Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 166: Broken Bee's Grievance

Hikifune Kiryu's departure did not cause much disturbance for the time being, even because the zero team could not be made public, except for Ji Xing and Hiyori in the 12th team who knew the truth, other people, even the chief executives, only thought that she was resigning to hide. retreat.

   Some other teams have not received any news.

  After she left, Ji Xing temporarily acted as the 'captain agent', in charge of the major and minor affairs of the 12th team.

   This is also normal for insiders. No one has regarded him as a normal third seat for a long time, and the members of the 12th team all take it for granted.

  Hyyori suddenly found that although the position of vice captain was not lost, he only had a position left.

   I was very angry, so I went to beat Mako Hirako.

  Team 2, Ye Yi took this opportunity to tease Sui Feng, who had been practicing very hard since the graduation assessment task, and received a cold response, and went to find the three seats in the team in a boring way—

   Kisuke Urahara.

   "How's that investigation going?"

   "Yoichi-san is referring to the disappearance of Ruukon Street?" Kisuke Urahara replied, "Well, I finally found some clues."

"Really? Then I'll leave it to you, team leader, I always feel that Yono Masashi's graduation assessment was a bit problematic." Ye Yidao: "By the way, Senior Hikishu has already been promoted to the 0th team, and the captain of the 12th team is vacant. Come out, I am going to recommend you to the captain, what do you think?"

   "Have you already gone? But me? Captain?" Urahara Kisuke asked in surprise, "Is it the 12th team?"

  He thought for a few seconds, then scratched his head lazily: "No way, the strongest genius in the millennium, it won't be too far to master the swastika."

   "It's not easy to solve it. With his talent, it will take at least a few years, or even longer. During this period, the position of the captain of the 12th division cannot always remain vacant, and your research..."

  Urahara Kisuke laughed dryly: "Yeah, I'm really a little busy with some things. If there is a fan team to support...well, let's try it. I hope the people in the 12th fan team can get along well."

Ye Yi laughed and said: "Is it easy to get along with? Vice-captain Hiyori Sarkaki's temper... haha, you should be able to handle this girl, but it will be very troublesome if Yono Masashi doesn't approve of you. You Jie has been bullying me a lot, and I don't know where the hostility comes from."

   "Oh." Kisuke Urahara scratched his head in distress.

  Yeyi smiled gloatingly, and finally said, "Forget it, I'll try to help you out."

   "Great, sorry for the trouble Yokazu-san." Kisuke Urahara pretended to be relieved.

   "Hehe, it's a small matter... watch the fist!"


  The two began to exchange ideas cracklingly.


  After a lot of exercise, Yoruichi replaced captain Haori, and went to the first team to recommend Urahara Kisuke to the general captain to replace the 12th team captain.

  The captain approved and explained that Kisuke Urahara will be assessed six days later.

  Yoichi has sufficient confidence that Urahara Kisuke passed the assessment, but unexpectedly, the first person who objected to her recommendation was not the 12th squad that had not yet heard of it, not Ji Xing, but her guard captain, Suho.

  So she teased and said: "I thought you really forgot Yono Masashi, Suho. I haven't seen him again for half a year. I didn't expect that you were still thinking about him..."

   "Master Ye!" Broken Bee interrupted: "Please don't keep making such jokes!"

   "Eh, isn't it? You were the one who said just now that you shouldn't recommend Kisuke, and you should wait until Masashi Yono takes over as the captain of the 12th division..."

  "Ye-sama, what I said was that the guy you recommend will tarnish the reputation of our second team, so it's better to wait for Mashi Yono to take over!"

  Yeyi wondered: "Is there any difference?"

   "Of course different..."

  The young Broken Bee is no match for Ye Yi, an old woman who is almost three hundred years old, and she is a little weak to refute after being molested.

   But that kind of sloppy and lazy guy will definitely make Master Ye follow him and be humiliated!

  Suifeng decided to speak with facts, and in the next few days, he has been secretly following Urahara Kisuke, confirming Urahara Kisuke's itinerary, and collecting Urahara Kisuke's "criminal facts".

  Finally took the itinerary to Ye Yi.

   "Master Ye, look."

