Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 614: Aftertaste

As the head of the A-level criminal gang, almost every member of the Phantom Troupe has the strength of the S-level, that is, the strongest row among the wanted people. News, now some people say that the entire Phantom Troupe was wiped out by one person?

When most people see such news, they subconsciously question and disbelieve it, but before the news spread, Ji Xing's purchase of information on the hunter's exclusive network caused a bit of trouble, making You Kexin extremely lively some.

   Coupled with the fact that the number of people who saw it with their own eyes and those who rushed to the battlefield later added up to be very large, the relatively complete version including pictures was also quickly spread, so it quickly set off a turbulent wave among the six continents!

  Some people, like Kurapika, who have a blood feud with the Phantom Troupe are in a trance with ecstasy.

  There are businessmen and rich men who have communicated with the Phantom Brigade and have been buyers of the things they plundered. They feel that the world is impermanent.

   There is a lawless S-level and A-level wanted criminal who deeply remembers Ji Xing's name and appearance, and decides to avoid places where Ji Xing is in the future!

   There are also groups that have benefited from the occasional charity actions carried out by the Phantom Troupe. The host is saddened and keeps the news firmly hidden, never telling those who have been helped.


  The Hunter Association was basically the first organization to get the exact news, and when it got the news, it was very "coincidentally" that both President Nitro and Vice President Pariston were in the association building.

   "It's really amazing. This new 'man', even Jin, can't destroy the Phantom Brigade if he wants to, can he? Chairman, it seems that the ranking of our twelve combat powers will be rewritten again."

   "Combat power ranking?" Nitro looked at Pariston with a sleepy look: "When did you have that kind of thing?"

"Bored people arrange things randomly when they are bored, so don't worry about it." Pariston said with a bright smile: "It seems that this newcomer has chosen to develop in the direction of a 'bounty hunter'. Getting rid of the Phantom Troupe is enough for him to Just become a one-star hunter."

   "Well...Of course." Netero half-opened his eyes and said: "But the problem of hunting direction, don't directly help him define it, he may just encounter it by chance this time."

   "Huh?" Pariston was surprised: "A hunter must have prey. This is the first of the ten rules for hunters, right? Could it be that he hasn't determined what his 'prey' is after joining the Hunter Association?"

"Maybe it's not uncertain, his prey may be 'all'." Nitero smiled and said: "Eliminate all disgusting enemies, get all the things of interest? Well, this is just my own It’s just an opinion, don’t worry about it.”

"It sounds like a very, very strong character." Pariston said with emotion: "Although this is not in line with the rules, since you have spoken, I naturally have to obey. I just want to ask one more question, this 'person' season Xing, have you ever thought of making him the president of the next generation of Hunter Association?"

"Well..." Nitro stroked his drooping beard: "When I invited him to become the Twelve Branches, I wanted him to directly replace you as the vice president of the association, but he probably isn't like you, he doesn't want to always accompany me, an old man. play, refused."

   If you use a few words to describe Pariston, it is probably insidious, cunning, and resourceful. The questions he asked just now were not for nothing. The question about the "prey" was to confirm Ji Xing's character, and the question about the next president was to confirm the definition of Ji Xing in Nitro's mind.

  The result he got surprised him a bit.

  It may be all, my own opinion. These two uncertain statements mean that Ji Xing, who was only 19 years old and strong enough to destroy the Phantom Troupe by himself, is far from a martial madman, and even the wise Nitro can't see through his heart.

  The latter answer is even half a warning.

  He was able to become the vice president of the association because Nitro, who was like an old urchin, wanted to find himself a vice president who was the worst at dealing with it.

   It is obviously a lot of fun to fight openly and secretly. If Nitro didn't say it, he wouldn't have guessed that he was almost replaced unknowingly.

  This proves that Ji Xing's significance to Nitro or the association is greater than Nitro's favorite "play". In particular, pointing out 'not like you', faintly put Ji Xing on a level or even a few levels higher than himself, if he dared to play around casually, the result might be very bad.

  But this makes me even more curious about him, President Netero.

  Palliston smiled brightly and said: "I see, President~ Do you want to implement the matter of awarding him one star?"


   Followed by the news, there are also the intelligence agencies of major countries with influence in various places.

