Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 387: that's it

  Chapter 387 is it

half year later.

   "Up, up over!"

  Feeling the wind and waves gradually calm down, Nami caressed her chest, and Sanji and Usopp around her also wiped off the sweat that didn't exist on their foreheads.

   To say that there may indeed be a special fate between people, it may also be that some people have mutual attraction. Although various changes have been made, the Straw Hat Pirates have roughly gathered those people and sailed together.

   Of course, without Robin.

  But there are more Weiwei and Karoo Duck.

Because Crocodile was arrested as soon as he made an action, the disaster in Alabasta did not last as long as three years, and King Cobra did not get sick. Vivi, who is 16 years old this year, still has a free time and does not have to bear the burden of being a princess. Responsibility.

Her voyage is also somewhat related to Ji Xing. As the royal family of Alabasta, she naturally knows who saved Alabasta a few years ago, so she hit it off with Nami and Zoro, and boarded the boat of the Straw Hat Pirates .

  In fact, most of the current ship, including Usopp, has something to do with Ji Xing.

After sailing for half a year, Straw Hat Luffy is already a well-known Nova Pirate. He has entered the Great Route a few months ago. He has been to Tidal Island to "look up" at Holo's old residence. He found nothing, and now he is heading towards Murloc Island. Sailing, intending to enter a new world to start a new chapter of adventure.

  Just half an hour ago, they encountered a sudden storm while sailing. The navigator, Nami, commanded precisely, and the crew worked together, and finally escaped from the storm at this moment.

   "Speaking of which, it was noon before the storm. Why did it suddenly get dark?" Sanji suddenly made a strange muttering sound.

   "Huh?" Nami was taken aback, looked at the sky, and her face turned pale: "Could it be..."

   Weiwei also reacted, and shrank away from Nami, "Could it be..."

   "Devil, devil triangle sea area?!"

  Usopp immediately stood at attention: "What, what? That legendary... Devil's Sea Territory where at least a hundred ships disappear every year?!"

   "It's more than that." Sanji realized that he was playing tricks, and the lighter illuminated his face in the dark mist to look like a ghost: "It is said... there are skeletons (monsters) that can talk and move..."


  The clear sound of falling made several people startled for a moment. Turning their heads to look, they saw Qiaoba, who was a part-time ship doctor with spare ingredients on the ship, rolled his eyes and passed out.

what's the situation? fainted?

   Usually, Chopper and Usopp form a cowardly duo, but that's not the case, is it?

   A few people lost their mind to joke, Zoro walked over quickly: "Hey, Chopper...huh? Nami, come here quickly! Chopper's head is very hot!"

  Nami, who knows a little about simple medical care, ran over quickly: "Really...why suddenly...was it raining in the storm just now? Sanji, hurry up and boil water, Weiwei, bring the medicine box over here!"

  Everyone moved quickly. At this moment, Zoro remembered that there was a missing voice. He looked up and said in surprise, "Luffy! What's wrong with you!"

Everyone looked around quickly, and saw that Lu Fei, who was usually healthy like a calf, blushed abnormally, was covering his heart with his right hand, and said with difficulty: "Okay, it seems that there is something, something is... calling I feel terrible…"

   "...Isn't it?! Luffy, now is not the time to joke!"

  What is calling you? !

  Nami Weiwei felt a chill all over her body. Is there really something...ghost in the Devil's Triangle sea area? !


  A faint foul smell wafted from the apple-like, pear-like object in front of him, and Ji Xing stared at it for a while, then shook his head and said, "Failed again."

   Several Vegapunks beside him sighed at the same time.

   "Sure enough, it won't be that simple."

   "Failed for the third time."

   "What else is missing?"

   "We may need more samples of ability person bloodline factors."

Since he came to the Devil's Triangle sea area half a year ago and occupied the territory of Moonlight Moria, Ji Xing has devoted himself to the scientific research with Vegapunk, wanting to reproduce the creation of devil fruit in the huge kingdom eight hundred years ago machine.

