"It's magical."

Looking at the ten exquisite square boxes on the disc, Hu Gan couldn’t help but send out even though he had learned something from Xiao Yan. Sigh with emotion.

"This is the turntable I chose for you about increasing cultivation base. As for how many times you can transfer the baby you want, it depends on your own luck."

Chu Bei calmly looked at Hu Gan: "Turn once, 2000000 Gold Coin. Small business, no bargaining."


Although he is mentally prepared, my dear Hearing this price, Hu Gan couldn't help being sucked in a cold breath.

Fortunately, over the years, he has accumulated a lot of wealth, otherwise he can only sigh helplessly.

"Ten first."

Just as Hu Gan took out 20 million from the Storage Ring, a vortex appeared in the center of the disk, instantly engulfing Gold Coin.

[system gets 200,000 Force of Desire Value, and backfeeds the host gets 100000 Force of Desire Value]

The system sound then sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

next moment.

The pointer spins like crazy.

Hu Gan looked expectant.


The sound played crisply.

Ten square boxes flew out one after another and lined up in front of Hu Gan.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the square box exploded.

Thank you eight for your patronage, one Tier Seven spirit plant and one Level 6 Fire Element Magic Beast magic beast core.

Hu Gan took the spirit plant and magic beast core, and after judging their value, a touch of loss flashed in his eyes.

Although these two are also treasures, they are not worth 20 million Gold Coins.

"Master Headmaster, you only have one set, don't be discouraged." Xiao Yan comforted.

"Boss Chu, one more set."

After Hu Gan glanced at Xiao Yan, he took out another 20 million with some dismay.

40 million is already 80% of his savings.

[System gets 200000Force of Desire Value, and backfeeds the host gets 100000Force of Desire Value]

[The amount sold by the host today has reached the upper limit]

The system starts with audio Later, a similar scene was staged.

Ten square boxes exploded.

This time, there are nine thank you for your patronage.

However, the only box with treasures opened out was a Golden Medicinal Pill the size of a pigeon egg.

Dan incense sticks inside but does not overflow, and the surface floats with gorgeous halo, which shows the extraordinary quality.

"Boss Chu, is this?"

Hu Gan cautiously took over the Golden Medicinal Pill, looking a little worried.

"Don't you want to step into Dou Zong?"

Chu Bei laughed towards Hu Gan and said: "It is enough."

" Really...really?!"

Hu Gan swallowed his throat, his excited hands trembled a little.

“This pill is called Comprehending Emptiness Pill and is taken by Jiuxing Dou Huang and can directly break through Dou Zong environment.” Chu Bei added.

I have to say that Hu Gan's luck is still overwhelming. Only the second group has opened a real deal Level 8 product.

Listening to Chu Bei's words, Hu Gan pinched the Medicinal Pill and threw it into his mouth, swallowing it down.


Hu Gan's whole body becomes transparent, releasing mysterious rays of light.

The air in the room made a harsh rubbing sound, followed by a bang, and the whole room seemed to be blown up by an invisible force, and rubble flew across it.

Feeling the surging power in his body, Hu Gan slowly closed his eyes.


With a loud bang, the energy of Heaven and Earth violently fluctuates in a space with a diameter of 100 meters centered on Hu Gan.

These Heaven and Earth energies began to rush towards Hu Gan frantically as if they were being pulled.

"What sound!"

"What happened!"

In the distance, two Outer Academy veterans immediately noticed the sudden anomaly and rose into the air .

"In that direction!"

"This energy fluctuation, can it be said that someone is advancing to Dou Zong!"

"It should not be Old Man Hu, right?"

"Impossible! He has stayed at Peak Dou Huang for decades. In my opinion, he has made an impossible breakthrough in his life."

" Who is it?"

"Just go and see."


As the two veterans talk and start, the energy above Hu Gan The shock became more intense.

Gradually, these energies began to wrap Hu Gan regularly, and the colors began to appear colorful.

long long long ——

With the passage of time, more and more energy gathered in Hu Gan all around, and the rumbling sound became more and more deafening.

"It turned out to be Old Man Hu!"

"Is he getting any chance!"

The two veterans of Outer Academy arrived, and should recognize When I walked out of that silhouette in the energy storm, I looked incredible.

Because of the great movement, the dísciple not far away also gathered.

"Master Deputy Headmaster is a breakthrough!"

"Haha, it's really good!"

"We at Jia Nan Academy need another Dou Zong Powerhouse is here!"

The crowd cheered.

Hu Jia's eyes flashed with tears, and she wept with joy.

On this day, she grandfather has been looking forward to it for decades, and finally it has arrived!

Under the countless line of sight, the violent energy between Heaven and Earth slowly poured into Hu Gan's body.

When a balance point is reached, there is another loud noise.

A huge beam of energy rises into the sky from Hu Gan's body.

At the same time, a terrifying power that is heart-pounding spreads with the majestic Dou Qi.

Hu Gan shouting loudly, like arousing the energy of Heaven and Earth, its surrounding space is slowly distorted, one after another crack is like the rapid spread of a spider web, and the deafening sound of breaking through the sky is continuous.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Gan opened his eyes, and lightly stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet and rose into the air.

Without the wings of Dou Qi, but still walking in the void!

"Is this Dou Zong..."

"It's so wonderful!"

Hu Gan laughed up to the sky, the stature hasn't moved, but it's diffuse The majestic imposing manner that came out was like a sword that opened the sky, piercing the endless sky above the head.

"Boss Chu, watching the customer's joy from the heart because of the cultivation base breakthrough, do you always have a sense of satisfaction?"

Perceive the inadvertent rise of Chu Bei The corner of the mouth, Xiao Yan opened the mouth and said.

Chu Bei shook the head: "This is because I have one more diehard fan."

If you look at the entire Dou Qi Continent, Dou Zong is the real dividing line .

Only when you step into this realm can you truly have the conditions to break into the continent.

"Old Man Hu, congratulations!"

"I don't believe you are a sudden enlightenment, you should have hit a big opportunity."

"Why don't you tell us. Let us two old fellows, go one step further."

The two veterans of Outer Academy flew to Hu Gan's side and opened the mouth and said one after another.

"Each of you borrowed 50 million from me, I will tell you this opportunity. Moreover, this opportunity also applies to you." Hu Gan pretends to be Profound Void.

"50 million? That's almost all of my savings over the years! Why are you suddenly asking for so much money? Are you going to participate in the auction?" A senior veteran was shocked.

"Don't talk nonsense! Just ask if you borrow it? If you don't borrow, you can't blame me for missing this opportunity." Hu Gan hehe said.

The two veterans looked at each other, and after hesitating for a while, they threw a Storage Ring to Hu Gan at the same time.

After counting the number, Hu Gan leaned to the ears of the two of them, lowered his voice and said a few words, moved towards Chu Bei and flew away.

After hearing what Hu Gan said, the two veterans couldn't help but twitched the corners of their mouths, and their complexions suddenly turned into pig liver color.

When their gaze shifted to Chu Bei, they were filled with disbelief at the same time as they were filled with suspicion.

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