Under countless line of sight, just a blink of an eye.

The surging purple rays of light evolved into a huge humanoid purple armor with several ten zhang heights outside of Chu Bei.

The humanoid purple armor has purple wings behind it, and he holds a purple lightsaber in his hand, just like a War God standing between Heaven and Earth.

The humanoid purple armor is transparent, and there is weird energy flow in it, which is different from Dou Qi, like a kind of energy that does not belong to this World.


Old Ancestor Blood Fiend's blood-colored giant palm fiercely slapped on the humanoid purple armor.

With a loud noise, the blood-colored giant palm exploded, setting off terrifying energy fluctuations, tearing the void into long slender cracks.

Look at the humanoid purple armor again,

completely motionless, without damage.

"How...how could it be."

Old Ancestor Blood Fiend suddenly startled with an unbelievable expression.

Even 5-Star Dou Zong of the same realm, undying was seriously injured in such a close distance.

And in the scene before him, even the opponent's defense Battle Armor has not broken!

The thing that made him stupefied and depressed the most was that the opponent's defensive armor seemed to be much more weird than all Dou Qi armors of Dou Zong he had seen!

"I took it unscathed!"

"The person invited by the Deputy Headmaster is not simple!"

The crowds of Inner Academy Elder are horrified , In the gaze looking towards Chu Bei, there is a new addition that allows some unclear respect.

"Old Man Hu, what kind of cultivation base is this Boss Chu? Why is there no Dou Qi fluctuation in this Dou Qi armor?"

Su Qian took a close look at the package Chu After Bei's humanoid purple armor, his gaze fell on Hu Gan and asked.

Faced with Su Qian’s question, Hu Gan shook his shoulders: “I’m afraid you have to ask him yourself. I don’t know much about him.”

Gao Kong In the battlefield, Old Ancestor Blood Fiend has not come back to his senses from the shock, the humanoid purple armor outside of Chu Bei lifted the purple long sword in his hand.

Swipe a sword.


In the sound of breaking through the sky, a ten-meter-long purple sword glow shot from the tip of the sword, directly piercing the void, and swept away at the Old Ancestor Blood Fiend.

Old Ancestor Blood Fiend felt chills. Without any hesitation, he immediately poured his entire body Dou Qi onto the Dou Qi armor while moving at the fastest speed.

The speed of the purple sword glow is so fast, the Old Ancestor Blood Fiend silhouette just moved, only half of the body can be seen, the purple sword glow has arrived.


Purple sword glow with no difficulty cut the Dou Qi armor of Old Ancestor Blood Fiend.

Continue to sweep forward.

Shengsheng severed Old Ancestor Blood Fiend's left arm.

Blood spurts.


A scream of pain and pain immediately resounded from the mouth of Old Ancestor Blood Fiend, echoing throughout the sky.

While witnessing this scene, whether it is Inner Academy Elder or the Three Sects Powerhouse, you can’t help being sucked in a cold breath.

One sword, one move, cut off 5-Star Dou Zong's arm!

This kind of strength is simply terrifying!

After a while, the hanging hearts of the Inner Academy Elder were released, and the hope in their eyes became even more intense.

As for Three Sects Powerhouse, on the contrary, the pride is reduced, and the face gradually becomes heavy.

Not far away, Yu Custodian frowned for the first time, his expression becoming solemn.

"You are more damned than Mang Qianchi!"

Looking at the arm that had fallen to the ground, Old Ancestor Blood Fiend roar made a sound, his eyes became blood red, and the green veins on his forehead were exposed. .

The shouts filled with the killing intent fell, hiding the sky and covering the earth's bloody Dou Qi surged out violencely from the Old Ancestor Blood Fiend.

Next, Dou Qi ascended and evolved into a huge sea of ​​blood outside his body, completely concealing his stature.

long long long ——

A sea of ​​blood moved towards Chu Bei, wherever it goes, the void is distorted, and the rumbling sound is deafening.

Looking at the surging sea of ​​blood, Chu Bei was still calm and calm, his face did not change at all.

I saw Chu Bei lift up his left hand, and the huge humanoid purple armor outside his body simultaneously lifted his left hand.

flicks with the finger.

A group of purple flames instantly greeted the monstrous blood.

chi chi chi ——

At the moment when the two are intertwined, the sea of ​​blood violently churning, making a burning sound.

In just a few seconds, the originally thick sea of ​​blood became thinner, and it exuded a nauseating stench.

Apart from this, and the painful and miserable wailing of Old Ancestor Blood Fiend.


Finally, in a low roar, a shadow of blood burst out from the thin sea of ​​blood.

This blood shadow is naturally Old Ancestor Blood Fiend.

Chu Bei's eyes were disdainful, and with a wave of his right hand, the purple long sword held by the humanoid purple armor fell.


This time, purple long sword is faster and more accurate.

It slashed straight to the center of the blood shadow.

The void was cut by a purple long sword with a gap of tens of meters long.

The blood shadow was also cut open.


"Old Ancestor Blood Fiend was killed!"

See the two corpses hanging high in the sky, Three Sects Powerhouse His face turned to gray for a moment.

One by one, the hearts sink as if they are filled with cold lead, their expressions are like a thunderbolt in the blue sky, and they are like being poured with cold water from head to toe, and their whole body is numb.

This result came so unexpectedly that it made them completely unprepared.

The Inner Academy Elder who watched the game was also in a daze, like a man with a clay sculpture and wood sculpture.

They prayed for Chu Bei to win, but they didn't expect it anyway, and the result was so clean and neat.

"really strong!"

Little Zi Yan's eyes rounded, and he swallowed subconsciously.

On the day before, he took the initiative to challenge such a terrifying guy!

The Inner Academy dísciple is even more like wood. Their brains seem to have lost the ability to think, staring at Chu Bei in the sky with both eyes stunned.

Until a long while.

One by one, they shouted with excitement, calling for Chu Bei.

"Who is he!"

Just above the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, Han Feng stopped his movements, frowning tightly.

Old Ancestor Blood Fiend was killed by a sword, and his only support now is the Yu Custodian of Soul Palace.

Chu Bei glanced at the corpse of Old Ancestor Blood Fiend and continued to move forward.

Every time you take a step, the humanoid purple armor will also take a step, and the place where your feet fall is hollow.

"I don't know what benefits Jia Nan Academy has given you? If they can give it, I Han Feng will give it five times ten times!"

Looking at the oncoming people approaching step by step With a huge silhouette, Han Feng immediately cup one fist in the other hand.

"Small business, pay attention to one come first."

Chu Bei opened his lips slightly, and after uttering Han Feng's bewildered motto, he raised his right arm.

The humanoid purple armor lifts the long sword in his hand at the same time.

Feeling the weird energy fluctuations flowing on the purple long sword, Han Feng quickly took a step back and hid behind Yu Custodian.

"You are more weird than the previous person's breath, and it is more worth taking back to study it." Yu Custodian fixed his eyes on Chu Bei, and did not forget to point to Hu Gan below.

The low and hoarse voice fell, and the palm of the hand moved, and the weird dark chains reappeared in the palm; then, it stretched quickly, winding around it all around.

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