Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 138: twelve ghosts

  Chapter 138 Twelve Ghost Animals

  A few days later, the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Squad.

  In the temporarily rebuilt house, the Ghost Slayer Squad is holding another Zhuhe meeting.

  Yuya Ubuyashiki is in a very complicated mood. He thought that if he defeated Wuyou, the content of this Zhuhe meeting would probably be to celebrate the victory of the Millennium Blood War and the disbandment of the Demon Slayer Squad, but now, it may not be possible.

   "Xing Ming, Undead River, how do you two feel now?" He asked softly.

Beimingyu Xingming blinked his eyes: "I don't remember how long I haven't seen the light, but unfortunately I can't face the sun directly. It turns out that this is the feeling of being a ghost. To be honest, apart from the need to suppress the desire to eat everyone, it is very good."

  Undead Kawa Minami snorted: "I'm not good. That guy Kamishi is always controlling me faintly. This feeling of not being able to free my own body makes people very uncomfortable. How long will it take for the human-transforming medicine?"

   "Your self-control is not as good as Lord Yanzhu. Shangxi controls you for your own good, otherwise you may become a cannibal evil spirit." Tomioka Yoshiyuki said.

   Immortal Kawa Minya: "..."

   If you can’t speak, you don’t have to. Butterfly smiled inwardly, and said: "Mr. Shangxi turned you into ghosts, probably to remove the side effects of your markings, so that you will not die early."

   "It's also... It's also to let the Demon Slayer Team disregard their relationship with him in that situation, so as to avoid casualties." Kanroji Mitsuri's face was full of emotion: "Mr. Kanishi has always been so comprehensive."

   "But we can't disassociate ourselves from him." Purgatory Xingshoulang said loudly: "I respect the Lord God, but if he really sent down the decree this time, I can't understand.

   There is no reason for this kind of thing that just killed Wu Mi and was besieged by the army to happen! "

"'s very troublesome now. Shangxi killed a lot of soldiers when he counterattacked. When he turns back into a human, what if..." Yuhao Tianyuan said: "There are even worse results. If he is really angry and gorgeously becomes Wu Such a miserable ghost king..."

   "Mr. Shangxi won't do it!"


Yuya Ubuyashiki listened quietly to Jiuzhu's discussion. They were basically supporting Ji Xing, because since Ji Xing joined the ghost killing team two years ago, from turning ghosts to transforming into ghosts, to the decisive battle before that, everything he has done There is nothing wrong with the Ghost Slayer Squad.

  Without him, with Shangxian as the enemy and Wumi fighting, the children in front of him don't know how many children will be left, and he doesn't know if he can live.

  Recalling the anger witnessed by the priest during the past two days, the thoughtfulness of his wife, the priest Amane, and the scenes of contact with the Tanjiro brothers and sisters, and Yushiro Tsuse, Yuya Miyashiki said softly.

   "Shangxi, what are your plans?"

  The room was silent, and eyes were cast on Undead Kawa Minya.

Immortal Chuan Shimi's face darkened, and a voice came out of his mouth: "Everyone break it up and wait for a while, someone will come to ask for it, hehe, next everyone's opponent will be replaced by me. Be careful."


"what are you up to?"

   "I want to make the whole of Japan shake up for me, and let them know the anger of the King of Ghosts!"


  The members of the ghost killing team didn't believe it until they gradually understood what Ji Xing wanted to do.


Three years later.

  The 18-year-old Tanjiro has lost some immaturity and has become a great guy.

   "Master Tanjirou!"

"come on!"

   "Must kill that bastard!"

   Responding uncomfortably to the calls from the street, Tanjiro quickened his pace, and asked the official leading the way in front of him: "Have you completed the evacuation?"

   "Yes, Master Tanjiro! Please kill that nasty ghost!"

Tanjiro nodded slightly, ready to fight. Soon, he was taken to an open space that was blocked layer by layer. In the center of the open space, he saw the target of this time—a middle-aged man with open breasts, big belly, full of fear and despair. Young male ghost.

  Just looking at the expression, many people may feel sympathy, but if they know what he did, they will be like those people on the road before, wishing to kill him quickly.

  Tanjiro first looked at the opponent's eyes.

  Under the light golden pupils, on one side is written 'Xiahu', and on the other side is written '壱'!

