Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 401: weapon space

  Chapter 401 Weapon Space

  【Using the special reward of one and a half stars in the world, the opportunity to capture and recover from falling stars. 】

  【Catching Naruto World】

  【Naruto World successfully captured】

  【The Naruto world is a five-star world, with a ratio of 120:1 to the current world time】

  【Invading Naruto World...】

  In the sense of sinking consciousness that is familiar with the road, Ji Xing's consciousness was divided into two halves by the Seven Star Bead, and half sank into the world of Naruto.

   But this time, the sobriety after the fall did not appear, and there was no sudden light in front of his eyes, and he was still in the dark until he regained consciousness.

  There was a sense of restraint around him, and Ji Xing felt like he was put in a close-fitting cage.

   "Seal it?"

  He naturally remembered that after he had finished invading and 'going', Kaguya used the reincarnation innate technique to resurrect his body, and asked Yuyi Yumura to seal his body for 'preservation'.

  It feels like...wrapped. Is this a seal bandage?

  He was not in a hurry, he first confirmed his own situation, the still there, it has not been taken back by Kaguya, and he has the chakra level that surpassed the ordinary Kageru when he was fighting with Cixian.

  The activity of the body seems to have declined. After all, I am afraid that many years have passed. Even in the seal, the body will not completely decay.

  But combined, the combat effectiveness is still there.

  The film level is not a big problem.

  This seal seems to have considered the situation of its own return, destroying it from the inside...not difficult!


  The chakras circulated, the lightning flashed, the thunder escape chakra mode was turned on, and the ear-piercing sound of cloth tearing came from around Ji Xing's body!

   As soon as the force restraining him was lightened, Ji Xing felt that what he broke through at the same time was shallow sand and loess... Is this buried for me?

  The sun shone on his body again, and his vigorous vitality returned. Ji Xing raised his hands and legs, observed himself, and smiled. Ishiba, the daimyo who ruled the ninja world and established the kingdom of stars, is back!

   Ninja World! Your king is back!

   Where are the cheers and applause?

  Ji Xing looked around, and saw only a desolation, a large expanse of barren sand and black soil where no grass grew, and there was no color that represented vitality.

  It's a bit like the desert in the Land of Winds, but even the desert over there has been governed by Kaguya long ago.

  Where is this 'stored' for me?

   Confirming that there is no abnormality in the surroundings, Ji Xing first circulated and refined Chakra once in the body, then raised his head and squinted to look at the sun, and shouted: "Hello, hello? Kaguya? Are you there? I'm back!"

   "Kaguya! Are you there?"

   "Master Goddess?"

   "Is you there?!"

   After a long time, no one responded.

   Ji Xing frowned and closed his eyes, then opened them again.

"There is no natural energy in the air, and I can't enter the fairy mode. Does it prove that this is not a ninja world? Did I throw my body into a different space for preservation? It's a bit troublesome. I don't know how many years have passed, and how soon Kaguya will come over. Take a look... nothing will happen, right?"

  Moving his body, Ji Xing walked eastward.

   You can’t stand by on the spot. In case no one starves and thirsts him to death in three to five days, let’s observe the situation in this space first.

  Walking a long way on the desolate land, Ji Xing bent down and picked up a piece of black soil, "Isn't the original color like this, like a trace of a fire?"

   Gradually, a touch of green in the distance finally appeared in front of his eyes, and at the same time, Ji Xing's gaze also caught an unusual object half buried in the sand. On closer inspection, it was a Gatling.

Um? ?

   Ji Xing was silent for a while, with a ridiculous expression on his face.

  A handful of Gatling? ? ?

  He scraped the dirt and picked up Gatling.

  Golden appearance, six uniform barrels under the transmission mechanism, a precise locking mechanism connected to each launch tube, and even bullets.

   Ji Xing has never touched this thing with his own hands, but he has seen it. He has seen it in the game, so he won't admit his mistake.

   da da da da da—

   Gatling with blue flames sprays out bullets, with an astonishing rate of fire of 60 bullets per second! The land in front was riddled with holes from the dense bullet bombardment, and the dust was flying, and it was soon lifted up as a whole!

   Ji Xing ceased fire and lowered his head.

   Is it really Gatling? !

  Even with his experience, this was the first time he had seen such an absurd thing. After hesitating for a moment, he hung the gold Gatling on his body with a strap, and continued to explore further.

  Bare mountain, Xiaolin, a few frightened animals, and Ji Xing, who felt hungry, grilled on the spot.

  Start again, and you will gain again in a short distance.

   An RPG howitzer.

   Am I under an illusion? No!

   "This is really... getting more and more evil."


  Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it has been half a month since Ji Xing invaded the world of Naruto again.

  If this space full of wild hot weapons is part of the Naruto world.

  In this space, Ji Xing can find any surprises anywhere, including but not limited to Gatling, howitzers, mortars, rockets, and even laser guns, etc.

