Only hearing a crisp sound, the purple long sword in the hands of Emperor Heavenly Immortal has cracks on the blade, and it continues to spread, with a tendency to break apart. .


At the same time when the purple long sword cracked, the breath of Emperor Heavenly Immortal suddenly became disordered, and his face turned pale, with bright golden blood spewing in his mouth. .

At the same time, sword glow infiltrated from the barrier of Danger Land. When it swept through the emperor’s landing sea, the location of the landing directly made the emperor’s sea into a vacuum zone, and all the seawater was evaporated. .

Emperor Yan Heavenly Immortal quickly retracted his sword and immediately opened the distance from Chu Bei, his extremely ugly face with dignity and vigilance.

Immortal Emperors such as Moon, Yihuang, Xingqiong, Heiwu and so on in the same Danger Land looked at each other in blank dismay, and their expressions were a bit stiff and numb. On the other hand, Chu Bei in the battlefield stood quietly in the void, looking peaceful, as if nothing had happened.

But this is a personal witness, and the power of the terrifying sword that hasn't dissipated. All of this tells everyone that the previous battle has existed, not an illusion.

"That guy Yantian lost! He still lost on his best sword dao!"

"This result is really unexpected and surprising! We are still I underestimated the Lord of All Heavens Store!"

"Yes, who would have thought that even Yantian would lose to the other party!"

"It seems that I want We can't kill the spirit of the Lord of All Heavens Store."

The three Immortal Emperors, as representatives of Longquan Sect, Shendao Mountain, and Qiancang Island, stared at the battlefield in a daze.

Obviously, the result of this battle made them to be startled.

To be precise, not only the three of them, but all the imperial capital dumbfounded on the round platform, most of them have not yet come back to his senses, and there is always a look of shock on their faces.

"How could this happen." Wuji Immortal Emperor muttered to himself, seemingly unable to accept this result.

As a Battle Madman, he forced many Immortal Emperor Powerhouses to fight and grow in battle. At the beginning of the battle of forces, he originally wanted to discuss with this All Heavens Store Sect Master and give the other party a little bit of color. Clinker, the Emperor Heavenly Immortal started before him.

More importantly, Emperor Yan Heavenly Immortal was defeated! And it was defeated by sword dao!

In terms of strength, he is still weaker than Emperor Heavenly Immortal's sword. With that said, isn't he even more of an opponent of this All Heavens Store Sect Master!

"Brother Yuanling, wasn’t he still 7-Star Initial Phase three years ago? What's the matter? Don’t tell me, it only took three years for him to grow from a 7-Star Initial Phase. -Star Initial Phase Immortal Emperor has reached the point where it can defeat Yantian!" Promise Immortal Emperor looked towards Chuangshi Yuanling, his brows frowned slightly.

"Do you think that three years ago, I would only start with him after learning that he is the strength of 7-Star Initial Phase?"

Chuangshi Yuanling lightly snorted: "The origin of the owner of All Heavens Store is unknown, and the strength is even more a mystery! Remember, don't be fooled by his appearance. Maybe even what he shows now is still not his true strength!"

Hearing the words of Chuangshi Yuanling, the fighting intent of Chu Bei in the eyes of the Immortal Emperor of Promise has dimmed. The more you don’t understand, the more you have to be vigilant.


In the battlefield of Danger Land, Emperor Yan Heavenly Immortal stared at Chu Bei, seeming to want to say something, but Since he hasn't come back to his senses from the shock, he hasn't been able to say a complete sentence.

"Before this seat is out of the sword, you once said that if this seat is defeated, you will cut the cultivation of this seat."

Chu Bei left hand behind back behind, right hand Holding a five-color long sword, he looked at Emperor Yan Heavenly Immortal very calmly: "That seat is also to cut your cultivation and ruin you to the Emperor Artifact!"

Just as Chu Bei’s indifferent voice fell, His right hand was dancing with the five-color long sword, and he swung three swords in succession.

In an instant, three terrifying five-color sword glow moved towards the direction of Emperor Yan Heavenly Immortal.

Faced with these three five-color sword glows, Emperor Yan Heavenly Immortal had no time to think about it. He immediately took out the purple sword in his hand, one hundred and ten drops of strength of Heaven blessing, sweeping across three five-color sword glows. .

But when he was about to collide with the first five-color sword glow, the last two five-color sword glows suddenly disappeared and merged into the first sword glow.

Huo Ran, the three-in-one five-sword glow, on which the breath rises again.

Perceiving this sword glow that is clearly above it, he suddenly shrank Heavenly Immortal's eyes, but at this moment, he has no retreat at all.

Knowing that it is lost, I can only resist.


This time, perhaps because the purple long sword has cracks, the moment it intersects with the five-color sword glow, the cracks on the sword expand sharply, and then With a crisp sound, the sword body all shattered.

At the same moment, the one hundred and ten drops of strength of Heaven melted in the sword body were also destroyed by the five-color sword glow, and everything turned into nothingness.

chi chi chi ——

After that, the five-color sword glow strikes on Emperor Yan Heavenly Immortal's body, tearing every part of the latter.

The painful mournful scream swept through the battlefield, and the expression of Emperor Yan Heavenly Immortal became painful and distorted, as if suffering inhuman torture.

In the battlefield of Danger Land, the miserable and painful cry of Emperor Yan Heavenly Immortal spread, penetrated the barriers of Danger Land, drifted to the entire Emperor Falling Sea, and then spread to the vast realm of Chaos Heavens.

Heaven Above, countless cultivators listened to this stern sound, and then looked at the expression of Emperor Heavenly Immortal in the high-altitude battlefield projection, each of them squirmed their throats instinctively, and looked towards Chu Bei’s eyes again. The light is full of fear.

At this moment, accompanied by a sword cry, a drop-like object appeared on the tip of the five-color long sword in Chu Bei's hand.

"Look! That's the source strength of Heaven!"

"One drop, two drops, three drops, four drops, five drops...exactly one hundred and twenty drops!"

"My God! One hundred and twenty drops of strength of Heaven! Doesn't that mean that the owner of All Heavens Store has entered the realm of 8-Star!"

At this moment, all the cultivators of Heaven Above focused on the floating droplets of the five-color long sword in Chu Bei's hand, all around the sword body, all around their faces look of shock.

"Sure enough to enter 8-Star!"

"The owner of the All Heavens Store is so deep!"

I'm afraid to look at the whole Heaven Above, only the three guys who are still secluded cultivation, Longquan Sect, Shendao Mountain, and Qiancang Island, can defeat him.


Seeing the number of source strength of Heaven used by Chu Bei, on the round stage, the Immortal Emperors, such as Chuangshi Yuanling and Wuji, suddenly stood up, their eyes condensed.

Amidst the consternation of everyone, the battlefield of Emperor Yanhai Danger Land gradually calmed down, and the screaming cry from Emperor Yan Heavenly Immortal disappeared.

Although the five-color sword glow that penetrated into Emperor Heavenly Immortal's body, all disappeared, but under the ravages of this sword glow, Emperor Heavenly Immortal's breath became obviously weakened, and his power fluctuations dropped even more. Several orders.

At this moment, his breath fluctuation is not even as good as a 5-Star Immortal Emperor.

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