   "It turned out to be one of the beasts, how much evil did this guy do when he was a human being." Tanjiro's expression changed slightly, and he drew a Japanese sword in his hand.

  It is equivalent to the twelve ghost months without misery, and Ji Xing also set up twelve ghost animals!

  Animals are the livestock of animals.

   These guys don't eat people after being ghosts.

   But eat while being human!

  Corrupt officials, villains who kill without batting an eye, and cult members who cause trouble, these people were all turned into ghosts by Ji Xing, and then let them take the initiative to announce their evil deeds when they were human beings to the world!

  The ranking of the twelve ghost animals is not determined according to their strength, but according to the degree of their evil deeds when they were humans! The ghosts of the animals basically committed the crime of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country, including some unspeakable military and political figures!

  ‘What did this guy do? '

   Tanjiro raised his sword and killed, knowing that his doubts would be answered soon.

Sure enough, one of the beasts on the opposite side was obviously desperate and terrified, but when he attacked and killed him, he let out a smirk: "Little devil! Just because you want to kill me? A child like you, when I built the road in the south of the city Just filled in dozens of…”

  While being beaten, he was provocative, telling about his evil deeds when he was a human being, helping Tanjiro to accumulate anger, allowing him to display a stronger strength!

   This is also the characteristic of Ji Xing's ghosts.

   Because of this, the unspeakable crimes were known to the Japanese people and caused an uproar in the country.

  Ghosts in the Wumi period walk in the dark, do evil silently, and commit evil deeds in the form of ghosts.

  Now it’s the Ji Xing era, but the ghosts stand up and upright, and the upper level can’t cover it up even if they want to cover it up!

  Almost everyone gradually became aware of the Ghost Slayer Squad and Wumi's Millennium War, as well as the name of today's ghost king Shang Xishi Yakong.

   And these ghosts, let alone ghosts, even if they are still human, and exposed so many crimes, the people will want to kill them quickly!

   Because of this, each of the Ghost Slayer Squad powerhouses came into the public's field of vision, and some of them became 'stars' and gained loyal fans.

  Although Tanjirou is one of the best in the current Demon Slayer Team, in terms of popularity, he is still far inferior to the passionate man Purgatory Anjuro and the gentle and beautiful Butterfly Shinobi.

  Of course, Tanjiro didn't want to be famous either.

  ‘The Breath of the Sun·Five Shapes…’

  Beheading one of the animals with a single knife, the mouth that was eloquently explaining its sins closed.

His fat head fell to the ground, his eyes became clear again, tears flowed unceasingly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Baga! Baga! Baga! You are in league with ghosts, killing officials indiscriminately, and the country becomes a ghost king to enforce the law! This country is going to die!"

   Tanjiro retracted the knife and put it back into its sheath.

  He who is kind will sympathize with some ghosts under Wu Can's command, but not with the twelve ghosts.

  These ghosts are real evil ghosts!

  He doesn't know that the country is not finished, and he doesn't know whether it is correct for the country to be enforced by a ghost king. He only knows that if such a person is not punished as he should, everyone will be disappointed.

  Indeed, because of Ji Xing's "law enforcement", the credibility of Japan's top management has fallen to the bottom, and even because of the exposure of those collaborators and traitors, they have become a laughing stock in the whole world, and the country's politics have regressed by at least 50 years.

  But at least in the past two years, the law and order in various places has improved a hundred times, and the lives of ordinary people have become better. Many ordinary people regard Mr. Shangxi as a hero!

   The only ones who want to kill Mr. Shangxi quickly are those high-level and guilty guys.

But from the initial failure of the army's encirclement and suppression, to the fact that he had to ask for help from the Ghost Killing Squad, and later made the Ghost Slaying Squad an official organization and assisted the Ghost Slaying Squad in selecting new recruits, until now he earnestly begged Mr. .

  Backing back step by step, you can see that those people have nothing to do with him, and even deeply regret the rash siege of Ji Xing at the beginning. They can't catch or beat Mr. Shangxi.

   More importantly, I can't find it!

  Completed this ghost hunting mission and left in the farewell of the people, Tanjiro returned to his home in Kyoto now.

  As soon as I opened the door, I saw the 'culprit'.

  He greeted enthusiastically:

   "Mr. Shangxi, you are here."

   The next chapter comes later.


  (end of this chapter)

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