"The Lord of All Heavens Store must be unique. I can’t imagine that even the forces of Number Zero value you so much! In my memory, except for Yuan Apart from adults, you are the second person who refused the invitation of Force Zero and was unharmed."

Illusory’s voice sounded, and a silver-haired old man dressed in Yuantian Pavilion robes came to Chu Bei in front of.

This old man is the Hall Master of Yuantian Pavilion in Heaven Above Branch Pavilion, the emperor is Lan Hui, and an 8-Star Immortal Emperor Powerhouse.

"Could this All Heavens Store Sect Master reach the height of Yuan Emperor?" Hearing Lan Hui's Immortal Emperor's words, the Immortal Emperor Powerhouses on the round stage re-evaluated Chu Bei, obviously paying more and more attention Up.

Chu Bei moved towards 蓝辉 Immortal Emperor laughed, as a response, and then said: "This grand competition between dísciples is not over yet. I think you should focus your attention on the competition."

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse was silent for a while, and then stopped discussing Chu Bei, their eyes returned to the ten thousand world battlefield.


Battlefield #3.

In the Boundless Starry Sky, the rolling Star River with the power of time flows, and countless chaotic mountains rise and fall.

A flame-wrapped man wanders among the Star River. From time to time, terrifying Quasi-Immortal Emperor Powerhouse comes to attack and kill, but in the end they are suppressed and sent out of this world. battlefield.

Participants: Xiao Yan

Belonging to Dizhou: All Heavens Store Dizhou

Belonging to forces: All Heavens Store

Points: 8666

Rank: 1

The battlefield in the world: No. 00003

Xiao Yan glanced at the information in his palm, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and continued to step on Walk along Star River.

"Where did this guy emerge from?"

"Looking at his strength, it is definitely Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection!"

"A Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection, how come I have never heard of it before? It's like coming out of thin air, this shouldn't be."


No. 3 In the battlefield, some Quasi-Immortal Emperors of the 8th Heavenly Layer hid in the dark, watching Xiao Yan's back vigilantly, discussing spiritedly.


Battlefield 21.

"Fellow Daoist, you are so lucky to be the 300th person I met. Send you out, and my points will be over 500."

Infinite Star In the Sea, a man wearing a gray robe is holding his hands behind, seeming to fly aimlessly.

I saw a dazzling Star River spinning behind it, endless light atoms are continuously intertwined, and every atom contains incomparable terrifying energy.

At this moment, a Sixth Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor Powerhouse appeared in front of the gray robed man walking on the stars, his eyes seemed to be looking at the prey.

Chen Nan faintly glanced at the person in front of him, without saying anything, and patted it directly with a palm.

The moment Chen Nan sensed the fluctuation of Chen Nan's power, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor's face instantly changes on the Sixth Stage. He knew that he had kicked the iron plate, full of regret.

However, when he wanted to escape, he suddenly realized that his body had been imprisoned.

Looking at the huge giant palm condensed by bright light atoms getting closer and closer, and feeling the power in the palm, the pupils of the Sixth Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor shrank suddenly, and a sense of fear rose up. .

Fortunately, the weird energy from everywhere in this world battlefield immediately wrapped the gray robed man and took over the palm of Chen Nan for him.

After that, with a blast, the Sixth Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor was wrapped in that strange energy and disappeared.

At this moment, Chen Nan felt a warm feeling in his palm, and his points increased by 499.

Participants: Chen Nan

Belonging to Dizhou: All Heavens Store Dizhou

Belonging to forces: All Heavens Store

Points: 8700

Rank: 1

World battlefield: No. 00021


Not only Xiao Yan, Chen Nan , Tang San, Ye Fan, Shi Hao, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Drifting, Jin Chanzi, Ao Lie and the others, in the world battlefield where they are, the points also firmly dominate the first. As long as there is Powerhouse watching them, they will be blasted out of the world battlefield in no time.

As for Linley, Luo Feng, and Jun Moxie, due to the cultivation realm, even cautiously, they were eventually sent out of the world battlefield by other Powerhouses.

"Master, dísciple has humiliated you. Don't say the number one, even 1,000 people didn't get in." Linley and Luo Feng stood side by side in front of Chu Bei, with apologetic faces on their faces.

"Don’t care. Your cultivation time is still short, so I let you participate in the war this time, but I just want you to feel it." Chu Bei smiled at Linley Luo Feng and Jun Moxie and said:" The next time the forces fight, you will certainly not let down as a teacher."

Hearing this, Linley, Luo Feng, and the two looked at each other and heavily nodded: "By then, the Master’s high hopes will surely be lived up!"

"Fellow Daoist Chu, the two of them are also your Direct Disciple? It is far from the Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie." Chuang Shi Yuan Ling looked at Linley Luo Feng and looked at Chu Bei opened the mouth and said.

Chu Bei glanced at Chuang Shi Yuan Ling lightly, but laughed and did not respond.

Due to Chu Bei's reasons, other Immortal Emperor Powerhouses in the field couldn't help but look at Linley Luo Feng. After detecting their cultivation base, they stopped paying more attention, and their attention was renewed. Back to the world battlefield.

At this moment, if it is said that Hong Jun and Hunkun are in the world battlefields of 2021 and 1949 that have attracted the most attention.

Looking intently, besides Hong Jun and Hun Kun, there is no one else in the two world battlefields at this moment.

In other words, these two people have cleared all the opponents in their respective battlefields, and they are undoubtedly the first.

"This Hong Jun also has mixed kuns. It is indeed the Powerhouse that has stepped into the Immortal Emperor's realm! The battlefield has been emptied before the game is over!"

"Everything is As expected! After all, they are now Immortal Emperors. They can create a new imperial power at any time as long as they want."

"From the current point of view, among all dísciples, they are the only ones. The two are in the Immortal Emperor's realm!"

"But have you noticed that the number one in the battlefields No. 3, No. 21, No. 132, etc. looks very strange!"

"Yes, I also have this doubt. Judging from their strength, they have reached the realm of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection! But why have we never seen such a person?"

"These guys are supposed to be hidden by those emperor-level forces! When the results are announced at the end of the game, we will know which forces these guys are from."



Star Sea Square, a group of Powerhouses watched the world battlefield and talked.


As time passed, finally, a bell rang.

This means that the first round of the dísciples has ended.

The battlefield of ten thousand worlds collapsed. Among them, the Powerhouse was introduced into a brand new world, and the number was exactly ten thousand.

After a crowd of spectators scanned the 10,000 advanced Powerhouses, their gazes shifted to the host of Yuantian Pavilion Lan Hui Immortal Emperor.

"Everyone, this first round knock-out competition has ended. Next, the emperor will announce the first winners of the battlefields."

Under everyone's waiting , Lan Hui Immortal Emperor’s voice resounded throughout the Heaven Above, flooding every corner.

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