Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 468: Level5 absolute field! (6k for votes)

  Chapter 468 Level 5 Absolute Domain! (6k for votes)

  Kihara Gensei is a well-known brain science research expert in Academy City, and an important researcher, professor and consultant of many research facilities.

Respected on the surface, but also known as a "mad scientist" in secret, he is a guy who does everything he can to pursue the birth of someone with absolute ability, ignoring the lives of experimental subjects. Proposer of the Absolute Capable Person Plan who was promoted to Absolutely Capable Person.

   He also took advantage of his position as the chairperson of the Institute of Advanced Education Bureau to use abandoned children in Academy City to conduct experiments and actively induce the abilities of those with abilities to go berserk in order to obtain the "crystallization of ability bodies", which has caused many children to remain unconscious until now.

   But from the outside, he is just an ordinary old man with short gray hair, wearing ordinary researcher overalls, with a kind face and squinted eyes.

When Youfu Chunshu went looking for Ji Xing, he was in the factory street where Youfu Chunshu's company was located, but it was just a few kilometers away in an underground research institute, holding a list, standing in some human storage tanks between.

"Ringo, Night Sea Bird, Juanqi's favorite..." In the human body storage tank, there are some children stored, the youngest is only about ten years old, and the oldest is only twelve or thirteen years old. After checking the list, he put The list was handed over to the middle-aged researcher beside him, with an encouraging smile on his face.

   "All the eligible elites from the "retaining the fine and discarding the rough (abandoned children are here, and they are at least level 3 powerful. I hope your experiment goes well."

   "Don't worry, Professor Kihara Gensei, we have made sufficient preparations, I guarantee that at least half of the experimental subjects will be successful!"

Kihara Gensei narrowed his eyes and smiled more kindly. He raised his mechanical finger and pointed to his head: "The brains of capable people contain infinite mysteries. To transplant these children with a common way of thinking and calculation, even if only one-fifth or more Less success is also normal.

  Sacrifice is necessary in the development of science. What the old man said is smooth is to get a more detailed analysis of the general calculation method in the experiment. The upper limit of these children is only those with great abilities. "

   "Ah... yes, I see!"

   Kihara Gensei nodded and walked out.

  He is not interested in any experiments that have nothing to do with people with absolute abilities. If this experiment does not involve a party, he will not cooperate and care.

What he has been doing in recent years is to perfect the body crystal that he believes is the beacon leading to the absolute ability user, pay attention to the most promising absolute ability user plan, and pay a little attention to the other five-level super ability users besides Accelerator. Selected products' only three.

   But recently, he has paid attention to one more thing - the "incompetent" Lang Sen has a bad game!

  The attention naturally started when the opponent defeated Accelerator. He had reviewed Ji Xing's data many times and found no problems in it, but found two 'doubts' that were not considered problems.

  The growth rate of Langsen's bad field is too fast.

  The development of Lang Sen's bad field was too smooth.

Especially the second point, the biggest support point of the farce-like black-clothed organization urban legend is his "perfection", facing the bad and capable people who find fault, he will not suffer a little loss, and will bring endless reverie to those idiots around him The space is mysterious in the eyes of children.

Including facing two superpowers, Accelerator and Mugino Shenli, the former was defeated by him by grasping his weakness, and the latter's violent temper was calmed down by him, and he even became friends with him on a rare occasion. Big help.

  Even if he lured the guys in the arena to send three Anbu reserve members, calculating his endurance and causing him a little injury, he still solved it neatly!

  If the first doubt can be explained by the original physical talent unearthed during the development of young people, does the second point have to be luck?

  An incompetent?

  Relying on the intuition of a scientist, Kihara Gensei felt that there was something wrong here, and as himself with the A-level authority of the urban network, he couldn't find out where the problem was, so the problem might be even bigger!

   "Really, Fu Chunshu has already gone."

  There is Fu Chunshu who claims to be a wise man, but in the eyes of Kihara Gensei, he is just a stupid child who pursues wise man management in Academy City built on the basis of superpowers? This is the same as when a person says that 9 is the largest among 1 to 9, he said that the 'point' in the poker is the largest, unreasonably applying the logic he prefers.

   But as a tempter, he fits the bill. The first thing to test is the "intelligence ability" of Lang Sen's bad field.

According to the logical analysis of Lang Sen's bad behavior, he will not be stupid enough to participate in Fu Chunshu's actions, and with Fu Chunshu's character, he will definitely say what the old man said "unintentionally" to deal with Lang Sen Bad field for speeches and invitations.

   If you accept the invitation to go to the Study company, does it prove that the name of the old man makes you feel concerned? Even knocking down Yifang Accelerator didn't just rely on the short intelligence information Mugino Shenli obtained when fighting Yifang Accelerator?