There are six continents in the hunter world, five of which have given birth to a superpower, collectively called v5, and the Hunter Association is just a non-governmental organization that exists with their tacit approval. Those with the ability to read are concerned.

   "Did one man wipe out those spiders?"

   "19 years old, owner of the Sky Arena, the 13th member of the twelve teams of the Hunter Association..."

   "So young, judging from this, I'm afraid he will become another Isaac Nitro?"

   "There is still a long lifespan. I don't know if this person...will be interested in that continent."

   "Is there no voice from the Transit Bureau?"

   "No, on the contrary... It is said that they have already started compiling Ji Xing's personal file."

   "What?! Why are you in such a hurry?!"

  Transportation Bureau, the full name is the International Ferry Permit Department, is an organization jointly established by v5.

  Their scope of authority is very wide, and the core and most important work is to manage the disasters from the Dark Continent, and manage those humans who want to go to the Dark Continent—most of the methods are to prevent them.

  Because compared with the Dark Continent, the six continents where humans live are just a drop in the ocean, where there are all kinds of weird disasters. There is even a saying that the reason why humans have not been extinct so far is only because of luck.

  The Transit and Navigation Bureau tends to assess the situation of a race as a whole, and rarely establishes files for individuals. Those few are often long-known strong telekinetics, or those lucky ones who have successfully returned from the Dark Continent.

  But on the third day of Ji Xing's phantom brigade, a personal file about Ji Xing was compiled.

  The evaluation of the destructive power of the season star is B-, which is not low, because the destructive power of individual human beings only ranges from B to E, and B- is only half a grade away from the highest B grade.

  However, compared with those disasters in the Dark Continent that are often B-level or even the highest A-level disasters, the destructive power of B-level is not eye-catching and mediocre.

   Another emphasis was drawn on the file.

  Mind Ability: Blood bar, similar to the rules of an arcade sparring game, its resistance to various disasters is not sure yet, and it seems to have strategic significance for exploring the Dark Continent.

   Obviously, the people who watched the game that night included not only gang bodyguards who could only hide behind the car, but also people like Bisji who could see everything.

   And because of this note, the news of the destruction of the Phantom Brigade, which would not have disturbed the royal family, was sent to the v5 royal family!


   There is also the great royal family that was alarmed for additional reasons, the superpower under v5, the fourth prince of the Kajin Empire, Chelidonish Hui Guorou.

   "Phantom Troupe? Why did you come to report the news of the destruction of that criminal organization to me?"

   "His Royal Highness, have you forgotten that you have an important collection, Red Eye, which was purchased from the Phantom Troupe a few years ago."

  Celidonish was taken aback, and said: "Oh, it's them, those artists were killed?"


  Celidonish smiled: "Yeah, I admired them very much at the beginning, and even thought about taking them for my own use, but unfortunately I was discouraged by you.

  When emotional, the pupils of the Kuruta tribe will turn crimson, and the more excited, the more beautiful that color will be.

The fiery eyes in my collection are almost all of perfect color. I guess the Phantom Troupe probably slaughtered and abused the young and old, and made the adult Kuruta tribe extremely emotional, and then cut them off neatly at that time. throat, isn't that an artist? "

  Seeing the fourth prince's smile, the subordinate who came to report felt a chill in his heart, forced a smile and said, "You're right, it's a pity."

   In the hidden room deep in the royal palace, there is a single room with dozens of pairs of fiery red eyes soaked in glass containers.

   And in the center of those fiery red eyes, there is a complete head soaked in a vessel, the face cannot be seen clearly, only a boy can be seen faintly.


  The time came to the evening of September 5th.

  Kurapika put the glass vessel containing a pair of flaming eyes into his bag as a treasure, and bowed to Wright, the head of the Nosra family in front of him, "Thank you for helping me get back the eyes of my tribe."

Wright had a kind face and smiled: "I want to thank you for taking care of Nyonne during this time and helping us recover the loss. Especially those spiders, if they were not killed, I really can't imagine what would happen to Nyonne Danger."

   "Mr. Ji Xing did that."

   Kurapika has explained similar words several times, but Wright keeps smiling and doesn’t respond every time. He knows that Wright took pictures of his red eyes to please Ji Xing, and it’s probably also by the way... to send himself, the God of Plague, away.

