Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 134: definition of human

  Chapter 134 Definition of Human Being

  Momoyama, the top of the mountain.

  Jigoro Kuwashima leaned on a cane, looking solemnly and expectantly in the direction of the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Squad.

  My wife Shanyi trembling next to me, muttered: "I must win, I must win, kill the ghost king, destroy all the ghosts, I don't have to be a ghost hunter anymore, I won't die...

   No, no, no, what if we lose? The Ghost Killing Squad is completely wiped out, and only us old, weak, sick and disabled are left, and then there will be only..."

   "Stupid! Don't talk nonsense!" Sang Dao Ciwu Lang was so angry that he gave him a hammer, and looked at the distant sky: "Hurry up, hurry up and dawn."

   "Chirp, chirp..." At this moment, a little sparrow suddenly landed from the sky, landed on my wife Shanyi's shoulder, and chattered.

  Sang Dao Ci Wulang snorted: "Your crow is bolder than you, what does it say? How is the battle in the headquarters?"

   "Grandpa, why can you call it a crow with peace of mind? It's a sparrow, how can I understand what it says!" Shanyi complained.

   "Choo...chuo..." The sparrow suddenly grabbed his hair and made a pulling motion, as if trying to lead him in a certain direction.

  My wife Shanyi was stunned for a moment, and was shocked: "No, no, no, no! I don't want to go to the headquarters, I will die, I will die!"

   "Huh? Idiot, isn't it going to take you to the headquarters!" Sangshima Jigoro gave Shanyi another heavy hammer, and said, "Little Crow, did you find something? Is it far from here?"

   After a while, the master and the apprentice, led by the sparrow, came to a position near the foot of the mountain, and saw a tree lying under a...

   "Wild boar?!" My wife Shanyi was shocked.

   "Beside him is a Japanese sword, a swordsman wearing a wild boar headgear." Kuwashima Jigoro walked over dignifiedly, and saw a blood hole in the swordsman's chest, bleeding gurglingly.

   "The heart was...not...this is, with a special breathing method, the position of the internal organs was moved?"

  Sang Dao Ci Wulang squatted down to check: "There is still help! Shanyi, hurry up, take him back!"


   At this moment, the wild boar swordsman who seemed unconscious grabbed Kuwashima Jigoro's hand, causing my wife Shanyi to draw his sword in fright.

   "It's okay! Shanyi!" Sangshima Cigoro asked in a calm voice, "What did you encounter?"

  Wild Boar Swordsman’s consciousness is obviously still a little fuzzy. Trying to recall the previous experience, my uncle heard that the headquarters was attacked, and he was rushing forward in the mountains and forests, and then...

   "Meet a group of humans wearing the same clothes and holding strange fire-breathing iron pipes?"

  My wife Shanyi muttered: "Where did you come from? I don't know. It must be the army and guns. Maybe I took you for a wild boar..."

   Hey, why is there an army here?

  Sang Dao Ci Wulang said in a deep voice: "Do you still remember which direction they went?"

   "Headquarters... why?" Sang Dao Cigoro said with a serious face, "Has the Lord contacted the army for reinforcements? It should be... no..."


  The headquarters of the Demon Slayer Squad.

  Wu Mi claimed to be an 'infinitely close to perfect creature', but as he fought, his perfect creature became uglier and uglier.

Both arms mutate into twisted giant fleshy creatures, with a huge man-eating mouth growing out of the front end, the back is deeply curved, stretching more than five meters, densely packed blood vessels protrude from its body, and countless tentacles are arranged so that dense Fear sufferers die suddenly.

  Of course, the uglier you are, the stronger you are!

   Gradually besieging and killing other ghosts, the members of the Ghost Slayer Squad could not approach the central battlefield at all, and even the center gradually had problems.

  Even if Ji Xing was responsible for 60% of Wumi's attacks, and Beimingyu Xingming for 30%, Immortal Kawa Minami, who was only responsible for 10%, gradually had wounds on his body, and his physical strength declined seriously.

  Insufficient strength is insufficient. If he is head-on one-on-one, he will not be able to take the three moves without misery. This will not change because of the anger and killing intent in his heart.