  The next morning, in his secret research institute, Kihara Gensei looked at the surveillance camera screen in front of the Study Company, looked at Ji Xing who stepped into it, squinted and smiled.

   "Lang Sen is bad, let me see what is hidden on your body."


  Study within the company.

   After receiving the notification, You Fu Chunshu went downstairs to greet Ji Xing, and smiled politely, "I'm glad you made a wise choice, President Langsen."

  Ji Xing observed the surrounding environment, glanced at the cameras above his head, and said casually: "It's too early to choose, I don't know what you want to do yet?"

"The plan is still in the preparation stage, and I can't reveal too much to you." Haruki Youfu said, "I just want to make sure that President Lang Sen is also an incompetent who is dissatisfied with the status quo of Academy City. It's not that there is any intention to cooperate, but there are also some minor matters, if President Lang Sen is willing to help, it would be great."

  Ji Xing looked at him: "So... your so-called cooperation refers to letting me be your subordinate when you call it?"

  You Fu Chunshu's expression froze slightly.

From the look in Ji Xing's eyes, he felt a creeping intimidation, and then he remembered that although this guy was trying his best to cover up and whitewash, he was actually the boss of a bad group, and he had the potential to slow down. Slowly become the boss of the biggest bad group in Academy City!

  But isn't it because I value this that I am willing to talk to these guys?

  He breathed lightly, pushed his glasses, and said calmly: "President Lang Sen, don't worry, let me introduce our Study company to you first."

He took Ji Xing to the top office and stood together in front of the bright floor-to-ceiling windows. He pointed to the factory behind the company building and said, "Study Company mainly produces parts for drive armor, and has the ability to independently produce drive armor for civilian use. A cooperation agreement has been reached with the Guard.

If we turn on the maximum production capacity, our factory can produce hundreds of drive suits of various types every day, and those who are incapable are very vulnerable to drive suits. President Lang Sen, who is using clockwork bandages, should be aware of the gap . "

After all, clockwork bandages are low-quality equipment eliminated by the guards, and powered armor is active equipment. In layman's terms, it is a simple mecha. The ability of a capable person becomes even more powerful when formed into an army!

  Papa—he clapped his palms lightly, and the two powered suits walked into the spacious office.

   Its appearance is a body with blue and gray camouflage, like a special suit, holding two standard submachine guns as weapons.

"It's like them." You Fu Chunshu spread out his hands and said in high spirits: "This is the most common equipment in the police force at present, HsPS-12, an ordinary person with a little training can run 150km/h wearing it According to different ballistic calibers, it can hit an attack that can tear apart an armored vehicle at most!

  President Lang Sen's karate is so powerful, but he can't fight against such a metal machine, right? "

   Ji Xing smiled: "Is this a threat?"

"No, of course not." Yufu Chunshu also smiled: "I just want to prove to President Lang Sen that the power of the karate club is not necessary for me, and what I value more is President Lang Sen You wise man, value the common ground that we feel that the use of superpowers by superhumans needs to be more properly managed!

  And... President Lang Sen didn't see the difference between these two powered suits and ordinary driven suits? Obviously not a robot model, but they also have no human driving inside, this is our breakthrough research result! Smart driving!

   They obey my orders completely, even if it is a thousand, ten thousand! This is a weapon completely controlled by the wise, not those superpowers that may get out of control at any time! "

   "Wow~" Ji Xing expressed his admiration.

  You Fu Chunshu frowned slightly, what kind of reaction was this? He looked at Ji Xing, and said, "President Langsen seems to be indifferent to this kind of power? Yes, you should have seen the power of the fourth superpower user Mugino Shitoshi. Compared with superpowers, the power of these driven suits is indeed Not worth mentioning.

  However, they are still being perfected, and they need some little help from President Lang Sen. According to the information I got, the relationship between you and Anbu props seems to be very good, but I need more super power information of Mugino Shitoshi to develop more advanced weapons for our drive suit.

  So next, if possible, I hope that President Lang Sen can provide some task information about Anbu props, and it will be regarded as President Lang Sen’s sincerity in cooperating with our Study. "

   "Is that why you came to me?"

"One of them." Youfu Chunshu pushed his glasses: "On the other hand, machines are just machines after all. Some things need people to manage, and chaos needs people to calm down. I guarantee that if I become the new director President, President Lang Sen must be one of the twelve directors!"

   "Director, senior official." Ji Xing sighed again, took out the mobile phone in his pocket, glanced at it, and frowned slightly in surprise.

  You Fu Chunshu sighed softly, sat on the chair, shook his head in disappointment and said, "President Lang Sen, how can a wise man use such a trick?"

