Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 483: prelude

  Chapter 483 Prologue

   Enemies can plot in every possible way, but friends don't need to cheat and hide.

Back then in the Pirate World, Ji Xing, who faced the Bigmom pirate group, could have died by lightning. Enemies can also remove the hidden dangers of friendship between each other.

   And when Ji Xing sent Misaka sister back to the hospital in the seventh school district, the sky was completely dark, and he saw Dr. Gutai again.

   "The karate president, Lang Sen, they said was you." Dr. Guatai has a strong memory, and he only remembered Ji Xing once a few months ago, and nodded to Ji Xing.

A simple inquiry checked Misaka's condition. Apart from fatigue, Misaka lost a full two catties, which seemed a bit exaggerated based on her weight of around 70 catties. Give her some special nutritional supplements, well, don't increase the intensity of exercise for now, I think you should know it in your heart, so you won't be nagging."

Ji Xing nodded, and Misaka's younger sister hid a smile on her expressionless face, and said to Ji Xing: "Thank you, Senior Lang Sen, for letting Misaka 'go through the back door', can Misaka go to the same place to practice karate with everyone tomorrow? Misaka Ask expectantly and nervously."

   "Of course, see you tomorrow."

  Sister Misaka went back to the Liao Yang cabin, while Ji Xing stayed in his office under the direction of Dr. Gua Tai, who seemed to be about to speak and then stopped for a while, Doctor Gua Tai sighed softly.

   "These clones are poor children, don't use them as your game means, let alone hurt my patients."

   He was a little vague, but Ji Xing could understand. The birth of the Misaka sisters was not actually the result of the evolution experiment of the absolute ability user, that kind of experiment was impossible to succeed in the first place.

   It is Aleister who wants to use a reasonable method to disperse the Misaka sisters all over the world, and build an "artificial heaven" through the Misaka network.

   As for coming to Ji Xing to learn karate, there is a high probability that it is not because she wants to lose weight, but because of the influence of Aleister, she wants to gain some benefits from the "God of Karate".

  Ji Xing knew it, but he didn't care. He was surprised that Dr. Guatai could see through such things, and he smiled: "No, I'm a good person."

   "Good guy?" Dr. Gua looked at Ji Xing carefully, and couldn't help showing a frog smile: "You are a good guy, so it can't be better."

   At this moment, there was a hasty knock on the door of his office, and a petite girl with blonde curly hair in a backless dress broke in.

  In addition to Doctor Gua, the presence of Ji Xing made her pause unexpectedly for two seconds, and she quickly said: "Doctor, our boss moved his finger just now, is he about to wake up?"

"Really? I'll go and have a look. According to the time, it's about the same. I have been in a coma for a week. I don't know who did it. All the internal organs have been displaced. If he is not in good health, it is really true." It takes a lot of effort.”

  Doctor Gua Tai nodded to Ji Xing, and followed the girl prison Hai Caimei to the corresponding ward.

   Ji Xing followed behind and walked toward the stairs. When passing by the ward, he looked in through the window. Kakine Teitoku, who happened to be wearing a ventilator, opened his eyes in a daze from a coma.

   "It seems to be a bit heavy to start."

  He walked over with his usual expression.

  The phone suddenly beeped a text message, and when he took it out, he found that it was Saten Ruiko.

  'President! Do you know fantasy master? It is the music that is said to allow the powerless to gain power! That... haha, I've been chasing this urban legend for a while now, but not after knowing the power of karate.

  But just now I found a new post in the urban legend section, saying that the reason why our karate students experience the powerful power of brevity is that by some kind of coincidence, the body and this piece of music have a magnetic field resonance or something...

  Hahaha, it sounds fake, I just told the president that there is such a thing. So the most important thing, President, when will you come to guide everyone in karate? Frenda hasn't come recently. It's a headache for me to bring newcomers, and I don't give any teacher fees... Hee hee, just kidding! '

  With one hand in his pocket, he walked out of the hospital while reading a text message. Ji Xing's spatial mastery helped him capture distant sounds and some noise.

  Shirai Kuroko is fighting the terrorists from Russia, and the security guards are also involved, because those guys are going to assemble a nuclear bomb in Academy City and send Academy City to heaven.

  The matter was discovered by Misaka Mikoto who just went to Russia to participate in the ability demonstration. It seems that this nuclear bomb is only on the surface, and there is a secret arrangement. She is exploring the enemy's conspiracy there and working hard to save Academy City.

  Returned a message to Saten Leizi, put the phone back in his pocket, and took back the space control domain, Ji Xing clicked his tongue softly, and walked home.

   What an ordinary day in Academy City.


the other side.

   Accelerator, who was walking around on crutches, looked at the little figure in front of him expressionlessly.

   "Because the experiment was interrupted, I was thrown out of the incubator in advance, and I don't know why I am so petite. Misaka Misaka complained."

In front of me is a version of Misaka sister who is only eight or nine years old. She claims to be the last batch of experimental subjects, numbered 20001, and is called the last work. Too petite.

  Because all she knew was Accelerator knew those researchers, and the last work that wanted to grow to a normal size had to come and entangle him.

