Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 514: Kisei vs Touma Kamijou (6k)

Because of the wrong record when superimposing phases, Othinus became the incarnation of death and slaughter in people's eyes, and became the **** of war, so she wanted to regain her power and return to the original world, and find someone who can understand her. people.

  But she didn't know whether such a person existed in her original world, but one appeared in the world in front of her, that is, Kamijou Touma, so she changed to want to protect the current world.

  But even though Othinus achieved a 100% success rate by going the other way after being entered into the elf spell, that doesn't mean that the elf spell built by the quasi-demon **** was useless to her.

  After being shattered by Kamijou Touma and reshaping the original world, she lost most of her power again and was dying.

Kamijou Touma wants to save her, so he needs to take her to the Mimir Spring, take back the right eye that she sacrificed to the spring when she became a demon god, and let her return to an ordinary human being, so that the demonization built against the demon **** can be eliminated surgery.

   But to save the demon **** who destroyed the world is equivalent to making an enemy of the whole world!

   All major forces are already organizing a sniper attack, and Aleister did not participate in the summit meeting because he was busy with hidden affairs. Now that the dust has settled, he gives Ji Xing an 'order' to kill Othinus.

  Ji Xing did not act, but smiled and said: "You are a little anxious, Mr. Chairman, before your attitude was to follow me, but now you want me to kill a demon **** and hand in a nomination certificate."

Aleister did not deny: "Things have progressed to the point where I have to try to eliminate some unstable factors. Of course, Langsen, you have the right to refuse, we are just a cooperative relationship, there is no need to save you from the demon **** I just saved you With that in mind, you also helped me deal with Coronzon, I just want to reconfirm your position."

   "My position? I have no position, and I am uncertain." Ji Xing said.

   "Don't forget the contract between us."

   "I can't forget it." Ji Xing said: "But don't worry, take a good look at your plan, don't put too much energy on me, don't mess yourself up at the last moment, I'll go first."

  Aleister was silent for a few seconds.

   "Ah, thanks for the reminder."

  The one who walks a hundred steps is half ninety, and there is indeed a small problem in his current state of mind. In the past, he would never "order" Ji Xing to kill Othinus, which would affect the tacit understanding between them.

   On the other side, because the chairman of the board, Aleister, could not be contacted for a while, the seven directors of Academy City were contacting the magic side on behalf of the city, and summoned several superpowers to stand by.

At this moment, several superpowers already knew that Kamijou Touma's position was 'reversed', and they stood on the Demon God's side, sitting outside the meeting room, Mugino Shimori with his hands in his arms, his expression indifferent, Misaka Mikoto shaking her legs a little anxiously, Shokuhou Cao Qi clenched his fists nervously, Accelerator remained expressionless.

   "You won't be allowed in during the meeting, but tell you to wait outside?" A familiar voice suddenly came, and several people instantly turned their eyes to the door.

   "Senior Lang Sen!" Misaka Mikoto was pleasantly surprised.

   "Huh? You're back, Langsen. I haven't been on the phone for the past few days. I almost thought something happened to you." Mai Ye Shenli stood up a little dissatisfied, but in fact he was also happy.

   Yes, a few days.

  Under Ke Xue's time bug, Ji Xing disappeared for almost a month, which is not long for them, so they are not too anxious.

  I called him mainly to inquire about the substantial improvement in physical condition.

  Only the one who met Ji Xing on the eve of his departure, Accelerator vaguely felt that it was a farewell that he didn't know if he could return. At this time, seeing Ji Xing slightly frowned unexpectedly, and returned to his normal look.

   "The phone is broken." Ji Xing replied: "Without my urging, you seem to have not relaxed and exercised recently. Mai Ye, you seem to have become stronger?"

  Strong...what the hell? Am I really a gorilla like Frenda said? Mai Ye Shenli's face darkened, and he said fiercely: "Thanks to your martial arts... After all, the bodies of people who have practiced martial arts all over the world have strengthened. Although they are far behind us, but you..."

