Be a Human Again From Conan

: Review of the prequel of the **** of death

  Review of the prequel of Bleach

  Because the prequel of Reaper is too long ago, some book lovers are too lazy to re-read it for the reading experience of this volume, so here is to help you recall the content of the prequel.

   Shinigami is a two-and-a-half star who invaded the world. Before Shinigami, Ji Xing had already invaded Conan, Hokage, and Demon Slayer, and had a certain foundation.

  After invading the **** of death, his identity was a 16-year-old boy who had just died and became a spirit body. His name was Yono Masashi. At first, he didn't know what the current world was like.

  Finally, I danced a dance of the God of Fire Kagura on my grave, which is the breath of the sun, in an attempt to gain strength.

   Unsuccessful, but was seen by the **** of death in charge of the area, and Ji Xing was buried behind him, but Ji Xing, who had a solid fighting foundation, escaped the knife.

All this was seen by Lan Ran who happened to be in the world again, and he appeared in person to bury Ji Xing's soul, and whether it was Ji Xing's previous performance or the sudden mood swing when he saw him, Lan Ran noticed something strange, Curiosity arose.

   Since then, the prelude to falling in love and killing each other has been kicked off.

After being buried by the soul, he entered Liuhun Street. Fortunately, he was assigned to the third west district. Because he was the God Lord of Heaven in the Ghost Slayer World, Ji Xing had some accumulation of soul, quickly showed his talent, and learned about the timeline A hundred years before the main story of Bleach, two years before Kisuke Urahara became the captain.

The little aristocrat in charge of the third district of the West, Mr. Hirata Fangna, valued him very much, and he has been taking care of him to enroll students in the Shinigami Academy of Seireitei. Rarely encountered, the comparison unit is Zhibo Haiyan who was a few years earlier than him.

   (The initial highest level is seventh level, and the Lingwei level is a different setting rule)

  Successfully enrolled after that.

  A few days later, at the opening ceremony of freshmen, because of the "old relationship" with Ji Xing, and Aizen will also participate in the ceremony every year, Aizen showed anticipation, which attracted Mako Hirako's attention and went with him.

   Hiyori, the vice-captain of the 12th squad, who has a good relationship with Heiko Mako, also went.

  After the boring ceremony hosted by Captain Yamamoto, Aizen found Ji Xing on purpose, and very penetratingly invited Ji Xing to join the fifth team.

Ji Xing's bright face is good, but in fact he knows that it is not good to be stared at by Lan Ran, thinking that he will not die anyway, and acting is difficult to fool Lan Ran, so he simply whispered directly to the roommate who envied Ji Xing's invitation, "I feel blue." Dye is not a good person'.

  It was heard by Aizen, and also heard by Mako Hirako and Hiyori, and they both laughed.

  As soon as Hiyori knew about it, the entire Gotei 13 team knew about it. Through this incident, Yono Masashi became famous for the first time and collected many stars.

But at this time, Aizen is considered a modest gentleman in the eyes of everyone, and judging Aizen as a student also aroused some people's dissatisfaction. Hiyori knew that his publicity had brought trouble to Ji Xing, and was called by the captain at the time. After Tongsheng criticized him, he was upset on the surface but secretly wanted to make up for Ji Xing.

   After a period of time, Ji Xing showed amazing talent at the Zhenyang Academy of Spiritual Art. He mastered Zhanquan Zougui and leaped to a higher level, and the progress of the relatively ordinary ghost way was far higher than the same batch of students and seniors.

   The good times didn't last long, and Aizen came to class.

It was said to be a class, but it was actually his complete hypnosis ceremony of Zanpakuto Mirror Huashuiyue. Ji Xing knew it but couldn't hide it. It happened that what Aizen said was the way of communicating with the original Zanpakuto in a simple way. Ji Xing successfully communicated in class , the spiritual pressure increased, and it happened to be reasonable to close the eyes to avoid hypnosis.

   But in fact, he has no confidence in whether he has escaped the hypnosis, and he probably has already been hit.

  His Zanpakuto is very beautiful. Under the pure white scabbard is a black knife, which is eye-catching.

Immediately afterwards, Hiyori found Ji Xing when he was practicing alone, and invited him to join the twelfth team, who was obviously going to graduate early, and actually accompanied him to practice with him, once in a while, until Ji Xing practiced until he could not start Unable to solve the fight, he began to worry about his position as vice captain, but he still insisted on inviting Ji Xing to join.

   Soon the one-year period expired, Ji Xing applied for early graduation, and under the secret control of Aizen, the graduation examination became a follow-up to the Second Division team members to investigate the disappearance of Liuhun Street.

  At that time, Suifeng, who was still in the fifth seat, was very upset about bringing a student, but Ji Xing was obedient.

