Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 633: Death of Pariston! (6k for votes)

   Very tall.

   This is Qi Duo's first impression of Ji Xing.

  At 165, she looks like a child in front of Ji Xing. She even needs to bend over a little to shake hands. She is more than two meters tall, so she should be close to or even more than two meters tall, right?

At the same time, he is very polite. He is willing to bend down a little when he meets the lady for the first time, taking care of the height difference between each other. The breath on his body is also very comfortable. There is a strong aura that cannot be ignored, but he is in control Very mild.

   Unexpectedly, it seems like a good friend.

   In just a few seconds of shaking hands here, she made a lot of judgments in her heart, and then the cuter green-haired dog-eared girl stretched out her hand and gently said, "Shall we go up together?"

   "Okay." Ji Xing nodded and smiled.

  Facing the greetings from the staff of the association, the two boarded the elevator together, and Qi Duo said again: "Do you know why President Nitro called a rally for all members of the twelve branches this time? Ji Xing."

   "Well, I called him before I came here." Ji Xing said, "The Hunter Association needs assistance in both the chimeric ants and the assassination of the king."

"Yes, I have been at the Bergerose United Nations during this time." Qi Duo responded lightly: "The sudden death of the king of a country has too much impact on all aspects. There are chaos everywhere, and it may be that It will only get better when the eldest princess officially ascends the throne. The murderer who attacked and killed the king has no clue yet, as for the chimera ants, I just found out."

   As she spoke, she smiled and shook her head: "If the two things didn't happen to coincide, President Nitro would probably have kept this matter a long time away. He probably wanted to hunt it down by himself."

"Well." Ji Xing said with a smile: "Although he is not young, the president is quite aggressive and has been pestering me for a long time. It seems that if he doesn't fight with him, he won't give up. .”

   Qi Duo smiled: "Is there such a thing? It is indeed something that President Nitero can do. If you have time, you can accompany him."

"It's not that I don't satisfy his needs, but that after fighting with me, he is likely to die." Ji Xing said: "Whether to let him live for a few more years with regrets, or to die directly after fulfilling his wishes, I really don't want to Dilemma to do."

   Qiduo was startled and blinked. The next moment, the two decorative dog ears on top of her head shook suddenly, and she quickly turned her head to look at Ji Xing's face, as if she couldn't believe what she just heard.

   Ji Xing nodded in confirmation.

  In an instant, Qiduo was extremely confused. As a three-star intractable disease hunter, she has profound attainments in both medicine and law, and has even promoted the progress of world medicine.

  Intelligent, sensible, and calm, but from the fact that she changed her appearance according to the title of "Xu Dog" awarded by Nitro, it can be seen that she admires Nitro, the president, and understands it.

  The man in front of me is not talking nonsense, he may really be able to kill President Nitro, and President Nitro will really look forward to an 'exciting' battle, even if he dies, but...

  At this moment, the elevator stopped at the 77th floor, and the Dou Mian man was waiting outside after opening the door. Qi Duo just needed to sort out his thoughts, so he took back his words for a while, and said hello to Ji Xing and Doumian one after another with a heavy heart, and was taken to the conference room.

  In the meeting room, in front of the huge long table, there were already ten people present. Seeing the two people arriving, their gazes cast all over, and most of them hovered over Ji Xing.

  The girl wearing rabbit ears, Utupijorn, lay on the table bored and said: "Qiduo, you are almost late, it's your first time coming so late."

   "I've been really busy recently." Qi Duo gave everyone an apologetic smile, and stepped aside to leave room for Ji Xing.

   "Yo, Ji Xing." Jin stretched out his hand to greet Ji Xing: "Except for me, it should be the first time for everyone to see you. Let me introduce myself?"

  Ji Xing nodded to him in response, and said to everyone, "Hi everyone, I'm human, Ji Xing."

  Uh, it’s really weird. With this title, you are a human being. Are we not human?

