Seeing the scene before him, Chu Bei frowned slightly. Although he didn't fully use the source strength of Heaven, the punch he just tried was at least 7-Star Immortal Emperor. Power.

"Interesting." Chu Bei whispered softly.

If the argument is true, even the 8-Star Immortal Imperial Capital cannot break the great spell, then let alone complete the task, this first hurdle will not be passed.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, the news released by the Tianxu, everyone knows it is a cover. Although there is no harmony between the Four Elephant Sect, Wuyafeng, and the Three Great Influences of Brahma Temple, there will be small frictions. But it’s absolutely impossible to break out of large-scale battles, let alone to block large areas. However, this great spell was sacrificed by all Immortal Emperors in the United Tianxu. We have tried it and it is difficult to enter." At this time, an illusory The emperor sounded.

Hearing the sound, Chu Bei's expression changed slightly. The speaker was at least 8-Star Intermediate Immortal Emperor Powerhouse!

"Fellow Daoist Chu, with you alone, it is absolutely impossible to break the great spell. Or, if we join forces, we may be able to give it a try."

" This method is good, but even if we work together to break the formation, I am afraid it will take some time."

"I just don’t know what happened in the ruins this day! Maybe our great spell hasn’t broken yet, it’s on its own. Then it's unlocked."


There are several Immortal Emperor sounds from different regions.

Just as Chu Bei was about to respond, the system panel in its Sea of ​​Consciousness buzzed.

Next moment, Chu Bei only feels like an unknown mysterious force has been injected into his body, and his body gradually becomes more transparent.

Inexplicably, Chu Bei suddenly felt like he had reached an incomparable degree with the great spell power of Tianxu.

Subconsciously, Chu Bei moved towards the mask brought by the great spell.

chi chi chi ——

In the strange sound that seemed to be burning, Chu Bei's semi-transparent body began to pass through the mask until it disappeared.

"Did you see it? All Heavens Store Sect Master is in!"

"How is it possible? How did he do it!"

"The same 8-Star Immortal Emperor, Minbei Immortal Emperor, but I tried various methods and couldn’t enter, but All Heavens Store Sect Master entered so easily, as if for him, this great spell doesn’t exist. "

After Chu Bei successfully entered the Tianxu, all around Powerhouse was stunned first, and then exclaimed and surprised.

"Really deserves to be All Heavens Store Sect Master!"

"No wonder you can be invited by Force Zero and Gen Emperor!"

"Yes We can’t understand these methods alone, they are too mysterious."

At the same time, the Immortal Emperors of the various fields also heard sounds of surprise.


Meteor corpse mountain range, located in the corpse Ghost Emperor state in the South Region of Tianxu West.

Due to the terrain, the Yin Qi here is extremely heavy, and the Yin Qi is heavily mixed with Corpse Qi.

As the name suggests, this mountain range of fallen corpses is a strange mountain range composed of tombs.

There are rumors that countless Powerhouses are buried in this mountain range, including Immortal King Level, Quasi-Immortal Emperor, and even Immortal Emperor!

Because the wavy Corpse Qi of this mountain range is extremely heavy, this mountain range is almost hard to find a silhouette. But if there is a Powerhouse to investigate here carefully, you will find that there is another mystery in this forest.

These trees surrounded by Corpse Qi formed a great spell with each other, and the center of the great spell is actually a spatial barrier leading to the other side of the Small World.

Suddenly, a ripple appeared in the sky above the mountain, and a silhouette appeared from the ripple.

As soon as this fallen corpse fell in the mountain range, Chu Bei noticed the anomaly, but within a few breaths, he found the entrance to the Small World.

After hesitating a little, Chu Bei passed through the space barrier after changing his appearance.

When you come to this Small World, you can see a very high and steep slope.

At the end of the slope is a huge valley surrounded by mountains. Within the valley, a huge black temple is like a creeping Great Desolate ominous beast, hidden in the gloom, filled with a A chilling terrifying breath.

In the depths of the black giant hall, there is a huge square.

On the square, black stone pillars stand straight into the star dome.

Each stone pillar is covered with countless weird runes, and black chains extend from the stone pillars to cross the in midair that outlines the square.

At the end of these chains, they are all restrained one after another silhouette, each with an expression of pain, seems to be suffering some kind of unbearable torture.

At this moment, if the cry of pain is the most miserable than the wailing from the center of the square.

I saw a huge Eight Trigrams Furnace suspended in the central area. The furnace has octagonal corners, and each corner is engraved with a different Divine Beast pattern. The dots of pitch black rune are faintly visible, releasing a scalp tingling quiet. Light.

The saddest wailing came from the furnace cauldron. I looked at it. Although it looked like a furnace of refining pills, it was not a pill, but a living person.

This is a middle-aged man whose whole body is restrained by the weird rune, and nine different flames continue to burn on his body.

Struggling body, distorted expression, and even faintly visible that its Divine Soul is slowly detaching from its physical body.


"You said what mistakes Lord Kuhe made, the emperor actually wanted to treat him like this!"

"This is not It’s our business, don’t ask too much, just complete what the emperor explained."

"Could it be related to the blockade of the Tianxu?"

"What the hell is the outside world?" What's wrong! Even the emperor has left."


The furnace is all around, the ten figures stand in order, each in one position, and the whole body is filled with immortal strength. Inside the furnace.

Judging from their breath fluctuations, they all like the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Powerhouse on the 7th Heavenly Layer!

"Hengwu, you invited me to join your power three times back then. Now, you treat me like this!"

In the furnace, the middle-aged man yelled, There was a strong unwillingness in the roar, and hatred in his eyes.

When the roar fell, the middle-aged man made a painful decision and stopped making any resistance. Instead, he absorbed the nine-color flame in the furnace by himself.

In an instant, his body began to swell.

"Not good! Lord Kuhe wants to self-destruct the origin!"

"Hurry up and stop him! The emperor warned him not to let him die!"

"No! It's too late!"

Ten eight figures noticed an abnormality in the furnace, their complexion changed abruptly, and they hurriedly changed the knots in their hands, looking very panic.

"If you are lucky enough to undying into reincarnation, after hundreds of millions of years, I will come back!" The middle-aged man's resentful voice floated in the square.

However, seeing that his body and Divine Soul were on the verge of collapse and were about to explode, a ray of external force came to suppress it.

"Master Kuhe's power has been suppressed!"

"Very good! Take the opportunity to strengthen the seal!"

"Who is this helping? We!"

The middle-aged man in the furnace was prevented from destroying the Taoist body, and the ten eight figures immediately showed joy, but when they hurriedly moved towards the furnace to seal the layers, a His face became hard to look.

Because they suddenly discovered that not only the seal they just hit could not fall on Ku He, but the seal that the emperor had hit on Ku He also disappeared.

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