait until the Immortal Emperor rankings are in battle before they can be observed.

For this reason, the next battle between Chuangshi Yuanling and Chu Bei will attract the attention of these Immortal Emperors under the 3-Star.

"I hope the Lord of All Heavens Store can hold on for a while, and don't lose so quickly!" The Immortal Emperor under the 3-Star prayed in secret.

"Sect Master, do you really want to fight one?" Ancient Dragon Phoenix issued a wisp of Divine Sense.

The five Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie who are on the same battlefield have concerns in their eyes. Judging from the information they have captured so far, the cultivation realm of their Master is not as good as the creation of Yuanling. .

However, Chu Bei just moved towards Ancient Dragon Phoenix and other Powerhouses faintly smiled, and didn't mean to flinch.

long long long ——

In the battlefield, the Chuangshi Yuanling has moved.

I saw him casually raise his right hand and wave it at will. Suddenly there was a roar from the strength of Heaven, and the moved towards Chu Bei suppressed it.

In his opinion, Sandiyuan strength of Heaven is enough to deal with an Immortal Emperor who has just entered the 4-Star realm.

However, the moment he struck the strength of Heaven, his expression changed.

To be more precise, this moment is not just the creation of the soul, except for the five Immortal Emperors who are still retreating on top of the 7-Star, all the imperial capitals of Heaven Above are shocked. , Staring at Chu Bei in disbelief one by one.

I stared and saw that a blue light film appeared on the surface of Chu Bei in the battlefield, and the same active strength of Heaven penetrated out.

But its number is not a drop!

Five drops, ten drops, twenty drops, thirty drops, forty drops...

The number of source strength of Heaven is increasing, and when Chu Bei is no longer in his body When the active strength of Heaven penetrates, its quantity is exactly one hundred drops!

"One hundred drops! One drop more than Master Yuanling!"

I can see the number of strength of Heaven, the source of Chu Bei's body all around, created by Powerhouse of Dizhou His complexion turned to gray for a moment. One by one, like a thunderbolt, the whole body was numb.

This scene is too shocking and unexpected, making them completely unprepared.

"How is this possible!"

The Immortal Emperors who watched the battle also held breath cold air one after another.

Obviously, they were completely surprised by this scene, too unexpected.

Ancient Dragon Phoenix and Hong Meng are also dumbfounded. Their brains seem to have lost the ability to think. They stand still like wood, staring at Chu in the battlefield with both eyes stunned. Bei.

"Looking at their expressions, can it be said that the realm of the Master is actually above the Chuangshi Yuanling!" Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie looked at each other with joy.

"Very good! Sect Master, he is not 4-Star, but 7-Star Immortal Emperor!" The All Heavens Store Powerhouse reacted and began to cheer.

In contrast to the Powerhouses of Chuangshi Dizhou, their expressions became extremely solemn and frowns.

crash-bang ——

At this time, a strange sound of water suddenly sounded in the battlefield.

"Is this the so-called 100-dimension qualitative change!" Seeing a scene in the battlefield, watching the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse became more and more astonished.

Different from the ninety-nine-dimension strength of Heaven of Chuangshi Yuanling, the strength of Heaven of Chu Bei’s hundred-dimension source is like building an unknown connection with each other.

They seem to form a great spell, and at the same time they bloom with blue rays of light, and then under countless line of sight, they blend together.

The strength of Heaven is intertwined, and theoretically it should be a small piece of water, but in fact, it has evolved into a river of origin!

In the sound of crash-bang, the horror level of the pervasive source strength of Heaven has obviously risen by hundreds of levels, far beyond what those water droplets can compare.

Chu Bei's face was expressionless, and he raised his hand and waved, a water dragon formed by the river of source heaven greeted the three drops of source strength of Heaven played by Chuangshi Yuanling.

zi zi!

In an instant, the strength of Heaven, the three-drop source of Chuangshi Yuanling, was swallowed by a water dragon, and there was no splash.

Looking at the water dragon that continued to rush forward, Chuang Shi Yuan Ling's pupils suddenly shrank, and a sense of crisis rose in his heart.

He didn't dare to be careless, and without any hesitation, once again condensed the strength of Heaven of the three sources, and then simultaneously urged the strength of heaven of ninety-nine sources of heaven to face the water dragon.

crash-bang ——

However, after only a few seconds, Ninety-nine Diyuan Strength of Heaven disappeared in the water dragon.


The water dragon swept past and hit the creation soul.

The incomparable source of horror, the strength of Heaven, burst out, and the emperor body of Chuang Shi Yuan Ling burst, struggling painfully in the water dragon.

"Chuangshi Yuanling is defeated!"

"In the end, we still underestimated the owner of the All Heavens Store! He is actually a 7-Star Immortal Emperor!"


"Maybe this is still not his ultimate strength?"

"Where did he come from! He was born out of thin air thirty years ago and created the All Heavens Store in one fell swoop! There is even a low level. The means of the big domain!"

"I can't see through, I really can't see through!"


Witness a scene in the battlefield, a crowd of audience Immortal Emperor His heart sank as if filled with cold lead.

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