Similar thoughts flashed through most people's minds, but no one was too entangled. After all, this matter has been more than a year, and finally met the 13th person out of the twelve teams, the long-known owner of the Sky Arena , everyone's curiosity about Ji Xing itself is far higher than the trivial matter of the title.

   Some of them have seen Ji Xing's appearance from the broadcast of Sky Arena. Compared with that high-spirited and domineering appearance, Ji Xing in front of them is more restrained, giving people a good impression.

   "He's quite the guy." Yin Hu Kansai gave an evaluation.

   "Yin, I guess you want to use 'well-dressed', but that's also not a suitable adjective." Qi Duo, who had just arrived at her seat, corrected: "It's almost the same as 'well-mannered'."

  So Ji Xing politely greeted everyone and nodded, and went to his seat.

Except for the first chair that was vacated alone, there are two rows of six seats on each side of the long table. One side sits from cow to horse, and the other side goes from sheep to pig, beside Hai Zhujin. At the end, the vacated seat belongs to The new 'people' Ji Xing's.

  In the middle of his journey to his seat, some members of the Twelve Branches introduced themselves to Ji Xing politely, and at the same time, Ji Xing also had a preliminary impression of them, which were really different.

  The ox is upright, the tiger is frizzy, and the rabbit is playful.

  Chenlong is the strongest other than gold, comparable to the ancestors who beat the enemy Hakka, he can be regarded as a powerful mental ability person who barely entered the first echelon, and his qualifications are obviously the oldest, while Snake is relatively indifferent.

  Horse is thoughtful, sheep is careless, rooster is arrogant, and dog is smart and intellectual.

  Gold needs no further mention, as for the monkey...

   Ji Xing, who was seated, looked at Shenhou, who looked slightly treacherous, and said, "Mr. Westward Journey, have we met?"

  Journey to the West tilted his face slightly: "Ah? No, when did we meet?"

   "In Youkexin City, the night I destroyed the Phantom Brigade, there were many strong people watching the battle in the dark, and you should be one of them." Ji Xing said to him: "My circle has captured you."

  This don't need to look at it, you can tell the identity directly with the circle? ! Xiyou's eyelids couldn't help shaking slightly, while the others looked sideways at the two of them.

After a pause of two seconds, Xiyou curled his lips and said, "Isn't that a matter of course? You made such a big commotion on the association's internal network before you destroyed the Phantom Brigade. I happened to be near Youkexin City, so I naturally went to have a look. myself."

  Ji Xing smiled: "Then why don't you just say hello? I always thought that a master like you was in the V5 special service department, and you were there to collect information on my telekinetic ability."

  Journey to the west was delayed, showing displeasure: "What do you mean by saying this?! Why, I have to take the initiative to greet you after watching you fight?!"

   "No, I didn't mean that." Ji Xing shook his head: "As one of the twelve branches of the Hunter Association, Mr. Journey to the West will naturally not be a spy of other forces."

  Xiyou frowned and said nothing more.

  The atmosphere between these two people is a bit weird. Ji Xing's inquiry is not friendly, but Westward Journey's reaction is even more...guilty? Qi Duo and the others skipped such a judgment, Jin even smelled something different, and glanced sideways at Ji Xing, something was wrong.

   It's not him, he's something else. But Ji Xing said in his heart, turning his gaze to the door.

"Oh, are you all here?" A voice that sounded a bit uncomfortable came from there, and Paris, with a bright smile, waved to everyone: "I'm sorry, I'm the host of the meeting, but I still The last one to arrive, did everyone have a good chat just now?"

He circled his eyes, and soon landed on the positions of Jin and Ji Xing, and said with a brighter smile: "Mr. Jin, it's been a long time. And this is Mr. Ji Xing, it's the first time we meet, I'm Pariston , please take care of me in the future.”

  This man obviously had a bright smile and was very handsome, but since he walked into the meeting room, the temperature in the meeting room seemed to have dropped by two degrees, and most of the twelve members showed expressions of disgust.

