Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 455: Guess the benefits and four and a half stars (Naruto finished)

  The night fell, the lights dimmed, and the slanted moon rose.

In the Dabie Field of Ji Xing's house, Xiao Ai combed her freshly washed hair, looked at Ji Xing who was sitting on the sofa in deep thought, and said, "Ala, it's really rare, you look so preoccupied. Why, is it with you?" Did your goddess have a conflict?"

  Ji Xing shook his head, and replied with the same tone: "Ala, it's really rare, Xiao Ai, are you jealous?"

  Xiao Ai rolled her eyes at him, turned around and went to the bedroom to find her vanity mirror, Ji Xing smiled, and shouted: "Don't worry, I'm fine, something happened, I'll think about it here!"

He was forced to end the intrusion of the Naruto World in the afternoon. He was really out of his mind for a few hours, but it was not because he was saddened or sad. Although the sudden interruption of contact under this accident made him feel a little uncomfortable, But everything happened, and he adjusted his mentality very quickly.

   Ji Xing discovered a problem when he was thinking about the 'solution'.

  After parting with Kaguya in this way, his first reaction was to worry that maybe Kaguya would have to wait for a thousand years again, but after thinking about it, he didn't think so.

If Kaguya ascended, or ascended to a seven-star world, then the flow of time on the opposite side would not be too fast—according to the time ratio of 360:1 for a one-star world and 120:1 for a five-star world, every time a star ascends, it falls. 60. The time ratio between Seven Star World and Demon Continent is 1:1!

   It's the same as the main world, so Ji Xing doesn't have to be afraid that there will be vicissitudes again.

   But thinking of this, Ji Xing suddenly had another idea. Since it is 1:1, then the Seven Star World is the Demon Continent, right? !

  The more I think about it, the more I feel that it may not be impossible.

   There are already two, and those who invaded by themselves, whether it is a two-star under one man or a five-star Naruto, ascension and dimensionality lead to the seven-star world, not the three-four-five-six-star world.

Hui Ye disappeared from her skeleton production list, which proved that she had succeeded in ascending the dimension. After all, even if it was Gin Jiu, which had been dead for eight hundred years, Ji Xing could occasionally summon it out to do some experiments. Kaguya is summoned!

  Thinking from the back to the front, the God of Otsutsuki, who had legends but disappeared, should also have been upgraded. Therefore, Hui Ye succeeded in ascending the dimension, but he was interrupted by the Seven Star Orb twice, why?

  Where am I missing?

   Is it the lack of ability of the Seven Star Orb, or is it because I am worried that there will be conflicts between my clone and the main body?

  Interruption will also give compensation income!

  So... Kaguya really came to my world? But... why is the Demon Continent?

  According to what Ji Xing knows so far, there can be no more five-stars in Monster Continent, and it has to be a weak five-star! Is it the starry sky? or something else?

   "After a while, call Tsunade or Naruto here, and ask Kaguya if he has lost contact like me, and whether he has raised his dimension... The starlight that summoned Yuyi Yucun can't bear it now."

  Then... continue to improve your strength as much as possible, there is always nothing wrong.

  Ji Xing tapped lightly on the coffee table, and after Xiao Ai's interruption, he completely cleared up his thoughts.

  He looked at the Seven Star Orb, at the new function that was opened to him because of the interruption of the intrusion.

  【Add capture: By consuming 2 times the upper limit of starlight, increase the probability of capturing a stronger world】

  After a few seconds of comprehension, Ji Xing understood.

For example, Ji Xing needed 1 billion starlights to capture a four-star world before, but with this function, he can consume 1.1 billion, 1.2 billion, or up to 2 billion starlights to ensure that he captures a more powerful four-star world. world.

  The same star world, the gap is not small.

   Ji Xing has now entered two two-stars, and one of them has a much higher energy level and upper limit than Demon Slayer: Blade, and entering a stronger one will also bring greater benefits to Ji Xing.

So far, among the worlds Ji Xing has captured, Fairy Tail is probably the only world that can be counted as one of the strongest worlds among the three-star worlds. Ji Xing has been enjoying the dividends brought by the Tail World until now.

  The world of Naruto still uses magic circles.

   "It's a good function. It seems that it can be used together with the promotion capture... When you have time, maybe you can get another three-star or four-star. Let's have a rest, and by the way, try again to help the world's star rise."

  Then... the most important thing is the income from the Naruto world ending the invasion!

