Even though countless years have passed, the death of Mu Xue'er is still a hurdle that Chu Bei cannot overcome in his heart. As his strength grew stronger, he also knew that the possibility of resurrecting Mu Xue'er was zero.

What makes him happy is that system actually told him that there is a possibility of resurrection.

"Who is Lao Qi! Where to find him!" Chu Bei asked impatiently.

"I once told you that the chaos has not yet opened, and before the great realm of the heavens is formed, there are eighteen source devices. These eighteen source devices are ranked according to their strengths. The seventh in my mouth This is the source device that ranks seventh in strength."

Golden Disc responded faintly: "As for where to find it, you have to rely on it."

Here, the Golden disc swayed, and a branch protruded to point to the up and down black stone bricks.

"How do you use this source book!" Chu Bei frowned.

Even though his current cultivation base has entered the realm of Emperor II 4-Star, he still can't see through this black stone brick. The inside seemed to have a mysterious seal, no matter how he penetrated Divine Consciousness, he couldn't get in.

"Although it is still sleeping, but because your strength has been able to feed back and provide us with energy, perhaps in a million years, it should wake up. And my memory will be restored. More."

Above the golden disc, a tender white doll emerged: "When the source device spectrum awakens, not only the information of the old seven, but also the information of other source devices will also be presented. That's it. At the time, you can use the position given by it to find the seventh."

"I can't help you on your future cultivation road, I can only rely on you."


The golden disc once again heard a voice: "You should be able to feel that the energy in the source instrument spectrum is also connected with you. If you encounter a strong enemy, you may wish to mobilize my power and its power at the same time. "

When I heard Golden Disk, Chu Bei slightly nod.

With his current strength, every 1-star breakthrough is extremely difficult. Thousands of Dao, every dao fruit he cultivated to the Emperor Realm, and even integrates thousands of Dao into one. However, realm only stops at Dier 4-Star.

"It's time to go out and have a look."

Chu Bei sighed, and with a wave of his sleeves, the independent world he had developed was shattered.

The chaotic universe.

Heaven Above, All Heavens Store Dizhou.

Far away in the sky, a silhouette came out of the pitch-black gap.


As soon as Chu Bei returned to the realm of the heavens, its browse frowned.

In the air of the great realm of the heavens, there are unexpectedly many strange energy fluctuations. This is the breath of the source that the source world can only have.

"Master, you are out!"

Soon, Xiao Yan, Ye Fan, Chen Nan, Tang San and the others appeared in front of Chu Bei.

Chu Bei glanced across Xiao Yan and the others. After two million years, except Bing Tongtong, Bu Xuan, and Xiao Dragon Phoenix, the cultivation base of others has surpassed that of Emperor Yi 7 -The realm of Star.

"What's the matter with Genqi?" Chu Bei asked.

"Back to the Master, one million years ago, the source within the realm, nine portals escaped from the source realm due to the exhaustion of the source qi, and returned to the great realm of the heavens. The thin source qi in the air is positive It was brought by these nine portals." Xiao Yan responded.

"Do they do anything?" Chu Bei brows slightly wrinkle.

"Like us, we just opened up an emperor state on our own, and didn't do anything about it." Xiao Yan said again.

"Now you are going to invite all the Immortal Emperors of the Great Region of the Heavens to the All Heavens Store Dizhou." Chu Bei glanced across the dísciple of Xiao Yan, Chen Nan, Tang San and so on.

"Master, do you want it?" Shi Hao and the others looked confused.

"You will know soon."

Chu Bei spoke lightly, then waved his hand: "Go."

"Yes, Master !"

Xiao Yan and the others no longer ask, the silhouette disappears.

Heaven Above, the emperor under the moon.

In the central part of Dizhou, in a Holy Mountain all around shrouded Star River, a slender silhouette stands in the misty fairy fog. Her hair was flying, and there was a long river flowing in her eyes.

"Xiao Immortal Emperor, I don’t know how you will come to me when you have time?"

The Empress under the Moon looked at Xiao Yan who suddenly appeared in front of her. The delicate and flawless features outlined allow some smile.

"Master has left the level and invites you to the All Heavens Store." Xiao Yan's voice is calm.

"You are really indifferent."

The Empress under the Moon glared at Xiao Yan, her words filled with resentment.

"I have personally come to invite." Xiao Yan said no more, and the silhouette disappeared.

Heaven Above, Wilderness Emperor state.

This Great Prefecture is just like its name. Looking around, there is hardly any vitality. It can even be said that this huge emperor is only an Immortal Emperor.

The land of reddish-brown seems to be infested with blood, hard and withered. Desolation and emptiness coexist, and some huge rocks stand scattered on the ground, which looks like tombstones at first glance.

The space between Heaven and Earth is drowsy, and the faint black fog adds a touch of gloom to this imperial state. The endless reddish-brown land is far away and dead, with no signs of life.

Suddenly, a silhouette appeared above the earth.

"Immortal Emperor is coming. It's really rare."

In the depths of the reddish-brown earth, a beam of eyes shot out, and then another silhouette appeared.

"Desolate Immortal Emperor, Master has exited, please take a trip." Shi Hao went straight to the subject.


Desolate Immortal Emperor responded with one word.

Heaven Above, Star Sea Dizhou.


This Fangdizhou is particularly special, it is like an endless silver ocean. Waves roll up from time to time, like metal storms beating the shore. With a loud noise, the surface of the sea seemed to be cut by Heavenspan giant sword and divided into two halves, and then the Immortal Emperor's Qi machine overflowed, traversing the past, the present, and the future.

"Immortal Emperor of the Star Dome, Master is out, and invite you to narrate."

Tang San is here, and the majestic voice is everywhere in the Star Sea Emperor.

"I got it."

Immortal Emperor appeared on the surface of the sea, a pair of cold eyes pierced the sky, eternally shaking, and the long river of years was in disorder at this moment.

Heaven Above, Darkness Emperor State.

This Fangdizhou is formed by countless islands filled with darkness. On each island, there are countless Powerhouses.

"What a rare visitor."

As soon as Chen Nan appeared, over one of the largest islands, the darkness of the Immortal Emperor appeared, and the power of the Immortal Emperor was revealed, making People are daunting.

"Master, please."

Chen Nan is concise and clear, and disappears after speaking.

Heaven Above, Chuangshidizhou.

In a great hall in Dizhou, a white haired old man wearing a robe sits on top. His introverted breath looks like an ordinary old man, but he inexplicably gives people a kind of oppression that can't be contended. It is the Immortal Emperor of the creation.

"Creation of the old man, Master will leave, let you see him." Sun Wukong appeared directly in the great hall holding the Golden Cudgel.

"What's the matter?" Creation Immortal Emperor frowned.

"You will know when you go."

Sun Wukong said again: "If you don't go, I don't mind discussing it with you."

Listen Sun Wukong is full of threats, the creation Immortal Emperor's face is extremely ugly, but very helpless.

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