   "You're still so disgusting, Pariston! Disappear!" Uto complained.

   Yinhu also complained: "I really don't know why the president let someone like you preside over the meeting?"

  Ugly Cow: "Since you know that you are late, let's sit down and get to the point."

Pariston sat down with a smile and said: "Who made me the vice president? The president is not here, so I can only preside over it. In fact, the content of the meeting is very simple. V5 asked us to fully assist two things, and we have 13 people, except for my management association to control the overall situation, there are exactly six people on one side.

  The chimeric ants need powerful fighters, so let Mr. Jin, Mr. Potterby, and Mr. Ji Xing and others assist the president. As for the assassination of the king, they need Miss Chido..."

   "Excuse me, let me interrupt."

  Ji Xing stood up suddenly and spoke, the disdainful gazes at Pariston quickly turned into doubts, focusing on Ji Xing's face.

   There is nothing wrong with the arrangement just now, what needs this newcomer to interrupt?

   Pariston smiled and stretched out his hand: "It's okay, Mr. Ji Xing, do you have any suggestions?"

   "Does the assassination of the third prince of the Bergerose United Nations have anything to do with you? Vice President." Ji Xing asked succinctly.

  Everyone in the twelve branches was taken aback for a moment, and then their hearts were shocked again. What did he ask? !

   "Hello, the assassination of the third prince..."

   "It has something to do with the **** Pariston?!"

  Several thoughtful and dignified gazes fell on Pariston's face, and his bright smile gradually disappeared, replaced by a slightly surprised expression: "This... the third prince was assassinated? If it's related, is this part of our assistance in the investigation?"

  Ji Xing said: "Then Misu Jimola's mercenary team is yours?"

   "...Mr. Ji Xing, we haven't met before, right? I can't afford such a crime." Parisstone shook his head and said.

   "I haven't met before, but the assassination of the third prince you led was aimed at me. If I didn't confirm the murderer, Ah Jun's call for help would get me into trouble. Is this your purpose?"

   "Mr. Ji Xing..."

   "You serve another force, and it's someone else's arrangement that got me in trouble?"

  Palliston stopped talking, and looked at the other twelve with an inexplicable expression, don't you care? Is the meeting still going on?

   "Man, do you have evidence for what you say?" Potter Bai, the oldest, said seriously.

   "Although this guy is very annoying, he is not stupid enough to do such a thing as assassinating the third prince Bergerose?" Utu was also surprised.

  Qido shook her head lightly to signal to observe first.

  Jin's expression has become more dignified. Sure enough, the previous feeling is correct. Today's Ji Xing... is very aggressive!

At this time, Ugly Niu Mi Cai Yistrom said: "18 people, this is the number of people who have disappeared from the association since Pariston you became the vice president of the association. It is ten times more than before. To be honest, I have doubts about you. It's been a long time, Pariston!"

   "What? This guy isn't really a spy, is he? No wonder he's so disgusting!" Yinhu Kansai stood up straight away and stepped on the chair.

   Everyone else is thinking or wondering too.

   "Everyone?" Pariston spread his hands innocently: "This is a meeting to discuss the assassination of the king and the chimera ant incident. How did it become a crusade against me?"

   At the same time, excitement and heaviness coexisted in his heart. So it was seen through!

   What kind of method is this? No wonder Misu will be locked in, but the truth can be locked in through the subtle emotional fluctuations when asking questions?

   It's a bit troublesome, try to hide this subconscious fluctuation, can I do it? Face to face with this guy, is it so dangerous? !

   Analysis of micro-expressions and movements, this is a skill that Ji Xing mastered as early as Ke Xuetian. At that time, the method of arresting the prisoner made Conan call cheating, and Ji Xing became more powerful in the follow-up, and could even achieve an approximate mind-reading effect through the heartbeat frequency and even the human body's magnetic field, but he rarely used it.

  Knows everything, is boring and rude.

