Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 441: Yi Nan's talent

  Chapter 441 Yi Nan's talent

   When we met again after four months, Xu Shengnan was so enthusiastic that he almost flipped Ji Xing's chair.

  The office was very lively. If Ji Xing hadn't explained in advance, the reserve number hunter who was in charge of his safety would have killed him.

"I should have thought about it earlier. You had your walkie-talkie all the way here. Given your contribution, it's normal for you to be given the rank of associate professor." After letting go of Ji Xing, Xu Shengnan stood behind Ji Xing and supported his shoulders, He was happy for him and said: "It seems that it is different from me being censored repeatedly, you have been freed a long time ago, and you will use power to find sister's happiness?

  Xiao Ai, and you, how did you make your hair this color? "

  Xiao Ai smiled and said: "I like this color, and Li He also likes it, so I dyed it."

Xu Shengnan clicked his tongue, and then remembered Yi Nan who was standing stiffly at the door, and said, "Yi Nan, these are the Li He and Li Ai I told you about, you can call them Brother Li He and Sister Xiao Ai. "

  She said to Ji Xing Xiaoai again: "Do you still remember Yi Nan's name, Lao Luo told us about the child he brought up when he was in the White Tiger Fortress."

   "I know." Ji Xing smiled and said, "My current authority is sufficient to obtain his information. Hello, Yi Nan, I'm Li He."

   "Brother Li He, hello." Yi Nan quickly responded, "Sister Xiao Ai is also welcome."

  Under Ji Xing's superb disguise, he couldn't recognize Li He as Ji Xing at all, and it didn't make sense for him to recognize Li He as Ji Xing, with a cautious expression on his face.

  Ji Xing looked at the first child he met after time travel, and saw that the childishness inside him had completely faded away. He was a little touched by the reunion, and stretched out his hand to signal, "Sit down, Yi Nan."

Yi Nan was a little hesitant, Xu Shengnan immediately turned around and pulled him to sit down: "Don't be cautious, Yi Nan, Li He and Xiao Ai are sister's best friends, and they will be your friends in the future, don't treat them as scientists, brothers and sisters Enough."

   "Oh..." Yi Nan observed Xiao Ai Ji Xing.

Xu Shengnan shook his head: "This child is like this. When he was not familiar with him, he was as shy as a little girl. It will be fine after a few times of contact. By the way, Li He, is it convenient for you to leave the research institute now, or do you really need our help for some experiments? ?”

   "We'll talk about the business later." Ji Xing took out a small box from the table and said with a smile, "Let's play a few games first, "Who Is the Demon?"

  Xu Shengnan was taken aback, and looked at the box.

   She knows that the game "Who is the Demon" is one of the blindfold games created by Li He in order to avoid forcing the hunters in the Hunter Guild to play the Monster Killer after the Monster Killer that can recognize monsters was created.

  She knew the rules, but hadn't played.

  Why do you want to play this all of a sudden?

   "This box has just been unpacked, and Xiao Ai and I don't know what words are in it, so don't worry about us cheating. Do you need me to explain the rules, Mrs. Sheng, Yi Nan?" Ji Xing asked.

  Xu Shengnan shook his head.

  Yi Nan scratched his head, not knowing why he suddenly started playing, and said, "I played in the fortress."

   "That's good, Miss Katsuo, you draw a group?"

   The four-player game of "Who is the Demon" is very simple, a set of four cards, three of the hunters draw the same card words, and the monsters draw cards with words similar to but different from the hunter.

  Under the circumstances that each other doesn't know the cards, the four of them will express the word in words one by one.

  After two rounds of presentation by each person, vote for the demon, the correct demon loses, and the wrong demon wins.

  Xu Shengnan drew out a set of words, and each of the four people drew one, and observed quietly. The word Ji Xing and the others used was 'pig's trotter', but Xu Shengnan's was...'foot'!

   There is a fixed priority for boxing guessing, and Yi Nan is the first.

  Yi Nan (pig trotter) thought for a while, and said, "This very common."

  Xiao Ai (pig's trotter): "This thing, some are big and some are small."

  Ji Xing (pig's trotter): "Well, I like a little fat, but not too fat."

   Xu Shengnan, who was holding the 'foot' card, flashed a moment of confusion in his eyes, Li He, there is a child here, so you put it this way...isn't it good?

  She hesitated, and said: "Some of these things have a strong taste, and some have a light taste."

She was describing 'feet', but it's not wrong to say pig's trotters. Yi Nan didn't analyze who is a monster from this round. With experience, he knew that the expression should be a little more obvious in the second round, otherwise he would be voted out Already, and since the mention of taste...

