Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 417: hamura snake

  Chapter 417 Hamura and the Snake

  Northwest of Fire Country, mountain forest.

  In a deep and secluded cave, there are occasional broken human bones on both sides. Combined with the dim light, it brings a strange and terrifying atmosphere, so few people dare to go deep into it.

  But if you go to the end, you can see a gate with simple patterns, under the two incandescent lights, a dragon shape is faintly reflected.

  Here is the Dragon Cave of the Three Immortal Lands.

   Three days after going to a distant different space to practice with Kaguya for the second time, Ji Xing came here.

   Hei Jue was assigned other tasks by him, so he didn't follow, so only Kyuubi accompanied him with a seal hidden in the palm of his hand.

  Actually, according to the agreement, this time it is time to bring Eight Weis out, but Ji Xing still needs the fighting power of Nine Tails, and he has no time to take care of two children at the same time, so he made an appointment next time.

  Standing in front of the gate of Longdi Cave, without Ji Xing knocking on the door, the gate will open automatically, and two figures behind the gate, one on the left and the other on the right, seem to be welcoming guests.

  One is a girl with long green hair and the other is a little girl with long dark blue hair. They greeted in unison: "Master Shi Posizao!"

   "I am Tian Xin Shen Ji."

   "I am Hime Ichikishima."

   "We are the Snake Princess who serves the White Snake Immortal. Welcome Master Shi Po Sizao to Longdi Cave!"

   "It's pretty neat." Ji Xing nodded and said, "Have you practiced many times? The White Snake guessed that I would come?"

   "Yes!" Ichikishima Hime said, "Since Lord Slug Immortal sent a letter to Lord White Snake a few days ago, we have been arranged to pick you up here. Please come with us, the Immortal has been waiting for you."

   She looks a little nervous.

  After all, compared with the ninjas who have heard their own stories for decades, they have heard them for hundreds of years, which is very close to the period when Ji Xing ruled the Star Country, and they know more about the things at that time.

  Led by two Snake Princesses, Ji Xing walked into Longdi Cave. Different from Mt. Miaomu’s atmosphere of singing birds, flowers and frogs, Longdi Cave is full of cold and damp land, and small colorful snakes swim around, catching earthworms and insects for food.

   There are several large snake caves, and there are strong vitality fluctuations in them, but Ji Xing is not interested in them now, and goes all the way to the depths of Longdi Cave.

  In front of the spacious hall, a slightly fat old woman was waiting for Ji Xing with the last snake girl Tujinji in Longdi Cave holding a pipe.

   "Long time no see, White Snake."

   "Yes, Master Shi Po Si Zao." Immortal White Snake said: "You three go down first, Master Shi Po Si Zao and I catch up with each other."

   "Yes, Master White Snake Immortal."

The three Snake Girls retreated, leaving only Ji Xing and Immortal White Snake in the hall. She smiled and said, "A few days ago, Immortal Slug said that you had recovered. A similar tone has also been revealed."

   "Really? That kid has a really loose mouth." Ji Xing shook his head and approached: "It's the first time I've seen you in this human form, and it's a bit awkward like a kind old grandma."

   "Isn't this old? It wasn't like that back then." The White Snake Immortal joked: "When I first transformed into a human form, I was prettier than the three of them, and Master Yumura even secretly developed feelings for me."

   Ji Xing was taken aback for a moment, with a surprised smile on his face.

   "Is there such a thing? Tell me more."

   "Hahaha, there's nothing to say, it's just a young Muai. Later, Master Yuyi found out, taught Master Yumura a lesson, and married him a wife, and that's how it ended."

  White Snake Immortal shook his head: "And don't say that I am a snake, he is a human, just talk about age, I am also hundreds of years older than Master Yumura."

   "It's a pity that Yuyi meddles in other people's business." Ji Xing said with emotion, "I lost a daughter-in-law."

   Immortal White Snake was taken aback and laughed.

  Different from the situation a thousand years ago, when they meet again after a thousand years, they don’t have many old friends with each other, so they automatically turn their relationship into friends.

   Unlike Hama Wan, who was exiled to a different dimension early, after Ji Xing left, Immortal White Snake was still with the Kingdom of Stars for a long time, and it could fill in the vacant time before Hei Jue was born.

