"This time the commander who received the decree has risen to the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse!"

"As far as I know, this is the first time that Force Zero has dealt with the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse. Give instructions!"

"Who knows, maybe it happened hundreds of millions of years ago, but we don’t know that's all."

"You said if it was Immortal Emperor Powerhouse refuses the instructions of the zero force, what will happen to them? is it possible that, will it be the same as the violent Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection a million years ago? Was killed on the spot?"

"How is it possible! This mission comes with rewards. For Immortal Emperor Powerhouse, it is obviously a two-way choice, not a command."


Yes The cultivator seemed to realize that the target of Force Zero's instruction this time was different from the previous ones, and exclaimed one after another.

"Are you not paying attention to the content of this decree? The killing of the clan and the emperor falling into the sea!"

A Quasi-Immortal Emperor on the square listened to all around people gradually The topic of deviation, loudly said, brought everyone's focus back to the task itself.

Di Luohai, one of Heaven Above’s Danger Land. To be precise, the Danger Land here refers to the Small World in which the existence of Emperor Luohai has not known how many epochs and who has been opened up by anyone.

There are rumors that the Danger Land on the sea is a lost domain; there are also rumors that it is the lair of a dead extraordinary Immortal Emperor. Its origin is unknown, but one thing is certain, that is, trespassers ten deaths without life.

The reason it is called Emperor Luohai is because an Immortal Emperor once entered the Danger Land. Although he left the Danger Land alive in the end, he fell inexplicably before leaving the range of the Emperor's Landing Sea.

As for the Killing Clan, it was once the Peak Clan of the Chaos Heavens, and it is also a Clan that is longer than the Ancient Dragon Phoenix!

Just countless years ago, without knowing what happened, this race suddenly became the target of all the races of the Chaos Heavens Great Territory to jointly kill.

As for what happened countless years ago, let alone an ordinary cultivator, it is as strong as the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse on the round stage. It is also a mystery to them.

"Are ten drops of the strength of Heaven the source of comprehend?"

On the round stage, a crowd of Immortal Emperor Powerhouses looked at the scarlet characters above their heads and muttered to themselves.

Immortal Emperor Powerhouse on 4-Star, which is stronger than Chuangshi Yuanling and Promise Immortal Emperor, has no change in expression, just glanced lightly and stopped paying attention, and attention returned to it. In the world battlefield.

Because they have reached 4-Star, they have been able to condense the source strength of Heaven on their own, without any gifts.

It is the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse under the 4-Star such as the Empress under the Moon, the Immortal Emperor of the Star Dome, the Immortal Emperor, and the Immortal Emperor Heiwu. They begin to stir one by one, with hope in their eyes. The color.

Different from the source strength of Heaven cultivated by the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse on the 4-Star attack, these can be used as the source of gift strength of Heaven, which can all be used for comprehension.

It is said that the strength of Heaven that can condense the gift must be at least 7-Star or even 8-Star Immortal Emperor, and it will cost a certain amount of Source Power.

For this reason, it is quite difficult for the Immortal Emperor under 3-Star to obtain the source strength of Heaven that can be used for enlightenment.

After all, no Immortal Emperor above 7-Star is willing to consume Source Power to help an Immortal Emperor under 3-Star as an insight, unless the Immortal Emperor under 3-Star gives enough temptation Big.

【The branch mission is opened, the host kills the emperor and kills the clan in the sea. Reward for task completion, one hundred and fifty drops of strength of Heaven]

At this moment, a system sound rang in Chu Bei's mind.

Chu Bei was taken aback for a moment, and after reacting, the corners of his mouth rose up with an arc.

Although he doesn't know why the system will kill the clan, he knows what it means to reward one hundred and fifty drops of strength of Heaven!

Three years ago, he used a hundred drops of strength of Heaven to defeat 6-Star Peak’s Chuangshi Yuanling.

As for what kind of terrifying power will erupt when using one hundred and fifty drops of the source strength of Heaven at the same time, Chu Bei is a little expectant and excited when he thinks about it.

Even more how, he can now use Level 22 products once, which is also his life-saving method.

At this moment, a streak of divine light struck across the round platform and appeared below the line of bloody characters. follow closely from behind, and there are several divine rainbows standing side by side with that divine rainbow.

Looking at it, at this moment, a total of nine Immortal Emperor Powerhouses appeared under the line of scarlet characters.

"Heiwu Immortal Emperor, Moon Empress, Yihuang Immortal Emperor, Star Dome Immortal Emperor, Floating Island Immortal Emperor, Caiqiong Immortal Emperor, Yunhe Immortal Emperor, Void Immortal Emperor and Gongdou Immortal Emperor!"

"Nine in total! All of them are Immortal Emperors under 3-Star!"

"They are all prepared to take over the will of the zero force and go to the emperor Will Luohai kill the clan?"

Heaven Above, after a number of cultivators recognized the identity of the nine Great Immortal emperors, they immediately started talking.


Above the Star Sea square, the line of scarlet characters in the sky suddenly trembled, and then nine scarlet beams enveloped the nine Great Immortal emperors.

But soon, these nine red light beams were condensed into a mark by the nine Great Immortal emperors, which were temporarily printed on between the eyebrows.

The Scarlet Mark, this is the mark that every mission of Force Zero will have. It does no harm to the tasker, it is just a symbol.

On the contrary, because of the scarlet mark, these people who accept the task often get some convenience. After all, in this chaotic universe, not many forces dare to ignore the zero force directly.

Even the Yuantian Pavilion, which is the number one in the emperor rank power list, has to give a certain amount of face when facing the zero power.

According to 100,000 years ago, Force Zero fell in love with an innate talent dísciple of Yuantian Pavilion and issued an order above the headquarters of Yuantian Pavilion. What shocked the world was that Yuantian Pavilion actually gave this innate talent dísciple to Force Zero.

Of course, the zero force is not a looting, but a transaction, and it also gives quite tempting rewards.

Although it is a transaction, it can also be used to see the terrifying of the zero force. After all, if there is no strength as a support, how dare to negotiate a deal with Yuantian Pavilion.

"Aren't you on? This is the strength of Heaven that can be understood! For you, that is a great opportunity." Immortal Emperor looked towards those who hadn't left beside him Immortal Emperor of 1-star.

"Don't talk about Emperor Luohai, just those who kill the clan, do you think this task is so easy? If you go, you may fall! I am still far from that hurdle, and there is no need to gamble." There is a 1-star Peak Immortal Emperor opening.

"Nine Immortal Emperors?"

On the square, a number of cultivators Powerhouse looked at the nine silhouettes in the sky. As they discussed, there was a new face under the big scarlet letters. Added a silhouette.

"Look! That's the master of All Heavens Store!"

"Does he also take on the mission of Force Zero and go to Emperor Luohai to destroy the clan?"

Looking at the silhouette of the purple robe that suddenly appeared, a group of Powerhouses recognized each other's identity and exclaimed.

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