   It means that the nuclear bomb cannot be picked up.

   According to various traces, there must have been people living in this space a long, long time ago, with extremely advanced technological weapons, and a civil war may break out in the future? Foreign enemies invade? Creatures are dying.

   Only various weapons remain.

   And these weapons have been immortal for hundreds or even thousands of years, because of the characteristics and peculiar changes of space, which give them psychic attributes!

   That's right, Ji Xing found that he could use Chakra to turn this technological weapon into his own "psychic beast" through a contract!

   In the past two weeks, he has made many contracts.

   This is also an ironclad proof that he confirmed that this "gun space" really belongs to the Naruto world and is the attached space of the ninja world.

   "But it's useless."

   Nibbling on a barbecue hare, Ji Xing, who couldn't find the seasoning to add, almost faded out of his mouth. Looking at the hot weapons piled up not far away, he felt a slight headache.

  During the past half month, he called Kaguya Hagoromo every day, but he couldn't get a response.

   Being unable to escape from this space is one aspect, and on the other hand, he is also a little worried.

  Normally speaking, even if Kaguya puts herself in a different space, it should be a few spaces controlled by her Celestial Master, not here.

   Did something happen? Kaguya met an enemy, he was afraid of hurting me, so he transferred me here? So why didn't you turn me back?

  'Explore here for a few more months, if it really doesn't work...It seems that I can only commit suicide? '

  Give up Ishiba Sazao's body, give up the existing kage-level strength, and reopen the ninja world with Reopen Invasion... Ji Xing really doesn't want to make this choice unless he is forced to do so.

   But is there any other way?

   Just when he was thinking about it and had a headache, he suddenly felt a strange and familiar wave coming from the weapons piled up not far away.

   As his eyes moved, Ji Xing's expression shook.

   "This is... necromancy?!"

   Traveling to a thousand years ago when there was no ninjutsu, what Ji Xing saw the most and was most familiar with was Hama Wan's psychic art and reverse psychic art!

  The roasted hare flew out, and Ji Xing suddenly leaned forward and flew towards the pile of weapons!


   On the other side, Ninja World.

  The time went back to three minutes ago.

  Wearing a red cloud coat with a black background, light blue hair, orange eyes, and a lavender paper flower on her head, a woman stood on the edge of a valley and asked softly, "Has the transformation of Shura Dao been completed? Nagato."

Beside him, a man wearing the same style of coat, with orange hair and nose studs and earrings like a non-mainstream nods his head and responds: "Ah, it's done. That kind of special psychic is suitable for a reformed person like Shura Dao. I'm going to test it out."

   "Those shells?"

  The pattering rain hit the face, Xiaozhi Baihu and Angel Xiaonan gently brushed the hair in front of the forehead: "Is it okay in this weather?"

   "No problem." Payne looked forward.

   Not far away, there are several iron cones on the heads of the modified Payne Shura Dao Yuanyuan, and the curved nose spike receiver is even more weird.

Receiving instructions from the main body, he took off the black-bottomed red cloud robe, revealing a body nailed with iron rods. In the sound of the mechanism, a head like himself appeared on both sides of the face, and his arms increased to six. The sawtooth on the back is stretched into a long sawtooth tail, which is not human-like.

   Immediately afterwards, he stretched forward with one hand, and under the joint effect of the puppet transformation technique and the special psychic technique, his five fingers changed into five small missiles, which were launched—bringing landslides and landslides!

   The roaring wind stirred up Tiandao and Xiaonan Yipao who were watching the weapon test. Tiandao, who had no emotion, was expressionless and quite satisfied in his heart.

  Afterwards, Shura Dao's fingers recovered, and his arm was modified again. A cannon barrel protruded from the bent hole of Shura Dao's arm.


   There was a slight snort from his nostrils, and he felt that Caton's Pain Tiandao was a little strange, so he increased the chakra output a little bit.

  The next moment, in front of Shura Dao, before the cannonball was fired, a white smoke suddenly exploded, and a figure loomed behind the smoke!

   Xiaonan showed a surprised expression.

I saw that the person in front of him appeared to be about 30 years old, wearing a set of old and dilapidated aristocratic clothes, with a vertical texture on the back of his head, a strange golden weapon slung across his shoulders and waist, with handsome eyebrows and eyes, full of momentum , when she glanced over vigilantly, the alarm bell in her heart was buzzing!

  This...what's the situation? people? !

  She couldn't help but look at Tiandao, did you channel this person? Aren't you contracting all kinds of weapons? How could there be humans?

  Tiandao was silent, and he was also dumbfounded.

   "Does there still exist humans in that weapon space..."

   The next chapter will be late, and it’s my turn to go to my grandma’s house overnight to take care of the elderly. Now I’m leaving, and the second chapter will be written over there. I don’t know when it will be published, but there will definitely be.


  (end of this chapter)

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