Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 531: fortune teller

   "Renji!" Just as Ji Xing and Heying Ryuya were fighting, near Ichigo's house, the Shewei pill was broken, and Renji had shot blood for the second time, and Rukia also exclaimed for the second time.

  If the first time the back injury was caused by the other party's sneak attack, then this time Renji faced it squarely and even performed the initial solution, but she was still blown away by the trauma almost instantly, which shocked her greatly.

  Who is this old lady? !

At present, it can only be confirmed that the weapon that she injured Renji was the needle and thread around her fingertips, which fits everyone's stereotype of this old lady in her 70s, and the cards she keeps shuffling in her hands are also exuding the brilliance of spiritual seeds... Two perfect techniques?

  And... the target seems to be me?

  Holding the handle of the Zanpaku Knife, she couldn't even perform the initial interpretation as the Reiatsu had only recovered a quarter. She stepped back while being vigilant, and said, "Don't come here, Ichigo! Are you okay? Renji!"

   "I still can't die." Renji stood up holding the handle of the Shewei pill with one hand, covering the wound, staring at the old lady opposite, temporarily ignoring Rukia's question.

If I'm not mistaken, this guy's name is Chaofei Luzi, the third character in Xcution, the full manifester, and his title is "Divist". various states.

  The power of the needle should not be that great. It is the accumulation of the two kinds of full manifestation that makes me almost unable to react. In other words...

  Seeing Kako Chaofei draw another card, Renji's pupils froze instantly.

  Drawing cards is a sign of her attack!

It's now!

   "The baboon teeth absolutely bite!"


  The scattered joints of the Shijie Sheweiwan that had just been destroyed by needlework instantly glowed red, rattled and trembled, turned into zigzag blades, and shot at Chaofei Luzi in all directions!

  At the same time, a powerful Reiatsu burst out, which made the current Rukia a little weak, and shocked the still cute Ichigo.

  This red strong, but that old woman...he tried to persuade his subordinates to be merciful, but he couldn't speak.

  Looking at Kako Asahi who was swallowed by the knife, Rukia blurted out, "Renji! You..."

   "Huh." Lianji snorted and smiled: "Because this time we came to this world to deal with the full-manager, we have been granted the authority to lift the restriction at any time, otherwise it would be really..."


  The blood spurting from his chest made him swallow the second half of his words, and he lowered his head in a daze, seeing a thread on a needle piercing his chest.

  If he didn't instinctively tilt his body, the part he was shot through might be the heart, and even now... how is it possible...


Amidst the crisp sound, the blades bitten by the baboon teeth were also bounced away one after another. Ever since Asai Renji mastered the mystery of this kind of damaging knife, he has never seen anyone who can take it intact except facing his own captain. The person who made this move!

But now he saw Chaofei Luzi who walked out of the blade intact, holding a divination card in his left hand, and said with a hoarse smile: "It seems that the old woman was very 'lucky' to block all your attacks, and you, very Unfortunately, dying."

The right hand pulling the thread made a pulling motion under Renji's discolored expression. Rukia hurriedly swung the knife and slashed. The root line is cut off!

   This saved Renji from being pierced through the heart by a silver needle, but it also caused a secondary injury, causing him to vomit blood and fall to the ground. Hajika's force was lifted, and the Zanpakuto fell beside him.

   Kako Chaofei was about to end Renji, but an attack from behind made her wrinkle deeply, and she jumped away with a dexterity that didn't fit her figure.

Looking at Ichigo holding a big sword, she shook her head slightly, and said strangely: "You have a faint power that can break free from the old woman's divination. Your wonderfully unpredictable. Except for the leader and the legend who created Xcution who betrayed us Aizen Soyousuke, you are still the third."

  Who is Aizen Soyousuke? Ichigo ignored her nagging words, and tightened his grip on the knife vigilantly. This old lady is full of malice and seems to be very strong. This place is next to my house...

   "Ichigo, take Renji away! His injury won't last long!" Rukia's voice came from behind him: "Go to Inoue-san!"

  Take him away? Ichigo was startled: "But..."

   "Please, Ichigo!"

  Lukia's voice was solemn, and the hang glider behind her had launched into the sky, folded on top of Ichigo's head, and looked down at Kako Asahi: "Your opponent is me!"

