Looking at Qiancang Immortal Emperor’s gaze, Lan Hui Immortal Emperor was stunned first, and then quickly understood the meaning of the former, and hurriedly said to the battlefield, "Fellow Daoist Chu , Qian Fellow Daoist Cang has conceded, so let’s stop here."

"I haven't heard him say this."

Chu Bei's mouth was joking. Smile, the frequency of attacks in his hands is getting faster.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Qiancang Immortal Emperor's complexion suddenly became difficult to look at. The other party clearly didn't give him a step down.

But in these short seconds of hesitation, the opponent's fierce attack hit him several times.

The strength of Heaven turned into the source of surging rivers, invading all over his body, tearing frantically.

"I lost this battle!"

"I surrender!"

Qiancang Immortal Emperor couldn't bear it no matter how hard he could bear, he looked at Chu Bei, An unwilling voice of majestic wafting from the battlefield, echoing in the entire Heaven Above.

Chu Bei held the five-color great cauldron, fiercely gave Qiancang Immortal Emperor a blow and then stopped, his eyes fell on Lan Hui Immortal Emperor's body.

When Lan Hui Immortal Emperor understood it, he announced: "All Heavens Store Sect Master vs. Qiancang Immortal Emperor, All Heavens Store Sect Master wins!"

"Next On the second battle, Qiancang Immortal Emperor was on the sidelines. On the first battlefield, the Hanying Immortal Emperor played against the Promise Immortal Emperor; on the second battlefield, the Heluo Immortal Emperor played against the All Heavens Store Sect Master."

"No need to fight, I give up."

Before Lan Hui Immortal Emperor announced the start of the second battle, the Heluo Immortal Emperor, who is the representative of Shinto Mountain, made a sound, and he chose to abstain.

For the decision of the Immortal Emperor in Heluo, the Powerhouses did not show any surprise.

In their opinion, the Immortal Emperor of Heluo made a wise choice.

After all, Imperial Capital is not the opponent of All Heavens Store Sect Master, let alone their 7-Star Immortal Emperor.

In the third battle, Longquanzong made the same choice on behalf of Hanying Immortal Emperor.

"Everyone, this means that the battle between the peak powerhouses of the various imperial powers has also resulted. All Heavens Store Sect Master ranks the strongest, followed by the Immortal Emperor, and the third is representing Longquan. Zong’s cold shadow Immortal Emperor."

"The end of the Peak Powerhouse battle also means the end of this imperial power ranking battle."

"After the comprehensive points ranking, I Announced, Heaven Above Number One Influence All Heavens Store, the second power Qiancangdao, the third power creating Immortal Sect, the fourth power Longquanzong, the fifth power Shendao Mountain..."

The edge of the round table, blue Hui Immortal Emperor glanced across the powerhouses on the Star Sea Square, with a smile on his mouth and a loud voice.

"Compared with the original ranking, it has changed a lot!"

"Yes, this All Heavens Store is a big dark horse! There are ten Immortal Emperor ranks in dísciple alone. ! All Heavens Store Sect Master is an 8-Star high-level, and All Heavens Store deserves to be the number one!"

"However, the Longquan Sect and the Shinto Mountain are due to the Longquan Immortal Emperor and the Shinto Immortal Emperor. Retreat will make the ranking drop. Otherwise, it should be second and third."

"As for the creation of Immortal Sect, there is Hong Jun Hunkun Chengdi, although the third place is not true, but it can be advanced. The rank of five."


Listening to the Lan Hui Immortal Emperor's announcement of the results of the rank war, a group of Powerhouses suddenly started talking and noisy.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

When the Lanhui Immortal Emperor announced the ranking, all the emperor states in the vast universe appeared above each city The Ranking List about Heaven Above Emperor-level forces.

"Look at it! The ranking is out!"

"All Heavens Store? It turned out to be the first! How could it be!"

"Longquanzong also Shinto Mountain is ranked third and fourth!"

"Who can tell me the details of the Heaven Above battle! Why did the All Heavens Store, which was just established in the past 100 years, suddenly become Number? One Influence!"


Besides God, the Powerhouses, which are of average strength in the various large domains, were first taken aback when they saw the Ranking List appearing high in the sky. When I saw the name of the force occupying the first place, my face was immediately shocked, with an expression of disbelief.


The chaotic universe can be divided into ten thousand areas.

Netherworld domain, although not the strongest nine domains, it is also among the hundred powerful domains. In this Nether Realm, the number of Immortal Emperors reached twenty-four.

One Yuan Emperor State, one of the twenty-four imperial states in the Nether Realm, this Immortal Emperor is called Yuan Emperor by the world.

Tianfeng Mountain, located in the center of Yiyuan Dizhou.

This is a mountain suspended in the star dome with dense forests.

Looking at it, all around the peak shrouded with Immortal Qi, and even the dense forest inside it becomes full of life.

"Master Yuan, Heaven Above’s ranking battle came out. This first place turned out to be the All Heavens Store! I just learned the news that this All Heavens Store Sect Master even defeated the Immortal Emperor, It is an 8-Star high-level Immortal Emperor!" A Quasi-Immortal Emperor Powerhouse appeared above Tianfeng Mountain with an extremely respectful expression.

"Unexpectedly, he has become so strong, how can I know from him the way to return to Origin Poe."

An illusory sighed. As soon as the Quasi-Immortal Emperor tone barely fell sounded, then a layer of void rippled, and a man in a white robe emerged.

The direction he looked towards the Star Sea Square seemed to have known all about the battle of forces before the Quasi-Immortal Emperor reported.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Chu."

The Empress of the Moon, Immortal Emperor of Yihuang, Immortal Emperor and the others came to Chu Bei one after another to express their congratulations.

Chu Bei moved towards Yuexia Empress and the others slightly nod to signal.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, Lord Yuandi just came to talk, if you have time, welcome to sit in the pavilion, Lord Yuandi has arranged meals for you." At this moment, Lan Hui Immortal The Emperor also appeared in front of Chu Bei.

"What? Lianyuan Imperial Capital invited Fellow Daoist Chu!"

"As far as I know, Longquan Immortal Emperor visited Yuantian Pavilion hundreds of millions of years ago and wanted to The Emperor Yuan gathered to discuss the Dao, but was rejected in the end. At the moment, the Longquan Immortal Emperor took the initiative to invite Fellow Daoist Chu to be a guest!"

"Don’t forget, the zero forces also reported to Fellow Daoist before. Chu sent out an invitation."

When I heard Lan Hui's Immortal Emperor, some Powerhouse was shocked, and some Powerhouse was relieved.

"Tell Yuandi, I will be a guest when I have time." Chu Bei said indifferently with a smile.

[Heaven Above Emperor-level forces battle, All Heavens Store won first place, host mission completed]

[Reward distribution: One hundred and fifty drops of strength of Heaven maintenance; two Baidiyuan strength of Heaven]

[New mission opens: The source instrument spectrum is about to appear, the host must get the source instrument spectrum. The area where the source instrument spectrum is currently located, Tianxu]

After Chu Bei responded to the Lan Hui Immortal Emperor, the system sound was heard in its Sea of ​​Consciousness.

At this time, Chu Bei noticed that the funnel in the source strength of Heaven interface on the system panel had changed.

Previously, the strength of Heaven, the source of one hundred and fifty drops, was a drop-like thing of Cham blue.

And when the quantity becomes two hundred drops of reward, the source strength of Heaven seems to have undergone a qualitative change, and the color turns to Golden Golden.

If it's not only used once, Chu Bei really wants to use this strength of Heaven now to see what is different.

After calming down, Chu Bei's attention returned to the new task.

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