   "First settle Kamijou Touma's matter, let's explain together." Ji Xing pushed open the door of the meeting room next to him.

   "Understood, we will send thermobaric bombs to the target location, and send superpowers..." Mugino Shitoshi's words were interrupted, and the director Satomoto Rizang, who was speaking in the conference room, was also interrupted.

  The seven directors looked dissatisfied, and their expressions froze slightly when they saw Ji Xing. For them, Langsen's bad fight is not an unfamiliar face. From the beginning when he was curious about him, he was reminded by the director Aleister not to mess around. Now that all the martial arts practitioners have improved their physical fitness, he is also the first "suspect"!

   "Lang Sen has a bad game, what can you do?"

   “Wait outside the meeting room first, we have an important meeting in progress!”

   "It's somewhat rude to barge in without even knocking on the door?"

  They reluctantly used a slightly better tone, and there was also a reason why the leaders of the magic side were sitting on the big screen in front of them, conducting a video conference, and they didn't want to be too irritable in front of outsiders.

   But they didn't notice that after seeing Ji Xing through the screen, the expressions of the leaders on the magic side became a little serious, and they exchanged glances with each other.

The Queen of England, who was sitting in the middle, stood up and said, "Have you returned to Academy City safely? Thank you for what happened a few days ago. Without you, we, the UK, don't know how much we would have to endure." loss."

  Although that abyss has not yet been filled.

  The seven directors turned around unexpectedly, a few days ago? Was Wolfson involved in the British coup?

  The core of Academy City is only Aleister, and the Kihara clan is counted down.

In fact, the director is only an assistant manager and diplomat, who knows very little about the real secrets. Hisako Yami, who knows relatively more, was blown away by Mugino Shirley a few days ago because of the idea of ​​hitting on Fremea. head.

Mugino Shimori, who is in Anbe and knows a lot of secrets, has no respect for them either. He followed Ji Xing into the meeting room, followed by Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki who were worried about Kamijou Touma, and only one of them left, Accelerator pouted Erlang legs, sitting alone on the sofa outside.

  Not only did they not persuade them to leave, but they were also chrysalised by so many people. The directors all expressed their dissatisfaction, but before they got angry, they felt the scene in front of them change, and one after another...returned to their home? !

"This is…"

"how come?"

  Shocked, confused, slightly frightened.

On the screen in the conference room, the leaders of the magic side also stared, and the new Pope of the Roman Orthodox Church, who took over the position of Pope from Martin Hughes, said: "The Roman Orthodox Church also has to thank you for your help, so there is no major disaster, but... Lang Sen is bad, I heard that you absorbed the power of a demon and became a demon? And now... what do you mean?"

   Demon? The Roman Orthodox Church, the United Kingdom... Mugino Shenli's eyes flashed, this guy Lang Sen... the incidents he participated in became more and more amazing.

"Leaving them to delay things." Ji Xing pulled out a chair and sat down, "The chairman just entrusted me to kill Othinus, so I have been responsible for this incident in Academy City, and I also represent magic The third force outside of science, the 'Martial Arts Force', is here to join everyone's meeting."

  Martial arts forces!

  The third force besides magic and science!

  As soon as these words came out, it was like a big stone fell into the hearts of the leaders on the magic side.

  A hundred years ago, there were only magic forces in the world. In recent decades, Aleister established the Academy City and developed superpowers, which turned the world into a trend of magic and science.

   And now he means...

   "Is it really you? But isn't the so-called 'martial arts' the super-scale super power or magic ritual you released? You want to be independent?!"

"No. Just like your Christian magicians' practice is based on the Kabbalah tree of life and the reverse Kabbalah tree of life, I planted the 'martial arts tree' in the universe, so that everyone with physical ability can It can break the limits of ordinary people."

"…What did you say?"

   "How is this possible?!"

  Everyone on the magic side turned pale with fright, as if they were about to get out of it and eat Ji Xing, but Mai Ye Shenli and the others didn't understand, the tree of martial arts? what is that? a tree? source of strength?

