I saw the direction of Kuhe’s fingers, a blood-colored stone mountain covered by a rippling film became faintly discernible.

Look intently, there is no forest in the mountain, and no ominous beast can be seen. Above the circular mountain pass is the so-called Emperor Bao.

As for Yamaguchi all around, there are countless powerful silhouettes. Even the weakest of these silhouettes has entered the Immortal King Sixth Stage, among which Quasi-Immortal Emperor Powerhouse Take up half of it.

It can be said that the entire Peak Powerhouse of Tianxu is gathered around the blood Nether Mountain.

Of course, these Powerhouses can be divided into nearly a hundred forces from the perspective of their clothes.

Some Powerhouses wear a white Tiger with a bloody mouth on the back, some Powerhouses have a fierce long sword printed on the chest, and some Powerhouses are on the back There is a crimson Divine Dragon pattern printed on it, and some Powerhouses have an ancient mammoth pattern with a tortoise shell printed on the back, have nothing common with each other.

Among these nearly a hundred forces, five of them are the most eye-catching.

In this Five Great Influences, in addition to the founder whose breath still surpasses the Immortal Emperor, there are also other high-star Immortal Emperor Powerhouses.

"Sir Immortal Emperor, you should have a good understanding of Tianxu. The Four Elephant Sect, Wuya Peak, Brahma Temple, Three Finger Immortal Sect or Minghai Valley is the Tianxu's strongest Five Great Influences. Especially. He is the former master of Three Great Influences, and it is said that he has reached 8-Star Peak and is only one step away from the nine-star realm!" Ku He reached out and pointed to the direction of Five Great Influences, and said to Chu Bei.

Chu Bei faintly glanced at the bitter lotus, without any response, silently hiding in the army of one force, paying attention to the movement of the blood purple light group above the mountain pass, and waiting quietly.

"Sir Immortal Emperor, are you waiting for the opportunity to shoot?"

The bitter lotus came to Chu Bei's side again: "Sir Immortal Emperor, the ruins of this day are no longer tolerable I’m here, can I join your power?"

"No matter how much you talk, I don’t mind making you never open your mouth."

Listen to chirp chirp twitter twitter Chu Bei's expression came down heavy, and the killing intent appeared in his eyes.

Hearing the sound, Kuhe immediately closed his mouth and said nothing more.

"What do you think this will be? It can withstand our attack!" A voice came from the direction of the second Great Influence Wuyafeng in Tianxu.

The person who speaks is a lanky old man who looks like a javelin, and his beard and hair are dark green.

He stood there quietly, and his whole person gave a illusory feeling, like a phantom.

The name of the old man, Wuya, is the Peak Master of Wuyafeng, the second Powerhouse in Tianxu.

"There is no record of it. Perhaps it will only be known when it is fully present."

The position of Burning Tian Temple, with a bald head and a dazzling Dharma manifestation behind it.

The fat old man responded. He is the abbot of Fentian Temple and the third Powerhouse in Tianxu.

"Do you think the guys outside, they will believe our excuses?"

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man wearing a red robe, only to meet him There is no expression, or the expression on his face is completely stiff, and his cheeks are sunken.

But if you look closely, you can find that the three fingers of the right hand have terrifying energy fluctuations. It is exactly the three-finger Immortal Emperor, and also the lord of this Fangdizhou, the fourth Powerhouse in the Tianxu.

"Even if the Emperor Yuan made the move, it was impossible to cut open the seal in a short time. When the seal broke, we had already obtained this thing. As for their excuses that believe or not us, it is no longer important. "

At this moment, an old man with silver hair and goatee said.

He squinted half his eyes and fixed his gaze on the blood purple light cluster above the blood Nether Mountain. It is the Sect Master of the Four Elephant Sect, and also the most Powerhouse in this Tian Ruins, the existence of the Ranked Sixth of the Immortal Emperor in the entire chaotic universe!


Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound from the blood purple light group above the mountain pass.

"It moved, it moved!"

"Dibao's rays of light are fading, and I can see it faintly!"

"A brick ?"

"Dibao turned out to be a brick!"

Gradually, the purple rays of light disappeared, revealing the appearance of the things inside. But just seeing the appearance of the object, the blood Nether Mountain all around a group of Powerhouse eyes shrank, could not help but exclaim.

Even the Sect Master of the Four Elephant Sects, Immortal Emperor Wuya, Immortal Emperor and the others three-fingered Immortal Emperor and the others, the expressions have allowed some strange expressions. They looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

The so-called Dibao turned out to be a pitch-black stone brick!

"There must be weird!"

The Four Elephant Sect Sect Master frowned, after the voice fell, he reached out and moved towards the black brick and grabbed it.

hong long!

However, when the big hand of the Sect Master of the Four Elephant Sect was about to fall on the black brick, a mask was put on the surface of the black brick, which actually blocked it. That big hand.

With a muffled sound, the mysterious force on the mask actually bounced the big hand back.

[The source device is born, the host must get it]

At this time, the system sound once again sounded from Chu Bei's mind.

"What kind of power is that! It was the Immortal Emperor who shot the four elephants!"

"The Powerhouse of the Tianxu! A existence that is infinitely close to the nine stars! It is even connected! He can't even get that brick!"

"From this point of view, this brick is definitely a Dibao! And it is a gem among Dibao!"


Seeing the big hand of the Immortal Emperor of the four elephants being back shocked, the expressions of the Powerhouses became more and more stunned, and they exclaimed.

"Let's take it together, take it down, and wait until we have thoroughly studied it together before deciding where it belongs!" Sixiang Immortal Emperor glanced across other Immortal Emperor Powerhouses.


Because these Immortal Emperor Powerhouses had previously learned the terrifying defense of the blood purple light group respectively, for this reason, the four elephants Immortal Emperor responded nodded as soon as they spoke.

long long long ——

next moment, blood Nether Mountain all around dozens of Immortal Emperor breath bursts, including the four elephants Immortal Emperor, a total of 61 Immortal Emperors At the same time shot.

In the rumbling sound, only sixty-one terrifying beams carrying the power of the Immortal Emperor hit the barrier outside the pitch-black stone brick from all directions, and many of them contained active strength of heaven attacks.

"Damn it! It's so strong!"

Looking at the light shield that unites all the power of the Immortal Emperor, but there is still no broken light mask, there is the sound of the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse.

"Maybe this thing is the blessing of my Tianxu!"

Immortal Emperor of the four elephants said: "Before the great spell is broken, we must get this treasure! Wait outside When those guys come in, I am afraid that this Emperor Treasure is not the Tianxu."

"Sir Immortal Emperor, have you seen it? All Immortal Emperors in the Tianxu are coming out, so why can't that Emperor Treasure come out? terrifying." Kuhe pointed his finger at the pitch-black stone brick, and at the same time turned his head towards Chu Bei.

Chu Bei still ignored the Kuhe, his attention was completely focused on the black brick.

In determining that this black brick is the source instrument spectrum required by the system, his heart is also complicated. As he thought, since the score should be in the sheepskin scroll or book, the clinker turned out to be a big black brick.

"You guys will also do it together!"

At this time, the four elephants Immortal Emperor moved towards the Powerhouse under the Immortal Emperor issued an order.

Hearing the sound, the blood Nether Mountain all around other Powerhouses did not dare to hesitate, and immediately gathered the strongest power and fell on the light mask outside the pitch-black stone bricks.

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