  【End of the five-star world invasion】

  【Five Star World Collect Starlight: Five Star】

  【Number of abilities or items that can be brought back: 5】

  【Total quota of abilities or items that can be brought back: 800%】

  【Single ability or item maximum quota: 250%】

  【Ability or item items that can be brought back:

  1. The essence of life

  2. Chakra

  3. Magic

  4. Spatial ability


  Chakra and the essence of life must be full, two 250%, a total of 500%.

How to allocate divine arts and space abilities Ji Xing thought about it. According to the situation that time ability has been shrunk and suppressed in Monster Continent, space ability is unlikely to be as convenient as Naruto World—after all, I have never heard of such a thing in Monster Continent. Summoning ability and space travel.

   But won't divine arts be suppressed? Or what will the magic be turned into here?

  Thinking of the undiscovered peep and space ability when I fought with the God of Hellfire last time...

   "Have a split."

  Select income, space ability 150%!

  In an instant, a mysterious sense of comprehension enveloped Ji Xing. Ji Xing, who had mastered space magic and space ability, only felt a valve opened between his body and the space of this demon continent.

  He comprehended for a few seconds, and said to Xiao Ai in the bedroom: "Xiao Ai, I'll go out for a while."

  Received a response, Ji Xing left a breath of his own in the room to prevent someone from finding out that he was not there, and then took a step forward, and the rough sea was already under his feet!

   This is the sea to the northeast of the White Tiger Fortress, where Ji Xing fought the God of Hellfire last time. It is thousands of miles away from Zhongdu!

  Consuming a lot of spiritual power and magic power in the body, Ji Xing fused them together, bred divine power, entered the state of gods, and increased the limit of space ability.

  Wherever he passed was marked, with enough power consumed, Ji Xing could go wherever he wanted.

  Everywhere you look can flash.

   Can stay in the cracks of the space for a short time, avoid the enemy's attack, and carry out a sneak attack.

   "Sure enough... it's weakened a lot." Ji Xing looked around the sky and sea, "The space barriers of Demon Continent are so tough, I, who is 1.5 times Naruto World, can't even create a private space?"

  Is it really...

  Choose income, life essence 250%!

  At the same time as the thought fell, a feeling like a trickle of spring water nourishing the heart and spleen emerged in Ji Xing's body, and then gradually expanded, gradually nourishing every inch of his skin and soul.

   ended up being a sense of sublimation!

  Yes, it’s like the sublimation feeling of One Man World and Naruto World! Ji Xing was almost PTSD worried that he would ascend in place, but luckily he didn't.

  The feeling of sublimation gradually passed away, and Ji Xing still stayed in place, but the feeling was different, and he seemed to have transformed into another life form.

   In terms of literature and art, it is not stained with dust.

  The vulgar point is to no longer use **** to pee, and no longer need to eat whole grains and food.

  It seems to be supernatural, his body is indescribably pure, if he doesn't deliberately control it, his flesh and blood will even emit an unsmelly 'fragrance', not only demons eat a great tonic, but people can eat it.

   And at the same time, rebirth from a drop of blood? No, as long as the smallest unit of divine power remains, Ji Xing can reshape his body and come back from the dead!

To kill him, there are probably only two ways, to grind his divine power until there is no trace left and not let him escape, or to wipe out Ji Xing's soul directly, and even then, his body will probably continue to live, Immortal for a thousand years!

  Of course, if it is more advanced, Ji Xing can be erased from the rules, as if he didn't say it.

   "This point has not been suppressed by the changes in the rules of the Demon Continent." Ji Xing realized.

   There is also a small side effect.

   Not only did he have the 'indestructible nature' of the human part, but also the demon part, and even induced a little bit of desire to eat brains, which was instantly suppressed by his static power.

   This was within Ji Xing's expectations. The demon part is currently incapable of getting rid of, and it will make him collapse. Strengthening himself will definitely strengthen the demon part, which is unavoidable.

   "However, after the soul is further strengthened in the Death God World, I can probably reshape myself with pure human cells and perform soul transfer. At that time, as long as I give up part of my power, I can... be a human again?"

   Ji Xing took a deep breath.

  Choose income, chakra 250%!

  Boom—! In an instant, the powerful aura exploded, the sea under his feet was swirling, and the brilliance of the stars in the night sky was covered by Ji Xing!

  The majestic divine power spewed out, and under Ji Xing's strong suppression, it also brought the sea water in a radius of tens of miles to churning and surging, rushing around non-stop!

  How huge is this chakra?

   As a new god, Ji Xing's energy is mainly supported by the magical income from the Fairy Tail world and his own practice. Compared with those old gods who are over a hundred years old, his foundation is still somewhat shallow.