   They don't start from scratch.

  OnePiece, that is, the big speaker left by Joey Boy, is a devil fruit manufacturing machine that was destroyed and transformed. Through its materials and characteristics, they can analyze many things.

  During half a year, Ji Xing also absorbed most of Vegapunk's knowledge, accumulated several intrusions, and mastered it masterfully, which is equivalent to two Dovegapunks working hard together.

  So now a machine that has the effect of making devil fruit and instilling will to affect the fruit has been successfully copied, but in the three trials of synthesizing devil fruit, they were all far from success.

  ‘Could it be that there is a problem with my desire injection? No, there is nothing more pure than my desire...'

   Staring at the machine that took up half of the room in front of him and thinking for a while, Ji Xing suddenly turned his head to look out the window and said, "There's a new customer again."

   "Oh, a pirate or a merchant ship?"

   "Pirates." Ji Xing smiled: "This group of people is a bit special, I have to meet them in person, and there are also samples of the bloodline factors of new capable people."

  Animal is human-human fruit and human-human fruit-Phantom Beast-Nica form.

   Huh, everyone fruit?

  Ji Xing was thoughtful, seemed to have a problem purely? There seem to be additional rules here?


the other side.

   "Okay, what a big ship, is this really a ship instead of an island? It feels so eerie!"

  Nami and Weiwei were close together, holding Karoo Duck in their arms, and walked forward while carefully observing the surroundings.

   "Don't worry, Ms. Nami~Miss Vivi~ No matter what you have, I will protect you~" Sanji's tone was weird.

"Smelly cook, focus on finding the way for me, Chopper's forehead is getting hotter!" Zoro tied Chopper on his chest, carried Luffy on his back, drank Sanji, and asked, "Luffy, you Feel something calling you, in which direction?"

   "Over there." Luffy said weakly.

Sanji looked at this side, and rarely choked with the 'green algae head', but quickened his pace in the direction Luffy pointed. Tight, as if concerned: "Luffy, are you okay?"

   "No, it's okay, it's just... so hot."

Among the group of people with online IQ, it is natural to judge that there are only two capable people who have been affected by some kind of strange, and because the devil's triangle sea area is difficult to leave for a while, Luffy and Chopper don't look very good, so they can only go in the opposite direction , to find the thing that attracted Luffy and made him hot.

  ‘But this environment, no matter how you look at it, it’s not good. Even if ghosts, ghosts, zombies, etc. suddenly appear, it’s not surprising...’ Usopp’s heart was pounding, and his ears trembled suddenly.

   "What, what?!"

   "Yo~Ho Ho Ho Ho~ Yo~ Ho Ho Ho~"

  A whimpering singing voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears, making them stop and look forward, their pupils shrank, and sweat dripped from their foreheads.

  I saw a skeleton wearing a tuxedo with an afro head leaning on a cane, humming and singing in a gentlemanly manner approaching, and around the skeleton, there were a few ghostly ghosts!

  Including Zoro, they couldn't help swallowing when they saw this situation.

   Are there really… living skeletons? !

"Yo Ho Ho Ho ~" Skeleton Brook stood in front of them, smiling, although he couldn't see it, he smiled and said: "Misters and ladies, this island is a paradise for the dead, and living people are not welcome to land. Everyone, please go back the way you came."

  Skeleton... spoke? !

  The...Paradise of the Dead? !

   Usopp suddenly exploded: "Si, if this is the case, let's go! Zoro, Sanji!"

Nami Weiwei nodded again and again, but the two did not move. Sanji took a deep breath and said, "Is there really such a thing? But... our companion is sick, and the solution should be deeper, Skeleton Sir, do you know what to do?"

   "Well...leave this sea area, they will get better automatically, no need for medical treatment."

  Is that so? Zoro turned his head and saw that although Luffy had no strength, his eyes were still shining when he looked at Brook: "So handsome...the paradise of the dead...I'm going!"

