Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 571: Go to **** alone!

   "The movement just now...was the Lingwang Palace dumped into the virtual circle? How could such a thing happen?"

  Tei Lingting, the moment the earthquake occurred in the world of corpses and souls, it has already entered the highest alert. The 12th squadron observed everywhere, but did not find out what the problem was until Hikifune Kiryu arrived.

  However, what Hikifune Kiryu said made Jingle Shunsui show an expression of disbelief.

The Palace of the Soul King hangs above the world of corpses and souls for millions of years. It was shaped by the power of the Soul King. Except for the Shiba family and the Zero Team who were expelled from the five major families to control the way of access, outsiders only have the King of Creation Key, which is the classic Only the corpses of Team Zero members transformed by the power of the Spirit King could enter the Palace of the Spirit King.

The seventy-two barriers have stood erect for millions of years and have never collapsed. If there is a world-destroying power like Captain Yamamoto's 卍解 to destroy it with all its strength, it would be fine to make the Lingwang Palace fall down, but what is it like to let the Lingwang Palace crash from the Soul Realm into the Void Circle? Can it be done? !

   "Could it be..." At this time, Jingle Chunshui spontaneously thought of a possibility, thinking of his friend Ukitake.

Hikishu Kiryu nodded his head and said: "The Warlord's Department also made a similar judgment. Among the three prison guards in hell, the guy who made a move and caused the Lingwang Palace to fall to the virtual circle may have the power of the Lingwang's left foot and is in charge of the 'backward' the power of!"

  Jingle Chunshui narrowed his eyes, really?

  Among the amputated limbs of King Ling, it is known that the left hand is Juhabach's personal guard Penida, which is in charge of the power of 'forward', and the right hand is attached to Fuzhu's body, and is in charge of the power of 'Still'.

   But I don't know where my feet are so far. If it is said to be absorbed by hell, it is not surprising.

According to Peneda's left hand "forward" is to absorb the power of self-evolution from others, the left foot "backward" is similar to the power and holy text bestowed by Juhabach to the Star Cross Knights, and it must be above that, which is self-redundancy The decomposition and purification of the remaining power may also be the key to the spirit king's division of the three realms!

  For that kind of thing, it is not impossible to use the imbalance of the soul to pull the Soul King Palace into the virtual circle.

  Is this Aizen's plan?

  And if one of the two 'tall male leaders' is left-footed, the other is right-footed?

For a moment, Jingle Chunshui analyzed the situation in his mind. That kind of operation is probably more to restrain the master of the army, and the safety of the Spirit King must not be compromised... No, it may really be to pull down the Spirit King Palace , to facilitate the attack.

   "I fell into a passive state in an instant."

Jingle Chunshui shook his head and judged what he should do now: "Captain Yizhou, please go to the 12th Division first, and let Captain Nie cooperate with you to locate the location of the Lingwang Palace and prepare the passage. Leave other matters to me to prepare Scheduling."

   "... Jingle, the Lingwang cannot lose."

"I know."


   Meanwhile, imaginary circles.

Rumbling like a broken sky, under the control of the monk with eyes wide open and doing his best, the five palaces suspended like five flying discs, and the inner palace of the Spirit King in the shape of a pointed round tower maintain the whole, slowly moving like a unique spaceship. come down.

  The boundless barren sand below was stirred up into layers of waves, and Xu Xu within a radius of tens of miles only had time to take a look at the magnificent building that suddenly appeared, and was shocked into spirit particles by the terrifying spiritual pressure and dissipated!

When the height dropped to only a few hundred meters from the ground, the monk let out a low drink, threw out a huge brush, and quickly wrote a floating word "Fu", as if the words were spoken, and the Lingwang Palace was fixed in the air , Stop the falling trend!

   Immediately afterwards, the monk wrote the word 'hidden' again, making the Lingwang Palace disappear from the outside world's view, and finally restrained the spiritual pressure on his body and stared at the surroundings.

"I didn't feel the follow-up blow, it seems that we are only temporarily restrained." Wang Yue, the sword god, appeared beside the monk, and said: "We still know too little about hell, and the gate of **** can be opened directly in the palace of the Lingwang Palace. down?"

   "But why can they come in and out at will? It stands to reason that the Reiatsu pressing on the cover should still occupy an absolute advantage." Qilin Temple Tianshiro asked strangely: "Could there be a gap in the cover?"

"It seems that I need to weave a fake soul king palace first to confuse the enemy? But what should we do if Aizen Soyousuke's goal is the soul world?" Shutara Senjumaru was a little upset: "Cunning sinner."

   "Assault on the Soul Realm, I will return to help." The monk said slowly: "If necessary, I will guard the Lingwang Palace alone. You are all ready to fight!"

  The three of them were stunned. They had been with the monk for thousands of years at least, and Wang Yue had known him for hundreds of thousands of years.

