"What is Sect Master in front of him?"

"I don't know, I dare not ask!"

"Is the Cham blue passage the Gates of Hell?"

"Look, there seems to be someone out there!"


A group of dísciples looked at the wheel of time in front of Chu Bei, and their faces were confused. Then, in an exclamation, a silhouette appeared in the blue passage of Zhan.

That silhouette stands with hands behind. At first glance, it gives people a very contradictory feeling. They are clearly standing in the passage, but they feel that they are thousands of miles apart.

This is a young man who seems to be in his twenties, his body shrouded by clouds and mist. In one step, the clear blue passage came out and stood in front of Chu Bei.

He doesn’t have the slightest True Martial qi fluctuation, but he hangs quietly in the air, as if he merges with Heaven and Earth, looks like an ordinary person, but looks like the Sovereign of Heaven and Earth. While sweeping, an imposing manner that had long been high in the world swayed away, making people involuntarily admired and wanted to kneel down and worship.

"Where is this world? Did you give out that power just now? Did you bring this Sovereign here?"

The man looked forward, lightly Caressing the wheel of time, the murmur fell in his mouth, as if he had sensed something, he turned his head abruptly, and when he saw the appearance of the person standing behind, the power of the world disappeared.


The man moved towards Chu Bei shouted, as if he had returned to eight thousand years ago.

"Master, it turns out that you summon me here!"

"No wonder I can't see through the power in the blue passage, I can't even fight it, I can only helpless He was forcibly brought here."

"Seeing that it’s you, my boy, I am relieved. Among the people the boy sees, only you have this share above Heaven and Earth. The power above."

"Master, what kind of power is that? I seem to feel the source strength of Heaven carrying the passage of eternal years, a sense of reality and illusion that is difficult to capture."


Xiao Yan looked at Chu Bei. At this moment, he seemed to be no longer the Sovereign between Heaven and Earth, but just a confused person thirsting for confusion.

Feeling the terrifying power in Xiao Yan's body that is as introverted as an abyss, Chu Bei was nodded with satisfaction: "Yan'er, do you know how many years have passed since we last saw you?"

"Eight thousand years have passed since the chaotic universe." Xiao Yan's face was determined.

After hearing what Xiao Yan said, Chu Bei let out a faint sigh, and said with a long heart: "This is a star called Xuanhuang continent, and it is also the star that the teacher is currently staying with."


"Master, is this the mortal experience of thousands of Star Regions?" Xiao Yan was puzzled.

"Who is the mysterious person who walked out of the passage? What is the relationship between him and Sect Master!"

Because of the conversation between Chu Bei and Xiao Yan, it is always With the Divine Consciousness sound transmission that can only be heard by each other, so in the eyes of Purple Cloud Sect's dísciple, this has passed for a long time, and Chu Bei and Xiao Yan just kept looking at each other, silent.

"Chu Sect Master, let me go!" The woman in the sky looked suspiciously at Xiao Yan, and then her eyes fell on Chu Bei's body, her voice cold.

"Master, who is she?"

Xiao Yan glanced at the woman, without the slightest mood swing on her face.

With his strength, looking at the woman in the sky is undoubtedly like looking at an ant.

"Hurt her some blood essence, let her leave." Chu Bei said lightly.

"Yes, senior!" Although Xiao Yan didn't know why, he still followed Chu Bei's request.

Next moment, I saw his right hand spread out, and his palm was facing the direction of the black yarn woman.

With a buzzing sound, the sky seemed to be held down by an invisible force, and the noise disappeared, leaving only a dead silence.

In the sky, the pupils of the black gauze woman shrank sharply, and a lot of cold sweat was even shed from her forehead, looking towards Xiao Yan's beautiful eyes full of fear.

At this moment, the True Martial divine force in her body was completely suppressed by an external force! She felt like a fish on a pallet, which could be slaughtered, but she couldn't resist at all.

When the black gauze woman was horrified, I saw Xiao Yan's open palm and a slight movement of her index finger. A few drops of red blood with golden glow flew out from the black gauze woman between the eyebrows and fell on it. In front of Chu Bei.

In an instant, a pale color appeared on the black yarn woman's face.

"Master, do you want to continue? Or dísciple will kill you directly?"

Xiao Yan's plain words floated out of the air, listening to the black yarn woman Her ears were like magic sounds from hell, which made her lithe and graceful body fiercely tremble, and the fear in her eyes was even worse.

"No need, let her go."

As Chu Bei's voice fell, the black yarn woman suddenly found that the horrible power that suppressed herself disappeared, and she regained it. Freedom.

"Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master Chu Bei, the nine-star saint, take the card! After a month, participate in the mysterious battle on time!"

Perhaps due to the fear of Xiao Yan, As soon as the woman's cold voice fell, she raised her hand and moved towards Chu Bei and shot out a golden light, and finally returned to the colored clouds, and quickly disappeared into the sight of everyone.

This is exactly the same token as the one received a month ago. The character "Yellow" is particularly conspicuous, except that the number in the lower right corner has changed from 142302 to 9.

"Who is that woman? Sure enough, he gave Sect Master another token!"

"Did you hear what he said? Sect Master, he became a nine-star saint Who!"

"Where does that mysterious man come from? He seems to be more terrifying than that woman!"

"Wait a moment, we secretly ask Xue'er Junior Sister whether I'll know."


A crowd of dísciples looked at the direction where the black skirt woman disappeared, and their eyes switched back and forth on Chu Bei and Xiao Yan. Intensely discussing.

[The contractor’s time has come, the wheel of time will start again and will send the contractor back]

With the sound of the system sound, the wheel of time blooms with blue rays of light. Xiao Yan's body.

"This is the irresistible force!"

Looking at the blue glow on my body, Xiao Yan looked towards Chu Bei: "Master, dísciple, I still have a lot of confusion. So, can you send me back later?"

"There are some answers you need to find yourself." Looking at the back of Xiao Yan in the wheel of time, Chu Bei pretended to be mysterious. .


With a strange sound, the void in front of Chu Bei twisted again, and Xiao Yan disappeared with the wheel of time.

"Little master's fellow apprentice, what happened to that person just now and the mysterious object?" Mu Xue'er immediately ran to Chu Bei's side.

When Mu Xue'er looked innocent and confused, Chu Bei flickered again.

Chu Bei once again entered the source space.

A few days passed in a flash.

When Chu Bei left the open source space, it officially entered the Divine Venerable realm.

Chu Bei glanced over all around, his thoughts move, the environment of all around changed for a while, as if he had come to a New World!

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