Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 460: Komaba Ritoku's conditions

  The old residential area behind the FamilySide apartment is a rare old residential area in Academy City.

  The overall appearance is still in the last century. It is as old as Academy City. There are no people living in it, but it has not been demolished, so the dark alley here has become a paradise for unscrupulous people to gather.

  When Ji Xing came here with 12 younger brothers, he saw two gangs of delinquents in conflict, and was scared away by Ji Xing and others.

  In the bad gangs that generally consist of four, five or six people, they are already a large force.

As soon as Ji Xing raised his hand, all the delinquents behind him stopped and listened to his order: "It's not polite to have so many people coming to the door. Fujioka and Tashiro followed me in, and the others walked around to see if there was any suitable one. base of our operations."

   "...Huh? Boss, this..."

  I was a little worried about something bad, and I didn't remember who my boss was until halfway through the conversation. Although the boss refuses to admit it directly and does not allow them to mention it to others, the most incompetent person who destroyed the black organization in the rumors on the forum is not a rumor, it is the boss of Langsen himself!

  How can a mere group of armed incompetents compare with an evil research organization? !

   Soon the team split into two groups. Ji Xing took the yellow-haired Fujioka oak and the green-haired Tashiro Yuliang to form a traffic light combination and walked towards the center of the old residential area.

   Not far away, Ji Xing moved his eyes to the right, and suddenly noticed a small figure hiding behind the stone pillar.

  It was a little girl about 10 years old, with blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and mainly pink clothes, as cute as a doll.

  Following Ji Xing's gaze, she hurriedly retreated behind the stone pillar, but unfortunately it was too late, even Fujioka Oak saw her, and asked strangely: "How can there be such a child in this place?"

   Ji Xing shook his head and walked over.

   Seeing that there was no way to escape, the little girl like a doll came out on her own initiative, with a cute smile on her face, and said, "Good afternoon, meow, big brothers~"

With a sweet voice and a meow sound, Ji Xing felt the sharp increase in the concentration of the second dimension, and said with a smile: "Good afternoon, little sister, what's your name, why did you come here to play? "

   "My name is Fremeia, and I'm here to find Brother Komaba." The little girl raised her head, blinking her big eyes to be cute: "Brother with red hair, do you know where Brother Komaba is?"

  Fujioka and Tashiro looked at each other in surprise, Ji Xing smiled and said: "Coincidentally, we are also here to find Boss Komaba, don't worry, come with us."

   "Eh?" Fremea hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Thank you brother meow~"

  So there was another little girl in the team, and she asked Ji Xing as she walked, "Are you the younger sister of Boss Komaba? Are you a brother and sister?"

"It's not meow, I've only known brother Komaba for two days." Fremea shook her body with her hands behind her back and said, "Two days ago a delinquent with a crossbow broke into our school and was passing by. Komaba-san saved everyone. Komaba-san is so powerful, he knocked that guy flying about five meters away with one punch, and he passed out immediately, nya."

   Boss Komaba would still do such a thing? But one punch can send people flying five meters away... Children are talking nonsense, and they are not those with abilities. Fujioka and Tashiro looked at each other, but Ji Xing knew it was true.

Ritoku Komaba has an astonishing physical condition, coupled with some high-tech bandages, he can explode the strength of breaking walls and kicking steel bars. It surpasses the true level of Kyogoku in the world of Ke Xue.

  As for this Fremea, it should be Fran) (Da’s younger sister, and the season star of the magic forbidden anime have read it, but the novel is not considered a thorough reading, and the plot content of her is not deep.

  Listening to the cute voice of the little girl, they gradually approached the center of this old residential area. The bad guys who belonged to the group of armed incompetents had noticed them and went to report to Komaba Lide.

   That day, he followed Komaba Ritoku, and was greeted solemnly by Komaba Nobushige's younger brother Hattori Hanzo. How dare this guy come?

   Is it true... Murderous intent and the smell of blood are abstract things, but as a member of the group of armed incompetents, the descendants of ninjas, he knows that those who have killed people are really different.

  It’s a bit bad, don’t look at it as a brave and ruthless man with a flamboyant face, but if you ask him to kill someone, his hands will shake, and there are not many people who are scared to pee.

   It's not surprising that the boss feels it...

   "Huh? Fremea?!"

   "Hey, Hattori brother meow~"


   "Imported?! How could you..."

  "Brother Komaba, I said that he probably came from a foreign country, but I am a human meow, don't call me a foreign meow~" Fremea said coquettishly, hugging the tall Komaba Lide's thigh.

   "So why did you come to such a place? Why did you come with them?" Komaba Lide said, gently touching Fremea's head.

  Fujioka and Tashiro looked at the doting and gentle Komaba Ritoku in front of them, and doubted their eyes, you are such a Komaba boss?

And it wasn't until he asked about Fremea's reason that Komaba Lide heaved a sigh of relief, raised his head and looked at Ji Xing, as if to identify whether Ji Xing brought Fremea over for a few seconds with malicious or threatening intentions, and said: "Thank you for sending Bolai here."

   "By the way, the little sister is very cute."

  Komaba Ritoku nodded, then bowed his head and said softly: "Shirai, go to the next door with Hattori brother for a while. Komaba brother and these brothers have something to talk about, and I will accompany you in ten minutes."

   "Oh—" Fremea turned her head: "By the way, red-haired brother, what's your name?"

   "Lang Sen's bad game." Ji Xing smiled.

   "Brother Langsen, don't fight with Brother Komaba, you will probably be beaten~"

  Fremea gave him a cute tongue-out emoji before leaving with Hattori Hanzo.