  Accelerator was silent for a while, then said indifferently, "Let's find someone else."

   "Oh yeah! I was rejected all at once!" The Last Work waved his small fist and said excitedly: "Misaka Misaka shouted in despair."

   Then she lowered her head, her expression became a little depressed: "But... there is no other support, so Misaka Misaka will not give up."

  Is it just feelings? Accelerator looked at her, but... there is nothing else to rely on?

  A wisp of red hair flashed in his mind, he let out a low cut, and was about to speak, when a hoarse and gloomy voice suddenly came from not far away.

   "Cut—those incompetents, those defective products, have been really insane recently!"

   "Yeah, what karate club, karate, only those defectives will believe that juggling fighting can bring superpowers!"

"By the way... don't you plan to do something? In the past, you could think of them as a slightly larger SkillOut. It's fine to give way to the hunting competition for the incompetent. Now there are too many people in the karate club. Everyone has to confirm the target for half a day!"

   "How can you do nothing!"

   Four people, hunting competition for the incompetent? Is there such a thing, these guys are the evil party among capable people? Accelerator stopped and listened, and the last work beside him also put up a finger near his mouth, eavesdropping on tiptoes.

   "Speaking of which, do you still remember that coward Zhu Jin in Baicheng?"

   "Of course, the ability to get angry at Level 3 is really wasted on him. After being cleaned up by Komaba Ridge from SkillOut, he quit the hunting competition without any effort."

"It's not that simple. Recently, the boss of Dangshan Temple came to him specially. The one who caught him and handed him over to Komaba Lide was the president of the karate club, Lang Senbaichang! He was also frightened by Langsenbaichang I broke my guts!"

   "Huh? That guy?"

"I've always heard that Lang Sen is good at fighting bad games, but how strong can an incapable person be, even with a wind-up bandage? It's not surprising that he can beat Zhu Jin in Baicheng, but the legend of the black organization Only those defective products will believe it!"

   "That's right, the boss of Dangshan Temple is a level 4 powerful person, so why can't we punish him?"

"Of course it is possible, but the power of his subordinates should not be underestimated. If he runs away, we will probably be in some trouble." The initial hoarse and deep voice said: "I will tell you guys quietly, don't spread the word .

  The boss of Dangshan Temple and the others are going to teach him a lesson on the 16th! "

   "The 16th? Wait... half a month?"

   "Wait, that day seems to be..."

   "That's right, it is a routine physical examination and ability examination for all students in Academy City, and it is impossible for him not to participate. And on that day, there was no way to put a clockwork bandage on his body..."

   "Hey~" An evil laugh sounded: "How can you not take me with such an interesting thing? Without technological equipment, we need to let those defective products know that they are defective products!"

   "Yeah, take me too..."

boring. Accelerator talked to himself, didn't want to listen any more, and returned to the dormitory in another direction. Little Misaka wanted to call out, but quickly covered his mouth and ran to catch up.

   After a certain distance, she asked: "Karate President Lang Mori Kaiba is the one who defeated you twice and prevented the experiment? Misaka Misaka... Well, Misaka Misaka seems to have said the wrong thing..."

  Accelerator said with a blank expression, "Ah, that's the guy, go find him to help you."

   "Are you going to entrust Misaka to tell him that someone is planning to attack him? Misaka Misaka... seems to have asked another stupid question?"

  Accelerator looked at her and cut his voice: "Isn't his intelligence fully developed? If that kind of thing can cause him trouble, I'll kill them and him...all!"

   "Misaka Misaka's intelligence is not a problem! Misaka Misaka emphasized angrily!" Little Misaka jumped up and shouted.


  The peaceful time flies by.

  Misaka Mikoto, who saved Academy City from the nuclear bomb disaster, returns, and sincerely thanks Ji Xing who took care of Misaka 9527.

  Magino Shenli seemed to have forgotten the question he asked Ji Xing that day. After a week of special training, he found that the effect was good, and he gave the props team another week. After training, Frenda couldn't even dress up exquisitely.

   Time came to July 15th.

  In the evening, two magicians from England entered Academy City.

  One of them is the red-haired flame magician Stil Magnus who is only 14 years old but has a height of two meters and has a barcode printed on his face.

Beside her is a tall, slim, fair-skinned beauty with long black hair tied into a ponytail and hanging down her waist. The T-shirt on the upper body is **** at the waist to reveal the navel, the sleeve of the right arm is cut off to reveal the fair shoulder, and the jeans on the lower body are the left trouser leg The white thighs were cut off, and the long knife slung around her waist gave her a different style.

  Saint, Kanzaki Kaori!

Seeing a group of karate students running by, Stiyl murmured softly: "No wonder our 'girly' chief bishop asked me to pay attention to a newly established karate club in Academy City. What team is it?"

   "Indeed." Kanzaki's tone was like that of an ancient Yamato Nadeko-like woman, and said, "But let's find Index first, there are only a few days left."

   3k3. Tomorrow, Yangjian. At the end of the month, pay the ticket, shameless.


  (end of this chapter)

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