  The God of Hellfire is about 5 times as powerful as him.

  The original Kaguya, that is, Kaguya who just ate the chakra fruit, is about 10 times stronger than him.

  Kaguya was about 25 times as powerful as he was when he was fighting Yaguru, and Nayagi was 150 times as powerful as him.

  When it comes to the moment when he is promoted to the God of Otsutsuki, his Chakra volume is still much higher than Yagura's. Calculated by 200 times, 2.5 times will also increase his current divine power by a full 500 times!

  So even though Ji Xing has so much ability and soul to control, he still can't help but lose control at this moment! This is also the reason why he first added space ability and went here to be promoted. He was afraid that he would not be able to afford it without even adding life essence first!

   This is the biggest profit of Jixing Huoying World, 500 times that of the past, and 100 times that of the God of Hellfire! Just relying on crushing of this magnitude, instead of crushing him within 1 minute, completely killing him within 3 minutes...

   It's all given by Ji Xing for nothing!

  Even among the stronger gods, Ji Xing doesn't think anyone can surpass him in terms of divine power, even more than one-fifth of his!

  He can have such confidence!

   After a long while, the fluctuation of divine power was suppressed by Ji Xing, and it was absorbed into his body honestly, but at this moment, he suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.

  It is empty, not even birds, animals, or fish.

   After a silence, he looked around again.

   Still nothing. But he did feel the peep, the peep of two pairs of eyes!

  The last time he fought with the God of Hellfire, he knew that there were two powerful guys watching them through the increase of starlight.

   But this time I really felt it, but I still couldn't find the other party's location!

   "Not a spatial ability."

  Clairvoyance and ears? Ji Xing wanted to use his time ability to go back and try to find the other party's location, but he didn't do it after thinking for a while.

  The other party's peeping was limited to his powerful fluctuations of divine power, he didn't see his appearance or capture his information, he was sure of this. And it was probably the same last time. He caught the fluctuation of his confrontation with the God of Hellfire and paid attention to it.

   Then don't be curious, don't be a waver, the stronger you are, the more you will be in awe. When Ji Xing first became a god, he felt safe and free from worries. Now his attitude towards Demon Continent has become a little ambiguous.

  The last benefit is 150% of magic!

  The understanding of time ability has increased, the understanding of space ability has improved, and he has a new understanding and thinking about Yi Nan's chessboard field.

  The wind flowing through his body let Ji Xing know the weather changes here in the next month.

  Looking at the sea from a distance, you can know the tidal cycle, and even analyze where there are reefs on the bottom of the sea.

   Wind, water, cloud, life.

The operation of the rules of the world seems to have lifted a veil of mystery in front of Ji Xing. He can't let the rules of the world change according to his wishes like Naruto World, but he can calculate how to drain him with the simplest action. The air within the range, how to make a thunderstorm with a random blow.

   There are still various abilities that he needs to experience and study slowly. All in all, the selection of benefits from divine arts makes Ji Xing feel that he and the world of Demon Continent... seem to get along more harmoniously?

  He cast his eyes into the distance, narrowed his eyes slightly, and under the power of the newly comprehended rules, he saw why his spatial ability was so restricted.

  The tough world barriers are like the Naruto world closed by Otsutsuki Yagaki magic. The rules of the world prevent people from exploring beyond the space, and the space ability is naturally difficult to use.

   And unlike Yarao's divine art, which was made a 45-degree gap by the resistance of the world's will, Ji Xing looked around 360 degrees, and there was nothing missing. This demon continent... It's like a locked cage!

   Ji Xing paused, and looked at the Seven Star Pearl.

  【Starlight (five-star): 53.372 billion/100 billion】

  The original plan was disrupted by the sudden end of the invasion. In his prediction, when he ended the invasion of Naruto World, the five stars would definitely be full.

   Now we have to wait a little longer, or...

  【Can capture four and a half star worlds, do you want to capture it? 】【The half-star world is a special world...】

  The subtitles that popped up immediately startled Ji Xing. He was very surprised. Can I still enter the four-and-a-half-star world?

  Because of the special income of one and a half stars, he invaded the five-star Naruto world with four and a half stars. He thought that the four and a half stars that should have been invaded were lost, but he didn't expect it to still exist?

   "Four and a half stars, half a star..."

   Ji Xing thought for a moment, took a step forward, and returned home.

  Hokage is finished.

   During the day, I will write a summary at the end of the volume. As for the world in the next volume, the last few chapters have laid a lot of groundwork. Judging by Ji Xing's ability, everyone guess where he should go in the next volume?

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