  This... Ichigo understood what Rukia meant, he hesitated for a moment, turned around and rushed to the fallen Renji, picked him up and rushed wildly.

   "Cough—" This made Renji, who managed to maintain consciousness, cough up another mouthful of blood: "You..."

   "It's okay, Rukia will rely on that hang glider for a while, Inoue's house is very close to here, I will help her immediately after sending you there!"


   "Your injuries are serious, don't talk." Ichigo, who didn't know the meaning of Rukia lending him the power of death, held him tightly in his arms: "But don't sleep."

   "Cough cough cough—"

   "Don't sleep...Hey, don't sleep!"

   Renji, who was unconscious, twitched a few times.

   On the other hand, Rukia has no plans to confront Kako Chaofei head-on.

The captain and vice-captain of Soul Soul World will limit their spiritual pressure to 20% of the usual level when they enter the real world because the spiritual pressure is too strong, in order not to affect the spirit of the present world, but they told her just now that Renji Not restricted!

   Quansheng's vice-captain was almost instantly killed!

She has only a quarter of the Reiatsu and is not even a seat officer. She can't hold on at all. Seeing Ichigo obediently carrying Renji away, her wings folded in the air, hoping that the target of Chao Fei Kako is really herself , to chase myself.

   It went more smoothly than she expected. The old lady even stood there for a while, and whispered between the cards: "Inoue?"

   Then he looked up, stepped on the road paved by the spirit, and chased Rukia in the sky at a speed faster than a hang glider.

   And Rukia's escape route is not without a plan, Renji is not an opponent, but she knows the approximate location of Urahara's former captain! As long as the former captain of Urahara can be found, this fullman will be...


   With such an idea, she had just flown a thousand meters when she heard a soft crisp sound, which seemed to come from the hang glider on her body.

   It seems that... the skeleton of the spiritual child is broken? !

   At a time like this? !

   When you go back, you must complain to Team 12!

  Lukia, who fell obliquely, hurriedly built a spiritual path, but it was not an easy task for her whose spiritual pressure was very unstable, so she had to barely fold and fell to the ground.

   At the same time, the fall made her realize that there is no such thing as such a coincidence, it is the influence of the other party's weird full manifestation!

   Looking back, a long needle emitting a cold light in the night was close at hand, aiming at her legs, she quickly rolled and dodged, but what she heard was the crisp sound of gold and iron clashing.

Looking up again, there is a familiar figure between her and Chaofei Luzi. The tall back, the elegant captain's cloak, and the star-leading pliers on the head that only the nobles can wear, all of them are telling her about the horizontal sword. The identity of the person!

   "Brother, brother?! Even you..." Rukia then remembered the words she mentioned just now to deal with the Quincy. She was grateful for her own escape, but also complicated by her own situation.

"Hehehe, you are Kuchiki Byakuya, the captain of the Sixth Division of the Goutei Thirteenth Team, right? The old woman's divination is indeed correct. As long as you chase this death girl, you can catch a big fish." Standing opposite Byakuya Chaofei Luzi laughed hoarsely.

  Byakuya ignored Rukia, and Kako Asahi, but squinted at the sky, looking at the black wings that almost overlapped with the night.

   "Matsuki Hirakawa?!" Rukia who saw the figure along Byakuya exclaimed, when did this guy arrive? I didn't notice it at all!

   Chaofei Luzi was also taken aback, his old face furrowed deeply, there is no spoiler in the divination, and this young man seems to be the target of Little Fist?

   Ji Xing smiled down.

  Hoo—The next moment, a gust of wind with wings surged, and Ji Xing, who was holding a feather sword in his hand, slashed towards Chaofei Luzi!

  At the same time, a card was also drawn by Chaofei Luzi, emitting an ominous red light.


  In an instant, several needles and threads of spiritual seeds came out of her arms, and their moving speed was increased to the point that they could cross space and stab Ji Xing's body scatteredly.

   "Be careful! That kind of attack..."

  Lukia blurted out a reminder, and was stunned by a huge surge of spiritual pressure just halfway through!

   Vast fluctuations enveloped the surrounding area!

  Brain went blank, body also lost mobility, only her eyes widened unconsciously, and when Bai Zai moved away a hundred meters in a blink of an eye, she breathed out like a fish finally returning to the water.

