
in the sky, first there was a harsh metal clash, the energy of the violent collision shook the bluestone brick underneath, and shook it underneath The spectators were frightened.

Of course, the sound of metal clashing is still reverberating in the air, and the golden sword in Li Xian's hand is shattered by the blade glow and scattered on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the blade glow continued to move forward, chuckled, and passed straight through Li Xian between the eyebrows. Then fiercely slashed to the ground, and with a loud bang, the ground was split with a huge crack.


Looking at the scene in the sky, everyone's mouths were subconsciously open, and everyone seemed to be unable to believe their eyes, like a thunderbolt on the clear sky. , And it seems that someone has poured cold water from head to toe, and the whole body is numb.

The five people in the field can expect that the beginning of this battle is over!

Looking back and looking towards Li Xian, the body that was originally hovering in the air moved from the eyebrows to the middle of the legs, divided into two.

Brain plasma, intestines, internal organs... pouring down from the sky.

"Sect Master is dead, this Chu Bei kid is...impossible, absolutely impossible!"


Third Elder was taken aback first, When the corpse fell on the ground, one by one came back to his senses, and immediately rose into the sky with a look of fear between his eyebrows.

"Thousands of swords are in the sky!"

Just as Third Elder and the others were preparing to escape, Chu Bei's cold voice without the slightest emotion drifted from the air.

Next moment, I saw him carrying a sword with a sword, drawing a circle with the knife in his right hand, and then swiping it out.

Suddenly, in the sound of breaking through the sky, thousands of blade glow emerged from the void, hiding the sky and covering the earth to the Third Elder and the others who have not yet flown away.

chi chi chi!

blade glow, in no time!


As soon as the miserable howl sounded, Third Elder, Sixth Elder, Seventh Elder and the others were swallowed by blade glow.

Seven corpses turned into countless broken corpses, falling from a high altitude, the bloody picture, disgusting, unbearable to look at!

The air gradually stagnated.

There is deathly silence in Ziyun Square.

For a time, Bai Feng, Xia Hanyan, Mu Xue'er, and the dísciple watching the battle in the distance all fell silent inexplicably, staring at that silhouette in the sky in horror.

From the appearance of Chu Bei in front of the Ziyun Temple to the killing of Li Xian, Third Elder and the others, it took 3 minutes before and after!

"This is simply not a level of battle!"

"The little master's fellow apprentice is definitely not Martial King Realm, he must surpass this realm! Otherwise, how could it be so easy to kill 8-Star Dou Wang Peak’s Great Elder!"

"Have you heard the name of the martial skill that the little master's fellow apprentice has just played, the Seven Devil Swords and Ten Thousand Swords are facing the sky, this doesn’t seem to be my Sect It’s possible that these two martial arts were taught by the mysterious old man behind him?"

"But then again, do any of you know that these two martial skills are on top of the Martial King Realm?"

" What is realm?"


Everyone in the field looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Traitor Li Xian is dead, from now on, I am the Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master, do you have any comments?"

Chu Bei hangs in the void, put away the dragon The back of the knife was carrying his hands behind his back, his eyes swept across the crowd, full of majestic voices resounding in Ziyun Square.

"pay respects to Sect Master!" In the uniform puffs, Bai Feng and the group of people who had been rescued were the first to kneel down.

As for the other dísciples, they moved towards Chu Bei and knelt down one after another after being stunned. For them, who this Sect Master is does not have much influence.

It is the dísciple or mentor who followed Li Xian’s lineage before. At this moment, each of them trembles with their feet, knelt down because of fear.

"Bai Feng, those people who follow Li Xian in Sect, should you know everything about it? You should do this to you, be sure not to leave one!" Chu Bei looked towards Bai Feng and gave instructions Said solemnly: "Who will dare to covet the position of Sect Master in the future, execute without any mercy!" A one-meter giant pit.

long long long ——

Shortly after Chu Bei's voice fell, a mysterious buzzing sound suddenly sounded over Zi Yun Shan.

Listening to the voice, the crowd looked up subconsciously.

In the distant sky, a group of colorful clouds burst out inexplicably, and ripples in the clouds burst out.

"Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master Chu Bei, 3-Star Half Sage, take the card!"

Suddenly, a misty cold sound came from the color cloud.

This is the voice of a woman. Hearing this voice, Chu Bei's heart trembled inexplicably. Not because this voice is breathtaking, but because this woman's voice is vaguely familiar to him.

At this moment, among the colorful clouds, a silhouette wearing a black gauze skirt and a black gauze hat walked out slowly. Although it is impossible to see the appearance of the woman because of the black veil, but the lithe and graceful exquisite figure can be seen.

"You're not dead!" The moment Chu Bei's appearance was clearly seen, the woman's body trembled, and the moment the killing intent emerged, she immediately converged.

"Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master Chu Bei, 3-Star Half Sage, take the card!"

Maybe due to some special reason, the woman's killing intent flashed past. The fluctuating mood has returned to its original state.

After that, raised hand, a touch of golden light flew out of his hand and swept towards Chu Bei.

Seeing that Chu Bei took the token, the woman coldly snorted, returned to the colored clouds and disappeared into everyone's sight.

"The woman, who is she? Her method, what kind of cultivation base is this!"

"Born in continent, but knows nothing about continent, we are also sad Ah."

"Half Sage? Is this the realm on the Martial King? The little master's fellow apprentice is now 3-Star Half Sage."

"You guys just Didn’t you hear it? This woman seems to know the little master's fellow apprentice."

"Have you forgotten? Now the little master's fellow apprentice is already a Sect Master! You should change your words too!"



Everyone in the field looked at the disappearing Cai Yun and the black skirt woman, looking at each other in blank dismay.


Looking at the place where the woman disappeared, Chu Bei exhaled for a long time, completely letting go of the hanging heart.

I have to say, no matter how big the world is, some people will appear in your life again.

It's like, the covered face female who just gave the card, just by listening to the voice, he will know who the other party is.

Not because Chu Bei is sensitive to voices, but because this woman is really impressed by his wife!

The other party is not only the first and only one woman who has been seen all over the body since he came to the Xuanhuang continent, but also the one who killed him.

Of course, all of this was scammed by that evil dog.

As soon as he heard the woman's voice, Chu Bei was ready to use the strength of Heaven.

After all, the opponent's strength is really too strong.

Fortunately, the woman seemed to be restrained when she gave the card, and she forcibly suppressed the killing intent.

Speaking of the brand, Chu Bei looked down.

This is a token with a perfect texture, and the yingying dim light adds a sense of mysterious to it.

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