hong long long ——

Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower is located above the sunken land, forming several battlefields.

Among them, Su Qian and Old Ancestor Blood Fiend have the most intense battlefield.

During the match, various terrifying Dou Techniques emerge in endlessly, the brilliant afterglow of the battle is dazzling, and one after another terrifying energy fluctuations are overflowing.

Hu Gan is one enemy three, although the number is weak, but because the other three have not broken through, it seems to be easy to do.


In the seal of great spell, the giant fire python assisted by Han Feng became more and more excited, and the frequency of impacting the formation mark was getting faster and faster.

"This can't go on anymore, must stop Han Feng! If he really releases the Fallen Heart Flame, Inner Academy will surely suffer disaster!"

Looking at the cracks more and more On the great spell of the verge of collapse, the Elder faces anxiously.

No matter what, Han Feng has so many Powerhouses that they can't break through.

Su Qian is also aware of the crisis, but he is facing the Old Ancestor Blood Fiend whose realm is two stars higher than him. It is fortunate that he did not lose immediately, let alone overcome.

"Hu Gan, I didn’t expect you to enter the Dou Zong realm. If you continue to fight, even if the three of us work together, I’m afraid we will lose to you. It’s a pity, judging from the current situation, We just need to hold you, your time is running out."

The three of Ground Fire Sect Sect Master, Eight Gates Sect Master, Blood Sect Sect Master surround Hu Gan, each time the same Advance with retreat.

Hearing the sound, Hu Gan first glanced at the great spell that was on the verge of collapse, and then at Su Qian, who was gradually falling into the wind. Brows tightly frowns, as if hesitating.

"Academy side, the situation is very bad." Xiao Yan, who was watching the battle, muttered to himself.

"Boss Chu, aren't you ready to shoot?" Xiao Yan turned his head and looked towards Chu Bei.

Chu Bei glanced at Xiao Yan without responding.

"This bunch of guys who got in here! Damn it!"

"If Headmaster were there, how dare they be so impudent!"

"God bless the Academy! I hope the Academy can get through this difficult time."

"At the moment, the Elders are in a very bad situation!"

"The fire python just looks It’s time to break the great spell."


In the distance, from start to finish, the Inner Academy dísciple, who is paying attention to the situation of various battlefields, has an anxious face on his face.

One by one, clenched fists, looking towards Han Feng, Old Ancestor Blood Fiend and the others were full of Ling Li's hatred.

"Hu Gan, wait until Old Ancestor Blood Fiend solves Su Qian, it will be your turn."

After Ground Fire Sect Sect Master strikes the attack, he backs up again. With joking.

Hu Gan glanced at Su Qian's battlefield again. Su Qian at this moment was obviously unable to resist and was losing ground.

Having witnessed this scene, Hu Gan took a long breath and took out six thumb-sized green pills from the Storage Ring.

"Wait until I kill you, you must search your possessions!"

Hu Gan coldly glanced across Three Sects Sect Master. All the green pills were thrown into his mouth.


Hu Gan sees the green Dou Qi all over his body.

A white hair rose suddenly.

The hot white steam rising from the top of the head rubs against the air, making a harsh and sharp sound.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud bang, and a terrifying and tyrannical energy gushed out of Hu Gan's body.

In just a few seconds, with Hu Gan as the center, the energy of Heaven and Earth in this space fluctuates violently.

They moved towards Hu Gan like a kind of traction, rushing in their bodies.

"What's going on!"

"What did he eat just now!"

"In just an instant, why did his power soar so much!"


Ground Fire Sect Sect Master, Eight Gates Sect Master and Blood Sect Sect Master, the three closest to Hu Gan, were the first to notice the power change of Hu Gan. Looking at each other, he was confused and shocked.

Although Hu Gan has entered the realm of Dou Zong 2-Star before, they are confident that the battle will be delayed.

At this moment, Hu Gan burst out of energy fluctuations, but they couldn't raise any idea of ​​fighting with it.

This power even surpasses Old Ancestor Blood Fiend!

"The power of Mr. Hu Deputy Headmaster is skyrocketing!"

"Did he break through in battle?"

"But this is not like it It’s a 1-star breakthrough!"

"Anyway, the enhancement of Hu Deputy Headmaster's strength is beneficial to us!"


A crowd of Inner Academy Elder looked towards Hu Gan one after another, with excitement in their eyes.

"What the hell did this guy do."

Su Qian, a dangerous and dangerous one who avoided the Old Ancestor Blood Fiend's blow, looked towards Hu not far away Gan murmured.

The opponent's current Dou Qi fluctuations made him feel jealous.

Old Ancestor Blood Fiend and Han Feng's attention was also attracted by Hu Gan's soaring breath, and their faces gradually became serious.

"Is this really a grandfather."

Hu Jia stared at Hu Gan high in the sky in a daze, swallowing his saliva, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"Come on! Come on!"

Hu Gan glanced across Three Sects Sect Master, shouting loudly.

In an instant, the energy of Heaven and Earth was mobilized, all around the space slowly distorted, one after another crack spread like a spider web, and the deafening popping sound continued.

Ground Fire Sect Sect Master, Eight Gates Sect Master, Blood Sect Sect Master three looked at each other in blank dismay, just when they didn't know what to do, Hu Gan silhouette moved.


Hu Gan first appeared in front of Ground Fire Sect Sect Master.

punched out, simply and neatly.

Next, there is Eight Gates Sect Master;

Finally, there is Blood Sect Sect Master.

Three punches were blasted out in succession, but between the fire of calcium carbide.

Under the overwhelming power, the Dou Qi armor of Three Sects Sect Master shattered directly, his chest was sunken, a mouthful of blood spurted, and his body flew upside down like a cannonball.

The faces of the three of them were also pale, and the breath suddenly fell to the bottom.

In the battlefield, Hu Gan, after Dou Qi's soaring, was the first to break the deadlock like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

"Hu Deputy Headmaster, good...really strong!"

"I feel that the current Deputy Headmaster is far above the Great Elder!"

Look As the Three Sects Sect Master flew out, the crowd of Inner Academy dísciple was taken aback first, then cheered loudly.

"Old Su, give me this Old Ancestor Blood Fiend first."

During his steps, Hu Gan appeared on the battlefield where Su Qian was located, his eyes were the same as Old Ancestor Blood Fiend is opposite, the majestic imposing manner that pervades out is like a sword that opens the sky, extremely fierce.

"How did you do it?"

Su Qian looked at Hu Gan, her eyes filled with confusion.

Hu Gan in front of you, just talking about Dou Qi's majesty, can be compared to 6-Star Dou Zong!

"Time is running out, you go to deal with the Han Feng kid first. I will talk more about my soaring strength and solve the current troubles." Hu Gan pointed to Han Feng's direction.


Su Qian nodded answered.

"Boss Chu, if I guess it is right, Hu Deputy Headmaster just swallowed those green pills, it should be from you." Xiao Yan looked towards Chu Bei and couldn't help but opened the mouth and said.

"What do you think?" Chu Bei smiled knowingly.

Looking at the high-altitude pulling strongly against a crazy tide, Hu Gan, who became the focus of the audience, Chu Bei was a little doubtful whether it was right or wrong to sell turntables to the other party.

If there is no such six Fiery Fragrance Dou Qi Pill, I am afraid it is time for him to play.

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