
Everyone in the field looked at the Origin Force puppet in the deep pit, and they were stiff as a wooden figure for a moment. When he reacted, he looked towards the head in the sky again, and his eyes were shocked in addition to shock.

The Origin Force magic puppet, which was still stunned in the previous second and easily surrendered the Illusory Territory seeds, even the magic jade was photographed in the next second, and it turned into a dead thing directly.

Origin Force magic puppet and old man, simply is not a level.

It can be said that this is a crushing battle!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ……

At this moment, the Illusory Territory seed successfully broke free from the palm of the Origin Force puppet, swayed, and looked happy. A child.

After that, in the next moment, the stature flashed towards the east and far escape.

"little fellow, can you still run through?" Before the joking voice floated from the air, the old man's silhouette disappeared.

When he reappeared, he already held a struggling fist-sized'walnut' in his hand, which was the seed of the distant Illusory Territory.

"In the beginning, God is hidden!"

Han Yang glanced at the Origin Force puppet below his eyes, his face was ugly to the extreme. A cold gaze swept behind the head in front of him, shouting loudly.

As soon as the shout fell, the long sword in his hand waved with the movement of the body. With every swing, a huge imposing manner will condense on the tip of the sword. In a short while, the sword power climbed to Peak, and the sword glow intertwined into a yellow Golden Qilin and roared at the old man.

The transformed old man by Chu Bei is a peaceful calm and composed appearance, with two white arms protruding from the rays of light.

I saw that the palms of the two palms were up and down in a circular shape, and a mirror formed by the accumulation of photons appeared in the area where they overlapped into a ring.

Suddenly, a dazzling beam of light in the mirror shot out, forming a light track and hitting Huang Golden Qilin.


Almost instantly, Huang Golden Qilin was crushed like a beam of light crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

Destroying Huang Golden Qilin, the beam continues to strike the long sword in Han Yang's hands.

With a crisp sound, the sword body shattered from high above, like silver rain.

Looking at the only hilt in his hand, Han Yang's body trembled suddenly, retreating subconsciously. If the horrible beam had just moved forward a little bit, it would have penetrated his chest directly.

He knew that it was the old man who showed mercy to him deliberately!

Han Yang came back to his senses, but when he raised his eyes again and looked towards the front, there was no silhouette of the old man.

As for the fountain below, Xie Hong, and the others, their eyes went straight. They didn't seem to believe what they had seen before.

The mysterious old man with extremely terrifying power, after easily defeating Han Yang, became a thief and took away the opponent's Origin Force puppet!

After getting the Illusory Territory seed, Chu Bei without the slightest hesitation immediately refining strength of Heaven.

Soon, Chu Bei only felt a warm current all over his body, and then magically discovered that his Divine Consciousness had actually communicated with that Illusory Territory seed.

Divine Consciousness goes deep into the seeds of Illusory Territory. The other party is like a Small World, except that there is chaos and nothing.

Chu Bei looked at the Origin Force magic puppet that he had seized from his hand. When the divine sense moved, the Origin Force magic puppet turned into a rays of light and disappeared.

"Sure enough, it has the function of a space ring." Chu Bei rubbed his palms, which made him even more convenient.

"Wang, Wang, woof!"

Just as Chu Bei was preparing to return to the team unconsciously, a dog barking sounded in his ears, and at the same time, I only felt something biting at the ring of the right foot.

Chu Bei frowned, he is very familiar with this dog barking!

Look down and look down again. Damn it, isn't it the small black dog biting the trouser leg!

"Honestly, what kind of dog are you?" Chu Bei picked up the small black dog and asked aloud.

This small black dog is amazing!

Not only can you eat your own barbecue, you can also spray Fireball, you can be invisible, and you can even have a projection at the end of Illusory Territory!

What's even more powerful is that there are still many people who worship it, and they have built a temple for it, Gouye Palace!

"Also, how did you find me? Everything is really recruited!" Chu Bei pinched the small black dog's neck with one hand, raised his fist with the other, said insidiously with a smile, "My You have seen the method."

"Wang, woof, woof!"

Small black dog moved towards Chu Bei rolled the eyes with a look of contempt, and then the little paw did not Stopped and pointed to the east.

"Is there a baby over there?" Chu Bei looked suspiciously at the small black dog and asked tentatively.

"woof!" The small black dog howled, heavily nodded.

"You have a baby, tell me? It seems that the relationship between my two is not so good?" Chu Bei watched the small black dog vigilantly. The more he looked at the other party, the more weird he felt. He always felt that the other party had a conspiracy.

The cry of "Wow~Wow" the small black dog became aggrieved, and tears appeared in the big round eyes.

"Don't look at me like that." At the small black dog's pitiful gaze, Chu Bei had a chill and got goose bumps.

"That's all, I just assume that you are telling the truth this time." In fact, he still doubts the intentions of the small black dog, but his current fruiting ability has not disappeared, so go for a visit. It's okay.


Seeing Chu Bei leaving, the small black dog exclaimed in excitement. After that, he opened his mouth and vomited, and a pale blue ring of light covered Chu Bei's whole body.

"Unexpectedly, you still have this ability!" Chu Bei glanced at the small black dog in surprise. The pale blue ring of light that the other party spit out could completely isolate his breath from the outside world, as if Assimilated with this world.

The small black dog held his head high and flicked his tail. The proud expression seemed to tell Chu Bei: My dog ​​master has more powerful methods!

Led by the small black dog, Chu Bei stopped in front of a secluded hall. There is no door in the hall, just a thin layer of light barrier.

"Should I go in?"

Looking at the small black dog's insulting gaze, even with the shining fruit ability at the moment, Chu Bei was still a little panicked.

The small black dog seems to be a little impatient, and actually penetrated the light barrier first.

Chu Bei hesitated a little, and also passed the light barrier.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chu Bei was stunned. What kind of palace is this? It can be said that it has become a Small World by itself.

Not far ahead, there is a huge lake. Looking around, it seems that there is no end in sight.

Far away in the sky, there is a round moon, and the bright moonlight is pouring down. The hazy mist rising from the lake surface, under the moonlight, looks like Immortal Qi.

Looking intently, you can faintly see the peach blossoms in midair that are blowing in the wind, floating and falling into the lake.

This scene is like Immortal Realm!


The sound of gurgling water sounded, and Chu Bei subconsciously bypassed a rock.

Perhaps he could only see the lake in the distance because of the cover of mountains and rocks.

Now, when he stands on the edge of the lake, the surface of the lake nearby is clearly visible in his sight.

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