"Cut, is this the end?" Knowing that if he persisted, it would drag down Beimingyu Xingming and Ji Xing, he was prepared to 'retire from the circle', and waited for a little respite before joining the battle, and so on, step by step Delay the misery until dawn.

  But, I really don’t want to show weakness!

  The scar on his face trembled, he gritted his teeth and said, "Shangxi! Xingming!"

  Being Mingyu Xingming knew what he meant, and approached him while defending against the attack, but Ji Xing just smiled: "It's just right, that's enough."


   With a flick of his arm, his right arm suddenly stretched and turned into a wall of thunder and light, and a different momentum emanated from him, as thick as a mountain, and the wall of thunder and light also showed stability like a mountain!

   bang bang bang bang—

Wuyou's tentacles crushed it, and amidst the roar of the earth shaking and mountains shaking, the light of thunder fluctuated, but it never disappeared, and bursts of shocking winds rose up, and the center of the collision gradually turned into a blue radiance, lighting up up the night sky!



In the center of the gorgeous light and shadow, Wu Mi's hundreds of tentacles shattered and cut off one after another, and finally shattered the wall of thunder light. The shock wave generated by the collision of the two blew the members of the ghost killing team hundreds of meters away. Avoid flying sand and walking stones!

   It was dawn, and it went out again.

   The tentacles are completely broken, and the tentacles grow again.

   Ji Xing's right arm was also smashed, and a new one was regenerated. As the ghost king, he can also change the structure of his body at will like Wu Mi, but with the Thunder Breathing Method and the special effects of lightning, his changes will appear more beautiful.

   "Xingming, Immortal River, you can go to rest. Before, I allocated part of my strength to help Butterfly Ninja kill the second child of the upper string. Now this power is back." Ji Xing said succinctly.

   "You didn't go all out just now?!"

   "How powerful this is, Amitabha, Shangxi, please be careful!"

  Being Mingyu Xingming and Undead Kawa Minami had no nonsense or hesitation, knowing that Ji Xing could not make false judgments and exaggerate, they immediately obediently went to the periphery and took a supporting posture, always ready to rejoin the battlefield.

  Facing Ji Xing, Wuyou's blood-red eyes swept over Ji Xing and the members of the Ghost Killing Squad who surrounded him layer upon layer in the distance, with dark eyes.

   "It really bores me."

  He looked at Ji Xing and said: "Actually, I have never understood that natural disasters such as violent storms, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes always take lives, but I have never seen anyone want revenge.

   Just treat me as a natural disaster, why do you want to name it as revenge, and the first thing you say is that your parents and brothers were killed, and they bother me endlessly?

   There is probably only one answer, you ghost hunters... are crazy, not normal! "

  The voice spread, and anger climbed on every ghost hunter's face, Ji Xing just wanted to laugh.

   "Natural disaster? Don't be ashamed, you are just a man-made disaster." He said.

"Human?" Wuyou sneered: "It's okay if other people say so, you? You who have turned into a ghost? Endless lifespan, immortal body, as long as we overcome the weakness of the sun, we can become people walking in the world." gods!

Why? Why do you still think that we are weak humans, why should you side with these human swordsmen? ! "

   "It seems that our definition of human beings is different." Ji Xing said: "The thing that determines our race is not the appearance, but the heart.

  Even if the soul is bound to the body of grass, trees, or ants, as long as I still feel that I am a human being and do human things, then I will be a human being, and I will always be. "

  The words are loud!

  The swordsmen of the ghost killing team were shocked and ashamed of their previous hesitation about Ji Xing's ghost body.

  That was Xishi Kong on the Thunder Pillar in the legend, that was a human swordsman who had held the sword for nine months, beheaded the third and then "died together" with one of the tops. How could we doubt him? !

  These swordsmen are the most elite part of the Ghost Killing Squad. At this moment, Ji Xing's seven-star bead starlight keeps jumping up by hundreds of thousands.

   Finally lit up the third star!

  He glanced at it, smiled and said: "As for things like you, which don't do human affairs, we generally only call them...human scum!"

   Scum? At this moment, Ji Xing's face overlapped with the nightmare-like figure again, as if he was also asking him: "Wu Mi, what do you think of life (human beings)?"

   "Don't! Don't call me something so humble and fragile as a human being!"

   Next chapter soon, later.


  (end of this chapter)

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