Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 159: Enrollment and Essence Cuisine

  Chapter 159 Joining the team and essence cooking

  The graduation assessment was delayed for more than half a month, and the captain practiced here for another half a month. Ji Xing finally came to the 12th team's team building.

   Shinigami, who normally graduated from Shino Spiritual Art Academy, has joined the team for more than a month. Those who have seen Ji Xing's performance in the academy knew that Ji Xing would become the third seat of the 12th team.

   Today's 12th squad has not yet become the technology development bureau of later generations. They and the 3rd squad are both emergency reinforcements. Where there are death casualties, they all need support and supplements.

  Recently, apart from the disappearance of Ruhun Street in the Real World and Soul World, everything is fine, so there are more players staying in the team building.

  9 of the 14 seats were present, and more than 150 ordinary players were present. They greeted Ji Xing at the gate of the team building: "Welcome to Ye Sanxi!"

   It is worth mentioning that each team of the 13th Guarding Team can list up to 18 seats above the ordinary players and under the captain and deputy captain, that is to say, the lowest ranking officer is the 20th seat.

  However, it is generally difficult to make a complete list. The chief executives at the back say whether they are strong or not, but at least they must be different from ordinary players.

   Originally, the 12th team had a minimum of 16 seats, but now the minimum has become 17 seats. Since the third seat, everyone has postponed one place due to the arrival of Ji Xing.

  The original third seat, Sangoro Tajima, was also in the team welcoming him. Sincerely, Ji Xing's fame saved him from all unnecessary troubles.

   So the atmosphere is good.

   Kisuke Urahara was not accepted by Hiyori when he became the captain, so he could not enjoy this.

  So Ji Xing smiled at everyone and said, "Thank you everyone, we will be a family from now on."

  The word "family" was used very well, and Hiyori who was angry all the way smiled, and the atmosphere among the team members also became better.

  The broad-minded purple-haired beauties wearing Captain Haori came out more and more, Ji Xing bowed his head again and said, "Captain Hikifune Kiryu!"

"Just like Kohiyori, you can call me Captain Hikifune or Sister Kiryu." With a warm smile on Hikifune Kiryu's face, he even gave Ji Xing a hug gently but full of impact: "Welcome to 12 Fan team, and Ye Sanxi."

  She personally put the team logo of the 12th team on Ji Xing's brand new Death Fighter outfit. It is an upside-down strawberry-like pattern with unknown meaning. It was designed by Hikifune Kiryu. Maybe it simply represents food?

  Afterwards, all the team members shouted: "Yuye Sanxi!"

It was a welcome before, but this time it was his position. After Ji Xing responded, the ordinary team members could disband, and they left after discussing in a low voice. Hikifune Kiryu brought Ji Xing and other officials to the meeting room of the 12th team. , sitting in a circle.

"It's been almost a year since Kohiyori said that he would bring a strong third seat to the team. Yono has experienced a lot of twists and turns in joining the team this time." Hikifune Kiryu said with a smile: "I also look forward to Koyono Yono, you have been here for a long time."

   "Thank you Captain Hikifune."

   Ji Xing glanced at Hiyori, almost a year? That is, since the first meeting? That's not what you said back then.

  Hyyori's expression was stinky, but he didn't yell to refute. Ji Xing said again: "I have indeed been taken care of by the vice-captain Hiyyori this year. She taught me a lot in disguise."

   "Little Hiyyori has always been an enthusiastic child." Hikifune Kiryu said with a smile: "It's just that his mouth is a bit vicious, don't mind."

   "Captain Hikifune..." Hiyori made a coquettish voice, and then realized that there were other people around him, and coughed unnaturally.

   Hikifune Kiryu is like a mother to her, she can only beg Hikifune Kiryu to save her some face in front of Ji Xing and the team members.

   "Kawaii..." In the end, Hikifune Kiryu directly pulled his face, it's over, it's over.

   The team members were not surprised, Ji Xing suppressed his smile: "Well, I know."

