"Boss Chu, should you see it from your cultivation base?" Hu Gan also came to the Cave entrance and stood beside Chu Bei.

Chu Bei slightly nod responded.

Below the Cave entrance, a huge fire python that is more than ten meters thick is raging.

Fire python is wrapped in twisted flame, the fangs in the huge mouth drip with hot lava, and a pair of terrifying triangular eyes are spewing flaming flame.

These flames are the same source as the Heart Flame that appears in everyone, but if the two are compared, it is undoubtedly the difference between Haoyue and Yinghuo.

As for the flame exposed by the fire python itself, even if it is contaminated by Dou Huang Powerhouse, I am afraid that I can't get out of it, and it will eventually be burned to ashes.

si si ——

fire python seems to have discovered Chu Bei and Hu Gan beside the Cave entrance, jumped up, fast terrifying.

However, when he was about to reach the edge of the Cave entrance, a space cage with strong power emerged, and the fire python was blocked.

Fire python seems to have long been accustomed to the existence of the space cage, opening its huge mouth and spitting hot flames, continuing to burn the space cage.

However, the cage is strong and undamaged.

At the end, fire python let out an unwilling roar and returned to the depths of the cave.

"This power is a bit weak, it seems that we need to put more fire." Chu Bei murmured to himself, resting his chin in his hand.

The purpose of his visit to Jia Nan Academy is to make a deal with Fallen Heart Flame.

If Hu Gan was told the reason for nothing, and Jia Nan Academy’s emphasis on Fallen Heart Flame, this deal would not be done anyway.

Because of this, Chu Bei could only be a treacherous businessman last time.

"Boss Chu, what do you say to add fire?" Hu Gan looked at Chu Bei in confusion.

"It's nothing, I just feel that distance to breakthrough with the power of fire python is not far away." Chu Bei said casually.

"Boss Chu, don't worry. According to Su Great Elder's judgment, it will be fine for at least three years." Hu Gan is very confident.

Chu Bei laughed, no longer answering the conversation, but when Hu Gan didn't notice it, he placed a scarlet bead on the left hand of the Cave entrance and slipped into the Cave entrance.

Fire Spirit beads, Chu Bei spent 50,000 Force of Desire Value from the mall. Blending with fire can enhance the element of fire.

After visiting the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, Hu Gan led the crowd to line up to get the fire card.


The next day, early morning.

The hundreds of cultivation rooms in Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower are as quiet as usual.

In every cultivation room, there is a silhouette sitting cross-legged, using Heart Flame cultivation intensively.

After being assigned to Fire Energy, Xiao Yan, Hu Jia, Wu Hao and other newly admitted dísciples also joined the army, each occupying a cultivation room.

hong long!

Suddenly, a loud noise suddenly sounded from the center of the tower.

Immediately afterwards, the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower vibrated violently.

In the hundreds of cultivation rooms, the originally peaceful energy suddenly became like boiling water, becoming violent.

"The tower is shaking!"

"It has never happened before!"

"This is what happened!"


More and more dísciples walked out of the cultivation room, one by one, holding the stable, looked at each other in blank dismay, allowing some panic on their faces.

No. 211 cultivation room.

Xiao Yan's closed eyes suddenly opened, feeling the shaking cultivation room, browsing frowned.

"Old Yao, why did the energy in the tower suddenly become so violent? Is it the ghost of Fallen Heart Flame again?" Xiao Yan immediately sounded transmission to Old Yao.

"Weird! Very weird!"

Old Yao flew out of Xiao Yan Storage Ring, stroking his white beard: "Compared to yesterday, Fallen Heart Flame gave My breath is stronger than that."

"How is it possible! This is only the past day!" Xiao Yan's face was full of horror.

"If I guess right, Fallen Heart Flame has already started a riot. According to the current breath fluctuation, the breakthrough will be sealed within three days." Old Yao looked serious.

"But didn't Old Man Hu say that he will not riot in at least three years?" Xiao Yan was astonished, but his face was confused.

"This is exactly what I don’t understand."

Old Yao brows tightly frowns, "But I can’t feel wrong, the power of Fallen Heart Flame is indeed A terrifying speed is skyrocketing."

"Listen to all the students in the tower, within a quarter of an hour, all evacuate the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower!"

At this moment, one group The vigorous old voice rang in the entire tower, echoing in everyone's ears, and it lasted for a long time.

"This is Qiu Elder's voice!"

"It looks like something really happened!"

"We can't stay here anymore!"



Hearing the sound, a crowd of dísciple came back to his senses, and then moved towards the gate like a swarm.

Xiao Yan did not hesitate, and his speed was at its extreme.

Fallen Heart Flame riot, the energy in the tower is no longer suitable for cultivation, staying here will only increase the risk.

When a crowd of dísciples came outside the tower, the look of shock on their faces became even worse.

I saw the sky above Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, a blood-red color, and it was faintly visible that a space was scorched and deformed by the scorching heat.

Shoo, hoo, hoo!

In the sound of breaking through the air, several silhouettes flew quickly from a distance.


Not waiting for the distant silhouette to arrive, a muffled sound similar to a heartbeat came from the tower.

"What sound is this?"

"Look at the top of the tower!"

"How come there are so many fire snakes!"

"Is there really something mysterious under the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower that we don't know?"


Looking at the top of the tower appear out of thin Thousands of fire snakes in the air, a crowd of dísciple sucked in a cold breath.

Soon, several silhouettes flying from a distance appeared above the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower.

The leader is an old man wearing a black robe with white beard and white hair.

"In just one day, why did the power of Fallen Heart Flame grow so much!"

Su Qian looked towards the Elders who were sitting beside the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, Questioning aloud, a pair of cold eyes are like blades.

"Great Elder, we don't know that! At this time yesterday, there was nothing unusual." An Elder said, his eyes filled with confusion.

"Where is the problem!"

Su Qian brows tightly knit, the stepping time has appeared ten meters above the spire.

"bang! bang! bang!"

The sound similar to the heartbeat sounded again.

As time goes by, the frequency of the sound becomes more and more rapid.

Until a few more seconds passed, the Elders including Su Qian were shocked to find that the frequency of this sound began to match the sound of their heartbeat.

A group of fiery Heart Flame suddenly rose from their bodies.

"Damn it! It's attacking!"

A group of Elders hurriedly ran Dou Qi, frantically suppressing the Heart Flame emerging from the body.

hong long long ——

Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower trembled more and more violently.

"Why are you still stunned! Stay away from the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower!"

Feeling the energy in the tower that is still skyrocketing, Su Qian glanced at the unknown people. The dísciple, shouted out.

"What's inside the tower."

A group of dísciples swiftly flew far away while looking back at the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower from time to time.

There was another loud noise.

In the spire of the tower, a wave of fire-colored waves as high as ten feet gushes into the sky.

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