Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 564: Nine minutes!

   A hundred years ago, when the captain used the **** to cut Aizen, Ji Xing was already dead, so this was the first time he saw the Remnant Sword with his own eyes.

  It was a slender sword that seemed to be scorched by the fire. It looked very inconspicuous, but since it appeared and was held by the captain, the surrounding air was stained pale.

   Moisture is gone.

No matter how arid the desert is, the surrounding environment will not be so dry at this moment, the moisture content in the air is zero, and the humidity is zero. Even the captains who are hundreds of meters away feel that their lips are going to be dry and the moisture in their bodies is being drained instantly. Draw, feel an extremely deadly danger!

"That is…"

   "The chief captain's swastika!"

   Concentrate all the flames on the tip of the blade, so that the blade contains a terrifying temperature equivalent to the core of the sun, 15 million degrees Celsius! Just liberation can slowly evaporate the water in the entire soul world and destroy the world. This is the solution of the captain!

  Because of its excessive power, the captain has used it very few times in his life of more than 3,000 years, and Yuhabach, this is the second time he is honored to face it!

   "Holy Sing-Praise of the Sanctuary!"


  At the same time when the captain was relieved, Yuhabach broke out the Reiatsu without any hesitation, and a cyan light wall expanded around him, blasting back Ji Xing who was holding him down!

   During Ji Xing's sudden retreat, the wall of light didn't stop expanding, and it stopped in front of the captain, as if playing a tower defense game. When isolating others, sacred arrows of destruction erected in the wall of light.

   This is the unique skill of the Quincy Division that integrates offense and defense. If the enemy dares to enter the light wall, they will be chased endlessly by countless holy arrows.

  In this case, it is the best choice to gain time to adjust and think about countermeasures!

  But when the sanctuary was just built, Yuhabach's pupils suddenly fixed, and a trace of anger appeared on his face: "You bastard... Did you move your hands and feet while I was not awake?!"


  Purple light burst out, and a dark purple cross suddenly appeared on Yuhabach's chest where Ji Xing had just grasped, and the soon-to-be-built Sanctuary of the Quincy collapsed.

  Ji Xing retreated to the distance with his arms outstretched, his figure coincided with the cross, and the lightning-attribute spirits connected, making Yuhabach's body stiff!

   "Little devil, there are more fancy skills." The captain made an old-fashioned evaluation, gave up the original move plan, and didn't talk about martial arts with Yuhabach, and jumped straight away.

   "East - Rising Sun Blade!"

   While the blade was waving towards Youhabach, the flow of time seemed to be slowed down. Still unable to move, Youhabach watched the tip of the knife approaching him, and his eyes became more sinister.

   Get hit, will die.

  Damn it, it's too passive!

  哒——The sound of the tip of the knife hitting the air and landing on the ground resounded, and then there was no more sound. In the feeling of complete silence, the ground disappeared in front of the captain's knife point hitting the ground.

   It's not broken, it's disappearing!

  If the aftermath of ordinary people’s power is to delete a large article word by word, the solution of the captain is to select all and delete all with one click!

   Just before the point of the knife landed, the ground with a radius of 100 meters disappeared in an instant, leaving only an abyss with a depth of 100 meters!

   No matter what substance or ingredient it is, it was evaporated dry in the blow just now!

   "Huh?" But the blow missed, the captain straightened his back, raised his eyebrows and looked at Yuhabach who moved not far away, "I didn't dodge just now."

"Yeah." Ji Xing replied: "The little trick I used is the numb finger and the fire-sealed cross developed by Captain Urahara. It can't be broken away so quickly. He changed the way he was hit by you. future."

   "Change... the future?"

  The commander-in-chief looked at Yuhabach's pupils that had become multiple, "Is there still such power? Let me see its limit!"

   "The Remnant Fire Taidao·Xi-The Prison Clothes of the Remnant Sun!"


  The flame reappears! But it is different from the flame created by Shijie, this is the flame of Reiatsu, a flame of 15 million degrees Celsius!

  The incomparably pure crimson is wrapped around the body and the knife, the captain seems to envelop the scorching sun!

  The burning sensation hit.