   "Hey, Luffy!"*3

  Zoro looked at Chopper again, and said, "Then I can only ask Mr. Skeleton to make way."

  Is it automatically healed when you leave the sea area? Who can believe it? What if it doesn't work out? Delayed the best healing time, serious? They still believe more in what they have personally explored.

  Brooke let out an ah, a little distressed.

   "The gentleman's request is to scare away everyone who lands on the island. Gentlemen, this will give me a headache... Although I have no head, yo **** ho **** ~"

Um? that gentleman?

"Stupid Skeleton! You slipped your tongue again!" A somewhat boyish girl's voice came, and a girl with pink twin ponytails, a crown on her head, and a wine-red umbrella in her hand flew from afar. The ghosts surrounding Brook suddenly flew to her side.

   "Ah, I'm sorry, Miss Perona." Brook looked up and said with emotion: "Miss Perona is wearing leggings again... Oh, that's right!"

  He turned his head to face up to everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates, focused his gaze on Nami Weiwei, and said in a solemn tone: "Two beautiful ladies... can I appreciate... your fat times?"


  The power burst out, as if teleporting.

  Brook was sent flying by two fists in an instant, startling Perona, and quickly lifted into the air for a few minutes, calling out: "Zombie army!"


   Holes were cracked in the ground, and shaking corpses came out of it.

   Usopp's face turned green. Sure enough, zombies also appeared? ! The next moment, Chopper was stuffed in his arms, and Luffy was supported by his shoulders.

   "Take care of them, Usopp." Sauron touched the handle of the knife and said, "So the capable person is playing tricks? Cook!"

   "Ah." Sanji responded.

  The two faced the zombies. After Sauron easily chopped down one of the fat zombies, he suddenly caught a line of writing on the zombie out of the corner of his eye.

   "Get the navy to save me! It's Holo!"

Um? !


   "Ah, Moria hasn't given up yet." In the distance, Robin smiled.

   Ji Xing beside him said: "Yeah, there are quite a lot of petty tricks, and I will warn him later."

"Let me go." Robin said, his eyes wandering to Nami: "No wonder you came here in person, that girl looks very familiar. I remember when you taught me disguise, you put me in make-up at the very beginning. changed her appearance."

"Well, her name is Nami. I didn't expect that she would go to sea. Maybe... she was looking for me?" Ji Xing judged: "But the biggest reason for me coming here is not her. Look at the boy in the straw hat, he is a prophecy The Joy Boy of this era."

   "Huh?" Robin Dunlou was surprised.

   Having seen the Ralph Drew stele, she knows how important Joey Boy is. This young man is just... I don't see anything special about it.

   "So you're ready to..."

   "Prepare nothing."

  Ji Xing smiled and said: "With me here, there is no room for him to play. I never believe in such things as prophecy and destiny."

  Seeing that all the zombies in front of him were eliminated, and Usopp restrained Perona's negative ghost, she panicked, while Brook, who had left the stage for a long time, approached again in a bit of embarrassment, not wanting to fight.

   Ji Xing walked out.

   "Come back, thank you, Perona."

  Perona let out a long breath when she saw Ji Xing: "Why did you come here in person? Where's Sister Robin? Hurry up and beat that weird long nose for me!"

   Usopp, who has made great contributions, was taken aback for a moment, and a new enemy came again. This guy... looks familiar?

  The expressions of the rest of the people froze instantly.

   "How, how?"

   "This guy seems to be?!"

   "Not half a year ago..."

   "A ghost too?!"

  Sanji's curly eyebrows raised: "Are you using this method to intimidate us again? I've seen Holo, the strongest in the world!"

   "Yes." Ji Xing smiled and said, "Long time no see, chef, your fried rice is delicious."


  Nami opened her mouth blankly, Usopp blinked blankly, Weiwei held her heart in her hands, and Sauron's expression became frenzied and excited.

   "The legendary world's strongest and world's number one swordsman really didn't die that easily. I didn't expect to see him here! Holo, I..."