"This is the entire itinerary of Urahara Sanji in the past few days. Apart from going to participate in the captain's assessment today, he is slacking off his duties every day, and often goes to Ruhun Street to go shopping and drink. How can such a guy be the captain of the 12th division? ?”

   "Tsk, to do this to Yono Masashi..." Yeyi teased again in a low voice.

  The corners of Sui Feng's eyes twitched lightly, she got used to it, and pretended she didn't hear it, she looked at Ye Yi with anticipation, and Ye Yi nodded while watching: "Ah, it's really detailed...Lack of duty, very serious."

  She yelled out: "Kisuke! Do you have an explanation for these things?!"

  The voice fell, and the figures in the team building flashed.

  A man with short light yellow hair and army green eyes appeared in front of Yeyi Shunbu, bent down to read the documents, and quickly scratched his hair with a dry smile: "It's all the truth."

   "Hahaha..." Yeyi laughed loudly, "You're still the same, Kisuke."

  The expected Broken Bee paid by mistake after all.

   These two people had the experience of practicing together in the Lingwang Palace two hundred years ago. I don’t know how many years of friendship they have been with each other. They are so good that they soon wear the same pair of pants.

  Yeyi is impossible to pursue.

   Sui Feng could only look at Mrs. Ye with a puzzled face, only to hear Ye Yi wave his hand and say: "Mmm... Sui Feng, please go and ask Yono Masashi to come over."


  Damn it! Why, why did Mr. Ye tolerate this guy so much? !


   But for Ji Xing, during this period of time, everything was developing as he knew.

  Because his real position is still the third seat of the 12th division, even with the order of Hikifune Kiryu and the permission of the general captain to temporarily manage the 12th division, he still has no right to attend the captain's meeting.

  When he was officially notified, it was time to prepare for the new captain's inauguration ceremony.

   At this time, Hikifune Kiryu had just left for a week.

  Everything came so quickly.

Hiyori was furious: "Second Division? What is Second Division? Isn't it a stealth maneuver? They are all stealthy and murderous guys! And during your graduation assessment, those guys who performed stealth maneuvers also caused you to be seriously injured ! I absolutely, absolutely will not recognize any new captain!"

   "Then tomorrow's celebration... Shall I go?"

   "No! I'll go! I want to see what kind of guy the new captain is, and absolutely, absolutely stomp on his face!"

   As soon as the voice fell, someone Shunbu appeared beside him, and it was the fifth seat Suifeng of the second division.

  Hyyori froze for a moment, looked at Sui Feng, and was not guilty at all: "What? Are all the stealthy maneuvering guys so rude? This is the 12th division team building, and you can break in casually?!"

  Broken Bee ignored her, and said to Ji Xing: "Sanxi Yuye, Master Ye wants to see you."

   Hiyori was furious, Ji Xing quickly stopped her who was about to spray, and said, "Okay, I get it, let's go."

   Broken Bee disappeared instantly.

  Hyyori exhaled deeply, and the little flat body curved slightly: "The captain of the second team called you over, he definitely wanted you to support tomorrow's new captain, hey, Yono, you can't..."

   "Don't worry, don't worry, deputy captain, I won't agree, and I will never approve the new captain!"

   Suifeng, who was waiting in the distance, was a little annoyed by Hiyori's slander for the second division, but he was a little happy when he heard Ji Xing's words.

   Great, he doesn't approve!

   Yono Masashi's reputation in the 12th squad and even in the entire Seireitei is not low. If he clearly objects, Lord Ye will definitely consider it carefully and reconsider it!

  Master Ye's reputation must not be damaged!

I also remembered that Ji Xing rescued her twice under Zaraki Sword Eight Swords more than half a year ago, and fought until she fell into a coma. When Ji Xing followed her to the second team, Suifeng, who usually worked hard to keep cold, gave Ji Xing two Smiley, nodding greeting.

  Until Ji Xing meets Ye Yi.

   "Don't worry, Captain Yoruichi, I will fully cooperate with Captain Urahara's work!"

  Hearing Ji Xing's other rhetoric, Sui Feng was stunned, why?

  How could he do this? !

  Reminiscent of the experience of the past few days, Suifeng's eye circles are slowly turning red from grievances.


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