Although Sacred Domain is extremely mysterious, Powerhouse in its domain has also used some methods outside. This trapped element cage is a well-known one.

"Chu Bei, I will go out in a while, why don't you check with him? Just use the knife your teacher gave you." Xia Hanyan pulled Chu Bei's arm and pointed again Han Yang suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Chu Bei rolled the eyes, and then looked at Xia Hanyan like an idiot, not knowing what was thinking in his mind.

What's the point of doing this bad thing?

In the air, the appearance of the trapped element cage seemed to completely anger the Illusory Territory seeds.

Perhaps in response to the opponent's provocation, the Illusory Territory seed actually learned Han Yang's sword, and it was divided into nine, and then they turned quickly in a circle.

At the same time, the skyrocketing red light glow intertwined with the silver streamer in the cage, piercing the ears endlessly.

"bang bang bang!"

In just a few tens of seconds, the gray prison layer one foot thick was shattered and turned into countless pieces of gray light.

Han Yang, who was always calm, was finally moved and his expression became serious.

next moment, only see his right hand moves, long sword back to his hand.

"In the beginning, God is hidden!"

As soon as he shouted, Han Yang held a long sword and danced in an orderly manner.

Every time the long sword is swung, a huge imposing manner will condense on the tip of the sword.

This imposing manner keeps accumulating until Golden's sword glow shines like the sun.

"What a monster!"

Zhu Yi, Quan Guang, and Xie Hong looked at the dancing silhouette of Han Yang dumbfounded. At this moment, they finally understood that each other's elders dared to say that he was'invincible under the Martial King'.

The other party can afford this statement!

In the early days of the gods, only the swordsmanship of each generation in Sacred Domain can be cultivation, and the difficulty of cultivation is extremely high. Even among the descendants of the past, there are very few people who can be trained.

The reason why Sacred Domain’s Taichu Shenyin has such a high reputation is just like when this move was born, that generation of Holy Son used the 4-Star military commander’s cultivation base to surpass seven small realms. Killed a 2-Star Martial King!

Chu Bei re-examined Han Yang, and I have to say that the other party does have a cultivation talent without a system. In particular, this trick of'Tianchu Shenyin', and the'Seven Demon Swords Against Heaven', differs routes to the same destination in artistic conception.

As the number of long sword dances in Han Yang's hand is superimposed, there are more and more golden glows at the tip of the sword. When the sword's strength climbs to Peak, the sword glow is intertwined into a Qilin like gold casting. .

In the sound of sword chants, the yellow Golden Qilin made of sword glow rushed straight towards the Illusory Territory seed at lightning speed.

weng weng weng!

The Illusory Territory seed seemed to perceive the crisis, and after making a weird trembling sound, his body shook violently.

At this moment, the lava riot in the lower crater rose up. I saw the billowing lava as if under control, frantically pouring into the fist sized Illusory Territory seeds.

In an instant, the seed with its dark gray outer shell became crimson. Then, like a shooting star, draw shatter void to meet Huang Golden Qilin.


The collision places, like fireworks blooming, are extremely gorgeous.

The aftermath of horror swelled like ocean waves, shaking the air with chi chi.

I saw the yellow Golden Qilin intertwined with sword glow unwillingly open his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and then twisted until it turned into a rain of light and dissipated in the sky.

After destroying Huang Golden Qilin, the Illusory Territory seed does not seem to be going to let Han Yang go. With a squeak, a hole through the void appeared in front of the latter.

Han Yang eyes shrank, without any hesitation, immediately put his long sword across his chest.

With a crisp clang, a slender gap appeared in the sword body. And under this huge reaction force, Han Yang's body also shot to the ground like a cannonball.

Maybe it was for the sake of face, or to prevent his back from landing on the ground, when he was about to hit the ground, I saw Han Yang turning over like a carp, and at the same time a sword qi waved out. With the front and back forces opposing each other, Han Yang struggling to stand upright on the ground.

When he looked up again towards the Illusory Territory seed, his expression became extremely solemn, as if he was facing an unprecedented opponent.

"Is there no way for Shenyin to use it in the early days?"

"As far as the power it just hit, it must be the 6-Star Martial King. ."

"Is it really a trip for nothing? Is there no way to get it?"

"Or else go back separately and see Sect Master. How to say it."


Quan Guang, Zhu Yi, and Xie Hong looked at each other in blank dismay, sighing again and again, with a helpless expression on their faces.

"Chu Bei, why don't you try it? The Illusory Territory seed is right in front of you. If we get it and feed it, we will have another Illusory Territory."


Xia Hanyan shook Chu Bei's arm, his eyes lit up, "And I dare to conclude that the level of this Illusory Territory is definitely higher than that of Ziyun Illusory Territory. With this Illusory Territory, my sect is at least capable Raise two levels."

"Four of them are not good, do you think I can do it?" Chu Bei shrugged asked rhetorically.

"Didn't you have a teacher behind you? He didn't leave you any contact information? You now give him a signal that he can definitely win this kind of son with his strength. Last time he was in Illusory Didn’t you give you all the phantom jade you got in the Territory?" Recalling the flame old man I saw in the Illusory Territory last time, Xia Hanyan trusted the other party's methods very much.

As for the so-called remains ban, it is certainly not a problem for the other party, after all, the other party can ignore the ban on the living Illusory Territory.

Chu Bei hehe smiled, no longer paid attention to Xia Hanyan.

On the edge of the circular volcanic crater, Han Yang stared at the Illusory Territory seeds for a long time, his expression was very tangled, and he seemed to be hesitating hard.

About thirty seconds later, he took a deep breath and put down the black package behind.

"Origin Force magic puppet!"

When the contents of the package were clearly seen, Quan Guang, Zhu Yi, and Xie Hong screamed at the same time, the degree of astonishment in their eyes It's even far beyond the time when he saw Han Yang's divine hermit in the beginning.

Sacred Domain has three treasures of the town, one of which is the Origin Force magic puppet created by the first Holy Lord of Sacred Domain. Although the Origin Force magic puppet itself has no strength, once he injects the True Martial stone, he will absorb the energy in the True Martial stone for his own use.

It can be said that as much energy is in the True Martial stone, the Origin Force magic puppet can display how powerful it is. Even if it compresses the energy in the True Martial stone before using it, it will be even more terrifying.

It is precisely for this reason that when the three of Quanguang saw the Origin Force magic puppet in Han Yang's back, they lost their self-control incomparably.

In the end, the sentimental Sacred Domain is the most fully prepared party, and even the treasure of the town domain is brought by Han Yang.

When they saw Han Yang take out seven more True Martial stones from the, it was seven magic jade, their expressions became even more rigid!

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