   “I prefer to eat it.”

   As soon as the words fell, he suddenly found that the eyes of the male sister Katsuo beside him were like copper bells, and she was looking at him in surprise and even horror.

   "You... like to eat (foot)?!"

  Yi Nan was startled, and asked in confusion: "Sister Shengnan doesn't like to eat, woo woo woo—"

   As soon as the words came out, his mouth was blocked by Xu Shengnan's hand. Xu Shengnan said angrily: "You child, my sister told you not to be restrained, but not so relaxed! Who are you eating—eh?"

  She paused suddenly, and only then did she wonder if there was something wrong with her. She glanced at Ji Xingxiaoai, and the two of them burst into laughter instantly.

   "Sister Katsuo, what's your word?"

   Yes, there is no need to vote this time. Xu Shengnan turned over the 'foot' card speechlessly, and asked, "What are you... pig trotters, why are you so fat and want to eat? Sister Keng!"

He rolled his eyes at Ji Xing and Xiao Ai, who were laughing, and Xu Shengnan heard Yi Nan ask suspiciously: "Sister Shengnan, even if it's your feet, you don't have to react so much, right? You never gnawed on your own feet when you were young." Feet? What’s wrong with eating?”

   Ji Xing and Xiao Ai stopped laughing, and looked at each other tacitly. Ji Xing blinked, Xiao Ai rolled his eyes, and laughed at the same time.

  Looking at Yi Nan who was innocently and confused, Xu Shengnan was silent for a while, and with a groan, the laughter instantly covered Ji Xing and the other two.

   "Hahaha... nothing, nothing, Yi Nan, you are right, it's okay to eat feet! Hahahahaha—"

  Three people laughed, and one person was confused.

  The laughter didn't stop after that.

  Gathering friends together to play this kind of game can enhance their relationship, and soon Yi Nan lost the feeling of strangeness, and laughed with them.

   Soon in the eighth round, Ji Xing drew 'Xiang', while the other three drew 'Smelly'. Ji Xing said when explaining, "Xiao Ai has this smell on her body most of the time."

   Xiao Ai rolled her eyes.

  Xu Shengnan's laughter broke through the roof in an instant, and even people fell under the chair, and Yi Nan, who was embarrassed to laugh out loud, also kept laughing.

   At this moment, Ji Xing and Xiao Ai suddenly each took out an instrument, one pinched Yi Nan's wrist, the other pinched Xu Shengnan's wrist, and said, "Sister Sheng, Yi Nan, hurry up! Input spiritual power!"

  The two of them did so reflexively.

   After a moment of surprise, Xu Shengnan got up and said, "Measurement of spiritual power fluctuations? What are you doing, Li He, we both tested it when we entered the research institute."

   "The data will change." Ji Xing looked at the instrument in his hand: "If the fluctuation range of Yi Nan's spiritual power just entering the research institute is taken as the normal 1, his current fluctuation range of spiritual power is around 4.5."

  Xiao Ai also checked the instrument and said, "Miss Sheng Nan, you are only from 1 to 1.2."

  Xu Shengnan frowned: "What do you mean? Is it better to have a large fluctuation or a small fluctuation?"

"Great volatility is a good thing, and small volatility is not necessarily a bad thing." Ji Xing explained: "Sister Sheng Nan, you must have heard such a story-a certain hunter faced a monster stronger than himself in order to protect ordinary people. A powerful force erupted and died with the monsters, and even killed them back."

   Xu Shengnan nodded slightly.

   "Well, indeed, there are many examples of seniors like this... Is it related to the fluctuation of spiritual power?"

"Yes, that's a kind of potential that is stimulated by strong emotions, and it can also be called spiritual power. When a stronger power erupts, if he already has spiritual power, then his spiritual power will definitely fluctuate far more than usual Time is big."

Ji Xingdao: "This method can also be used to distinguish between cold-blooded monsters and humans. The spiritual power of monsters, that is, the amplitude of magic power, will never exceed 1.5 times the normal. It combines the magic needle to ensure that teams with numbered hunters and above will not have problems. The main method is much more effective than demon killing."

   "All in all, Yi Nan is more likely to explode than sister, and from the fluctuation of spiritual power, it can be confirmed that he is definitely not a monster. It is not certain that he is 1.2 times that of sister..." Xu Shengnan hesitated.

