"Everyone, the emperor is secluded cultivation, he is at a critical moment, he cannot come here. In this battle of the power list, I will replace him."

Just as the crowds of Powerhouses on the square frowned, the voices of the three different people who had agreed on it sounded uniformly on the Star Sea.

Afterwards, I saw the three silhouettes of Ripples falling side by side, each wearing a different robe, symbolizing the Shinto Mountain, Qiancang Island, and Longquan School.

"Who are they? How come they have never seen it before!"

"Immortal Emperor, they are both Immortal Emperor!"

"Sure enough, these Peak forces There is not only one Immortal Emperor! It’s just being hidden by the snow!"

"Listen to them, the Shinto Immortal Emperor, Qiancang Immortal Emperor, and Longquan Immortal Imperial Capital can’t come anymore. Instead, let them As a representative, participate in this power war!"


In an instant, everyone in the field gathered their eyes on the three silhouettes that fell side by side.

"Even if you participate in this front-round competition as sect members and disciple, it is not a violation of the rules." Immortal Emperor Wuji, who seemed to know these three silhouettes, said lightly.

"The power list is just that, the emperor has never cared about it. What he cares about is the next Immortal Emperor battle in the entire Chaos universe!"

That is the representative of Longquan Sect. Immortal Emperor, after looking at Wuji Immortal Emperor, he responded extremely calmly.

Neither he, nor the two Immortal Emperors representing Shinto Mountain and Qiancangdao, when facing the Immortal Emperor of Promise, there was no respect on their faces. All of this stems from their own strength, they are all 6-Star Immortal Emperors!

If their three people create their own emperor-level forces, even if they are not in the top five, they will definitely be in the top eight.

On the square, after a group of Powerhouses discussed the Immortal Emperor, who represented the former three emperor-level forces, they soon became quiet.

"I'm missing the Immortal Emperor of Yuantian Pavilion now!"

In unison, the eyes of a crowd of Powerhouses cast their eyes on the last empty chair.

"Now that you are all here, let the emperor tell me about the rules of the Heaven Above emperor rank battle."

Suddenly, the voice of illusory sounded, a body The silver-haired old man in Yuantian Pavilion robes appeared.

While speaking, he has walked to the edge of the round platform, his eyes swept across all the Powerhouses on the square, and the calm voice filled every corner of the field.

"It's really him! Lan Hui Immortal Emperor!"

"Thinking about it, you can guess, he is the Hall Master of Yuantian Pavilion in Heaven Above Branch Pavilion, Yuantian Of course, the first choice for the host sent by Ge will be him."

"It is said that when he was transferred to Heaven Above 100,000 years ago, he fought against the Immortal Emperor of Shinto."

"I also know this, but that battle seems to have no results."

"No matter what, it is certain that the strength of this Lanhui Immortal Emperor is by no means weaker than Promise. Immortal Emperor!"


On the square, Powerhouse exclaimed after recognizing the silver-haired old man of Yuantian Pavilion.

"Everyone, this is not the first time that the Heaven Above power war has been held. This rule must be understood by everyone, and it is no different from the past. Comment on the comprehensive strength of a power, except for the founder, of course There is also the strength of the dísciple in its forces."

"Because of this, the battle of the emperor-level forces is divided into two rounds. This first round is a contest between the dísciples of the Great Emperor Level forces; the second round , Is a contest between founders. In the end, Yuantian Pavilion will combine the two to give the most fair ranking."

Speaking of which, the silver-haired old man paused in Yuantian Pavilion, said again "This first round, as long as the children of the emperor-level forces can participate, there is no need to worry about casualties. Because every world battlefield we create, there is the power of Lord Yuandi to blessing. As long as you receive a fatal blow , The prohibition created by Lord Yuandi will be touched, and immediately will send that person out of the world battlefield."

"Of course, these people are just one more possibility with Quasi-Immortal Emperor and even Immortal The chance of Emperor’s contact that’s all. According to the current number of participants, we have created 10,000 world battlefields. Everyone’s primordial score is 1. Whenever one person eliminates another, he will get all the other’s points. Finally, this one We will arrange them on the same battlefield to get the top two hundred in total points."

"At that time, there will be two hundred Powerhouses. The competition between them, until the ranking between them is photographed. Of course, the scores assessed by Yuantian Pavilion are also different for different rankings."

"As for how this dísciple was divided into ten thousand. For the sake of fairness, the restrictions imposed by Master Yuandi will be distributed reasonably according to their realm cultivation base. It will never appear at first in the same battlefield. There will be a Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection who meets the Immortal Emperor. The situation."

The silver-haired old man of Yuantian Pavilion was talking about the rules of the imperial rank battle, but since the Powerhouse on the square already knew the rules, there was no surprise on every face. Just very anxious but helplessly walking through a certain process that's all.

"Next, I will ask Master Yuandi’s energy projection to open the ten thousand world battlefields!"

With the voice of the silver-haired old man falling, there was a bang. , All the eyes of the Powerhouse on the square turned to the direction pointed by the silver-haired old man, with excitement and anticipation on their faces.

Next moment, after countless Powerhouse's nervous waiting, the direction pointed by the silver-haired old man roared, and then a huge circular gap appeared.

In the buzzing sound, various unusual forms appeared in the gap, and a dazzling golden light avenue stretched out.

Almost at the same time, the Sound of Great Dao sounded, and a silhouette came out slowly from it.

This is a middle-aged man dressed in plain clothes. From the moment he arrived, all the energy fluctuations of the emperor on the round platform seemed to be imprisoned for an instant, and the huge square was suddenly plunged into it. In silence.

The middle-aged man held his hands behind, his faint gaze first swept across the Immortal Emperors on the round table, and then swept across the Powerhouses on the square, his face expressionless.

"Yuandi! Is this his deity?"

"How is it possible! It must be a clone!"

"Only a clone, that's it Standing there, the oppression given to me is so horrible!"

"Yes, I am afraid that even if it is based on clone, the strength must be higher than that of the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Emperor."

"In any case, he is the number one on the Immortal Emperor's list in the entire chaos universe!"


On the square, The eyes of a group of Powerhouses were fixed on the azure robed man. After they came back to his senses in astonishment, they exclaimed one after another, with admiration in their eyes.

The Immortal Emperor Powerhouse, such as Chuangshi Yuanling, Wuji, etc., looked towards Yuan Emperor clone with respect.

hong long!

The source emperor clone ignored the admired gazes of all around the Powerhouse, just waved his hand, and countless mysterious color energy gaps suddenly appeared in the sky.

Divine sense detects that the number of these gaps is exactly 10,000, and the other end of the gap is the world battlefield.

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