   Is the situation getting really bad?


  The three of them dispersed and acted, while a soldier from the head of the army turned around and strode into the inner chamber of the spirit king, and stood in front of the spirit king who looked like a faceless skeleton whose limbs had been cut off and sealed in an amber body.

"Obviously there has been a 'reincarnation', but the soul has not actually participated in the cycle of the three worlds? Yono Masashi." The monk who was marked as a special combat power by Yuhabach in the original timeline with "wisdom" murmured: "So His spiritual pressure is not pressed on the cover. The origin is more special than expected. Is there really another world besides this world?

  Ling Wang, are you the first person with power born in this world, or are you an outsider like some rumors? If it's the latter, is it possible that Yono Masashi is from the same place as you? Does he exist in the future you foresee? "

  The voice reverberated in Da Nei, and the Spirit King, who had fallen into a deep sleep for millions of years, would naturally not respond to him. He watched everything calmly with that enigmatic calm from beginning to end.


  The Urahara store learned of the collapse of the Soul King Palace at almost the same time, and all the troops in the world are also assembled here.

  Stark, Nelly Elle, Ichimaru Gin, Yoichi, Kurosaki Ichigo, Kurosaki Isshin, Chadu, Inoue and several Fullbringers will all participate in this duel against hell.

Everyone formed a circle, and Ji Xing was making the final confirmation with them: "Have you memorized how to use that spell? But at the same time, remember, don't force the seal. If the opponent you are facing is very strong, don't hold anything back." The mind of the hand, the resurrection of **** should also take a few days."

   "Ah, ah, no one is foolish enough to make fun of their own lives." Ye Yi waved his hands.

   Stark echoed: "Ah, yes."

   "Stark, I have to give you and Lilinite a special warning." Ji Xing said: "Dead, everything is over, alive, there are ways."

   Stark sighed, Lilinette pouted.

  Why did you remind Mr. Stark? Ichigo was a little strange, at this moment, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Urahara Kisuke walking out with something in his hand, turned his head subconsciously, and slowly widened his eyes.

  The same goes for Chadu and Inoue.

   "Lu, Rukia?!"

Seeing that the thing that Urahara Kisuke picked up with one hand was the familiar onion girl, seeing the shock of several people, Urahara Kisuke smiled and shook the folding fan: "Don't be surprised, it's just a girl who is exactly the same as Rukia. Replica."

   "That's even more strange?!" Ichigo shouted, and looked closer: "It's exactly the same, not to mention the body shape, even the breath..."

   "Really? Ichigo, have you really reached the age of cranky thinking?" Kurosaki shook his head with one heart, as if feeling emotional about the child's growth.

   Ichigo blushed suddenly: "You... what are you talking about?!"

  Ignoring the father and son who started arguing after the teasing, Urahara Kisuke walked up to Ji Xing and got serious: "Are you really going to do that? Yuye Sang. This is more dangerous than any previous situation."

  Ji Xing said: "I'm not worried about anything else, I'm just afraid that your skills are not strong enough."

   "Oh... of course not."

   Kisuke Urahara knocked on the back of Rukia's cloned head with his folding fan, and said: "The aura of Rukia's body is indeed completely reproduced."


A holy and pure white light shines, the father and son who are fighting and everyone is quiet, only to see the duplicate of Rukia with a sluggish look, half floating in the air after being let go by Urahara Kisuke, the light on the forehead is reflected in the open space The outline of a portal!

"That is…?!"

  Kuwai is not Ji Xing's character, and Kisuke Urahara is not used to sitting still.

   After learning that Rukia is the "light of hell" and can be used to open the portal of hell, how could Urahara Kisuke not study the principle?

  Based on his talent, copying Ai Ran's answer, one year is enough to complete it, but Ji Xing didn't act sooner because he was worried that he would help Ai Ran push the lid off if he took the initiative to go to hell.

   Now that the cover is no longer tightly closed, guys of the level of the jailer commander can appear in the Three Realms at will, so there is no need to worry about anything.

  The gates of **** are opening!

  Not many people in the room knew about this preparation, and even Kurosaki Yixin said in astonishment: "So... are we going to take the initiative?"

   "No, I'm alone." Ji Xing walked to the edge of the portal, turned around and said, "It's enough to copy the breath of hell, why do you even have to make it look like Rukia?"

   "Hmm, control variables?" Kisuke Urahara thought for a while and said, "Yono-san, be careful."

"Will do."

   "...Alone? Wait, wait!"

   "Does it mean going to **** alone? That's too dangerous!"

   "Mr. Hirakawa..." Inoue covered his mouth lightly.

   "Danger? Are you saying that the enemy will be in danger?" Ji Xing said with a smile: "I will try to keep as many enemies in **** as possible, and hand over the ones that escaped to you, at least... hold on until I come back."