"Oh? So that's the case, you guys are really exaggerating." Accelerator, who was leaning against the door at some time, smiled innocently: "I happened to be researching some magic knowledge recently, and I happened to read their Christian Bible, what kind of tree of life?" , is it something their God planted?"

  The tree God planted?

   That is to say, Lang Sen is equal to...? !

"Don't have such disrespectful thoughts." The Queen of England hurriedly said, and after a moment of silence, the old lady sighed: "The truth is a hundred times more amazing than imagined? You...forget it, I am not qualified to judge your actions for.

  But Lang Sen has a bad game, are you sure you brought good changes to the world? Let everyone have the opportunity to become extraordinary, are you sure you won't trigger the fourth, fifth... or even more world wars in the future? ! "

"Every time a magician uses magic, the phase spark will randomly bring luck or misfortune to an ordinary person, so countless people are injured or died, but magic hasn't died out by itself for tens of thousands of years?" Ji Xing said: "Now let's talk about You It's still too early, you have to take your time, don't you?"

   All the magicians fell silent.

   Half a minute later, a white-haired young man, the son of the Pope of the Orthodox Church of Russia, asked, "Then the third force, the founder of 'Budao', what is your intention of appearing here now? You also want to protect the Demon God?"

Shadowy, behind them, the figures of Kanzaki, Backwater, and Knight Commander appeared, either shocked, solemn, or worried. The truth of martial arts was unexpected, and Ji Xing's insertion was also very difficult. They didn't want to fight with Ji Xing. Standing on the opposite side, but the demon **** who can destroy the world...

"I just think it's too ugly." Ji Xing said: "No one wants their life to be controlled by other people's thoughts, even if it is a demon god, I can understand, but the reason why you can sit here now is not because you were let go by the demon **** horse?

  Preventing the demon **** from repeating itself, it is normal for everyone in the world to take the opportunity to kill her, but for a demon **** who gave up the power of the demon **** and let everyone want to return to ordinary people, isn't it too much to kill her with the power of the whole world?

  There is also Touma Kamijou, he saved the world first before taking the position of the demon god, such a feat is also ignored, isn't it unreasonable? "

  The other side was silent again, and the atmosphere changed slightly.

  Behind Ji Xing, Shokuhou Misaki looked at this man who advertised at the Daha Star Festival, and couldn't figure it out, how could he suddenly become the top big shot? What he said made the leaders and kings of other countries silent?

  Magino Shenli's mood was also a little complicated, and Ji Xing said again, 'How about we vote? I represent the science side and the martial arts side, and you represent the magic side." The corners of his mouth could not help but twitched, right.


  Denmark, between the ice and snow.

   "Probably this is the case."

   "Then... thank you Langsen-san." Kamijou Touma squeezed out a smile: "No wonder there were no attacks along the way."

"Don't thank me too early, as I said, there was no attack because I, as a representative of the magic side, the science side, and the martial arts side, took on the task of killing the demon god, so I will help you clear up other troubles along the way, but in Before defeating me, you are far from safe." Ji Xing laughed.

  Kamijou Touma's smile became even stiffer. Looking at the two unconscious figures in the snow not far away, he scratched his head and said with a dry smile, "Ahaha, Lang Sen really knows how to joke, you will definitely let us go."

   "Not necessarily." Ji Xing looked serious.

   Kamijou Touma swallowed.

  The two women lying in the snow not far away are the Nordic Valkyrie and the maid Sylvia next to the quasi-demon God Orells, both of whom are saints!

As soon as the two appeared, Kamijou Touma and the powerless Othinus were forced into an irreversible desperate situation, but after the arrival of Ji Xing, they were knocked unconscious in less than three minutes , like an adult playing with a child.

  In the past month, Kamijou Touma was very worried about Ji Xing's safety, but he didn't expect that the goodbye would be like this, or...hostile? !