  The moment Pallistone walked into this conference room, Ji Xing understood everything. After a short silence, he did not ask questions, but narrated.

   “More of personal will.”

   "Thinking to get me in trouble has something to do with the chimeric ant incident, you know the origin of the chimeric ant incident."

   "Not quite sure, but doubtful."

   "The force behind your scenes is one of v5."

   "Isn't it?" Ji Xing paused, thinking of Kurapika and Red Eye: "Kajin Empire."

   "Hey, what is this about?" Shenhou Xiyou couldn't help but said when most of the twelve pieces were listening quietly: "Is this a one-man show?!"

   "Shen, please be quiet first." Qi Duo stood up and said: "It seems that we have to solve the internal problems of the twelve branches first. Man, is there any evidence for your words? Son, do you have anything to explain?"

  Palliston shook his head helplessly: "I still don't know what happened, which makes me...where do I start to explain?"

  Whoever advocates, who provides evidence.

  Although according to past popularity, the situation is already a bit bad, but there is no evidence. It's just right, and it's almost time to withdraw from the twelve branches, so come and try, crucify me!

   "Hey, rookie, quickly give evidence!" Yinhu Kansai said impatiently.

   At this time, half of the table is standing, and the sword is on the verge of breaking out. How can there be any atmosphere for a meeting? Chief Wu Masa couldn't help murmuring: "This is really... a big event."

Greeting everyone's attention, Ji Xing sorted out the information he had found, and said: "You serve an organization in the Kajin Empire that is not a royal family. This organization is related to the chimera ant incident, but you don't know the specific details and purpose. , just informed.

   It’s not that you are not strong enough as the vice president of the Hunter Association, but that you don’t really care about those things, and you don’t really obey that force, just out of interest and psychological cooperation.

  Including arranging someone to assassinate the third prince, they also caused trouble for me out of their own will, with only a little thought of holding me back, and it was even just an excuse to explain to that organization.

  Misu Jimola’s exposure was beyond your expectations. It was not a pure coincidence that she led people to escape into the NGL autonomous country and encountered chimeric ants, but your arrangement, silencing, oh, not exactly silencing.

  The reason for doing these things probably stems from some kind of defect in your character and personality? "

   Scary scary... all right!

  At this moment, Pariston slightly understood why Chairman Netero warned himself not to have this man's idea, but people have all kinds of attitudes and like to be hated by others. Is it a defect?

   Moreover, there is still no evidence!

  Telling a story in vain, even if it is based on the premise that people don’t like me, will only make people doubtful, and even think you are unreliable.

  You have no way to interrogate me, not to mention proposing a punishment will only put you in a more disadvantageous situation.

  Faced with these doubts, will you feel hatred and disgust towards me?

   Pariston faced Ji Xing's identification with hidden anticipation, and suddenly heard Ji Xing re-said: "Why did President Nitero let you be the vice president?"

   "Of course I appreciate my handling methods and abilities." Parisstone laughed.

  Ji Xing looked at Jin, and Jin, who frowned and thought about his state, was silent, and said: "Based on the president's personality, he probably wants the most difficult opponent to deal with."

   "Oh, then it will be smooth." Ji Xing couldn't help smiling and said, "He won."

  He won? Who's winning?

  President Nitro won?

   Except for Kansai, who has no brains, everyone has a feeling that the CPU is burned, and in the next moment, three people reacted.

  The first one was Jin, he understood what Ji Xing was going to do, and shouted at the same time: "Don't!"

   But only shouting, no action.

  Then Ji Xing slapped the long table entwined with Nian Qi like a heavy truck and flew away the twelve sticks that were closest to the table, and landed on Pariston's body!

  In an instant, shattered sawdust splashed everywhere, Pariston vomited blood and shot backwards, crashed through the wall and shot into the corridor, and the internal organs shifted!



  In the confusion, most of the twelve were dumbfounded, and the second shout sounded: "Stop him!"