   Then, as expected, an accident happened, there were only a few people in Ruhun Street, first a corner and then Saragi Kenpachi, Ji Xing showed his ability to solve as Aizen wished.

   is just an incomplete initial solution.

  The color of his sword can be switched from black to black, black sword can swallow the enemy's Reiatsu, and white sword can inject Reiatsu when he stabs himself.

  Woke up and was already in the fourth division. This method of injecting other people's Reiatsu into the body to enhance combat effectiveness has brought great damage to the body. Uno Hanaari strictly warned him not to use it again.

Knowing that he was awake, Ye Yi also brought Sui Feng to visit. Because he saved himself from Zaraki Kenpachi, Sui Feng ran on Ji Xing's back for three days and three nights when Ji Xing was in a coma. Man, I am quite embarrassed by the thin-skinned Suifeng.

   Since then, Ye Yilalang has often been matched.

And this accident also made Ji Xing a blessing in disguise, and got the guidance of Captain Yamamoto. The previous century of accumulation in the world was like a child in the face of the death commander who was over 3,000 years old. It also made Ji Xing focus on the treasure of the captain. .

  Afterwards, he joined the 12th division of the team and won the status of the third seat. He ate the essence of the captain Hikifune Kiryu's cuisine, which improved his spiritual pressure.

  Eleventh Division Kenpachi was also replaced, and Saraki Kenpachi officially joined the team (here is a little bug, the one who joined the team at this time should be Oniyanjo Kenpachi, let’s think of him as Saraki and advance).

  Knowing that he must be targeted by the militant madman Saraki Kenpachi, Ji Xing turned his back on the guest. He challenged Kenpachi five times within a month, forcing Captain Yamamoto to order the two not to fight at will.

  If they can't fight, they go to fight others.

  The two went straight to the 5th division team building.

  Saraki Kenpachi challenged Hirako Mako, and Ji Xing was naturally assigned Aizen.

  Under the circumstances that he has shown strength close to the captain level, and can be called the first genius (fog) in the world of corpses and souls in a thousand years, Aizen's leaked strength is of course not his opponent.

   After a violent beating, Ji Xing didn't care whether he was beating a real person or a phantom.

   On the way back, he told Hiyori, "If you die for no reason, it must be Aizen's doing", which surprised Hiyori, and further alerted Aizen.

   Then Aizen waited for him at Ji Xing's house.

   During the past year or so, Aizen confirmed that Ji Xing's uniqueness is 'knowing' and 'precognition'.

   Knowing the plot is hard to pretend not to know. For example, he knows his mirror image, knows that he is likely to meet Kenpachi when he goes to Rukon Street, and knows the characters of Hirako Mako and Hiyori before they meet, and makes a move to attract their attention.

  The other measurements are all auxiliary. After confirming this, Aizen was most curious and asked why.

  Ji Xing mentioned Yuhabach's name, but didn't tell Lan Ran the specifics, which made him upset.

   Lanran helplessly said that Ji Xing knew too much, and wanted to keep him to continue observing, but he couldn't stay any longer, so he injected the ghost soul into Ji Xing and let Ji Xing perform the virtualization.

   But Lan Ran didn't expect that Ji Xing's identity as a demon and the experience of turning into a ghost made Ji Xing very good at controlling this kind of thing, and instantly completely controlled the virtualization ability.

  The virtualization is certainly not enough to defeat Aizen, but the virtualized Jixing is enough to alarm Hikifune Kiryu in the team building before being killed, and call out Aizen's name, destroying Aizen's hidden plan.

  The two struck a dangerous balance.

  Aizen retreated temporarily.

A few days later, Hikifune Kiryu was promoted to Team Zero, and Kisuke Urahara, the third member of Team Two, was recommended by Yoruichi as the captain of Team Twelfth. For this reason, Ji Xing was once again brought in front of Yoruichi by Suifeng, and Yoruichi hoped that he would support him Kisuke Urahara's work.

  Ji Xing agreed, and took advantage of the opportunity to enter the training ground where usually only Ye Yi and Urahara Kisuke, competed with the two, and asked Ye Yi for advice on Baitaishu.

  After Kisuke Urahara took over, the 12th team successfully became the Technology Development Bureau, and Mayuri Nishi became the fourth member of the team, but it was the third member Ji Xing who was the first to invent the invention.

  He invented the three-piece suit of the Grim Reaper: the Lingzi Hang Glider, the Hypnosis Wristband, and the Death Bullet Ejection Belt!

  Well, the three-piece set of elementary school students' Grim Reaper.

  The three-piece set benefits ordinary gods of death. After some false and deceitful exchanges with Aizen, the Mao Forty-Six Chamber discusses and promotes Jixing to a lower-level nobleman!

