The other side.

Battlefield #4.

It was also Xiao Yan facing the Immortal Emperor. It was not so good either, with blood hanging on the corner of his mouth.

The raging flame that was originally shrouded outside the body has been mostly extinguished, and its power is obviously weakened to allow some.

"Sure enough, no matter how strong the Great Perfection is, it is far from being the opponent of the Immortal Emperor!"

"Not on the same level at all!"

"If it were me , This battle is no longer necessary. I just chose to surrender, and it’s just neat."

"Didn’t you find that All Heavens Store dísciple are really strong? It’s a pity that they have one difference with the other side. great realm!"

"In my opinion, even if Xiao Yan and Sun Wukong lose today, there is nothing. With their abilities, one day they will enter the Immortal Emperor realm! At that time, Only when they are stronger than Hong Jun and Hunkun can we know."


On the Star Sea Plaza, all Powerhouse’s eyes are on No. 4 and No. 5. On the battlefield.

When they witnessed the situation in the battlefield, one by one they spoke out.

Even the other battlefields that were fighting fiercely, since the No. 4 battlefield and the No. 5 battlefield, they have obviously slowed down their attack speed. Obviously, they are also very concerned about the situation in these two battlefields.

"Although the result is doomed, if it is us, I am afraid I will not give in." Ao Lie glanced at the sand monk opened the mouth and said.

"Of course! Only if you are defeated, how can you surrender?"

Drifting half-squinted, watching the situation on the 4th and 5th battlefields, allow appears in his eyes. some fighting intent.


On the round table.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, are you not ready to take action? Without your words, your two dísciples will probably be fighting forever. Although the Lanhui Immortal Emperor is there, your dísciple will not be at risk of death. But if they are seriously injured, it will take at least ten thousand years to recover. If it is really speaking of which, this is actually an unnecessary battle." The Empress under the Moon paced to Chu Bei's body, and a crisp voice sounded.

"They have already lost, it doesn't make sense."

Chuangshi Yuanling looked towards Chu Bei: "I'm not as good as you, but in training dísciple, I won."

Chu Bei glanced at the Empress under the Moon and the Chuangshi Yuanling one after another, and smiled indifferently: "The dísciple of this seat, this seat has not been worried, you can continue to watch the game."

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Chuang Shi Yuan Ling's face was slightly ugly, and he said: "If it is my dísciple, and hurt Sect Master dísciple, then Sect Master should not vent his hatred on me."

Chu Bei smiled knowingly, no longer paid attention to Chuangshi Yuanling, but stared at the dísciple in the battlefield, and at the same time, the divine sense moved and connected to the system panel.

At this moment, the ten people of Ye Fan, Chen Nan, Shi Hao, Tang San, Xiao Yan, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Jin Chanzi, Drifting and Ao Lie on the battlefield are Simultaneously tremble.

A familiar voice sounded in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the ten of them.

"Disciples, you have all achieved Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection, and you are still short of the real Immortal Emperor. Now, I will give you another opportunity for the teacher to make you truly Step into this realm! Of course, there is a time limit. During this time, the more you feel, the shorter time it will take to step into this realm."

Chu Bei calmly The voice echoed in the minds of ten people.

Not waiting for Ye Fan and Chen Nan to come back to his senses, I saw a ray of mysterious light in their Sea of ​​Consciousness.

next moment, the unusual form rises.


In the No. 4 battlefield.

Hong Jun has one hand behind his back, waving the other hand, casually hitting one after another attack.

But even so, under these seemingly inadvertent attacks, Xiao Yan is still retreating steadily, with more and more breath.

However, seeing another terrifying attack containing the power of the Immortal Emperor to strike Xiao Yan's body, a ray of bright light appeared inexplicably outside Xiao Yan's body.


With a piercing sound, Hong Jun’s attack fell on this shining light, as if a ray of flame had fallen into the sea and was instantly annihilated.


Hong Jun seems to have noticed the abnormality, staring at Xiao Yan, allowing some confusion between his eyebrows.

hong long long ——

Without waiting for Hong Jun to figure out the reason, the void above Xiao Yan's head began to stir, and an unusual form appeared.

"That...that is Immortal Emperor's robbery!"

"How is it possible!"

The crowd of Immortal Emperors on the round table looked at the top of Xiao Yan's head The void that had just rippled up, one by one changed their expressions.

long long long ——

Battlefield No. 4, far away in the star dome, weird ripples are scattered, and gorgeous rays of light appear.

In the rumbling sound, a violent and terrifying breath permeated, and then the flowers of the Emperor Dao fell like snowflakes, and red blood drops faintly appeared.

next moment, flames of various colors gush out from the gap, which is accompanied by mysterious rune, some rune with breath of life, and some seem to come from Nether Underworld, filled with death.

No matter the former or the latter, they all carry the power of Supreme's Immortal Emperor.

The flame is turbulent, accompanied by various mysterious Thunder Tribulation, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

With a loud noise, the area where Xiao Yan was located was instantly submerged.


After that, I just listened to Xiao Yan's shouting loudly, and then I saw that its silhouette became blurred and unrealistic. It resisted the fire sea lightning flash. Robbery.

"It's really Immortal Emperor Jie!"

"He took that step!"

"Ah! How did he do it!" "

"Could it be a breakthrough in the battle? It was Hong Jun who made him!"


In the Star Sea square, a group of Powerhouses and even Immortal Emperor, all eyes were on the vague silhouette of the battlefield fighting in the lightning flash on the fourth battlefield, his face was full of astonishment and surprise.

Hong Jun is on the side, and he didn't make any more moves. Like the Powerhouse in the square, he looked at Xiao Yan intently, browsing slightly wrinkle, and seemed to be thinking about something.

As time goes by, Yaoyao Star Dome becomes red, and the rumbling sound is deafening.

Silver snakes dance in a wild, lightning glow everywhere in the fire sea, like a bloody ocean. The Thunder Dragon with the power of the Immortal Emperor across the sky, not one, there are hundreds of them, and every lightning bolt is accompanied by a blooming Emperor Dao flower, dancing in the sky.

At this moment, Xiao Yan stood in the midst of Immortal Emperor's robbery, and his mouth kept making passionate shouts.

I stared at it and saw that the flame pill-shaped thing in his body was madly spinning, resisting the emperor's robbery, and at the same time madly absorbing the energy that could be used in it.

Xiao Yan punched out punch after punch, and strikes the thunder in the fire sea.

long long long ——

However, when everyone's attention was focused on Xiao Yan, Battlefield No. 5 also became riot.

"Look at the top of Sun Wukong!"

" could it be! Immortal Emperor Jie again!"

"Crazy! This has broken my cognition for hundreds of millions of years!"

"Is he also a breakthrough in battle!"


When seeing the energy ripples above Sun Wukong's head, the Immortal Emperor Powerhouses on the round table suddenly stood up, including Lan Hui Immortal Emperor, all showing incredible expressions.

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