At the same time, the palace collapsed, the square, the pillars, and the chains all split up and in pieces, all turned into light and rain.

A group of detachers also broke away from the restraint due to the demise of the three guardians.

"Unexpectedly, we will have another day to regain our freedom." A group of detached people looked at each other in blank dismay and muttered to themselves. Then, they looked towards Xiao Yan Ye Fan thirteen people in unison, and finally their eyes fell on Chu Bei's body, his words stopped, his face was full of gratitude.

"Dead! The three old fellows are all dead!"

"That means we are safe! It's very good!"

At this time , A group of Powerhouses above the sea also came back to his senses, with excitement and excitement on their faces.


At this moment, a bright golden light avenue appeared in the pitch-black gap, extending far away.

"What's that!"

"Where to go!"

The emergence of the golden light avenue, the Xuanhuang continent Powerhouse above the sea exclaimed .

When those who are extremely weak and detached saw this golden light avenue, their thin bodies began to tremble and were extremely excited.

"Your cultivation base is enough, go there to pursue a higher level of Tao. If you have nowhere to go in the end, go to the Wumen Dizhou of Heaven Above." Chu Bei glanced over the detached people. Speak lightly.

"many thanks!"

After a group of detached people looked at each other, they moved towards Chu Bei and hugged a cup one fist in the other hand.

From what the other party said, they became more and more sure that the other party was not as simple as it seemed on the surface. At least it is certain that the other party is not a Xuanhuang continent, but from the other side of the Golden Light Avenue!

"Where is the other end of the golden light avenue? It attracts those who are detached so much!"

"Are we only qualified to walk as detached people? Go up the golden light avenue."

Looking at the detached people who disappeared on the other side of the golden light avenue one by one, a kind of mysterious continent powerhouse above the sea showed a look of yearning.

long long long ——

Ten three streaks of divine rainbow crossed and returned to Chu Bei.


Thirteen people, Xiao Yan, Chen Nan and Ye Fan, spoke at the same time.

[Host summon time has come, contractor will be repatriated]

At this moment, the system sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

"It’s time to send you back as a teacher."

Hearing the system tone, Chu Bei waved his handsome sleeves. At this moment, time and space The wheel turns. Then, an irresistible blue rays of light enveloped the bodies of 13 people including Xiao Yan and Ye Fan.

"It's a Master! Take control of these heaven-defying methods!" Feeling the terrifying power that enveloped the whole body, Xiao Yan, Ye Fan and the others sighed from their hearts, that looked towards Chu There was worship in Bei's eyes.


Thirteen blue lights were absorbed into the wheel of time and space.

Xiao Yan, Ye Fan and the others disappeared, and the wheel of time and space also disappeared.

Gradually, everything was calm again, only a group of Powerhouses above the sea were left.

"It's all gone." Chu Bei glanced over all around people, and a calm voice sounded.

Hearing the sound, a group of Xuanhuang continent Powerhouses were stunned, and then looked at each other, and after an exchange of eyes, they moved towards Chu Bei cup one fist in the other hand and left. After experiencing the previous scene, they thoroughly understood the terrifying of this Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master. The opponent is not such a Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master who is only in his twenties on the surface, but an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years.

[The host is about to leave the trial plane]

[This system will help the host to carry out the final source of strength of Heaven baptism]

The system will sound.

"Little master's fellow apprentice, are you leaving again?" Mu Xue'er not far away seemed to have noticed something and couldn't help but opened the mouth and said.

"The master's fellow apprentice will be back soon."

Chu Bei appeared beside Mu Xue'er and stroked the green silk road in front of his forehead.

After all, Chu Bei entered the Yuantian space again.

Different from the past, this time Chu Bei entered the source space, all around the tens of thousands of rivers converging from the source strength of Heaven quickly rushed towards it until it was submerged.

Under the perfusion of the strength of Heaven like a river, Chu Bei quickly entered a wonderful state, and finally slowly closed his eyes, and his consciousness dissipated.

Countless years have passed since Chu Bei fell into a deep sleep.

Xuanhuang continent, Purple Cloud Sect.

On the first place in the great hall of Ziyun, a middle-aged man wearing a white robes sits. On the seats below it, sixteen people are seated.

"What happened to Xue'er Old Ancestor?"

The middle-aged man at the top was named Bai Qing, which was the 109th Sect Master of Purple Cloud Sect. A full one hundred terms have passed since Chu Bei's place.

"Just went to the fairy." A man got up, with sadness in his eyes.

"After all, I still couldn't wait." Bai Qing sighed quietly.

"Sect Master, you have done your best. Xue'er Old Ancestor is just a mortal body. With the help of Sect Masters in the past, it has been renewed for thousands of years. This is her limit. "Another man got up from his seat.

"Those former Sect Masters who have gone to a higher level of the world, can they not come back? Why do you have the heart to let Xue'er Old Ancestor continue to wait like this until the last immortal goes, she still Can't wait." Bai Qing sighed.

On the summit of Zi Yun Shan, a separate area was opened up here a few years ago.

Looking at it, the trees release the blue light, which is very eye-catching. When approaching here, a refreshing assaults the senses.

These trees are called Acacia, and I don't know which Sect Master planted them for the people in the forest. The leaves are blue with blue light, purple clouds are flowing, and there are strands of chill.

In the woods, can be seen everywhere female disciple in some gates are just picking acacia fruit. Normally, they all have a smile on their faces and talk about cultivation. But today, each of them looked extremely heavy, and from time to time they cast their eyes to the depths of the woods, and couldn't help but tears from the corners of their eyes.

The tranquil Acacia forest, with blue light, is located in two connected simple courtyards.

At this moment, in one of the courtyards, a woman wearing a purple dress is sitting on a chair, facing the direction of the other courtyard.

In terms of appearance alone, she is only a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. She closed her eyes, with a slight smile at the corner of her mouth, but her body was already cold, without any vital signs, peaceful and quiet.

This girl is naturally Mu Xue'er. The years change and the river flows for a long time. She is always waiting for someone in this courtyard.

Because of swallowing Immortal Pill, she stays young forever, but Naihe did not enter the cultivation list. Lifespan should have only been a hundred years old. Thousands of years ago, she should have died naturally; but the Sect Master of that generation relied on divine force to continue her life, which made her live a hundred years longer.

After that, every Purple Cloud Sect Sect Master will take action to renew Mu Xue'er; but after all, she is just a mortal body. Until recently, the deadline has arrived, and it is difficult to continue.

"I feel sorry for Xue'er Old Ancestor for some reason. I have waited for a thousand years and I haven't waited for the 9th generation Sect Master."

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