  Once the fact that the surviving Kuruta clan members appeared in the Nosra family is leaked, for the sake of billions worth of red eyes, there will be some daring villains who will attack.

  Joining the gang, Kurapika’s original goal was this fiery eye. By the way, he also felt that being in the gang was more convenient to obtain information, but he never thought that the world was impermanent, and now it doesn’t make much sense to stay in the Nosra family.

   "When I earn enough money, I will return the funds from the red eye auction to you."

  Wright was taken aback: "No need..."

   Kurapika's attitude was very firm, and he bowed lightly to Wright, nodded to the fellow bodyguards he knew these days, and said, "Then we will leave, everyone take care."

   "Take care too, Kurapika."

   "Don't worry, there is absolutely no one among us who talks too much, let alone your reminder saved my life!"

   "And you too, Melody."

  Yes, the melody who exposed the "devil king" will also leave the Nosra family with Kurapika, she said softly: "Everyone take care."

   Kurapika turned to the other side, and the girl standing there blankly said coldly, "Let's go."

   "Oh." The girl nodded in agreement.

   is a small droplet.

In the early morning three days ago, after hearing what happened on Meteor Street from Bisji, Kurapika no longer had the intention to kill Xiao Di, a residual spider who had not participated in the Kuruta clan genocide, but neither did he. I hope that the spider has the slightest chance of being resurrected, so I made a suggestion.

  Since Xiaodi has severe amnesia, he will take care of her next, and double check whether Xiaodi has completely lost her memory.

   Got the consent of Bisji.

  The three left the Nosra family property together, and a group of people were waiting for them outside.

  Ji Xing, Bi Siji and Xiaojie.


  Hearing the three people's greetings, Kurapika finally showed a little smile on his face, and quickly greeted them: "Xiaojie, Kiya, Leorio!"

   "Haha, you finally dealt with your affairs, this time the four of us are reunited!"

   "Sorry, I clearly said September 1st, but now it's September 5th..."

   "It's okay." Leorio hugged Kurapika's shoulders: "Your situation is special. But now, Mr. Ji Xing has wiped out that phantom troupe, and you can finally breathe a sigh of relief!"

   "Yeah, Kurapika, what are your plans next?" Kiya asked beside him.

Kurapika greeted Ji Xing with a nod, the words of thanks had been repeated too many times, so there was no need to say any more, he thought for a while and said, "I will probably practice with Teacher Bisji for a while, and then I will find a way to find the eyes of other tribesmen. "

  Yes, Mr. Bisji.

  Because of some getting along with that night, Bisji took a fancy to some of Kurapika's characteristics, so two days ago Xiaolu took Kurapika as a half apprentice.

  Wearing this, Qiya gave Bi Siji a resentful look, but Xiaojie immediately said cheerfully: "Great! Then you also want to join her in the Is game? We can be together again!"

   Kurapika nodded with a smile, while Leorio complained, "Really, it makes me want to play that game with you guys."

   "Come on, come on!" Xiaojie said coquettishly.

   "Forget it, don't shake me, I still want to study medicine." Leori was determined.

On the other side, Melody stood next to Ji Xing nervously, Ji Xing gave her a smile and said, "Wait a minute, I'm going to find a medical team to make sure you'll be fine after killing it... wait After filming the Is game tomorrow."

   "I'm not in a hurry." Melody said immediately, "I'm grateful for your help. Everything will follow your schedule and plan."

  Ji Xing hummed, and said to the laughing group of four: "Okay, let's go back to the hotel first."


   And just beside the street, a row of luxury cars were parked. It doesn't just belong to one gangster family, but the most expensive car among several top gangster families. Now it is like a concubine waiting for Ji Xing's favor, looking forward to being selected by him to ride, and the driver is often the second in command of the gangster. The handle, even the leader!

  Since the incident spread that night, many gangster family leaders are proud to have a word or two with Ji Xing, and it would be even more perfect to build a relationship with Ji Xing.

  Youkexin City, which is controlled by gangsters, has almost become his back garden, and the number of people who want to come to the outside world to know about Ji Xing has become countless.

  Because in the past four days and four nights after the destruction of the Phantom Troupe, the lighting level of his fifth star has increased by more than 15%, and the Phantom Troupe seems to be more prestigious than he expected!

  Two updates tomorrow.

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