Xiao Family is better than the battlefield.

The big round bidoutai all around, filled with people from Xiao Clan, all the younger generations also rushed over for inquiries.

Xiao Family Three Elders and Misty Cloud Sect entire group such as Ge Ye and Nalan Yanran are sitting on the main seat closest to the platform.

"Look at you!"

"Clan Leader and Xiao Yan are here!"

"Xiao Yan shouldn't really want to fight Nalan Young Miss, right? What qualifications does he have!"

"In my opinion, he should have figured it out and postponed this agreement to three years later."

" Although you will still lose in three years, it has been delayed for three years anyway?"


Xiao Family younger generation Someone found Xiao Yan and Xiao coming from a distance. Zhan and Chu Bei cried out in exclamation, many of them ridiculed.

"Xiao Yan big brother!" Xiao Xun'er got up from the position, immediately moved towards Xiao Yan and waved his hand.

Xiao Yan ignored the ridicule of all around, moved towards Xiao Xun'er nodded, and then boarded the stage of competition.

"Xiao Zhan, are you really going to make Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran a duel?"

"With Xiao Yan's strength, Nalan Yanran can't stand a trick! He is now If you lose, it’s not just your face, but the face of our entire Xiao Family!"

"While there is still time, let Xiao Yan regret it!"

As soon as Xiao Zhan sat on the main seat, Three Elders couldn't wait to open the mouth and said.

"Shut up, you guys!"

Xiao Zhan glanced across Three Elders, coldly snorted: "This is his own business. No matter what he decides, I will do it. Father will support it unconditionally!"

"If Nalan Yanran misses, Xiao Yan undying is also seriously injured, don't regret it then!" Three Elders' face was heavy.

Xiao Zhan stopped responding to Three Elders, and looked at Xiao Yan, who was already standing on the platform, without the slightest worry on his face.

"Nalan Young Miss, you can go on stage." Xiao Yan looked towards Nalan Yanran, his words calm.

"Did you really think about it?" Nalan Yanran jumped and landed on the stage.

"Of course! If you win this battle, I publicly agree with you to divorce." Xiao Yan's gaze is opposite to Nalan Yanran, calm and collected.

"Don't worry, after retiring, I will compensate you Xiao Family well." Nalan Yanran was delighted, with a full-fledged appearance.

After that, Nalan Yanran turned his attention to Xiao Zhan: "Uncle Xiao, can you announce the start of the game?"

Xiao Zhan glanced at Xiao Yan, clear Voice: "Let's start."

As soon as Xiao Zhan's voice fell, Nalan Yanran stature moved, Dou Qi wrapped around her body, and directly moved towards Xiao Yan and patted it.

"A trifling 3rd stage battle qi, it's really unattractive."

"Yes, Yanran Junior Sister can even fly Xiao Yan with only 30% of his force. "

"If it was me, I would not show mercy. Even if he was killed anyway, a small Xiao Family would not dare to trouble us Misty Cloud Sect."


In the spectator stand, Misty Cloud Sect entire group face revealed disdain and looked at Xiao Yan.


But next moment, the contempt on their faces was accompanied by the sound of the collision on the fighting platform, and there was no existence, replaced by a thick shock.

Not only the Misty Cloud Sect people, but the Xiao Clan people were also stunned, their eyes filled with incredible colors.

Just now, when Nalan Yanran's palm was about to fall on Xiao Yan, the latter raised his right fist and greeted him neatly.

Fist and palm collided!

The scene where everyone expected Xiao Yan to be knocked into the air did not appear, but was completely motionless.

"Take it!"

"He is a 3rd stage battle qi, how could he take the palm of Yanran Junior Sister!"

Misty Cloud Sect The entire group came back to his senses from the shock and couldn't help exclaiming.

"No! Dou Zhe 2-Star!"

At this time, Ge Ye and Xiao Family Great Elder in the audience stand up and shouted at the same time.

"What? Dou Zhe 2-Star!"


"Could it be that Xiao Yan's cultivation base has not declined! Everything is It’s an illusion!"

"What is hidden is so deep! What is he doing this for!"

"On yesterday’s test, the magic stone tablet still showed 3rd stage battle qi. Could it be that he still has the means to trick the magic stone tablet?"


I heard Great Elder telling Xiao Yan’s cultivation base, field Zhong Zhong Ren was taken aback first, and then looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Xiao Zhan, did you know Xiao Yan’s true cultivation base at first? Why did you create a fake? Even the people of our clan cheated!" Notice Xiao Zhan’s calm expression , Second Elder asked.

Xiao Zhan remained silent, never looking away from Xiao Yan from start to finish.

"Xiao Yan big brother, what did you do in this short three quarters of an hour."

Xiao Xun'er stared at that silhouette on Bidou, Muttering to himself.

"hmph! What if he is 2-Star Dou Zhe? Isn't he 1-star lower than Yanran Junior Sister! Moreover, the Dou Technique of Junior Sister cultivation is Xuan Class Middle Level's split wind whirlpool Dance!"

"Yes, the ending is the same anyway."

Misty Cloud Sect entire group sneered, not worrying about Nalan Yanran's defeat.

"Unexpectedly, the rumors from the outside world are all false, and your cultivation base has not regressed at all."

Nalan Yanran retracted his palm, then stepped back, and said: "In this case , Then let you see and see my true strength!"

"Cracking Wind Swirl Dance!"

The crisp voice fell, Nalan Yanran changed his calm and collected state with an expression serious.

The right hand rapier dances, Dou Qi surging around the body, shrouded on the sword body. Finally, the white glow at the tip of the sword flickered, forming a number of sword qi flying.

chi chi!

Nalan Yanran swung a sword.

The sword body trembled slightly, and several sword qi shot out from the tip of the sword, interweaving in the air, making a harsh sound, and the target pointed directly at Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan didn't dodge or evade, and there was no fear in his eyes. He pulled out the Long knife from his waist and waved it in an orderly manner.

"Is Xiao Yan crazy! Why doesn't he hide!"

"That's Xuan Class Middle Level Dou Technique! Even more how Nalan Yanran's cultivation base is originally 1-star higher than him!"

"It's too conceited!"


Just when the younger generation of Xiao Family was talking about it , There was another shout on the platform.

"Blade Storm!"

With the sound of this shout, for a moment, Xiao Yan's silhouette disappeared directly from everyone's sight.

When everyone saw Xiao Yan again, he had already met the sword qi played by Nalan Yanran with a knife.

Xiao Yan's knife is very fast, and the blade is even more whistling.

Number One Blade, ka-cha cut open all the sword qi.

The second knife appeared directly in front of Nalan Yanran.

"Not good!"

Looking at the blade in front of him, Nalan Yanran's pupils shrank suddenly.

Without any hesitation, Nalan Yanran immediately raised his sword to block.

However, just as Nalan Yanran was about to pour the whole body of Dou Qi into the sword, inexplicably, a strange energy wave gushed out from the blade close at hand.

In an instant, his body rose into the air uncontrollably, Dou Qi was imprisoned all over his body, unable to move even a little bit.

And at this time,

The sword touches!

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