   "Huh? This kid..." Fujioka Oak muttered uncomfortably behind him, seeing that Ji Xing didn't say anything, he suppressed the words, not wanting to meet the kid.

   As the trigger to unearth the incident of the Black Organization two years ago, no one believes in it more than him! Regardless of the fact that there are more than 20 people around here, maybe they are not big enough to fight with one hand!

  Ji Xing said directly: "Boss Komaba, did you encounter any trouble when selling steel plates?"

   "No. The total income is 9.58 million yen, and the 20% is 1.916 million yen. It is ready." Komaba Ritoku said in a low voice.

  Academy City is not a place of lawlessness, but it is not a place of strict laws either. Although it is within Japan, it has long been self-governing and follows its own set of laws. A theft case of this amount is enough to be investigated and punished by the outside world, and it involves expensive special steel, so it will not be easy to sell dirty things. In Academy City, it is very simple.

  Even if you are caught, it will be nothing more than an education, a few days of detention, and confiscation of the proceeds.

   After all, they are still underage.

Hearing this kind of amount, Fujioka and Tashiro, who had never seen such a large amount of money, were very excited. Ji Xing, who was sitting on the chair, only slightly adjusted his sitting posture, and praised: "You are indeed the boss of Komaba. Car, did you vacate the place?

  If it were us, we might not be able to transport 20% of the steel in one night if we were too tired, so I think... this money should not be easy to get, right? "

  Komaba Lide didn't answer, but asked him calmly: "Langsen is bad, have you heard of Level0Huntingcompetition?"

   "The Hunting Competition for the Incapable?" Ji Xing nodded, "I've heard of it a little bit."

"Powerful and bad-character capable people compete with each other to attack the powerless, which has brought a bad influence on many people." Komaba Lide said with a gloomy face: "Physically and psychologically, people who are depressed because of incompetence As a result, teenagers take the path of extremes or self-degradation."

  It's normal, there are bad people among the incompetent.

  There are naturally bad people among those who have gained abilities and suddenly have powerful abilities.

  In the two parties, the incompetent obviously occupies an absolute disadvantage, and is even regarded as an animal by the other party to hunt and compete.

  The delinquents who have heard about it show the same hatred, and Fujioka and Tashiro are the same.

  Komaba Lide continued: "The only ones they dare not attack are our few SkillOuts, who are also incompetent, and we who have great power should also take more responsibility.

  Lang Sen bad scene, are you from Anbe? "

  Ji Xing shook his head: "It's not them."

   But did you know that Anbu, which symbolizes the darkness of Academy City, exists? Komaba Lide glanced at the dazed Fujioka and Tashiro behind Ji Xing, and said again: "To prevent the occurrence of hunting competitions, I need more manpower, more funds, and stronger strength. The proceeds from selling steel plates Less than 10 million yen can't buy several weapons, very few."

  Ji Xing smiled and said, "So? Boss Komaba has something to say quickly."

   "That night you said that you couldn't explain to your brothers when you left, so I gave you the money like this, and I couldn't explain to my brothers."

   Komaba Lide said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I have to add one condition. Choose one of the two, and I can give you the money after it is completed. The first one is to bring your brothers to join us."

   Fujioka Quercus breathed heavily, Ji Xing interrupted him by raising his hand in anticipation: "What about the other one?"

"Two days ago, the thug who attacked Fulai and Fremea School was named Gao Fengxin. As an incapable person, he has been injured and bullied by capable persons at least five times." Komaba Lide said: "The disciplinary committee member and the guard The police did not give him enough help, and the guy who attacked him was only locked up for a few days at most before bringing him more serious revenge.

  I don't agree with him venting his hatred on elementary school students, but as an incompetent person, he is too 'incompetent' in this city.

  The person who attacked him was named Baicheng Zhu Jin, a Level 3 person with the ability to get angry. I decided to teach him a little lesson tonight, at least to prevent him from participating in hunting competitions. "

   Komaba Lide looked at Ji Xing: "The time and place have been fully planned."

  Ji Xing said clearly: "Boss Komaba means... I'll teach him a lesson?"

   "I will bear the responsibility." Komaba Toshitoku nodded and said: "You do it, and you can take 20% of the profit from selling steel plates."

  Third-level powerful people belong to the mainstream level in Academy City, and the ability to fire is also a very lethal superpower. A fireball of a few hundred degrees can casually burn an incapable person to serious injuries.

Everyone in the armed group observed the reaction of the bad guys headed by Ji Xing, and saw that Lang Sen was just thinking about it, and the two younger brothers seemed a little dissatisfied with this, but they were also very confident, waiting for the boss to make a decision appearance.

   Hiss~ Isn't it really simple?

  After more than ten seconds, Ji Xing raised his head and said, "Suddenly adding a condition is not very particular, Boss Komaba, but I can understand your difficulties, and I admire your ideals very much.

  Since this is the case, let me add a little condition, okay? "

   "The amount cannot be more."

   "No money." Ji Xing shook his head: "Boss Komaba's body should be called clockwork bandages, give me a set."

Komaba Lide was stunned, and as strong as a bear, he looked at Ji Xing's ordinary figure, frowned slightly and said: "This is equipment eliminated by the security team, and it will cause a great load on the body. It’s a little hard for me to use it.”

  Ji Xing put down Erlang's legs and smiled slightly: "Don't worry about this, Boss Komaba, I will do what I can."

   Ritoku Komaba looked at him deeply.

   "Okay, then it's up to you tonight."

  3k4, 12 points in the next chapter.

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