   With this status, Ji Xing can often join the first team, watch the teaching of the chief captain, and ask the chief captain about white fighting and kendo.

  Because of his status and talent, there are countless nobles who wish to marry a daughter to him, and Ji Xing even received an invitation from the Tsunayashiro family, one of the five great nobles, to meet the head of the family, Tsunayashiro Shiren.

   But on the surface, he was invited to marry him, but in fact, Tsunayashiro Tokinada, who collected the internal organs of the soul king, suspected that Ji Xing, who was a genius so far, had it.

  Although he escaped because he really didn't have one, this Qiu Jixing still remembered it.

   Time flies, eight years later.

  Ji Xing is powerful, and often goes to the Jinyin Noble Council, witnessing the decay of the nobility, and getting acquainted with Zhibo Haiyan, who is different from ordinary nobility.

  Because his younger brother Shiba Ganju, who is seven or eight years old in appearance, wanted a Reiko hang glider, Ji Xing was invited to go to the special facility, and met the boy Shiba Ganju and the girl Shiba Kongzuru, who was in his fifties and sixties.

  During the return journey, I learned that the "lost deadly costume" had appeared in the third west district, and I knew that Aizen's virtualization experiment might have entered the next stage.

  After returning to the team building and telling Urahara Kisuke, Urahara Kisuke was also very worried, and then the two of them completely completed the production of the prosthetic skeleton that can house the soul.

   Then Ji Xing had a big brain hole, thinking that if he intercepted a part of his spirit and put it in the skeleton to warm it up, and when he was about to die, send it into the present world, and randomly attach it to a baby, wouldn't it be equivalent to reincarnation and rebirth?

Kisuke Urahara was persuaded, and the two researched the soul reincarnation device. After researching, they entered Mao's Forty-Six Room, and were strictly warned not to have such dangerous attempts and actions that might break the soul cycle of the soul world, the present world, and the virtual circle. move.

   This alarmed a lot of people. Hiyori took Mako Hirako and then took Jingle Shunsui, and gave them a messy meal, obviously worried.

   Later, because it was developed according to the anime, it should be the story of Masked Legion, and acquaintances including Hiyori will be involved, and Ji Xing took the initiative to play a small role in Aizen.

Through the Zanpakuto ability and the criminal evidence collected by participating in the Jinyin Noble Meeting, he injected a virtual soul absorbed over the years into the body of a sinful superior nobleman, resulting in the same effect as the Aizen virtual experiment, leaving only the clothes !

  Ordinary team members die when they die, and the death of nobles is a major event. The 46th room of Mao was furious and ordered a thorough investigation.

  The next day, when he was asking the captain about kendo, Ji Xing continued to blow the 'pillow wind', which gave the captain the subconscious impression that Aizen was not a good person.

  Suddenly, it was reported that the No. 6 team encountered a falsehood during the investigation, and Ji Xing rushed to the reinforcements. At that time, Bai Zai, who looked like a boy in his fifties or sixties, was serving as the third seat. Just when he was in danger, Ji Xing saved his life from behind.

  Because Ji Xing gave up and chanted the ghostly power, he mistook it for Kuchiki Yinling, and said "Sorry, Grandpa" without turning his head. Ji Xing quickly said that Master Bai Zai was too polite.

  Leave a dark history.

   And this Xu Xu invasion, of course, was done by Lan Ran, in order to temporarily trap Ji Xing in the Xu circle, so as not to interfere with his plan.

  At the same time, Kuchiki Ginling and Saraki Kenpachi were also involved, and the three encountered the Void King, the Skeleton Emperor Bailegang in the virtual circle.

  In the battle with Bailegang and his subordinates, Ji Xing showed an astonishing strength that was not inferior to Kuchiki Yinling, the thousand-year-old **** of death, and he fully understood it for the first time.

  Zanpakuto's name is 'Ji Xing', and the original translation is 'Let's dye white into black, Ji Xing. '

  Not only does it have the ability to swallow and absorb when it is not fully resolved, but it can also inject Ji Xing's spiritual pressure to interfere with the enemy when it hits the enemy, and even inject Ji Xing's thinking to influence the opponent.

  Bailegang was thus "polluted by eating brains".

   In the end, he was beheaded by Ji Xing.

   Therefore, Ji Xing's strength stimulated his old opponent Saraki Kenpachi, giving Kenpachi the idea of ​​improving his own strength (recovering his past strength).

  When Ji Xing was taken back to Seireitei, it was night, and I learned that everyone in the Masked Legion went to Ruhun Street to investigate as in the original work.

   It's not a coincidence, but deliberate.

   This is Lan Ran's temptation. He is studying what will happen when Ji Xing knows everything, or only knows without Ji Xing's own influence.