And although the three great immortals have signed contracts with Ji Xing, in fact, only Hamamaru is always with Ji Xing. The slug followed Yuyi, and the white snake followed Yumura, so what it said was mostly about Yumura from the age of 15 to his youth. Fun growing up.

  Ji Xing felt very nostalgic. Compared to the deep and mature Yuki, he liked Yumura better. Who made the child call him daddy all the time?

  You look so cute when you were young.

   One person and one snake communicated with each other, and walked to the huge throne of the White Snake Immortal in the depths of the hall. The White Snake Immortal tapped on the armrest with a pipe, opened a mechanism, and revealed a scroll.

   "That's it."

  Ji Xing received it in his hand, unfolded it, spread it on the ground, and unsealed the seal.

After a puff of white smoke, a corpse appeared on the scroll. His real age was over 50, but he looked about 30 years old, with disheveled white hair and a handsome appearance. white coat.

  Unusually familiar, but a lot more mature face appeared in front of his eyes, drawing people into memories, Ji Xing couldn't help but reached out and touched his corner lightly, and said with a smile: "I'm back, Hamura."

  Of course, Otsutsuki Yumura, who has been dead for thousands of years, will not respond to Ji Xing. There is no chakra left in this corpse.

  After the battle with Otsutsuki Yagaku that year, Yuyi only had time to confess to Heijue before he died, and Yumura still lived for a while.

  Because at a critical moment, he came to the Ryūji Cave through the reverse psychic of the White Snake Immortal, avoiding the last wave of indiscriminate attacks by Otsuki Yarui.

  He was able to make some final arrangements.

Remembering Ji Xing's teachings, he was worried that without Kaguya's suppression, the ninjas who gained power would enslave and oppress ordinary people, and he was also worried that he and Yu Yi's descendants would lose control, so he set some rules, which made today's ninja world become a country and Ninja Village coexists, otherwise Ninja Village should rule the country.

   It was also he who left a letter to Hei Jue, telling Hei Jue that if it was not possible to save his mother, he would try to find Ji Xing back, and his father would find a way.

  It is also different from Yuyi's body that was taken over by Hei Jue. His body has been kept in Longdi Cave, but it has been better preserved for thousands of years.

  Looking at Yu Cun's silence for a moment, Ji Xing said with emotion: "You must have inherited Kaguya's appearance. Look at what Yu Yi looks like."

  White Snake Immortal smiled and said: "Master Yuyi, it is true that he looks more...mature."

  Ji Xing smiled and raised his head, and took Hamura's body back into the scroll: "Then I'll take him away. White Snake, I have one more thing to come to you.

  In Konoha Village, there is a rebel ninja named Orochimaru who signed the psychic contract of Ryuji Cave. Can you confirm his current location? "


   Two days later.

  The southwest direction of the Land of Fire.

  A hidden underground base.

He has long black hair, long golden pupils, purple eye shadow that extends to the nose, and a pale middle-aged face wearing blue and jade-shaped earrings. Orochimaru is holding a test tube filled with green liquid in the eyes of the snake. Shake and observe.

  Suddenly, his ears moved.

   "What's the matter, Guren? I didn't mean..."

  The hoarse voice stopped, and his snake eyes turned to the stairs leading to here from the upper floor.

   Brother Scorpion? No, probably not.

  Put down the test tube in his hand, a burst of snake attacking chilly breath radiated from his body, and watched the uninvited guest walk into the laboratory.

  Bright lights illuminated, but Orochimaru's snake eyes suddenly enlarged, this face is...

   It's not a transformation technique, nor is it a disguise?

   But how is it possible, the real appearance? !

  Ji Xing nodded to him and said, "Don't doubt it, junior, it's already true that I am Shi Posi."

  Silence, shock, doubt, Dashemaru's pale face has never flashed so many emotions in a short period of time, and finally turned into a frantic flame-like emotion reflected in his snake pupils!

   Ji Xing raised his eyebrows slightly.

  The flame of Orochimaru went out again.

He was silent again for three seconds, bowed deeply, and said hoarsely and respectfully: "This is really amazing. The first daimyo of the Star Country who established the Star Country and once unified the Ninja World, the ancestor of Ishibami, I didn't expect that I would see it with my own eyes. Your pleasure..."

   Excessive chapter, make it shorter.


  (end of this chapter)

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