"You are not dead! You really are not dead!"

"It's very good!"

"Say it! The source spectrum Where! Hand it over!"

Heaven Gathering Clan's two Immortal Emperors stared at Chu Bei, first stunned, and after the reflection, their faces were full of joy. This excitement faintly exceeds the joy of the people in All Heavens Store.

"Before you had the advantage in terms of numbers, now Fellow Daoist Wu is back, he and me, do you think there is still an advantage?" Yuandi's voice was cold, moved towards Heaven Gathering Clan, two nine-star Immortal Emperor coldly snorted.

"You can help me."

Chu Bei tilted his head and looked towards Yuandi holding cup one fist in the other hand. After falling down with a grateful voice, he stuck out his finger and pointed Heaven Gathering Clan’s two nine-star Immortal Emperors: "Next, the source Fellow Daoist can watch, and you can leave them to me."

Chu Bei’s calm voice penetrated the battlefield for an instant. Resound throughout the entire chaotic universe.

"What does All Heavens Store Sect Master mean? Does he want to deal with the two nine-star Immortal Emperors of Heaven Gathering Clan alone!"

"Nine-star realm, already Immortal Emperor The end is over! No matter how strong All Heavens Store Sect Master is, it is just this realm. Is he a bit too underestimate Heaven Gathering Clan's two Immortal Emperors?"

"Don't worry! Since the source emperor is already If the All Heavens Store Sect Master fails, he will definitely take the shot immediately."

"Yes, Yuandi has already offended Yuantian Pavilion for All Heavens Store! Now, they are also in one. The battle line is now."


Hearing Chu Bei's words, countless Powerhouses, including all Immortal Emperors, were suddenly startled, and their faces were full of surprise and consternation.

"Brother Dao, don't the two of them..."

Yuandi looked towards Chu Bei, and the latter waved to interrupt him before he finished speaking. Upon seeing this, Emperor Yuan didn't say any more, but his power still did not decay at all, and he always maintained a state of fighting at any time.

"It's really arrogant!"

"I can't think of our Tianluo clan still being underestimated."

Two nine stars of Heaven Gathering Clan The Immortal Emperor looked at each other, and then stepped out at the same time, the body all around was enveloped by the Golden Origin strength of Heaven.

hong long!

With a loud noise, a new world battlefield instantly replaced the original world battlefield. Different from the previous battlefield, this brand-new battlefield is full of Can Golden's law rune, and each rune carries the majestic Gentian breath.

Two terrifying powers of Immortal Emperor shot out from the two nine-star Immortal Emperors of Heaven Gathering Clan, and swept the entire battlefield in a flash.

Feeling this might of Heaven, Lan Hui Immortal Emperor's complexion instantly sank, and immediately left the battlefield.

Heaven Gathering Clan's 8-Star Immortal Emperor is the same. Even though they are already extremely powerful, they can still feel an oppression that suffocates them in the current battlefield of this World.

After the formation of the new world battlefield, the two Immortal Emperors of Heaven Gathering Clan didn't have any words. They only heard a roar, and both hands bloomed with a brilliant divine glow at the same time.

Next moment, I saw the bodies of the two people all around. The void containing the energy fluctuations of the source strength of Heaven was stirred, and two Golden rivers transformed by the source strength of Heaven rushed under their feet.


Heaven Gathering Clan two Great Immortal emperors simultaneously appeared in the hands of a weird weapon, its appearance is not very weird, but they are all wrapped in the heart-palpiting Golden Origin strength of Heaven.

very terrifying breath! "

At this moment, the eyes of all the Immortal Emperor Powerhouses in the Great Chaos Realm are focused on the Emperor Artifact in the hands of the Heaven Gathering Clan two Great Immortal emperors. The blessing with the strength of Heaven from the Golden Origin, its majesty The energy is far beyond what the ordinary Emperor Artifact can compare.

The Emperor Yuan has a faint look, and saw his right hand waved, and the bright emperor light wrapped it and unloaded the Heaven Gathering Clan and the Great Immortal. The pressure of the Emperor Artifact.

As for Chu Bei, who was also on the battlefield, he did not do anything, with his hands behind his back, without any expression on his face, facing the two fierce Emperor Artifacts. The majesty.


With a roar, the battlefield trembles.

Heaven Gathering Clan, two nine-star Immortal Emperors holding the Emperor Artifact at the same time, shot them separately from Kill Chu Bei in different directions.

In an instant, a golden energy storm blew up in the center of the battlefield, which was filled with the strength of Heaven, terrifying.

During the storm, two Heaven Gathering Clan statues Immortal Emperor appeared in front of Chu Bei, each Emperor Artifact contained Supreme divine might.

Yuan Emperor frowned, his right hand flipped, and a seven-inch dagger appeared in his palm, all around shrouded Golden River, Ready to take action at any time.

The crowd watching the Powerhouse below are holding their breath. Although the battle in the upper battlefield is not gorgeous, they know that this already represents the horrible showdown of Dao Path pinnacle. !

Even if they are stronger than them, if you stray into the battlefield, you will be struck by the aftermath in the void in an instant.

Xuanyuan Immortal Emperor, Return to Origin Immortal Emperor, etc. are also the same. Stepping into the nine-star realm, staring at the silhouette of the two Tianluo in the battlefield, his expression is a bit heavy.

Heaven Gathering Clan's two nine-star Immortal Emperors, although they have different emperor ways, they are complementary to each other. The two Emperor Artifacts are intertwined and shot together. The divine might is not a simple one plus one, but a multiplier explosion.

If it is the people who are fighting with them in the field, it is them, they are not sure that they will be able to safely take on such a combined attack.

However, under their gaze, they saw the Emperor Artifact of Heaven Gathering Clan's two nine-star Immortal Emperors carrying the Golden Genstrength of Heaven on Chu Bei’s body. The body suddenly became transparent.

Next moment, with itself as the center, a ripple moved towards all around spreads out, forming a large square space.

The square space envelops the two nine-star Immortal Emperors of Heaven Gathering Clan.

For an instant.

With a loud bang, I saw the golden source strength of Heaven of the two nine-star Immortal Emperor all around collapsed, like a thin layer of ice was punched to pieces and turned into countless pieces.

Seeing this scene, not only the countless Powerhouses watching the battle below, even the Gen Emperor who was also on the battlefield was also taken aback, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

But before they could react, the originally transparent rippling square space formed with Chu Bei as the center was suddenly flooded with Golden liquid.

At this moment, the Emperor Artifact of Heaven Gathering Clan and the two nine-star Immortal Emperors left their hands and struck each other as if they were uncontrolled.


With a clear sound, the two Great Evidence Emperor Artifacts broke into two halves at the same time because of the squeezing of the Golden liquid in this space or the energy impact between them.

In an instant, the two nine-star Immortal Emperors of Heaven Gathering Clan turned pale, and blood spurted from their mouths.

But before their Immortal Emperor blood released terrifying power, they were purified by the Golden droplets in this space.

At this moment, in the huge strange space, there are only three people, Chu Bei and the Great Immortal Emperor Tianluo.

But in this weird space, Chu Bei is like a Sovereign, and the latter, no matter how strong it is, has become a knife for anyone to slaughter.

No matter how the two nine-star Immortal Emperors of Tianluo condense the Golden Origin strength of Heaven, when they just took shape, they inexplicably melted into this space.

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