  How do I fight, if there is still a chance to fight with Saint, and classmate Langsen...

"Give up, Kamijou Touma." Othinus also said: "He is a special life form, even I can't see through his details. And he should be captured by the other demon gods of Gremlin during this period of time. If he doesn't want to let me go, you will definitely..."

   There was a sudden pause in the words, because Kamijou Touma had already raised the giant sword of the Valkyrie with both hands, expressing his attitude and determination!

   " hopeless idiot, the chances of winning are zero, do you understand?!"

   "Hey." Kamijou Touma grinned.

  The next moment, the giant sword in his hand was ripped away by Ji Xing, who almost brought him to the ground, and was startled: "Should we fight now? Student Lang Sen!"

   "No, I'll hold it for you." Ji Xing said, "Let's go. It's a bit sad to say, because of her, do you really want to fight with me?"

   This made Kamijou Touma a little awkward, but now he is not in that awkward mood.

  "She is going to turn back into a human being, even if she is to be judged, it doesn't matter what she does after that, but such a rude decision to kill a girl in exchange for the laughter of 6 billion people, I don't agree!

  Student Lang Sen, you actually don’t need to be involved in this matter, although..."

   Kamijou Touma tried to persuade Ji Xing instead.

   Ji Xing smiled, but didn't say anything.

   Kamijou Touma is different from ordinary people.

  Even Ji Xing has an obvious difference in attitude when dealing with different enemies. For example, he chooses to defeat the water in the rear, while he will kill the guy in the left land with one blow.

  You can kill or not to kill the fire on the right, and Kamijou Touma will save it if he wants to. Obviously, Ji Xing has a set of personal judgment logic.

  But Kamijou Touma treats everyone equally!

  Whether it is a heinous criminal, a petty theft, or a demon **** like Othinus who has tortured him tens of thousands of times, in his judgment, there is "meaning to live".

  He does not represent anyone to forgive the villain, but only represents himself to give the defeated opponent a chance.

   This should have something to do with his essence, Shenjing Sumo. According to Ji Xing’s known information, Shenjing Sumo is a world scoring tool, which can score everyone, including demon gods, to determine whether their existence is correct or meaningful.

  So Kamijou Touma will never kill, at least not in the known ones. When he kills, it may mean that the world has rejected someone.

   As for whether Kamijou Touma’s qualities became Kamijou Touma, or whether Kamijou Touma shaped his character, it may have the same meaning as which came first, the chicken or the egg.

   But he is definitely not an ordinary 'human being', so you can't look at him from the perspective of a human being.

   No one can beat the three bad guys but it's okay to be punched by the saint. No one can run 100 kilometers in a hurry, but panting for 20 kilometers in this ice and snow.

  When the three of them arrived at the destination Mimir Spring, Kamijou Touma was almost exhausted from the cold, and he and the powerless Demon God supported each other to stay alive.

He also persuaded Ji Xing all the way, but he didn't get any feedback. Now he looked at Ji Xing who was following all the way with the giant sword but was not blushing or panting, and smiled and said, "Can, can you let me rest for a while? Student Langsen."

"Three minutes." Ji Xing said with a smile: "I want to take advantage of my unpreparedness to help her get her eyes back, so that she becomes an ordinary person so that I can't kill me. Don't think about it. Don't treat me like a fool." .”

   Kamijou Touma bowed his head deeply, sighed and said, "Go further, Othinus."

  The girl Demon God didn't persuade her anymore, she had already made up her mind, since the other party and Kamijou Touma knew each other well, as long as she ended her life at a critical moment, he would be fine, right?

  She walked into the distance silently, and Kamijou Touma stood up and stretched out his hand to Ji Xing: "Student Lang Sen, give me the sword, is that okay?"

   "I know what you are going to do, can you go down and do it? Do you want me to help you?" Ji Xing said.

   Kamijou Touma just insisted on catching the sword with his left hand. When the sword was in his hand, he swung it almost without any hesitation, and his own right arm was cut off by himself and thrown flying!