  Concluded the latter, the characteristic of "traveler knows the plot" was discovered by Aizen. Of course, Aizen couldn't imagine such a thing as a traveler.

  When Hirako Mako, Hiyori and other masked troops rushed to the street and disappeared, Ji Xing, who knocked Urahara Kisuke unconscious from the sneak attack and prevented him from participating, arrived.

  Through the Zanpakuto, Ji Xing was the first to unlock Hiyori's aura, and was confirmed by Aizen that the real ability of his sword is not devouring and absorbing spiritual pressure, but what devours and absorbs is the soul!

   Unlocked the virtualization of the masked army one by one, and the two started a high-IQ dialogue. The air gradually became hotter, and the captain was coming.

It turned out that before Ji Xing arrived, he had already killed a large number of evil aristocrats in the Seiring Court beforehand. The beach is blurred.

   Tsunayashiro Tokinada was beheaded by the captain and Kyoraku Shunsui, and the head of the family, Tsunayashiro Tokina, also died because of the mad Tsunayashiro Tokinada. Most of the five families were destroyed, and the captain fell into a rage.

Aizen had known for a long time that Ji Xing only had the way to make up for the strength gap between the two by summoning the captain. Lead to the virtual circle, leaving only Ji Xing who couldn't explain to the captain.

But Ji Xing also knew what he was doing, and he went to the virtual circle for this reason. Other things can't deal with the big virtual film, but as the king of the virtual circle, Bai Legang can do it. The Membrane freed the soul of Balegon.

  The angry and resentful Balegon left Aizen behind, and only Shimaru Gin and Tōsen had to pass.

  Aizen and Ji Xing had to face Captain Yamamoto's wrath.

Because the stand-in was also killed by Ji Xing, seeing the captain of Lan Ran no longer doubts Ji Xing's accusations against Lan Ran, and deeply regrets Ji Xing's actions for this - even if he killed all the evil nobles, but the guardian The thirteenth court team was originally established to support the nobles, and this kind of behavior is unforgivable!

   So he attacked both of them at the same time.

  The two fled and fought each other.

  Because of the weakest strength, Ji Xing will definitely rush to the street first. He used the 'forbidden move' to inject 500% of the soul of the Xu who was killed in the circle, and the soul of the noble just killed, and the soul began to burn!

  Reaper 500%, Void 500%, together, the spiritual pressure is increased by 10 times. It is above the current blue dye, and it is almost immune to the influence of the mirror.

  Combined with the existence of the captain, this time really pushed Lan Ran to a desperate situation, and almost died with Ji Xing in Ji Xing's outbreak.

But Aizen still kept a hand, because of Yuhabach's name, he sneaked into the Tsunayashiro clan early on, discovered Tsunayashiro Tokinada who secretly collected the internal organs of the soul king, and stole all the results, speeding up The molding of the collapsed jade that he researched by himself produced a semi-finished product.

   Ji Xing and the team leader Rang Bengyu, who drove him into a desperate situation, accepted him and let him escape with his life.

   But Ji Xing still has his back.

  His death and Aizen's survival completely aroused the anger of the strongest **** of death.

Captain Yamamoto 卍解, cut Aizen to pieces, lost the mirror, blew up Bengyu, lost all the spiritual pressure, and barely escaped with his life, escaped to the present world, and was almost killed by an ordinary Xu eat up.

   On the other hand, Ji Xing's death brought regret and sadness to the Shinigami colleagues. Hiyori refused to accept the reality and pinned his hopes on the "soul reincarnation device" that Ji Xing and Urahara Kisuke had researched.

   It was really found underground in Ji Xing's house.

   It turned out to be a fireworks launcher.

  After the launch, three lines of characters appeared in the sky.

   are respectively: 'Nobles, restrain yourself, I will come back! ’, ‘Yuhabach is hiding in the shadow of Seireitei! ’, ‘Aizen, he is not a good person! '

  Leaving endless legends and myths. As for whether he will actually come back, no one knows.

   Ji Xing himself was actually trying to scare the nobles. There was no "soul reincarnation device" at all, but he didn't expect the Seven Star Orb to be serious.

  The special benefits of the two-and-a-half-star world gave him a 'reincarnation chance', allowing him to return to the world of death after lighting up five stars!

  The rest of the story is to be continued.


  OK, I actually reviewed 5,000 words of the past, and the fax before death is full of dry goods.

  Because Aizen is still there, and Yuhabach is still there, the Shinigami main story can write a lot more than the Naruto main story, and there are quite a lot of plot evolutions and new settings.

  There is no normal update today, I have to re-organize the outline and ideas, please forgive me.

  Tomorrow it will officially start!

  (end of this chapter)

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