  Looking up, the speed of the two people colliding at high speed in the distance has become an afterimage, and the dancing sword blades and silver threads folded bright lights under the moon. The powerful spiritual pressure made it difficult for her to breathe at this distance!

  The old woman who hurt Renji is like this.

  The boy who worked in the hostel also did it? !

   This is obviously many times stronger than Renji, almost, almost the same as his brother?

  Is Hirakawa Isuki so strong? ! This guy really doesn't seem to have any malice towards me, otherwise I'm afraid I would have been... right! She raised her head and said, "Brother! That boy seems to be..."

   "Shut up." Byakuya said coldly, reminding Rukia of her current "sinner" status.

   Looking at the two people in the distance, Byakuya's eyes also added a bit of solemnity, Zanpakutō was drawn out of its sheath, and the powerful spiritual pressure expanded in a circular manner, forcing Rukia to shut up, and then opened her mouth to chant.

   "Let's scatter, Senbon Sakura!"

  The blade disintegrates and drifts away, turning into thousands of tiny blades. Under the refraction of the moonlight, it looks like cherry blossoms dancing in the air.

At the same time, the two people who had been in a high-intensity collision in the distance for more than ten seconds finally separated. Ji Xing said with emotion: "It's an unreasonable ability again. The divination result of the 'disaster' is 'the activation will definitely exceed the opponent's limit defense ability Does the attack'? In any case wound the opponent, at least a bruise?

   It was really dangerous, and I almost got hurt. "

   Chao Fei Luzi looked at Ji Xing, who was unharmed, and said with a slightly ugly face: "Young man, do you want to listen to what I said?"

  The next moment, both of them jumped back to dodge.

  The two Sakura Blades rushed past where they were originally standing, and Kuchiki Byakuya chose to attack them at the same time!

  The cherry blossom blade turned around and struck again, Ji Xing glanced sideways at Bai Zai who was approaching, and smiled inwardly.

  The innocent noble boy who was easy to bully has finally grown into a handsome guy with a cold face. Alas, I am still the 16-year-old boy before, with a different body.

  Swinging the blade to cut open the torrent of cherry blossoms, Ji Xing murmured softly, "Let's scatter, Qianbenyu."


  In an instant, hundreds of pitch-black feathers were scattered on the wings on the back, like swirling black mandalas, entangled and collided with the white cherry blossoms!

  Bai Zai looked slightly surprised.

   On the other side, facing Sakura's attack, Kako Chaofei chose to fight back, and the silver needle flew.

  Those needles and threads were lucky enough to shoot down a cherry blossom, and pierced through, piercing Byakuya, and at the same time, a hoarse voice echoed: "Calamity!"

Byakuya, who was originally good at Shunpo, could easily dodge the speed, which instantly increased to a level beyond his expectations. Even if he tried his best, after he traveled more than ten meters in a blink of an eye, a streak of blood still came from his body. The shoulder shot out!

   Byakuya's pupils were serious, and Rukia in the distance was even more shocked, this hurt? ! He should also be in a restricted state, right? !

   "Hmph, the old woman thought her full manifestation technique had failed." Zhao Fei Luzi's gloomy gaze turned back to Ji Xing: "Boy, is your name Hirakawa Isuki? How did you escape the disaster?

Forget it, no matter what, the internal affairs of the full manifester should also be resolved internally. The **** of death is our common enemy. This guy is a great nobleman in the world of corpses and souls. How is the outcome? "

   What responded to her was to cut her head off with a sword!

   "The boy who doesn't know how to respect the elders!"

   Chaofei Luzi instantly flicked the divination cards angrily.

  In an instant, the more intense radiance of spiritual particles shrouded those cards, and immediately all the cards were printed into her body!

  The next moment, a larger spiritual pressure emanated from her body, her muddy eyes became white and clear, and the pupils disappeared.

  Amid the strange oppressive feeling, the silver needle wrapped around his fingers also stretched and turned into a sword. While blocking Ji Xing's blade with a clang, he exclaimed: "Lucky!"


  The point where the blades collided happened to be the weak point of the feather sword made of Ji Xing Lingzi, so the feather sword snapped off crisply, and it slashed towards Ji Xing's neck unabated, and recited at the same time.