   Hikifune Kiryu's smiling eyes flashed a trace of worry. At this time, she already knew that she would not be staying in Goutei 13th Team for long. When the time comes, Hiyori's two hundred-year-old children...

   "Then Yono Sanji, your next task is to follow Kohiyori to familiarize yourself with the work of the team, as well as the team members and officials."

   "Yes, Captain Hikifune!"


  Then the officers of the 12th team introduced themselves to Ji Xing one by one, and asked Ji Xing to roughly write down their names, greeted each other, and then disbanded. This is all about the joining ceremony.

  The thirteenth team of Huting does not pay attention to eating and drinking.

  Next, Hiyori took Ji Xing to familiarize himself with the structure of the 12th squad.

   "This is the practice field. When you have nothing to do, you can come and give pointers to the basics of the players, but it is useless. Those idiots don't know how to teach them. It's good to come here twice!"

   "Over there, there is a garden. Captain Hikifune occasionally goes for a walk, but recently she doesn't know what she's been busy with, so she doesn't go there much."

   "This is a residential area, come here, I'll take you to your residence first, and I'll ask the team members to prepare everything for you. If you want anything else... don't look at me! Ask the team members for help!"

  Ji Xing said: "By the way, I almost forgot to ask, I am paid, right? How much?"

   "3000 rings a month."

   "Not high."

   "If there are tasks, there will be more."

   "According to business commission?"


   "Modern language, you've been dead for too long, Vice Captain Hiyori."

   "...idiot! Baldy!"

  So Ji Xing settled down in the 12th team.

  In the next two days, under the leadership of Hiyori or other senior officials, he was familiar with the work content of the 12th team. As for the captain Hikifune Kiryu, Ji Xing only met that side when he joined the team.

  According to the time calculation, she should be researching the critical moment of Soul Essence Cuisine to be promoted to Division 0, and Akito doesn’t say anything secretly, even if there is no Hiyori, Ji Xing will come to Division 12.

  He is greedy for the rice cooked by Hikifune Kiryu!

  The kind of cuisine that contains the essence of the soul can make his spiritual pressure increase hierarchically!

  How can she have a meal before she leaves the Guarding Team Thirteen?

   Ji Xing had a small plan in mind.

   And on the third day after Ji Xing joined the team, when Hikishu Kiryu invited Ji Xing to her house for dinner in the evening, Ji Xing realized that he had miscalculated something.

  The soul essence cuisine that can make Ichinohe and Renji have a hierarchical upgrade was made by Hikifune Kiryu more than a hundred years later!

At that time, not only did she get a great improvement because she entered the palace of the spirit king and her bones were restructured by the power of the spirit king, but she also ate herself into a big fat man in order to accumulate enough spiritual pressure and physical energy, which is absolutely the same as her now. The soul essence dishes that can be made are different!

  Ji Xing wondered, why didn't she let most of the captains of Gotei Thirteen, at least Hiyori, have a meal of the essence before being promoted?

   After eating Hiyori, maybe she can directly take over her captain position, right?

   The result was not that he didn't eat, but that the effect was not that good. Even with Ji Xing's talent, the current elementary version of the essence cooking, after a meal, probably only helped him increase his spiritual pressure by half!

   It is natural to say that there are disappointments, but Ji Xing is also satisfied. It is already very good to have half of the promotion for nothing. I am very sincerely grateful to Hikifune Kiryu, and more importantly...

   "Make a temporary soul, temporarily absorb the temporary soul into the body, and then inject the essence of the soul into the food when cooking food, and use the essence to enhance your own spiritual pressure through eating..."

   This is very compatible with Jixing Zanpakuto.

  Ji Xing thinks he... can learn it!

   Over two chapters, today is gone, tomorrow will continue for three more.

Recommend a book: "The Holy Code of Blood", a new work by the author of Wanding, who has written "The Game of the World Tree" before, one of the best transformation texts, quality assurance, friends who like transformation texts recommend reading, If you don't like it, you can read it, maybe you will suddenly find yourself like Siyang like the transformation text one day...

  (end of this chapter)

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