His smile became a little wild, and he took out a small instrument from his arms: "When I invited you over, I made all kinds of preparations. Is the person on the other side of the phone from Anbu props? Unfortunately, the simple The sound wave interference changes, and what they hear becomes a regular cooperation negotiation between our Study company and the karate club!"

He stretched out his hand and pressed it, and Ji Xing's cell phone turned blue screen, and said with a smile, "Now that the negotiation is over, you hung up on your own initiative, President Lang Sen, and it won't cause any suspicion from Anbu props. I also hope...such a trick, don't There will be another time!"


Amidst the mechanical beating, the submachine guns of the two powered suits pointed at Ji Xing, and Fu Chunshu sarcastically said: "And...because you let me down, I have to take some coercive measures, you Do you understand, President?"

  Obviously, he was more interested in coercion, at least putting some insurance on Ji Xing, at least feeding some poison or planting a bomb, after all, what he did was a major coup d'état!

  Ji Xing's expression seemed a little dazed, and he paused for a few seconds before he relaxed his brows and walked towards You Fu Chunshu. You Fu Chunshu was stunned, and was about to tell Ji Xing not to act recklessly, but suddenly realized...

  'Move...can't move? ! Why…'

  The eyes under the glasses were dilated, and they looked even more horrified after Ji Xing took off the glasses.

   After slowly inserting two fingers, a shocked and terrified expression appeared on his complacent face, and the fingers were getting closer! Getting closer! He felt like he had touched his eyeballs! Feel the sting!

  ‘No…don’t…why? ! '

  ‘Ah—it hurts! Going blind! Going blind! '

  Ji Xing's calm expression seemed to really goug out his eyes alive, which made You Fu Chunshu howl and collapse inwardly, and a foul smell suddenly came from his lower body!

Ji Xing turned his palms at the same time, then lightly touched Fu Chunshu's head, and said with a smile: "Look at you, if you don't have the courage and courage, don't seek death to do things beyond your ability, what about Academy City?" Can there be a chairman who pees his pants?"


  Youfu Chunshu, who was picked up by Ji Xing, fell to the feet of the two powered armors that gave him a sense of security, and the slightly stained swivel chair was kicked away by Ji Xing, and Ji Xingban sat on the table.

   Far away in the fourth school district, Kihara Gensei leaned forward suddenly in front of the surveillance screen!

   Is this...magic?

   No, superpowers!

  The old face showed a look of shock and joy, Kihara Gensei never thought that it would be so easy to get what he wanted, and it was the most hoped result-Lang Sen is really not an ordinary incapable person, he really has super powers!

   According to the data retrieved by Kihara Gensei, Langsen's literacy judgment is Level 0!

   Literacy judgment error? impossible! Then it can only be that the literacy judgment has been filled with wrong information! And who can do such a thing? !

   Naturally only my dear chairman!

  Why do you do this? Either Lang Sen's bad field's super power is extremely special, or Lang Sen's bad field has a greater chance of being promoted to an absolute capable person than Yifang Accelerator, and he is protecting him!

  Fanism came from the squinted eyes, dear chairman, don’t be so selfish, the birth of a person with absolute ability is everyone’s ideal, but Kihara Gensei is obviously looking forward to the latter now, which means new research objects and opportunities!

  Will you be the new hope for those with absolute abilities? Wolf Sen's bad game! What is your ability, and what level is it? !

  He stared at the screen on the monitor.

  You Fu Chunshu's confinement power seemed to have been relaxed, and he was lying on the ground panting violently.

Just now he seemed to have sunk into an endless nightmare, the picture of not being able to move but staring at a pair of fingers digging with wide eyes is still playing back in his mind, making his body tremble, and gradually waking up The brain is full of embarrassment and disbelief.

   "You, you are capable...?!"

   It's ridiculous! The wolf who established the karate club, a disguised armed group of incompetent people, turned out to be a person with superpowers? !

  How ironic it would be to let those incapable people who follow him to practice karate hard and expect special effects from karate know? Capable people are indeed hateful! Did he fool everyone? !

  He turned his head to ask for help to the two powered suits, but found that they did not respond to himself who had the highest authority, but turned and left, and even closed the door of the office intimately outside.

  Let him stay and face Ji Xing alone!

At the same time, Ji Xing's voice sounded, as if explaining to him: "The name of my ability is Space Mastery, the level is Level 5, superpowers, according to the rules that superpowers can give ability replacement numbers, I call it 'Absolute Territory'."

  Spatial mastery...Level 5? !

How can this be? !

  Fu Chunshu's face suddenly changed, and Kihara Huansheng's enthusiasm became even more frenzied, really? ! But at the same time, he, who is rich in experience, suddenly felt that something was wrong. Isn't this... a bit too smooth?