"No, Ms. Sheng Nan." Xiao Ai explained from the side: "This kind of thing will also change with age and experience. The more mature and rational, the more adaptable to stimulation. It's just a game. It's only this big, even if you smile more happily than us, and Yi Nan is very restrained on the surface, his brain gets much more excitement than you, and the fluctuations in his spiritual power are even greater."

Ji Xing added: "The seniors of the research institute have an unconfirmed conjecture. The reason why monsters seldom attack humans, at least they have to show their original shape in front of people at the moment of the sneak attack, may be that when people are frightened and fearful, the brain will secrete A kind of 'N substance', and this substance is a tonic for monsters, which can help them improve their strength.

  At the same time, for number hunters, N substance is a thing that promotes spiritual power fluctuations and helps people exert power beyond their limits. "

"Sister Sheng Nan, you have passed this game from 1 to 1.2, which proves that you basically don't care about winning or losing, and only gain happiness in this game. I think if you were tested at the moment you knew Hong Hong was a demon god, your fluctuations would be at least There will be 5.

  As for Yi Nan, he enjoyed the joy of fighting wits and bravery and gambling in this game, so the fluctuation range will be larger. Of course, I didn't expect 4.5 times. I predict it will be around 2.5, which proves that Yi Nan has an extraordinary talent for "exploding seeds". "

  Xu Shengnan smacked his lips: "I said, why did you suddenly start playing games? What kind of experiment is this?"

  Yi Nan, who understood, asked: "Brother Li He, this a good thing?"

  Ji Xing thought for a while: "Whether it's a good thing or not is still uncertain. Under normal circumstances, if you don't encounter a life-and-death crisis, this talent is useless.

But now I have an experiment, a conjecture—this kind of N substance may also be the thing that triggers the number hunters to master the ability, and even determines the type of ability, and you, Yi Nan, are just in the process of awakening spiritual power but have not yet awakened the ability. At the stage of ability, are you willing to try acceleration and self-awakening abilities with my help? "

   Yi Nan was startled, and glanced at Xu Shengnan.

Ji Xing added: "Maybe you will speed up your awakening with my help, maybe you will slow it down, maybe you will awaken a stronger ability, maybe you will awaken a weaker ability, so this is up to you to decide—I Personally, I am more confident and sure, but I cannot give you a 100% guarantee."

  Xu Shengnan looked around. If it was her, she would have chosen to trust Ji Xing. Unfortunately, she has already awakened her abilities.

   It is true that this kind of thing will determine Yi Nan's future. Although she believes that Ji Xing will not mess around, she can't say anything.

  Yi Nan thought for a while quietly, and said, "Brother Li He, what should I do?"

   "Can you believe me?" Ji Xing said: "You are the first experimental sample, I have no experience."

   Yi Nan who made the decision nodded without hesitation: "I want to become stronger faster, Brother Li He, you won't harm me, I am willing to give it a try!"

  Ji Xing smiled: "So... first of all, do you have any hobbies? Anything is fine."

   "Hmm...chess, okay?"

   "Okay, that's great!" Ji Xing laughed and walked back to the table, and took out a pair of chess: "It happens that I have it here, shall we have a game?"

   There was a slight light in Yi Nan's eyes, and Xu Shengnan was immediately amused, but she remembered that her father never stopped Li He, a stinky chess basket, and always liked to command, and now Yi Nan would kill every single one of them.

   But what surprised her was that Yi Nan's expression was different after setting up the chess, but the next two people fought inseparably, ending in a draw!

   Knowing a little bit of chess, she complained: "Yi Nan, you look like a master, but this really a hobby, why didn't even Li He win the game."

  Yi Nan scratched his head and said with a smile: "I only studied for more than a month, and then I went to the White Tiger Fortress, so I didn't have much time to play chess anymore... Ah, no..."

  In the middle of speaking, he realized that what he said was inappropriate. He quickly looked at Ji Xing, and saw that Ji Xing really had a speechless expression.

   "Ku—" Xu Shengnan laughed out loud.

  Xiao Ai pinched Xu Shengnan's wrist with a spiritual power fluctuation measuring instrument, and said black-bellied: "Li He, Miss Sheng Nan's spiritual power fluctuation has increased to 1.4."

  Ji Xing shook his head helplessly. Li He, a stinky chess player, couldn't be lost for the time being. He also went to use the spiritual power fluctuation measuring instrument to test Yi Nan.

   "Oh, it's 6.6?"

  He wanted to give Yi Nan a little something, but he didn't expect this kid to be really...very talented!

   7k5 for two shifts, tickets are requested at the end of the month.


  (end of this chapter)

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