  Amidst the subtle voice, Sauron only felt his hand lighten, and was at a loss for a moment, then turned around suddenly.

Then he saw the figure who was tens of meters ahead appeared behind him, playing with his three sabers in his hands, and said to him: "When will I be able to hold the saber in my hand, let's talk about the next thing, It's too early for you to challenge me."

   Sauron was silent for a moment.

  Ji Xing threw the knife back to him: "Let's go, since you're here, come and sit on my site. Your two companions need to deal with the demon's agitation as soon as possible. It will damage your body after a long time."


   Ten minutes later.

  Giant ship deep in the island, castle.

  The person I've always wanted to meet suddenly appeared in front of me. Nami and Weiwei looked at Ji Xing, but didn't know what to say for a moment.

  Zoro and Sanji were also a little silent.

  Usopp was a little scared.

  Ji Xing looked at him, and said with a smile, "Although you guys broke some of my secrets, I won't kill you, don't worry."

  Usopp forced a smile: "No, I'm not here, I'm not worried..."

  Sanji glanced at him and said, "Didn't you say that you were friends with Mr. Hollow, and that you also gave him important inspiration in swordsmanship?"

  Usopp's face turned green: "W-how can that happen, you remember wrong!"

Interrupted by this, Weiwei finally plucked up the courage to speak: "Mr. Hollow, I am Naferutali Weiwei, the daughter of the King of Alabasta. I would like to represent the people of Alabasta, thank you What Mr Hollow did for us more than three years ago, the rain."

   "And I..." Nami added: "I've always wanted to say thank you to you face to face, because of Aaron's matter... It's great that you're fine!"

   "Well, I received your thanks."

   "Hmm..." The two girls fell silent again.

  They were not nervous or embarrassed, but because the goal of going to sea was suddenly achieved in such a way, and they were a little overwhelmed.

  Are you going to sail again? Request to stay here to repay him? Or go home?

   "That...Mr. Hollow." Nami remembered and asked: "Our captain and Chopper, what happened to them? Why did they get sick when they entered this sea area, isn't it a serious problem?"

   "It's One Piece." Ji Xing said.

"That thing will affect those who don't have the ability to awaken the devil fruit, and induce them to awaken. But the person and the deer haven't reached the level of awakening, so they are a little bit suffocated, just wait for my people to help them recuperate. "

   "One Piece?!"

   "Awakening is..."

   "That's it, that's good."

   "Then let's go..."

  Ji Xing said: "You can stay here for a while, and when they recuperate, they will gain something, and then you can leave or stay for a while, it doesn't matter."

   "That's it... then I will bother you."

   "It's okay." Ji Xing tilted his head and signaled: "Robin, help them arrange accommodation first, I'll go to the laboratory to have a look first."

  In the laboratory, the Vegapunks were busy. When Ji Xing came over, he immediately said: "The blood factors of the two capable users have been tested, one is very pure, and the other is very unique."

  Ji Xing observed the bloodline factor image, nodded and said: "As I expected, I think I know what's wrong with our devil fruit production machine. It's my problem, come with me."

  Two people take samples and debug.

  Although the fourth devil fruit trial production has not yet started, Ji Xing already has a strong premonition of success—it will definitely work this time!

  The huge machine is running again.

   Various material tissues are combined.

  Ji Xing put his hand in a groove of the machine, closed his eyes and focused his breath, pouring his spirit into it.

  The Vegapunks were a little dignified and looking forward to it, waiting for the fruit to exit. Half an hour later, the machine stopped, Ji Xing opened his eyes, and the fruit came into the world!

   No smell, no vision.

  It was a gray fruit with a shape like a human brain. The two brains were hugged together, and on both sides of the fruit, there were a pair of black wings that looked like small stalks!

   "It should be it!"

  Seeing its appearance, Ji Xing suddenly smiled: "Let's test it quickly, Dr. Vegapunk!"

   Sleepy, sleep, good night everyone.


  (end of this chapter)

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