  After speaking, his body disappeared into the portal, and the dark red portal closed and disappeared.

   There was a dead silence among the people.

   No, is there something wrong? If we were enemies, seeing you entering hell, of course we would choose to stay there and besiege and kill you first, how could we come out and attack the Three Realms? !

  Urahara Kisuke shook his folding fan lightly, and explained in a misty tone: "It literally means 'run out'. Yono-san means that if the enemy wants to stay in **** and fight him to the death, he will be very happy."



a few minutes ago.

   Hell, the uppermost level.

   Above the world of white crystals.

  Lan Ran was surrounded by more than three jailer commanders. There were figures with black chains printed on them, flaming, and deep breath standing in all directions, and it was obvious that they were divided into several camps.

   Only Dongxian Yao and Pomian's old subordinates firmly surrounded Lan Ran, and then there were the three jailor commanders who stood side by side as if they were cooperating with him, and the "Great Emperor" in the virtual circle, Baile Gangrui Sen Gang.

  As for the other jailors and wardens, they are not even afraid of the torture of hell, so how can they surrender to Aizen? What's more, to most of them, Aizen is just a junior, even if this junior has power beyond expectations.

  Cooperation only. They probably have their own demands, and they even just want to have fun, or even just want to see the current world by the way.

   One of the queues in particular.

  A black-skinned young man with a smile on his arms, a strong man with gold teeth, a rickety and weak old man, a fat man with a colorful face and two small braids, a girl with glasses who has a proud figure and a timid face...

  The first captains of the Gotei Thirteenth Team!

   "Is Saito still so stubborn? Let's pretend to cooperate a little bit, she is the only one left among us." The voice of the first-generation second division captain and the handsome black-skinned Sifengin Sennichi asked helplessly.

   "Hmm..." The first-generation Eighth Division Captain, the proud figure Unsai Shikatori, said in a voice like a mosquito, "She seems to particularly, particularly dislike Aizen."

   "If you don't like it, there is nothing you can do."

   "That madman won't change his mind."

  Actually, they were forcibly formed into Goutei 13th Team by Captain Yamamoto thousands of years ago. They don’t have a good relationship with each other, but now they seem to be close friends, chatting to pass the time.

  Until the jailers were almost all here, Aizen’s voice echoed: “Everyone, please don’t dislike me for talking too much, please remember the last kind reminder and things that need extra attention.

  Urahara Kisuke's layout, Nirvana Mayuri's medicine, Yamamoto Shigekuni's destructive power, sword **** Wangyue's sword speed, Saraki Kenpachi's growth.

  Especially the last one, if he happens to meet, if he can win, he must be killed instantly, otherwise he will become stronger as he fights, not only harming himself, but also bringing huge troubles to his companions.

In addition to these five people, there are four more special ones. The spirit king's right hand Ukitake Shishiro, I don't know what kind of power he can exert, the pure blood Quincy and the son of the **** of death Kurosaki Ichigo, how far he has grown now I can't predict it either.

  The monk whose real name is Hu is still invincible, everyone should understand, but I will deal with him, so you should not worry about his participation. As for the last person, Yono Masashi..."

  Aizen paused for a moment, smiled and said, "Let's just regard him as Shigekuni Yamamoto's combat effectiveness, and he has mastered a variety of unique full manifestation techniques. He is extremely difficult to kill and has outstanding intelligence."

   What responded to him was a few people, especially the violently beating qi on Bailegang, but there was no voice of doubt. Of course, not all agree with Aizen's judgment, but in such an occasion, these beings who were top powerhouses in life do not believe that Aizen will make lies, but of course they don't believe all of them, and they are more willing to believe their own seeing is believing.

  Ai Ran knew this, so he only mentioned this, and then nodded to the three jailer commanders. The three of them separated from each other, and the three **** doors that opened upwards opened!

   "Virtual circle, present world, corpse soul world." Ai Ran signaled one by one: "Everyone can choose the place you like, let's... let's make a big fuss!"

   As soon as the voice fell, but before these **** powerhouses chose where to go, a **** passage suddenly opened above a white crystal thousands of meters away, attracting attention!

  Ai Ran froze for a moment, surprise flashed in his eyes, and he didn't regain his composure for a few seconds.

  A familiar figure walked out of it, and looking over, the area where the **** powerhouses were located was temporarily dead silent, and the flames of **** were blazing!

   "...It's really better to come early than coincidentally." Ji Xing also paused briefly, and laughed: "You happen to have a meeting here?"

  This plot is a bit difficult to write, the original characters have too many abilities, it is not intentionally broken and short, it is a bit constipated to be honest. In addition, I'm starting to re-watch the Hunter X Hunter anime to be written in the next volume, so I'll take my time, don't worry.

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