   This comes from Qi Duo, she is also the second person to react, thanks to what Ji Xing said in the elevator before, she understands where the president 'wins'!

  If Pallistone really did those things, then if anyone in the Hunter Association knows about it, it can only be President Netero.

  Then Chairman Netero forced the twelve branches to participate in this rally, and there may be another purpose—to let Pariston face Ji Xing directly!

The two may have exchanged greetings long ago. President Nitro guessed what Ji Xing would do. According to Article 4 of the Ten Rules of Hunters, it is strictly forbidden for hunters of the Association to kill each other. If Ji Xing kills Pariston , Chairman Netero can take it for granted as the chairman to attack Ji Xing!

   Getting rid of Pariston, the traitor of the association, is just a matter of chance. The president has countless opportunities to get rid of Pariston. It is probably the goal of President Nitero to fight Ji Xing logically!

The old hunter has held the association firmly with his strength and charisma in the past decades as the chairman, making everyone forget that he is an out-and-out three-star 'hunter'. Ji Xing lamented the reason of 'he won'!

  President Nitero won, did Ji Xing lose? Not necessarily, after removing Pariston, although he was not tolerated by the association, as long as Chairman Nitero issued an order with authority, and said after the war that Ji Xing's rebellion came from his order, then there would be no Ji Xing No loss at all.

   Only Palliston lost, and there was still a gap in rank between him and President Nitro and Ji Xing!

  As for why you want to prevent Ji Xing from killing Pariston? According to the conversation in the elevator, Qi Duo worried and feared that President Nitero's words to clear up Ji Xing's guilt in the future would be his last words!

   Others didn't have such complicated thinking, but subconsciously intercepted Ji Xing, but they realized the gold content of the main owner of Sky Arena.

  Before Jin frowned, even Porter Bai was slapped away by Ji Xing's palm, barely slowing down his speed into the corridor!

   Sitting paralyzed under the broken wall, with bloodstains hanging from the corner of his mouth, Pariston, who was momentarily stiff, was the third person who figured everything out.

   It turned out that you, the president, made a move on me. Has the assassination of the third prince passed your limit?

  But why are you so sure that Ji Xing will kill me? Is he a madman? Kill me in front of all twelve teams? !

   As the mood turned, a trace of sudden emotion rose from the shock, the king?

   Could it be that this guy killed the king? ! Do I have such great stamina to assassinate the third prince? !

  The corner of his mouth drew a slight arc, and he stretched out his right hand to Ji Xing who was rushing, and a powerful dark energy emerged from it, covering Ji Xing straight away!

  As the vice president of the association, he is naturally also a powerful telekinetic. Although he is not as good as Porter Bai, he is stronger than the others in the twelve branches!

   And his ability to read is called 'reason to hate'.


  It can detonate the hatred of others towards oneself, make the opponent lose his mind, or transfer the hatred of the opponent towards himself to other people or things, and he is using the latter at this moment.

  Since you dare to attack on such occasions, let's face all members of the twelve teams.

   Reasons to hate, turn to Porter White!


  In the next moment, the heavy muffled sound drove the bones to shatter, and the right hand that Paris extended to Ji Xing was smashed with a punch, the bones tore the flesh, and the backhand inserted into...his heart!

  The smile on the corner of his mouth froze suddenly!

   Totally... didn't work? No, no, he...doesn't have any...hate towards me? !

Why? ! The matter of killing the king will be exposed sooner or later. I am the cause of such a big trouble! Why don't you hate me, why don't you hate me? !

  Blood flowed from his mouth like a waterfall, hissing **** ho, and at the moment of dying, Pariston got an answer that made him die.

   It turned out that I was not valued by him.

  6k 2-in-1 chapters, cheat some monthly tickets.

   Another book, titled "Summoning of Heroic Spirits, I have one more talent", recommended words: Traveling to the world of imperial spirits, Ye Ming found that he can not only evolve the history of heroic spirits, but also replace key holy relics!

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