  Blood gushed out, his face was distorted, but Kamijou Touma looked at Ji Xing seriously, and said, "Thank you, Lang Sen, let me finish the preparations before the battle. have to be careful."

  He didn't like the power sealed in his body that brought misfortune to his life, but he invoked it without hesitation at this moment.

  Eight magical dragons surged out from the cut of his arm, biting Ji Xing in all directions!

  A pair of pitch-black wings stretched out behind Ji Xing in an instant, mobilizing the power of the devil. With a shake of the wings, the distance was widened, and the magic sword was gathered together with both hands, and swept across the sky, cutting off the heads of the eight dragons!

The Lifan Dragon, which can eliminate the power of fantasy, does not seem to cause any hindrance to him. The magic sword constructed by the combination of demon power and superpower magic seems to be one, but it is actually superimposed by Ji Xing thousands of times. It can't be eliminated!

  The eight dragons were regenerated and cut to a shorter length.

  Endless white snow flew amid the roar, and the demon who slashed the eight dragons in the snow was like a god. Suddenly, a bright sword light covered the sky, and all the eight dragons in the fantasy were blown into powder, which continued to magnify in Toma's eyes!


  The Baili Glacier was cut off with one blow!

  The snow mountain in the distance shook and collapsed!

   Othinus, who was buried under the snow, widened his one-eyed eyes. Why...why did he kill him? ! She didn't receive more aftershocks, or Ji Xing took the initiative to avoid her position before defeating Touma. When the shock disappeared, she hurriedly broke through the snowdrift and ran frantically to Jojo Touma.

   There was a wound on Kamijou Touma's body that almost cut him obliquely in two, and the blood stained his whole body and the snow under him red.

   Qi is like a hairspring!

   "Kamijo Touma?!"

"Is that the only way?" Ji Xing, who was fluttering down, acted as the villain, and said with a smile, "Dang Ma, if you fall down like this, even if I want to release the water, I won't be able to release it. I will kill her. You can see my determination." Come on, I really killed her."

   Kamijou Touma rolled his eyes slightly.

   There is a girl kneeling and anxious beside her.

  There are unrivaled opponents ahead.

   It's time for the explosion!


  Amidst the space-distorted hum, a total of eighteen dragons rushed out of his severed arms, roared silently, and bit Ji Xing again!

  Rigen completely exploded, displaying his full strength as the benchmark of the world!

   Not only the quantity, but also the quality has undergone a huge transformation. Ji Xing was able to cut through the snow-capped mountains hundreds of miles away. After cutting into the head of a dragon, he paused slightly, and then disappeared completely with a snap.

  He smiled and punched him.

  Endless vibrations are booming again, the sky and the earth seem to be shattered together, and the phantom dragons are smashed and gathered by Ji Xing continuously, until two of them bite the middle Ji Xing's wings!

   Snow filled the color of the sky and the earth.

   I don't know how long it has passed, Othinus helped Touma get up from the snow and looked forward.

  Sitting in the snow, Ji Xing spread his hands at Dang Ma: "It's probably a tie. I won't be able to move in ten minutes. Hurry up and do your work."

  He was indeed seriously injured, or his physical demon power was destroyed by phantom killing, and the huge impact made his body extremely bad. If it was an ordinary person, he would have died suddenly by now.

   But this is also his purpose.

Demons, gods of martial arts, superpowers, magic, his powers are too complicated. In order to improve the power of demons in real-time combat power, there is little meaning in existence after planting the tree of martial arts. Only the gods of martial arts are far away from angels. More combat power!

   Simply get rid of the negative demons.

  The next step is to try to completely upgrade the spatial mastery to Level 6 absolute ability!

  He fell back on the ground, and said to the sky: "Just watch, I tried my best, the power of the demons has been abolished, and the loss is heavy!"

  London, the wizards were silent.

   Saying he didn't try his best... seems inappropriate?

   But say he does his best... Ugh!

  (end of this chapter)

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