  Youhabach instantly poured the spirit into his blood, activating another skill of the Quincy, the static blood outfit, which greatly enhanced his own defense. Otherwise, just by the captain's side in this state, he would be burned to pieces!

  His double pupils glanced at Ji Xing.

  The guy who uncovered the invisible empire a hundred years ago, even understands my omniscience and omnipotence?

  Even in the Knights of the Star Cross, most people only know that 'omniscient and omnipotent is to see through the future and not be hurt by the ability they understand'.

  The true omniscience and power to change the future has not been fully awakened thousands of years ago, and it has not had time to use it. It is just the first time!

   There is also the so-called numb cross, which is indeed a small technique. I can probably understand it after being hit once, but it is such a small technique that can temporarily restrain my actions.

  He is only three times as far away from Shigekuni Yamamoto as I am, and he is also suffering from at least hundreds of thousands of degrees of spiritual pressure burning. He doesn't have a static blood suit, but he doesn't seem to be affected in any way.

   This guy... isn't weak either.

   There is not enough time to recover, excessive use of omniscient and omnipotent power will cause him to go berserk, and with his current power, he will not be able to break Yamamoto Shigekuni's sword or even kill him in the future, so he must evacuate first!

  His eyes turned to the surroundings, and his nasal cavity suddenly felt heavy: "...Huh?!"

  The captains of the thirteenth team of Huting are all surrounded by a few hundred meters away and overlooking here!

The frenzied Zaraki Kenpachi, the cold-eyed Toshirō Hitsugaya, the tall and straight Kuchiki Byakuya, the enthusiastic Nirvana Mayuri... can't break through, these guys are not something that I can kill instantly with my current power, they will definitely be killed entanglement!

   In a trance, Yuhabach seemed to have returned to a thousand years ago, and saw the 12 evil spirits who destroyed the invisible empire following Captain Yamamoto!

   These guys... actually...

  Boom! The muffled sound suddenly exploded, and the sword edge wrapped in 15 million degrees Celsius spiritual pressure grazed his body and cut him. Yuhabach groaned instantly and spit out a big mouthful of blood. go out!

   "Is there still time to be distracted?" The captain raised his sword and chased away: "But I can't give you this time, otherwise this flame will soon burn me and the soul world together!"

   "Hahaha, desperate situation?!"

  Yuhabach, who climbed up from the collapsed building, laughed and raised his right hand high. A huge spiritual bow emerged from the powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations, and then it turned into a black knife and was held in his palm!


  Sword and sword slash, the powerful sword pressure actually resisted the captain's sword, and the ground with a radius of one kilometer was shattered into pieces by the surging spiritual pressure!

   "You know you can't escape, so you want to fight the old man head-on? Your courage is commendable!" The captain did not forget to use words to shake the old opponent's mind.

Yuhabach slashed at each other again, snorted disdainfully and said, "Yamamoto Shigekuni, don't act like a winner! If it wasn't for that guy of unknown origin, just because you are weak and old now, you would be my sword sooner or later." Revenant!"

  Boom! boom! boom! The boundless flames quickly wiped out the new team, which was less than 45 years old, and pushed forward in a further direction.

  Youhabach's left arm disappeared in the flames, and he immediately gave himself a new left arm. He was suppressed in the battle, but his face looked condescending and overlooking the captain!

   Look down, he looks down on the captain!

   At this moment, Ji Xing's voice suddenly pierced his ears: "The guy with unknown origin is talking about me? Are you complaining about my appearance?

  I exposed the shadow of the Invisible Empire in Seireitei 102 years ago. Captain Urahara successfully captured you 45 years ago. There have been 57 years in between. What did you do?

   Didn’t do anything, I was lucky, including you, Your Majesty, were you worried that your own strength was weak at that time, and you would encounter rebellion or something?

  You had a lot of opportunities, and you might have had time to break through a year and a half ago, but you still didn’t dare to take the risk. what are you waiting for? Waiting to die? ! "


   "You are nothing but your innate ability and strong combat power." Ji Xing commented: "If you were replaced by a dog, with the Star Cross Knights, you might have already ruled the world!"

   "You bastard...?!"