"In a certain space area, I seem to be omnipotent. Gravity, humidity, temperature, and wind speed can all be changed according to my will. For an incapable person like you, I can even easily control your brain. Bioelectricity can easily make you incapacitated but keep you awake, and it can also easily make your head pop!"

  Ji Xing said, looking at the camera hanging in Yufu Chunshu's office, in the eyes of Kihara Huansheng, it seemed to be looking at himself.

   Such ability? Then in a certain space, it is already a god? ! In the frenzy, he also narrowed his eyes again, and reached out to turn off the monitor uneasily, only to find won't kill him!

   "I can even control the electrical signals and network signals, but this is really tiring. It is even more difficult to catch people along them."

Ji Xingdao: "The number of ports of this office surveillance camera is 81, and there are 1024 channels for uploading to the server. There are currently 758 people using the A-level network authority that can usurp authority. If there is no equipment at hand, we have to use the exhaustive method to check. , I need to perform the product of three numbers, which is a total of 62871552 calculations."

  He raised his hand and rubbed his temples: "More than 60 million times, all in the three minutes of nonsense just now, it made my head big, but it's okay, I did the math, right, Professor Kihara Gensei?"

  The voice seemed to ring in his ears, and Kihara Gensei clenched his right fist suddenly.

Time and space seemed to be stagnant for a few seconds, and his fists slowly relaxed again, squinting his eyes and smiling: "That's good. No wonder my dear chairman will hide it for you. Your computing power is already comparable to that of Accelerator. Its effect also exceeds that of the other seven people, it is simply a monster."

   "Then, may I ask, professor, where is the research material of the body crystal?" Ji Xing said again.

   "Underground of the abandoned Advanced Education Bureau." Kihara Huansheng's smile was more pure: "Lang Sen's bad scene really surprised and opened my eyes. You have to work hard to become a person with absolute ability."

   "Thank you, Professor, for looking forward to your encouragement, then... Farewell, Professor Kihara Gensei."


  A dull gravitational force instantly distorted Kihara Huansheng's smile, and a trace of regret that it was difficult to witness the birth of a person with absolute ability flashed in his eyes. His body slammed onto the ground, and cracks appeared on the laboratory floor!

  Under dozens of times the gravity, his flesh and bones quickly collapsed, and after a few seconds, they completely turned into fleshy paste, which flowed into the cracks on the laboratory floor!

  Study Company.

  Ji Xing rubbed his temples again, following the network signal to cover the ability to the distant Kihara Gensei was also a strenuous task. Unexpectedly, the first time I used super powers to 'battle' in the Forbidden World, I was overloaded and needed to rest.

  He looked at Yufu Haruki in front of him.

   This 'wise man' had already understood everything when Ji Xing said the name of 'Kihara Huansheng' to the camera and the follow-up communication. So... he was just a tool for the two of them to fight? !

   This was an extreme humiliation and irony for him. He wanted to scold him in a broken state, but lost control of his body again. Only then did he realize his situation, feeling terrified and dazed.

  Why is Lang Sen bad field a person with abilities, or even a person with superpowers? ! Isn't there only seven superpowers in Academy City? Could it be that he is the sixth who has been unknown? !

  Why is this happening? ! He frantically looked for opportunities to save himself and make a comeback, but in the end his body went limp and he fell into despair.

  Can't even move, what chance?

  Damn it! super powers!

  Why... I don't have superpowers?

   "Actually, you're okay, wise man. When I calculated Kihara Huansheng's position, I didn't leave extra computing power to pay attention to you. I didn't expect that a mobile phone would be damaged." Ji Xing got up and said.

  "But why don't you think about it, many people know that I made up the black organization, why no one beat me with evidence, why didn't you find the ip address I originally answered?

   Mugino Shirley and the others are also experienced old Anbu, the dialogue you synthesized can't fool them, even if I am not capable, I will wait for the rescue after a while. "

He stepped over Fu Chunshu and walked to the door of the office. With a wave of his right hand, the swivel chair returned to its original position, and the urine stain disappeared. Erased!

   "Then...farewell too."

  At the same time, the three of Mugino Shimori broke into the Study company, and were intercepted by the drive armor. The violent Mugino Shimori yelled 'Get out' and shot her atomic collapse ray.

  Following Ji Xing's right hand turning slightly, suddenly a ray appeared behind him, piercing straight through You Fu Chunshu's heart and chair!

  Ji Xing walked into the coming elevator, and Shi Shiran took the elevator downstairs.

   Thanks to the leader of 15100607... for the reward! Grateful!


  (end of this chapter)

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