The slashing sword suddenly folded and hit the side space. Immediately after the sword fell, Ji Xing's figure happened to dodge to that position, his wings folded inward instantly, and he was pushed back a few meters while blocking the blade , Spread your wings again.

  Lucky Super European Emperor.

  Is it the "knowledge color" that can predict the future?

  Adding calamity and catastrophe, it's outrageous.

   Fortunately, it was me.

  Suddenly, the surrounding moonlight was engulfed by shadows and dimmed, and two rows of tall sword blades drilled out of the soil enveloped the two!

  The two of them looked at Bai Zai again, the Zanpakuto in his hand had disappeared, but the spiritual pressure had increased dramatically!

   "Swastika! Qianben Sakura Jingyan!"

  The feeling of being ignored by the two warring people obviously made him a little dissatisfied, and informed the two of his existence.

  The two rows of towering sword blades are as high as several people, with hundreds of handles. When they are scattered like a thousand cherry blossoms, there are hundreds of millions of cherry blossom petals!

  Beautiful flying cherry bushes enveloped the two of them, and the speed was several times faster than before, forcing them to rush out at the same time.

   Ji Xing flapped his wings, and countless feathers shot out, forming a torrent under his control, interacting with the cherry blossoms in the air.

   Chaofei Luzi's line formed a net around her, airtightly defending the Sakura Blade, and at the same time whispered darkly: "Curse!"


  Blood spurted on Bai Zai's body again, it was still the spot that was cut just now! It seems that the wound burst due to the increase in spiritual pressure, causing the largest secondary trauma to Bai Zai!

  The white captain Haori was dyed a little red, and Byakuya's brows were furrowed. He was more focused on attacking Kako Asahi, but it was Ji Xing's black feather defense that the torrent of cherry blossoms broke through at this moment!

   Also because of the curse!

   "What can't be done, mess up the first place."

  Ji Xing, who was swallowed by the cherry blossoms, complained, and his wings vibrated to form double images.

  The next moment, the double image turned into reality, and three pairs of six wings spread out behind Ji Xing, tearing up the torrent of cherry blossoms and rushing back, and then scattered all over the sky with black feathers that were no less than the hundreds of millions of cherry blossoms!

Not only defending himself, but even helping Chao Fei Luzi block Bai Zai's attack, the sky filled with black feathers and cherry blossoms tearing apart in the air, as if there were hundreds of millions of one-on-one fights, you push me in, no one can do anything about it , creating an intoxicating landscape under the night sky!

  A look of shock finally landed on Bai Zai's face, this is almost the same ability and control, even when confronting my Xijie, this boy still has more energy...


  Collision with Chaofei Kako's blade? !

  Even Rukia below can vaguely recognize it. Among the two full-bringers and the elder brother who are fighting, the elder brother seems to be the one who is obviously inferior? !

  No, my brother still has a lot of abilities that are useless, such as Kido and superb Shunpo, but that Hirakawa Isuki... is it a 1v2 at this time? !


   Blocking Bai Zai Xijie with his own strength, the knife in Ji Xing's hand and Chaofei Luzi criss-crossed wildly!

  The fortune-teller Chaofei Luzi's old face was also dead and gloomy, and he used several hexagrams in turn, but none of the must-hit calamity hexagrams could hurt Ji Xing, adding luck to himself and almost being hit several times!

in the end! what is going on? !

  Her shock became more and more intense, and the entanglement of black feathers and cherry blossoms finally brought some psychological pressure to her. She needed to beware of sudden turns to attack, and it was inevitable that her energy would be lost.

At this moment, she heard Ji Xing say: "The weakness of your full manifestation technique is that you have to read the corresponding name every time you switch hexagrams, there is a delay of about 0.3 seconds, and old age and frailty will eventually make you weaker." Two points, if you catch the gap..."



   It was when the battle was so intense that it seemed inextricable, suddenly there was an ordinary stab without fireworks, which penetrated directly into Chaofei Luzi's heart!

  Ji Xing smiled slightly, and twisted Fei Luzi's old face: "You, you..."

   "You should go to hell, we probably won't have a chance to meet again, why ask?"

  Beside Kuroba and Sakura, still playing!

  5k, two updates tomorrow.

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