   Ji Xing's words are obviously much more useful than those of the captain, and more importantly, You Habach can hear the heartfelt... look down upon!

  That's right, Ji Xing actually didn't think much of the final boss of the world of death. Yuhabach's strength is indeed very strong, and he can fight against the captain of Xijie before he fully recovers. If he is omniscient and omnipotent, if he is fully awakened, the captain who is only good at physical damage is far from his opponent. He can truly become the world after the spirit king strongest!

  But his brain is a little bit out of line, he doesn't have good coordination and planning ability, he failed at the end in the original timeline, and he himself is the biggest insider!

   "...Heh, you are trying to provoke me on purpose, you guy of unknown origin."

   At this time, Juhabach gave his burned chest new skin tissue, and said calmly: "I know what you are most afraid of."

   buzz buzz —

  The voice fell, and suddenly, golden beams of light descended from the sky in all directions, and familiar spiritual pressure appeared, which changed the expressions of the surrounding captains.

   This is sanctification!

   When he was in danger, Yuhabach actually dispersed his power and revived the members of the Star Cross Knights!

  Looking at the captain with a dignified expression, Yuhabach looked grim.

  The Knights of the Star Cross is a force that can be sacrificed for me. Under such circumstances, I can also sacrifice myself to revive them!

  As long as the person I endowed with power is still there, it will be nothing more than a thousand-year sleep again, and it can also severely damage the killer group of the Thirteenth Guarding Team!

   On the contrary, if I get entangled with Yamamoto Shigekuni and No Mashi because of anger, the current situation will only end in the end of being completely wiped out.

  You Habach has a calm judgment on the situation from the beginning to the end, otherwise, he would not only take back Hazby's power, but confiscate Hasward!

  But... "I made the wrong choice again. Of course, you don't have a choice now. The old man will turn around and cut the first place!" Ji Xing's voice came again.

Um? Yuhabach raised his head and opened his eyes, a golden light suddenly burst out from his chest!

What? ! Besides that cross, is there a second strike hidden in the depths? What's the matter with the accuracy of this guy's spirit control, under the persecution of Shigekuni Yamamoto, I can't even detect it? !

  What is it this time? !

  White Feather Clothes, Branded with a Blue Gradient Ring, Three Golden Feathers Inscribed, Ji Xing who has entered the state of the Holy Body shines right in the middle of the Golden Feather!

   "When the moment stops, activate!"

  The power from the leader of the Fullbringer Xia Yuanhama Baoyue! Under the shroud of a golden light, Yuhabach's figure disappeared out of thin air, and the next moment he was lying on the spot where Ji Xing picked him out and smashed him at first!

  After Shengbie dispersed his power, he couldn't resist Ji Xing's power, so the time and state were reversed to the time point preset by Ji Xing, and everything returned to the beginning of this battle!

  The sanctification was canceled naturally, and the old acquaintances who were about to recover from the vigorous spiritual pressure just now disappeared!

  The full strength returned to his own body.

  Yuhabach's heart sank.

   It turned out to be such a power? ! He couldn't have helped me recover, so why did he bring me back? Just to prevent sanctification? ! No, sanctity can be activated at any time, it is omniscient and omnipotent! At this time, I didn't open my eyes!

   Not good, hurry up...

   Without getting up, double pupils appeared in his pupils, but only for a moment, and even the brilliance in his eyes dimmed!

   "Bastard..." The thrown head spit out these two words, and hit the ground heavily.

   "Remnant Fire Taidao·North—Ash of Heaven and Earth!"

  Spitting out the name of the move indifferently, the captain withdrew his knife, the power of Xie disappeared, and turned his head to stare at Yuhabach's headless corpse.

   "Good job, kid." He praised.

  At this moment, it's only...nine minutes since Yuhabach was dragged out by Ji Xing!

  3k6, 7k6 in the two shifts, directly let Yuhabach exit the field, and there is no room for him to play in the future.

  In addition, recommend this book: "I Have a Longevity Eye"

  Author: Zhang Laoxi

  The black sun rises, the blood moon appears, the sea of ​​mortals is changing, and a divine eye proves longevity

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